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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check:
47 vs 40 SUCCESS!

Jenny asked Riley to hold still and looked her over, though the intent was pure just gliding her hands around Rileys exceptional body. Her hands ever so gently touching the soft skin below, Jenny couldn't help, but feel herself stir lightly. Looking to the showgirl, the heroine touch had an effect aswell.

Still Riley didn't seem to feel anythign on her body so all that was left to check under her hat! Jenny lightly picked it up and looked inside, not finding anything she'd sigh only to note at something now stir at the top of the top hat! While he was very stealthy and careful Jenny caught clear glimpse of the fuzzy spider!

The question was what would she do with him? He was significantly smaller than her fist and seemed self-sufficient. Who knows when she might need a pet spider... then again what if it lays eggs and is poisonous!... or grows.
Which door is east ;)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the little spider and scooped it into her hand. Even if it was poisonous it had yet to harm Jenny or Riley and besides Jenny was tired of death. Cupping her hands to form a little cave for the creature Jenny attempted to show it to Riley again hopefully the little guy didn't jump at her again. "Okay so the door we came from was that one which makes east this door. But just in case Sir find north please."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny scooped the lil' spider up who instantly covered lightly being within another creatures grasp, but didn't do anything else. Still as Jenny opened a small 'window' for the spider to peak he quickly scittered towards it and looked outside, still keeping inside the warm cave.

A shiver ran along Riley body as she looked to the sight, but seemed to relax "You know... compared to the usual spindly legged spiders. This one is oddly... er... cute?" she giggled warmly, ever so carefully extenting her finger and touching the fuzzy and surprisingly soft critter "What are going to to with him?" Riley looked up to Jenny, seemed her fear of spiders subsided at the sight of this one innocent critter. So long as he doesn't grow in size, fangs and becomes far less plump looking.

Meanwhile Sir, the onlooked to the strange events that happened here finally got out of his shock and awe. A light blue light escaped him and thankfully pointed out the right exit for the girls. Finally things were starting to go their way!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I don't know Riley I guess once we are safe we could let him go. After all you seem to have an umm issue with spiders." Keeping the little guy in her hand was out of the question and far to dangerous so Jenny did what she could. "Sir can you keep our stowaway safe for us?" Jenny set the little spider on Sir's head knowing full well the little guy would keep the even littler guy safe. Lets see what this door has for us Riley." With that Jenny opened the door and stepped inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #22

Indeed once in Sirs grasp the little critter quickly scittered along his back and into the backpack. The group was set to go!

Jenny slowly opened the next door and lead the group inside, unfortunately this time it was far from a heartwarming sight. A pentagram suddenly appeared in the middle of the room as a demon knight appeared!

"Damnit!" Riley quickly got into combat stance, with Jenny about to reach for her rifle, when suddenly she recognised the demon!

The exceptionally chiseled demon knight cracked his neck lightly and turned to the girls, his smirk widening as he looked to Riley with lewd intent before locking the gaze to the even greater looking heroine!-- "Wait... I know you..." he didn't even reach for his blade as he turned to face the girls.

Indeed it was the same demon knight Jenny fucked silly during her previous visit to the chambers... way back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh! Its you....." Jenny flushed a little at the sight of the demon. Unfortunately she felt a tingle in her loins. Dammit not now she thought as her eyes took in the impressive form. "Nice to meet you again but alas I need to head out and get moving." Jenny smiled and moved for the next door on their path.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved forward trying to slink by, Rileys gaze looked to her curiously. When all of a sudden, the demons greatsword crashed into the stone infront of the group! "I'm supposed to be a challenge anyone who passes past here must face. That is the rules under which I am summoned." he spoke up approaching and tearing out the gargantuan greatsword from the stone.

He smirked lightly at the group "But the challenge does not have to be of combat. In fact I'd really rather it not be of combat."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well shit. Looking at the sword and then to the demon Jenny sighed. Setting down her gear Jenny looked at the demon. She knew what he wanted and well she would give it to him. "Will the payment be the same as last time?" Jenny made a seductive pose for the demon watching the things cock twitch. "Or maybe a sexy game?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demon grinned happily all too pleased with the offer, when suddenly Riley took Jennys shoulder and pulled her back lightly stepping forward "Or maybe perhaps a game of wit! We think of a riddle and then you have to answer or vice versa."

