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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay stick close and keep moving alright." Jenny had 7 shots in her gun but 9 opponents to deal with. Her best bet was to eliminate two at a time though given how close they where she might be better off taking out the first four they didn't know she was behind them so they should be easy the prey the rest would have to turn around on stairs and they where hardly the most agile of creatures. Plan in hand Jenny moved out and shot 4 times at the creatures on the left route making sure she kept moving.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 31/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; Fairly exhausted, but driven
Seras HP: ??/?? EP: ??/?? PP: ??/??; Out of energy, scared.
Maddi HP: 1/??; unconcious.
Here we go. Good luck... you'll need it.

4 shots all auto-hits.
4 shot, 4 kills.
4 Puppets die.

5 will attack next round.
6 more join the battle

2 rounds left to escape, if moving.

With an exchange of stern nods, the group got going. The demonology class slowly cracking open, letting the girls out to face the enemies.

The puppets were all just as vile as in Jennys time, their sickly bodies seemingly only drapped in their own skin. With barely any real meat... their own meat underneath. One of the creatures turned to the heroine and gurgled one last time - a brilliant blue streak piercing it's head effortlessly.

The whole room stirred as three more shots rang out, each taking down an opponent for two more to approach! Jenny lead the charge first taking out enemies whenever she saw fit.

With the four initial ones down the rest approached along their path, numerous more joining in to block the groups movement.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Keep moving!" Jenny moved up the stairs reloading frost. Her initial assault had been effective four of the puppets lay dead but more had turned their heads towards the group. Thankfully these things died rather easily. It was a shame however that Jenny was the only one in her group who could fight. Raising Frost Jenny let loose with 5 more shots hopefully clearing the stairs of enemies so they could move on.

Jenny is using rapid fire.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny empties Frost:
5 enemies down.

8 puppets attack next round.
21 more approach... 21. Enemies. Approach. Run.

1 Round left till the girls are up the stairs!

With each chamber Jenny emptied brilliant blue lights flew around her only, to surge back into the weapon after each flurry. Frost seemed to have always be ready to fire.

The puppets slowly moved closer only for each one to catch a bullet to their head, their lifeless body falling down and clearing a path forward.

"Keep moving!" Jenny cried out to her company, who hugged the wall and did their best to stay away from the numerous mindless enemies.

Still as Jenny neared the stairs, the whole hall cried, screeched or moaned at her. Seeming hundreds of sickly hands extending towards her, not with lust... but with clear intent to end her!

By now the group was almost at the stairs, but 8 more enemies stood in their way. A few of them even on the stairs looking down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Damn this would be a tight fight if only Sera's could muster up some magic. Clearing her clip Jenny readied again and shot the next seven rounds at the puppets blocking their way. Taking the lead Jenny made herself the target keeping on her toes to avoid attacks and using frost's range to give her an advantage. "Seras got any magic to spare!" Jenny could use a heal or heck even help with the nasties in there way.

empty frost focusing on the closest targets first.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny 11/70HP EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; REALLY DAMN HURT
Auto-hit 5 shots.
#6 Shot
52 vs 35 HIT
#7 shoot
34 vs 35 MISS!!!
I mean hit? HIT!

1 puppet attacks:
Auto-hit [40+ vs 40]
20 damage!
11/70 HP LEFT!

Next round 21 puppets attack IF still in the hall
5 more approach from the left.

Numerous things would've been good right about now- Jenny shot down 2 more of the puppets as they approached. -Perhaps a devastating spell to wipe these bastards out- One of the creatures screeched out from almost behind Jenny only for a brilliant icy trail to pierce it -Perhaps a group of trained adventurers dropping by to help her fight off this horde-

The heroine turned back to her group only to shoot down 2 more of the encroaching enemies, keen on grabbing her friends! - Though at this time Jenny only wished to survive through this- The succubus looked up with their group already at the stairs, the whole hall infront of them slowly moving towards them. 2 more enemies left to freedom!

The girl quickly aimed down to the first puppet on the stairs and let loose another shot, easily redecorating the stairway walls in black muck. As Jenny aimed for the second-- "AAHH!" the girl blood ran cold as she glanced back to note Seras push away one of the sickly creatures and hurry along the stairway "Look out!"

Jenny eyes went wide as she remembered her enemy who was no right ontop of her! The girl quickly tried to aim for it's body, but the sickly frame was far too thin as the shot missed!-- the icy blue trail flew past... and turned around to pierce the creatures head from ear to ear. The icy blue trail a brilliant purple?

"Go go!" Jenny quickly helped her group up the stairs "HREEEE!!" Seras cried out in fear as one puppet actually descended from upstairs, the heroine tried to pull the trigger only for an empty click to rang out!

The puppet smashed Jenny with all it's might, the heroines already hurt body almost keeling over. Gods these things were so strong! Struggling to get to her feet Jenny was going to have to face off with the creature when suddenly, Sir smashed into the sickly thing, knocking it sideways off the stairs and into the mass below!

