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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny glanced back to Riley to make sure she'd see the object needed only to note only shadows there and the showgirl missing! "She's right here..." the creature turned to his right to reveal Riley on a steel circle struggling against her bindings. Her mouth gagged and hands tied by black leather restraints "Do not worry, I will not harm or keep either of you. On the contrary I offer you an escape" Jenny blinked to note a darksteel dagger in her hands, it's edge gleaming sharply "For your escape all you need to do is... kill her."

The creature noted Jennys outrage "You'd both die in these halls I assure you. Many have come here, none have escaped. For there is no exit."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You want me to do what?" Jenny just looked at the creature with disgust. "Free her now I would rather die starving than hurt her." Damn if only Sir where here he had the girls gear. Jenny eyed the creature and moved to undo the bindings that held Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"As you wish, but before that let me show you something." a blink later the creature stood infront of Jenny and placed on it's dark finger on her forehead. Visions ran past Jennys mind, Riley and her would travel through the rooms for days, days turn into week, weeks into months and throughout their travel the dangerous would become worse and worse. Riley unlike Jenny was not supernatural, the girl would wither and die of starvation, the creatures would begin taking more shots at her, making her lose an eyes, her clothes slowly destroyed, her body would be ruined and only barely put together by the mosntrosities that roamed the rooms. 8 months of the worst any realms, 8 months till starvation and exhaustion would claim her, leaving the heroine alone to suffer till her dieing day.

But throughout all the horrors, the terrors and things that go bump in the night, the showgirl remained Jennys faithful companion. Their love bloomed even such darkness, perhaps due to them only having each other here... or perhaps because they were just a good fit together.

The creature removed his finger "It is not an illusion, just a show of what this path would bring." it's voice did not even hint at dishonest, the opposite it was absolutely delighted at the truth "One life shall open the way out."

"I ask again... will you kill her and earn your freedom, or will you make her suffer starvation, loss of limbs, hope and life." it was a horrible choice, perhaps the darkest moment Jenny had ever faced. A sacrifice of life would open the way out...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny flinched away from the touch and moved to Riley and leaned against her. Embracing her tightly a single tear rolling down her face. Looking up Jenny backed away she had made her decision. "One life to open the way out? Then take mine and let her free." Jenny turned to face Riley. "Riley when your free find my sister it will be up to you to find and end the darkness." Jenny turned back to her dark assalient. She couldn't let Riley starve and die and as much as it pained her never to see her family again she couldn't bare to watch her die. Especially in the slow painful way the creature had showed her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The creature glared to her and to the dagger in her hand "You can't be serious!" it scoffed loudly in outrage "Why would you sacrifice your own life for hers!" the grin quickly disappeared making it seem particulary unhappy.

"Kill her and run free! Isn't what you want?" not just outraged, it seemed at a complete loss of words "You won't even have to make her suffer, one touch of the dagger is lethal. Open the exit for yourself!"

Seemed the creature would not give it's blessing for such actions, but it did mention such action would indeed free Riley. Though death in such a place all for a girl she barely knew?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I made my choice its my life for her freedom." The temptation had never crossed Jenny's mind. Sure it would end her quest maybe doom the region to darkness but she wouldn't kill Riley the woman had suffered enough and sometimes one person is worth dieing for.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Bah! Give me that dagger!" the creature turned dark as it went to lunge to disarm the girl, perhaps out of instinct or just spite the heroine turned the blade and rammed it into her own heart!

The world went silent, looking around she could see Riley trying to break her bonds and stop Jenny, clear worry and even hints of tears forming in her eyes. The diabolic man was mid-lunge, but far too late.

*Clap* *clap* Jenny heard a polite clapping from somewhere it's encouraging sound piecering the darkness "One of the few, one of the few." The darkness surrounding the room quickly dispersed as a bright suit could visible entering the room. A red skull and fine wine His hands, and a most familiar voice echoing out.

