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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny almost chuckled at the man after all Frost wasn't loaded she had spent all its ammo in her starting attack. Still she had her own worries to deal with. Looking at one of the grunts Jenny repeated herself. "Help me" Hopefully that demon would assist her as well. Her true goal here was getting farther and farther away with each passing moment which just made her blood boil.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses charm on Grunt #1

Hellhound resistance check:
28 vs 43 FAIL
Charm lingers.

#4 attempts tu subdue Jenny:
#2 helps drag Jenny away!

#3 attempts to feel
HELLHOUND ATTACKS! #3 seems to be missing part of his neck... [DEAD]

#5 looks silly with an empty weapon and covers #4 and #2, looks for a weapon

#1 attempts to join the grapple
46 vs 40

Perhaps the girl was far too non-chalant to the situation at hand, Jenny didn't attempt an escape. The heroines eyes blazed red once more as the hellhound howled out, turning on it's former masters.

"We'll tell you when to scream, whore!" the demon from behind suddenly covered the girls mouth and with a sudden shift had her locked in his hold "Let them deal with the hellhound, looks like we'll the get the spoils." the man infront grinned wilely, his previous kiss denied.

Meawhile the demon with Frost eagerly tried to empty it's chamber to effect "Fuck!" he threw the weapon aside and went to look for a weapon.
"AARG----" one of the grunts scream of anguish was cut short as the hellhound lunged at the escaping creep and bit down on his end, tearin at before ripping out a hefty chunk.

However the girls second command did not go unheeded, as the wispy red lightly quickly slithered into the demons previously shot eyes "G-GET AWAY FROM HER SHE'S MINE!" he roared out lunging forward attempting to tear away his friends.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't panic she just need a few more moments. Putting up as much effort as she could muster Jenny struggled against her captors attempting escape their clutching hands. She really need one of the mages to get their act together before things got out of hand. "Mate they are taking me away from you help!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 49/70 EP: 23/35 PP: 35/35; Free; A lil bruised and tired
Hellhound - lingers.
Grunt - lingers [epicly high rolls for both...]

Jenny attempts to escape [+15 for her friendly grunt]
EPIC success!

Grunt 1 attempts to hold down his friend!
31 vs 31 [literally both 1's...] success!

Grunt #5 uses defensive stance!
Hellhound attacks!
50 vs 65 MISS
Grunt #5 counters with lightning strikes!
19 damage!
26 damage!
22 damage!

Jenny cried out to the mages who slowly stirred to life, the conflict ringing out all around them. Soon enough she'd have help, but for the time being the girl had to take care of herself.

With one of the lackeys tugging at his friends Jenny felt the grip on her ease up "STOP IT YOU IDIOT! SHE'LL--" Jenny smashed her backhead against the demon, making him cry out and leesen his grip just enough for her to vault out of the big boy hug fest "FUCK!" the demon previously behind her gripped at his nose that hand some blood trickling down.

Meanwhile the lackey Jenny charmed tackled his firned to the ground holding him. Both seemingly extra akward as their 'swords' crossed, the 'fabulous' moment making the grapple all the more uncomfortable...

The hellhound in the room growled at the obstacle in his path as the demon grabbed his weapon "Bring it you fucking mutt!" he cried out and with that the hellhound lunged forward. Jenny couldn't even see the attacks, but the trails of blood all over the walls were evident as with a final whine the hellhound hit the floor dead.

The demon turned his sword to Jenny "You look tough, some cuts shouldn't kill ya." he smirked proudly.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The grunt was right of course a few cuts wouldn't kill Jenny but she wasn't planning to let him stick her with anything tonight. Eyeing frost Jenny dove for her weapon knowing full well she would be able to reload it and fire at her attacker.

Dives for frost and reload and getting off 3 shots at the grunt if she can
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 1/70 EP: 23/35 PP: 35/35; Heavily injured, barely mobile.
Charm check:
Grunt - lingers.

Jenny goes full-movement and grabs Frost and reloads it (not shooting for you ;P)

Jennys grunt attempts submission hold:
47 vs 47 [mirror match much?]
Grunt #1 and Grunt #2 busy in a grapple.

Grunt #4 and #5 attack Jenny!
Grunt #4 attempts grapple!
48 vs 40 HIT!

Grunt #5 uses Lightinig strikes while Jenny is held down! [using lowest dodge of the two... Jennys.]
All three hit!
84 damage done!

Jenny is knocked out!!!

<Sudden event>
4 demonologists enter the battle!!!
2 Hellfire Blasts scorch Grunts #1 and #2, their forbidden lover never to be.

