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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly lead the group downstairs avoiding the odd mass that blocked their path.

The underground area was foreboarding before, but during the harvest the complete and utter silence, merged with the dim lighting of the area. The group looked between each other and moved onwards, their steps echoing silently across the huge hall.

It was then Jenny saw it. The tear to the Grand Master chambers, had closed! The four pillars standing silently, barely any light on them "Come on, they're this way..." Riley moved onwards till Jenny realised what chambers the showgirl meant. At the end of the hall-way stood the entrance to odd area Jenny had been before, the place where magic went mad.

Riley looked back to Jenny "Come on, the harvesters will find us!" she urged the girl to follow, but something deep inside Jenny just screamed at her what a bad idea that would be... then again was there any choice?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Wait just a moment. Jenny dug into Sir's backpack and fetched the chalk from her first trip to this place. "Okay lets do this." Taking Riley by the hand Jenny stepped into the chambers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As they approached the dread feeling grew stronger "Do you feel that?..." Riley looked to Jenny fairly concerned, it wasn't just her. The showgirl looked up "This is where students would get their own private rooms, though to access them you'd need to pass up to 5 rooms or use a special card." the girl sighed lightly "I never had one arranged for myself."

With that the double doors were slowly pushed open to reveal the familiar sight of one wooden chair and hallway into a familiar cell. Though this time, the harvest gray tint lingered here aswell.

Sir squeezed Jennys legs tightly as he looked deeper into the room, a silent hum seemingly coming from it. It was empty, but damnit Jenny did not want to go there... and judging by Rileys stance nor did the showgirl.

"We need to enter, it's one of the few places we'll be surely safe." she looked to Jenny fairly worried. Her breathing showing hints of fear "But there's something wrong with the chambers... I'm not sure what it is. Just... something's wrong."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay together then." Jenny placed on arm in Riley's locking them together. Sir her brave little friend and companion flew up and let Riley hold him in her arms. Jenny's first experience here was not pleasant but she had also found an ally here lets hope she was a lucky this time around. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward and into the unknown.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The group all bunched up together slowly proceeded down the hallway. Step by cautious step soon enough all three found themself in the seemingly larger than before room 3 shadowy exits on offer each encloaked in darkness. Looking back the hallway that they came from was no more replaced by a fourth exit

"We should be safe here..." Riley slowly stepped away to make some comfortable room betwern the group member. Though her gaze seemed to have been locked on the exits looking at them with fair concern.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Lets not wander to far from each other this place is.. not right something has happened to it." Jenny looked about trying to figure out what had happened keeping an open eye on Riley and a firm grasp on the chalk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley turned to Jenny curiously. So the heroine was here before "The exits... The air I've never seen this place like this." the showgirl approached and looked over the exits carefully aswell "You're right best stick together." she smiled to Jenny and stood nearby.

Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl, no indication on how long the group stood there uneasily. Riley yawned lightly as the group stood uneasily, but indeed Jennys eyelids grew heavier and heavier, her body all too keen to lie down and relax. Perhaps take a quick nap.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Yeah that sounded good just a quick nap. Jenny's eyes blinked heavy with sleep. "NO! Riley Sir we need to head to a diffrent room this one is affecting us." Looking about Jenny picked the door behind her and moved towards making sure that Sir and Riley where with her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"But the first room... *Yawns deeply* never---" the girl almost dozzed off on the spot before shaking her head, Jenny may be right! Still that meant that the harvest hour darkness seeped into the unstable magic of the chambers!

"W-wait! This is still the safest room..." Riley quickly leaned against Jenny resting her body lightly as it was rapidly drained of stamina "The next rooms... may be... worse-" with those final words Riley seemed to collapse against Jenny, Sir catching the showgirl and looking to the heroine. Oddly enough the room had no effect on him... whatever this effect was it didn't seem to be directly draining them of energy... but focusing on tiring out the girls so they'd collapse to sleep...