"You never cease to surprise me." Jenny knew the figure all too well, looking to the dagger she'd note it had dispersed into fine mist that slowly evaporated "Though you certainly wandered a fair ways from home this time." just passing near the dark creature made it evaporate aswell, it's foul essence not daring even near the finely cut white suit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly turned to look for Riley and rushing to her if she was present. "Another test?" Jenny's voice didn't sound happy but then again why should she be if this whole mess was brought on by her flaming skull friend. Then again he had helped her before maybe he was doing such now. She wanted to think he was on her side but she couldn't fully trust him either.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately the whole world was frozen meaning interactions would do very little "No." He sipped his glass of wine casually "This poor creature never had the ability to open a way out. It finds amusement in seeing others kill their companions."

"It'd be most unsavory to see such devotion go to waste. I'll get you both back, do not worry." the diety casually held his wine glass and looked to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked to her frozen companion. Tears streaming down her face. "I...thank you..." Jenny approached the red skulled man and moved to peck him on the cheek. She doubt the man wanted such a gesture but who knew maybe he did. Whether or not he accepted the gesture Jenny would go next to Riley. "Do you know what happened to Sir?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny approached to give the man(?) a light peck, but flatout stopped herself as she got closer and closer to him. There was just something about how held himself and the air around him, it was best to keep a respectable distance.

"He never entered the chambers. He's right besides you right now..." the red skull turned to Jenny silently it's empty eyes gazing to her "Wake up."

Jennys eyes shot open as a light blue light flickered infront of her, Sir quickly backed away as Jenny sat up, giving the heroine a happy hug. The hallway leading to the entrance was in clear view, the dread from before gone from this room. Was it all a dream?... No. Jenny knew better than that, but whatever the case may be. The nightmate was over.

Soon after Riley would stir to life aswell "Oh~..." she held her head lightly, how long were the duo out?
Survived the Dark Chambers!
4 xp gained.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned the hug Sir gave him even giving him a kiss on his stoney head. Tears rolling down her face she hug the little gollum tight. As Riley stired Jenny pulled her close into the hug as well. For the moment she held them both tight before composing herself and drying her eyes. "Come on lets get to someplace safe." Jenny wanted to know if Riley had been with her for that horror or if it was just a part of the illusion. The things she had seen especially about Riley made her wonder but for now she left it be as this was no time for a distraction.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"J-Jenny!" Riley quickly crawled froward and hugged the heroine tightly. She leaned out smiling warmly, though it her eyes Jenny could see the showgirl was through it all right besides her... except she did not share the 'what if'.

At Jennys offer Riley looked around noting the chamber was back to it's normal coloration "Y-yeah, let's get the heck out of here." she smiled warmly to the heroine and soon enough the trio went out of the chambers. Hopefully never to encounter the horrors they've seen ever again.

The door to the main hall slowly opened up to reveal the dimly lit underground hall, gods by now Jenny just wanted atleast a speck of light! At the very least there were no puppets around, allowing the group to push onwards. Unless they wanted to visit either of the faculties downstairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It seemed the harvest was over thought the company almost feel to a new horror. Still Jenny was done with this darkness. Gathering up her rifle Jenny loaded it and moved up and out of here she didn't want to come back here again for awhile. Her goal was the library and as she acceded the stairs Jenny looked for potential foes. Puppets could be dealt with relatively easily as long as they where at range and few in number but those shadow ball things where another story.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The halls seemed to be empty, just the occasional puppet looming somewhere well out of sight or hearing distance. The shadows seemed to be calm too. The trio quickly got up the stairs and Jenny could only sigh with relief at the unblocked entrance to the library.

"Well this is it. You've got all the blessings right?" Riley walked up next to Jenny and smiled to her, offering her a hand "Just remember this is Azreal, he may seem wierd... but he's probably the biggests sweetheart in the academy." well if Riley wasn't here, that wouldn't be saying much...

The Library doors glowed light as Jenny approached, was she sure she checked everything?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped at the door and took a deep breath. She was sure she had done all she needed to do but then again with so much happening she could have easily missed something. "Riley please hold on to Sir. I think I did all I needed to do but if.... well make sure you take care of him okay?" Jenny reached out her hand and touched the door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley expression changed to shock as she suddenly giggled warmly and literally pushed Jenny into the library, Sir doing his best to save the heroine from her semi-comical fate! The doors opened effortless...