Devils lighting attack!
60 damage!!!
72 damage!!!
[Spirit powers OP as fock >.<]

All enemies down!

Jenny quickly lunged for her weapon quickly rolling and taking it in hand, wispy icy trails going into the cilinders! Time to-- "HNN!!" get grappled again?!

This time the same demon with the broken nose held her much more firmly as a blades grinding approached Jenny from infront, the heroine looked to the threat and tried to struggle out of the for no use. With her body held, the expert swordsman lashed out 3 times against her seemingly striking precisely at the heroines muscles, disabling her from combat.

Even if she tried the wounds not let Jenny fight back anymore "That's much more like it" both of the cackled vilely as Jenny felt one of the demons cocks grind against her lower lips, the girl unable to stop him "You'll beg us to kill you." the demon from behind licked her neck with his foul tongue. When suddenly two screams pierced the silence!

The two grappling demons, quickly turned to ash in a scream of anguish 'What the--" black lightning slammed into the swordsman sending his body across the room and into a wall, lifeless to do anything.

Never before had Jenny felt a cock go from rock har glory rod to a shriveled tiny shroom. The demon behind her pushed the girl forward and attempted to leg it, the same black lightinging slamming into him instantly killing him.

Jenny looked up to see, the demonology girls slowly get to their feet, some panting hotly from exerting themselves from the spells cast "T-thank you." one of the girls spoke up, her hand still smoldering from the black lightning spell.
Frost retrieved.
Jenny is severely injured.
4 xp earned +2xp for sidequest
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded at the girls and tried to get up. "Sir potion please." Poor little guy probably scared stiff still Jenny was in no condition to fight at the moment and she needed to get back to action. Magical healing would be nice but she wasn't sure any of the students knew healing skills. Frustrated Jenny looked to the crack in the wall it was probably to late for poor Saras but she still had a lingering hope to clear her conscious of it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 51/70 EP: 23/35 PP: 35/35; A little better, but woozy from her previosu wounds.
Sir would slowly lean out from the corner and peek inside the room. There was blood, burnt flesh and corpses all over. He quickly ducked back, before taking another peek noting blood on Jenny!!! Suddenly the lil guy wnet in full blast to Jenny giving her one of the healing potions, even helping her down it.

"W-who are you?" the girls approached all clearly weakened from their respected rapes, quite atleast 2 of them still having demon spunk all over their bodies.

It only now hit Jenny, in this play she had no role assigned to her. She was just that, herself only thrown into the fall of the academy!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Im new to the school..." Jenny tried to stand and made her way to the red line on the wall where Seras used to be using it for support. The school is under attack you should help with the other class rooms if you can the main force is outside attacking.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demonlogist girls glanced between each other as Jenny announced herself "W-well whatever the case, thank you so much. The demons broke their chains and killed everyone... except us." the five girls all looked away in shame, bright blushes on their faces.

Jenny could stand now and quickly approached the small burnt line in the wall, placing a hand on it "He took her away..." one of the girls spoke "Seras. You're her sister aren't you?" she stepped forward looking Jenny earnestly in the eyes.

"I can open a tear for you to follow." she noded firmly, though before Jenny could speak a terrible smash rangout from outside. It was not the destruction class, the heroine couldn't see what caused it. But there was little doubt, where it originated - the necromancy class!

The sounds of conflict from the destruction rooms ceased and Jenny knew what would happen soon enough, though whatever escaped the necromancers would attack the mages, likely incuring heavy losses. Would she follow after Seras or attempt to help the rest of the mages? Neither could be delayed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny steadied herself once more and checked frost. "Yes please and be careful the necromancy class has already fallen and the puppets are loose." Jenny motioned for Sir to come forward and grabbed him by the hand. "Good luck." It was a play and these events had already transpired it was unfortunate but there was nothing Jenny could ever do to help them. Still she could clear her own conscious somewhat despite not having actually done the deed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye!" the demonologist nodded firmly "Please step back." the girl approached the tear and began her enchantment, the tear glowed bright red before opening up, the bright light almost blinding.

The edges of the portal slowly extended around the room as if feeling it out with it's appentages "Seras will be able to get you back!... if it's too late use this! Please bring her back!" the girl would place a book into Sirs backpack and wish them luck.

AS Jenny crossed she caught a glimpse of the demology girls taking up a defensive stance, seemed their fight began... just like Jennys.

She stood in a dimly lit hallway, the stench of sulfur clear in the air, though mixed up with something undecribeably disgusting. The heroin procceded onwards and pushed aside a heavily reinforced double door, easily twice her size in height.

