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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley needn't fear Jenny refusing her kiss and indeed Jenny returned it deeply and with passion. Jenny felt her tattered dress fall away as her nipples responded to the sudden chill quickly popping to erect little nubs. The sudden contact with teh cool sheets brought out a little gasp from Jenny as she waited for Riley to crawl on top of her. Jenny accepted the kiss and returned it with her own while bring her hands up to slide along Riley's sides in light strokes causing pleasant tickling sensations along her skin. By Naya she was already wet with anticipation. Still she wanted to savoir every touch every kiss.

Using one hand Jenny brought Riley's body closer to hers their breasts touching. Each erect nipple traced its own path as the girls generous bosoms compressed together. Bringing her thigh up Jenny parted Riley's legs feeling the damp moisture coming from the showgirl. With gentle movements Jenny began to stimulate Riley's nethers with her leg while kissing the showgirl passionately.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could feel Rileys soft skin agaisnt her, her exposed body always so sensitvie to her touch, just like succubus was to the showgirls. Both girls kisses passionately, their hands running over each curve. Feeling Jeny tease her seemingly only ignited Riley to deepen and empower the kiss as it grew from passionate to wildly lustful.

Till Riley quickly leaned out, a small trail following her away "Let me first." it was a simple request, at first Jenny wasn't clear, but soon enough Riley shuffled down to Jennys fold and after a loving kiss on the clit, would ever so lovingly on to eat the girl out.

The showgirls soft lips and eager tongue continiously sent shivers down Jennys body, Riley just gave so much care in her work. Each inch was lovingly embraced and teased until the spot was found, from there on it was just an ecstatic ride. The showgirl didn't rush, nor was she sloppy. It was just the perfect rhytm as Jennys body jerked lightly only to be held down by Riley as she did her work onyl on occasion stopping to look to the heroine with a warm grin and tenderly lick her tiny clip, playfully sucking and teasing it for as long as she deemed fit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"AH aaa ah!" When did Riley get so good or maybe Jenny really really wanted it. The showgirls tongue tormented the succubus sending shocks of pleasure through her body. Before long Jenny was shivering and mewling as she grabbed the sheets. Still Riley didn't stop nor did Jenny want her to. The warmth of her tongue and the sounds of the lapping echoed in the room when Jenny wasn't making her own sweet noises. She felt it build slowly and gather steam rather quickly her stomach knoting up as the wave of tension peaked. Quickly Jenny pulled Rikke's head into her folds deep as a shuddering and squirting orgasm rocked the girl absolutely covering Riley's face. Catching her breath Jenny looked up at Riley and smiled.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley leaned out, her face covered by the heroine and licked some of the love juices from her lips. Giggling warmly at the show she delivered to the heroine. With a simple flick of the wrist a drawer came flying towards them stopping within arms reach "Now~ What shall we use. Mm?" Riley had a that perverse twinkle in her eye as she slowly moved the drawer to Jenny "You're expert" whatever she picked or choose would be put to grand effect.

Choose a toy, grow a tool, free reign on how to proceed from here
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Toys where nice and cocks where nice but Jenny would be seeing enough of those in the near future. Grabbing Riley Jenny rolled them around till she was on top of the show girl. Kissing her Jenny moved to Riley's breasts and began to suck while her hands busied themselves. One messaged the free breast while the other teased Riley's treasure. Jenny licked and nibbled at the nipple till she began to suck on the sensitive flesh giving Riley nice big hickeys on each before moving down to eat Riley out. She was intent on repaying Riley for the excellent service she had received. Smiling Jenny forced her tongue to become longer as she teased Riley's love button the snake like tongue wrapping around the little bud and squeezing the sensitive flesh.

Her goal was to work the showgirl into a frenzy of lust and when she felt the time was right Jenny would move to invade her sex with the abnormally long tongue lapping up all the juices she could muster and feeding as Riley orgasamed taking only enough to fill her reserves.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The pull-in caught Riley offguard as her hat flew down near the bed, the girl pulled closer to a deep embrace, both girls rolling through the sheets and almost out of bed! Riley smiled happily at the choice as both girls just enjoyed each other to what bodies they had.

Jenny rarely looked as alive as when she got what she wanted, her body moved swiftly and precise. Each motion bringing exactly the results she wanted. The succubus worked over the girls breasts, toying with the begging nipples licking, teasing, massaging them. All to sharp reactions from the showgirl.

With the extra long tongue playing with the showgirls sex would be prove to be such a joy! Jenny wrapped the tongue around the bud and tugged it lightly "Kyaah~" only to receive a weak and playful bonk on the head and a huge smile from Riley.

The succubus tongue licked all around the moist entrance teasing the folds lightly before slowly sliding inside, Jenny knew exactly how to make Riley submit to the sensual pleasure with great ease and every time Jenny glanced back up she'd see Riley crying in bliss only to catch eyecontact with Jenny, clear joy in her face. Not from the perverse delight, but just from the almost loving care Jenny put in the sex.