Jenny could take her chances with a nap in here or brave on forwards, towards whatever the darkest recess of magic had hidden away.
Choose direction
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The extra weight of Riley was to much for Jenny to bear in her tired state as both girls fell to the floor. Jenny was pinned she couldn't move and her energy was seeping fast. "S-sir keep watch...." Jenny's eyes closed as she slipped into slumber the worried faint light of her companion. The last thing her eyes saw of the waking world. Hopefully not for the last time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys eyes shot wide. She was alive.
The girl quickly sat up still a little woozy. All her gear was gone, aswell as her companions... perhaps even more importantly so was the white chalk.

She was in the middle of one of the rooms. The 4 exits looming in darkness awaiting her entry. The unnerving aura from before far stronger than earlier.

Choose Path:
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up her head spun slightly. "Riley? Sir?" It was no use she was completely naked her companions and gear missing. Fighting an overwhelming fear Jenny looked about they wouldn't have left her certainly not Sir. Looking about Jenny nearly called out louder to her friends but to no avail without the chalk she was tuck here forever till she starved or worse. Almost crying Jenny collected herself why would they take all he gear and leave her unharmed.... this had to be a trick but how would she escape it. Pinching herself didn't seem to work so she was left like a rat in a maze. Taking a deep breath Jenny headed for the south doorway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Event #??

With her situation sinked in, Jenny decided to move onwards. Hopefully she'll be able to find her friends... the heroine slowly approached the passage and after taking a deep breath stepped forward.

A brief moment darkness surrounded Jenny before she appeared on the other side. Unfortunately the room was not empty. In the middle of the room a sat a huge, skinless gruff. His hands on his face as he sobbed loudly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly eyed the available exits marking one as her escape route should this skinless gruff be hostile. "Umm excuse me? Are you alright?" Jenny was tense her legs ready to spring into action if the the thing proved to be dangerous. The skinless gruff was out right disgusting. Red flesh and white sinew stood in stark contrast to Jenny's own pale skin. She had no weapons to defender herself only her speed and ability to dodge out of harms way.

Jenny is in full defensive stance waiting to see if the Gruff was going to attack her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The creature didn't seem hostile, nor did it seem to acknowlegde her presence. It just kept on weeping it's back turned to the heroine, he may have seen Riley or Sir. Then again, this creature seemed far from pleasant.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shook her head and decided to leave the creepy creature undisturbed. The fact it had ignored her was an indication that it was far from natural that and well Jenny didn't know of anything that could live without skin. No doubt this was some horror meant to crush her will or worse yet end her life. Eyeing her door again Jenny moved towards it ready to sprint on a moments notice. Jenny moves west.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Event #??

Jenny would be able to leave uninterupted, though if she looked to the creature too long it would begin to slowly turn to her aswell... thankfully the girl would of the room before their eyes even had the potential to meet.

The girl walked through her picked exit, her skin meeting a fairly chill wind as snow crackled beneah her legs. The room was covered with light snow, a fairly large river slowly trickled from the south to the north exits.

Oddly enough the snow itself and wind did not seem all that cold...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about feeling the cold but not from the source she expected. Frowning Jenny followed the small stream towards the north exit staying as far as she could from the frozen water which no doubt held some horrible thing under its surface. Still she had to hazard a peak at lest one.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well avoid it as she might the girl had to cross to the other side, Jenny approached the river and took a very careful glance. It seemed like pure mountain water, though the longer she looked at it more strains of red seemed to flow through it.

Right before Jennys eyes the had more and more crimson clouds trickled down from the north ending, soon covering the river completely. The water was no more replaced by thick crimson blood, the frost growing stronger and climbing up the walls. The stream had stopped aswell.

The River is atelast 3 feet wide
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the scene aghast at the changes and quickly used her wings to cross the river without touching the tainted ice. Holding her hand over her mouth she made her way to the north exit and unto the next horror.