"Ah~ Ah~ AH~ AH!" wet slapping noises ehcoed throughout the new chamber as a demon looked over his visitor from up his throne, a girl laden in black silk shreds or exceptionally skimpy garments rested against his chest as he continued to thrust his hips into her pussy, his cock figure almost visible in the girl.

"What do we have here? A succubus? I do not recall calling one." he thrusted into the girl hard making Seras cry out loudly across the room "But... there's always room for one more." her smirked, making sure Jenny could see just how tight Seras hugged the huge tool.

The demon wore great black armor and had a huge black greatsword near his 'throne'. His face pale with great bright red eyes, his long black hair parted by great gray ram horns.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ive come for the girl Demon let her go and I just might let you live." Jenny eyed the scene before her clearly Seras was well charmed or perhaps even fallen though it was hard to tell at this distance. Jenny assumed a defensive stance knowing fell well the demon wouldn't take such a challenge lightly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demon leaned on one of his hands, not stopping fucking Seras even for a moment "She offered herself to me willingly, why would I give her to you?" her smirked cruelly looking to Jenny, before he suddenly tensed up "AAAAH~~" Seras tongue shot out as her belly grew lightly, black spunk pouring out of her and to the floor.

"Good girl..." the demon leaned in and ran his tongue along the demonologists neck "Now clean me." he roughly grabbed Seras and lifted her off his cock, before she leaned down and started sucking the cock clean. Her pussy in plain display to Jenny as globs of black spunk slowly ran down her thigh.

"You come to my home, want to take my slave and threaten my life" he chuckled darkly "Shall I punish you, girl?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Tempting.. but no I might like it to much." With a quick duck down Jenny let loose 4 shots from frost hoping to catch the demon off guard with the sudden volley of shots. Her gun barked loudly as Jenny squeezed the trigger the flash of her weapon glinting off her flawless skin almost like liquid fire.

Jenny takes a knee and fights defensivly fireing 4 shots using rapid fire
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


As Jenny reached for weapon aiming 4 shots at the foul demon, suddenly he grabbed the girl licking him and held her right in Jennys line of fire!

"Go on. Shoot, the bullets will pierce her and likely hurt me." a dark grin could be seen on the demons face "You care about her don't you. Interesting..."

"Throw the weapon aside or I snap her right infront of you." there was no mistake about it, the demons voice echo'ed with clear dark intent. Likely he wouldn't even bat an eye as he'd do so.

Then again his hands were a fairly large target, but she'd have to risk hitting Seras. Likely even a single shot from Frost was more than enough to kill the demonologist girl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It would be a merciful death considering what Jenny knew what would happen to her still she had more than one weapon at her disposal and after all she was a little peckish. Jenny dropped frost but made sure it didn't land to far away if she needed to dive and grab it. "Big powerful demon afraid of itty bitty bullets humm." Jenny avoided his gaze and waited her chance to strike being careful and light on her feet. It seems she would have to play by the demons rules for now.

Assume full defense
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The demon chuckled in a low voice as he moved one his large hands towards Seras's neck, lightly flicking across her to make a small silken chocker fall off her. With a strong gust he blew the small silken cloth right next to Jenny.

"Put it on." he lifted Seras and rested her on his cock the girl wrapping arms around the shaft and kissing the tip.

Looking over the silks occasionally dark red runes appeared and across the cloth. Whatever it was, it held heavy demonic magic within.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the thing it was foul and would likely seal her powers after all it had been on Seras. "Humm or what you'll kill her? I think not you wouldn't risk losing your slave for nothing." Jenny let the silken collar drop to the floor. "If you kill her then we fight and I kill you that simple. How about we come to an arrangement instead. She comes with me after we fuck like rabbits? Trust me I'm worth it after all she's probably all stretched out and ruined humm."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A boisterous laugh echoed throughout the room "You think you can kill ME?" the demon lowered his gaze and looked over Jenny "Do not fear for her body... I make sure my toys..." he gently flicked Seras hair aside as she snuggled his tip "Stay tight."

"I will kill her and then I will make you submit. Why should I make deals with sluts." he slowly neared his hand to Seras neck, one of the fingers changing into a razor "Unless you take her place" the silken collar glowed red.

The demon was leaned over Seras the girls body barely visible as she rested on his tool. Though something else caught Jennys attention, behind one of the pillars Sir waved his hand! Showing off the small wispy trail he used to map the routes. It was very similar to the trails Frost left! Not to mention her lil' friend was there either way!