Well this was quite an offer, the demon blinked lightly and laughed merrily "Oh~ I dunno, whatcha think Jenny? Honestly I'd rather we see who can outfuck the other." he snickered lightly, leaning to his sword "I'll let ya through either way... though with the riddle game I'll want something if I win." he smirked lewdly "I get both of you to share my cock. Haven't had two bunnies like you fight over me for a long time now."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt a little disappointed then again she was a succubus and such things where a part of her. Of course it didn't cross her mind how much of slut she had become but then again it no longer bothered her. "Well then I guess we go first." Jenny cleared her throat. "A box with out hinges key or a lid but inside golden treasure is hid. What am I?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demon blinked lightly and bursted out laughing "Aw~~ Fuck me..." he chuckled lightly "I dunno... pussy? Sushi..." Riley grinned happily at the heroine "Nice one!"

Their opponent snickered lightly "Alright then my turn, you answer you get through fuck-free..." he looked over Jenny once more, before looking Riley aswell "And that would be a damn loss... for everyone involved." he winked confidently to the two, whatever Jennys reaction to the clearly interested demon was Rileys reaction was simple - a sly smirk and a question "So~ then make it a good one."

"Alright... When is a man headless in the room?" he smirked right back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blinked... she had no idea she quickly looked to Riley to see if the show girl had an answer. While Jenny may not have minded a romp with the demon it was hardly just her he wanted. Leaning close Jenny whispered. "I have no idea Riley do you have one?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley tapped her lip thinking deeply, but the words just wouldn't align... still he was a demon "If you cut his head off?" the showgirl looked to Jenny and shrugged unsurely.

The demon laughed out loudly "Oh~ good guess, but no. A man is headless in a room, when he sticks his head out the window." he laughed some more, though his laughter was a far cry to the demonic vails demon knights usually cackle in.

"Guess that's a draw... Round two.." he grinned happily, clearly amused at the game... or maybe just amused by being kept company by the gorgeous heroines in the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Damn so simple Jenny put a hand to her head. "Okay our turn." Jenny looked away a moment a smile on her lips. "You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Asking for culinary advice from a demon. That's borderline cheating..." he chuckled in a non-hostile fashion "Let's see... most fruit seem to fit the bill, but some don't require peeling. Apple, Pear..." he looked whether his answer was around the mark.

His chiseled body still infront of Jenny, making the memories of their sex run through her mind. She could even see some of her own nail marks on some of his muscles... the girls loins once more stirred as she guided her eyes down to his codpiece. Her didn't wear any top armor, except the bit of black steel that seemed to have seared into his flesh, but his lower body was very much armored. The cock hidden beneath an engraved cod-piece. Though if she looked she could almost make it out from sheer memory--- "Jenny?"

Riley leaned in curiously noting the heroines red lusty eyes "Is that the correct answer?" then the thought crossed her mind... she could lie it was. Having a double fuck with Riley and the demons magnificent cock! It would be so much fun!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stared at the cock jumping when Riley spoke to her. Damn he was making her hot still she wouldn't force such an encounter on the showgirl. "Uhh n-no" Jenny really wanted to fuck him again but kept to the terms. "The answer could have been Chicken or corn. Your turn."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley smiled at Jenny and gave her a sly wink of a good job, before turning to see what the demons next riddle would be.

"Fair enough... let's see... " he smirked slyly "What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?" the duo blinked at the question, for a demon he seemed surprisingly well spoken... especially compared to his last 'riddle'.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh a river!" Jenny smiled it seems her late night reading sessions with Lina had payed off. This game was turning out fun. Confident in her answer Jenny launched right into the next riddle. "The rich don't need it the poor don't want it and if you ate it you would die."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley was about to stop Jenny, but ignited another round caught in the enthusiasm! The demon grinned wickedly and chuckled, all too glad to play another round... if he won the game would be back to draw "Hm... I got nothing." he paused briefly, before bursting into laughter "Nothing. That's the answer isn't it?"

The showgirl dropped her hands playfully "We had already won~.." she whinned playfully at Jenny, looked like she was getting comfortable around the demons fairly good spirited nature aswell.

"Alright, answer me this what is no sooner spoken than broken." he gave the group a smirk once more, before changing it to an actual smile.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned her own enthusiasm or maybe subconscious desire to be mounted again had led them into another round. "Uhh silence?" Jenny wasn't sure but it was her best guess.