Seras quickly ran up and helped Jenny up the stairs "Come on, please don't die on me, heroine." she looked to the succubus with concern as the group had reached the top of the stairs. Not to much relief...

To their right was the entrance to the nature faculty, numerous moans? echoing from inside... and to their left was the hallway of the Star God. Some mages here busy killing off the unending mass of puppets from downstairs.

Jenny could try to duck into the Nature faculty or join up with the mages in the Hall, even if that meant killing off atleast 5 of the creatures in her way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny reloaded frost and quickly made a decision. "Mages's fall back to the nature hall! Jenny herself made her move in that direction hopping that it wasn't to crowded with puppets. She was quickly getting wore down the damn puppets being surprisingly fast and strong despite their frail bodies. Any puppet that got in her way though would meet a quick end by frost. Jenny hopping that the nature guardian was active for the play.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny 11/70HP EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; REALLY DAMN HURT
The entrance to the nature faculty was literally one step away, making any encounters just simply impossible. Whether JEnny noticed or not, the mage girls didn't listen to her. As they continued their retreat to the courtyard, hoping to be able to make a run for it once out and away from the puppets.

Jenny quickly choose her path and her company followed, the top of the stairs slowly encroaching with the numerous puppets the heroine agitated. There was no way back or between her and the mages anymore... not to mention she lured even more enemies for the girls to deal with.

The succubus quickly closed the door behind her and tried to catch her breath, Seras quickly running up to her and looking over her wounds "Don't move!" the girls hands tried to ignite a brilliant white, but to no avail. She was completely drained and powerless.. some tears forming on her cute face.

Still as they entered the area the moans became so much clearer, looking over the area would reveal a disheartening sight. Dozen of the mage girls were hoisted up by green, blue or even white slime creatures all busy fucking and draining the girls of their essence! Even the bar area was filled with slimegirls be it turned ex-students or otherwise recently formed all straddling a aphrodisiac crazed mage.

The Gaurdians corner was empty. Just the statue stood there around the field of flowers. There was no safety to be found here... just a mass orgy and a feast of souls "W-what now?"

A LOT of enemies inside. Atleast 30 [not all would attack, but still...]
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over to see if the balcony was clear if it was she would pick Seras up and nod to sir before flying up to the balcony making two trips if she needed to. If it was occupied Jenny would move towards the passage where the nature guardian used to be clearing any enemies that blocked her way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed the balconies were clear, though the skies were not! Jenny looked to the skydome noting it was clearly recently broken as atleast 3 of the creatures flew all around. Patroling to catch or just waiting for their turn on the nature class girls.

They were the same creatures Jenny fought on her first days in Kings Coast... the creepish pale Skyrays.
Spotted 3 'skyrays'
Risk of more ;P
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up damn the skys where full still what about the passage where the nature guardian used to be? Jenny moved the group that way keeping an eye on the slime girls and their victims. She needed to get out of this room and someplace safe if such a thing even existed in this blasted place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The problem with going to the guardians corner was clear, she'd have to pass upwards to 10 slime creatures violating their pray. Well there was one more way to go about her escape, the door to the mess hall was literally a few feet away. The girl could just bypass this room all together... leaving the girls to their fates.

Suddenly something smashed against the door from the hall of the Star God! One of the puppets wanted in! Even worse it was making sure to make a much noise as possible! "Where do we go, Jenny?"

Seras looked to her "We can slip outside through the mess hall, but..." she looked to the orgy taking place all around this place and then silently to the heroine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked to one of the slime girls and let her powers loose. "Free the girls fight the puppets." Jenny didn't wait to see if it had an effect even if she saved all the girls without being defeated what could she do they where drained and unconscious. Still she made some effort. "We can't help them all Seras I don't have the strength to fight them all off. Are your powers returned yet?" The sealing collar had been removed for some time now. The slime girls where busy violating the other girls so the ones blocking her path wouldn't be to much trouble. Jenny turned and took flight over the slimes to the passage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny 11/70HP EP: 29/35 PP: 35/35; REALLY DAMN HURT
Jenny uses charm:
41 vs 31 SUCCESS!

Jenny quickly peeke dout one their cafeteria counter/haven and caught one of the slimegirl attention. The succubus eyes glowed red as she said her command, the dark powers echoing across the slime girl.

The slimegirl blinked at the sudden woman and lightly turned her head, her goo obviously continueing to rape the--- guy?! Stuck under her. Indeed perhaps Jennys first glance deceived her, but the victims weren't all female. Infact most of the slime girls were enjoying their rides on the male students.

Each gooey girl having a diffent color and adapting a different pose. By now noone in the room was forced to do anything against their will... atleast not near the cafeteria.

At any rate, the girl smiled at the heroine and nodded at her. Even if the puppets came, they'd have to face atleast one extra opponent.