The sigh was breathtaking. It was a circular room with the center devoted to tables for the sutdents to read atleast a good 10 tables in the middle with numerous more in between the massive bookshelves... and boy were they massive. Much like in the grandmasters room, the shelves seemed to be drag to the enlessly only bright light shinning from the top of the seemingly impossibly tall library. The bookshelves themself each house atleast a half-a-thousand books in each line, before being separated and followed onwards by the other.

The whole room had around 12 of such double-sided book cases all leading to the middle and having a few tables to seprate them as the stretched out.

But the library desihn was not the first thing that caught Jennys gaze, in the middle of the room a decent few above a figure levitate mid-air hundreds of pages containing ancient writing and runes slowly swirling around him. It was him... the Grandmaster.

Azreal slowly turned to the girl who was shoved inside and with a swift motion made all the pages disperse, his impossing form approaching the heroine. He was much taller than him, his head aflame in blue fire with only a skull and it's burning gaze, embers of blue for eyes pierced Jenny. He wore a shreded robe that revealed his palms, skeletal in nature. The rest of his body, while semi covered seemed to shine the same blue flame, no flesh on the grandmaster at all.

He looked down to Jenny, then to her companions and spoke "Why hello there! I didn't expect you tourists to be here so early! Be right with you!" he quite literally quickly ran off into towards one end of the library a magical curtain appearing behind him.

Riley shrugged lightly at Jenny and just waited out for him to arrive. Most curious perhaps was Azreals voice, while each word he said would make some flames erupt from his mouth. He sounded that extra bit higher, giving him a almost.. comedian-esque voice.

The curtain was suddenly pushed aside as he now a black top hat, it's top open and letting the smoke go out as the hat burnt from the flames around his head. His robes seemed to be the same, but he had fairly impressive black shoes... right till they melt to the floor "Welcome to the Kings Academy!" he quickly gave the trio the leaflets detailing the academy "Don't mind the mess we're just doing some decorating..." a loud cry could heard behind the group as one of the puppets tried to pass the enchanted veil. It's body sizzling and falling to the floor lifeless "...er ran into minor technical diffuculties aswell." he looked back to the group, his posture the absolute opposite of threatening.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wait what...... did he lose his mind too? "Oh uh hi Grandmaster Azreal." The sight of the grand library was truly spectacular but in all honestly a man made of arcane fire was still beat it. Her gaze once more locked on the grandmaster Jenny took a small step forward. "Grandmaster while I appreciate the flyer Im here to see my sister. Her name is Lina and well I was hoping she would be here with you... you see she really likes books and...." There was a sniffle caught in Jenny's throat of all the wonders and horrors she had seen her sister was still missing the only place she thought she could be appeared to be a dead end.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"M?~" he leaned out and curiously turned his head looking over Jenny, almost snapping his neck in the process... perhaps only now noting she pretty much naked "A few adjustments.." Azreal quickly snapped his finger making Jennys beloved country-side dress appear on her! "Don't want you to catch a cold, now do we." he gave Jenny a thumbs-up before thinking over her quest.

"Lina... Li-...na~.. BUT OFCOURSE! Such a lovely and curious girl. Why she's still in the academy!" Jenny eyes shot wide at mention "Where is she Grandmaster!" Riley quickly ran up alongside Jenny smilling brightly.

"She's fine, but her curious mind got her trapped in the Ward Room." he approached Sir casually making the tiny golem try to back away from the impossing figure only for him to very casually float the golem towards him "Oh~ well isn't he something special."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made a grab for Sir but it was to late the Grandmaster had him in his power. "Yes he is special hes my friend and one of my dearest companions." Unknowingly Jenny's hand reached out for Riley's. "You said my sister was trapped in the ward room? How can I get there I need to free her." Her quest was almost complete though their was the darker aspect of it as well.