"That's not how it works! Maybe if I had a moment to relax but-- *THUNK!* the door smashed loudly interupting Seras's words. Indeed Nico taught Jenny how spiritual essence is restored. If the soul is unbroken a proper stop to rest up or a good nights rest usually has their victims, better than ever before. Seras did not have the luxury of time just resting.

The heroine quickly spread her wings and took flight, loud cries echoing up above her! The Skyrays! The creatures now seen her and were making circular motions above her! Sure the creatures were fragile and frost would easily take out all of them... but the girl was flying above numerous slime girls with dozen of slime creatures down below. Drawing their attention with gunfire may end badly!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sure drawing attention might be bad but so would being knocked into the slime girls by the rays. Jenny just had to count on the slime girls not giving much hoot about her as long as they had something to fuck. Not to mention maybe if the sky rays attacked the room the slimes would attack them back in competition for food. Hoping for the best Jenny turned slightly and shot the skyrays above her. 3 shots hoping they where the only ones close enough to bother her. Jenny eyed her potential landing spot making sure it was clear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny 11/70HP EP: 29/35 PP: 35/35; REALLY DAMN HURT
That's 3 dead Rays.
8 more appear!

Stealth check:
No chance to be spotted.
Jenny hides away.

Jenny pulled out Frost and let loose 3 shots, each one echoing loudly across the faculty. She was most definedly noticed, thankfull the girl was mid-flight so whatever repercussions might've happened she would avoid them.

The heroine landed in the balcony as she heard numerous more Ray screeches from outside! The group ducked down, as the flock of Rays swooped inside and circled the room.

After a intense moment of silence, the creatures flew back out. Unable to find the pray or the shooter. Finally the group could catch their breath. The balcony was way too high for the slimes to reach and puppets even if they came into the faculty couldn't climb ladders.

Looking down the slimegirls were just as busy as usual, actually seemingly joking between them as their slime bodies slowly filled up with clear white spunk. The bigger slimes grappling the girls though were a different case. Looking around quite a few of them had moved away, leaving a well fucked and soaked girl where they used to be. Chances were, Jenny had a few prowlers downstairs waiting for her...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay lets rest here a moment. Is Maddie still okay?" It wasn't the best position but it was safe at lest for now. Still Jenny would have to find away out but given the situation and the fact she was in a play left her in doubt. The Fall of the Acadamy maybe if she made it outside and out of the barrier that would end the play but untold numbers of alien spawn lay outside. Still it was good to catch her breath a moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seras gently unloaded the injured girl from Sir "She's stable, but all this---" 'DOOOOOOOH' a voice so loud that it almost deafed both girls echoed ran through the academy as the sunlight from outside slowly disappeared. An even more dread feeling taking root in the heroine all of a sudden!

Some voices could be heard from the outside when suddenly a succubus flew inside through the broken skylight "Gather any survivors you can find. We're running out of time." she scoffed lightly, before sending two of her goons to fetch the boys from the slimegirls.

"Hello." the succubus smirked cruelly, before landing... at the bottom near one of the girls that one of the slimes just recently ravaged. The exit through the broken dome was clear. Jenny had numerous options on what to do... it was up to her to choose.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny motioned for Seras to stay quiet as she moved to get a better view of what was happening trying to stay out of sight. If they girls stayed quiet they could slip out of the broken skylight but where would they go and if Jenny was carrying Seras her fighting skills would be hindered at best. She of course could take out succubitch and her goons from here but the noise might draw others to her. Either way they would be better off on the run then waiting for the harvest to happen or worse yet aliens to find them. Jenny helped Maddie back onto Sir and Offered her arms to Seras before taking off for the skylight they had to be fast but also quiet.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny motioned for her group to stay silent, though before they all went up "AAAH~!!" Jenny quickly glanced down to note succubitch was caught by 2 of the slime creatures! Likely they were waiting for another succubus to come down. The heroine smirked lightly at the sight, the demons goons also seemed fairly happy with the slime girls brushing against them on all sides one mounted on each of their rods.

Still the heroine would likely leave the demons to their fates and proceeded up...

It was not the harvest, Jenny felt her knees weaken as Seras just collapsed completely at the sight looking up in disbelief. One of the alien carriers the kind Jenny only heard existed towered above her, it's sheer size blocking out the sky as tentacles stretching for myles upon miles disappeared and shot out from it.

'DOOOOOOOOH' the carrier boomed once more and all around the academy Jenny could literally see it's ruin. Over the small walls and out the forest hundreds upon hundreds of grabbers slowly scittered forward.

The whole are littered with either cut up bodies or currently raped girls and even some careless demons! Only distant screams could be heard from the theatre and the dorms. If Jenny looked to the courtyard, she'd see the last destruction mages and spirit warriors fall thousands of warped and dozens of grabbers swarming them. It was the end and Jenny was in the best seat to see it.