Soon enough Jenny would reach her goal, the heroine eyes glowed a very weak red hue as the showgirl cried out loudly her sex utterly satisfied. Riley breathed deeply resting on the bed, her nipples erect and body covered in sweat "Thank you, Jenny." she smiled warmly at the experience lover.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny crawled up and laid next to Riley breathing a little heavy from their exertions. "I wanted something we could both remember. I have a feeling its going to be a long night." Jenny kissed Riley as she rested a moment before getting out of the bed and looking over the costume choices. If it was going to be a play might as well look the part.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley kissed Jenny back tenderly "I won't let him take you." she smiled lightly at the heroine as Jenny got out the bed... the showgirl was a little too spent to moving around this quickly.

"There will be a break between the acts. So pick out something from that dresser over there for Act 1." Riley casually pointed out one of the dresser doors. Inside Jenny would find numerous armors, from skimpy to fully armored. Though all seemed to fit her like a glove, it was up to her to pick out whichever she wanted.

"I won't be able to directly intervene, but I'll do what I can from the backstages." Jenny had some time to get ready, but after that... it was showtime!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley.. I appreciate it but don't get hurt please. I don't know what he would do to you.." Jenny looked in the chest and thought a moment. The act was combat oriented better grab some armor that would actually protect her. Choosing some full armor Jenny got ready. "Riley if you see Sir try to make sure his not scared stiff please."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley casual swinged her legs from the bed, the silken sheets covering up her body just enough, to make it all the more alluring "Full-plate? I thought you were a medium armor lover."

The showgirl snickered lightly as she got off the bed, trals of pink energy appearing behind her and hugging her curves, her clothing rematerialised "Ready?" "As I'll ever be." Jenny smiled warmly, only interupted by a passionate kiss from Riley "Then it's showtime." she winked slyly and with that the two left the room.

The backstage was as busy as ever, though the cheers and clap from the audience went silent. One of the shadows suddenly jumped down and handed Riley a piece of paper "Looks like the first scenario is "Fall of the priestess." the showgirl looked to Jenny, noting her expression "Don't worry you'll know exactly what to do when we start up."

Jenny saw numerous decorations move and be placed on stage as she slowly got onto the stage, the curtains closed off. Concealing the works, each step Jenny took something seemed to change. The cardboard cutout trees soon seemed just like the real deal, some odd wind occasionally blowing across her hair.

Well there was no backing down now-- "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Rileys voice echoed out through the theatre as a hush could heard echoing out from beyond the curtains. Sure the conditions were particualary normal, but here she was about to act a scene she had no idea what to do with numerous eyes watching her! This was one way for Jenny to meet the term "Stage Fright". So lost in her thoughts the heroine missed the introduction as suddenly the curtains separated and the spotligth blinding her.

Jenny cowered her eyes lightly and looked to the moon once more, talk about being bright "Jenny~ What are you doing over there?" the heroine looked back to her company. All the girls were sitting around a campfire, nightfall in full power all around them "We still have to arrange our sentry duties." Jenny wasn't acting as someone else, but felt in her rightful place. She was the leader of the White Worgs expedition unit, though this time her objective was significantly different. Escort a cursed priestess to her captivity. She was assigned 2 other girls with her, all of them wore brilliant full-body armor and were well armed with gun and swords at the ready.

Jenny approached campfire and sat down, noting their escort sadly sitting down near a tree. She recalled the name... it was Grace, a familiar name the heroine couldn't quite place, but for the time being they needed to setup camp and rest for the night. Their journey would continued tommorow.

Fall of the Priestess scenario
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh sorry had something on my mind." Jenny sat with her team mates and grabbed up a trail ration. "I'll take first watch girls." Jenny looked at her two companions getting a better look at them. Riley sure did know how to make things seem real. The two girls looked familiar but Jenny couldn't place them in her mind. No doubt Riley had drawn familiar names and images from her brain to make the illusions more real. It was a hard task but getting lost in the illusion would surly doom her to fail.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She had indeed seen the two girls, before... but where she couldn't say. They more than likely had a different hairstyle than before. One of the girls had a long read ponytail and neatly cut red hair, her greatblade shinned brightly near her as the fire illuminated the full-plate she wore. The other girl was busy in the small tent they had set-up, she wore much lighter armor and had free, curly aurburn hair. Their names? 'Red' Sona and 'Curly' Mickey. It was still early in the night, thus Jenny had some time to chat with her companions.

Now that she approached the campfire their "prisoner"/"escort" was much more clearer. The girl wore a ragged cloak over her hidding any and all features she had, she sat away from the girls, but Jenny knew she wouldn't run. Not with all those seals and bonds placed upon her.

The Priestess had killed a high-ranking priest of her very teachings, this abuse of power had her cut-off from her powers and condemned to be reformed in some church high up in the Crolian mountains. Nothing else was known about the girl, uncluding her real origins.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The names didn't seem familiar but then again there was no way of telling what story or tale Riley had pulled them from. "So how much longer do you think till we get to the church?" Jenny warmed her hands by the fire trying to drive away a chill she felt.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'd say a little past mid-day tommorow. Just in time for lunch!" Sona chuckled lightly "We'll be there whenever you say, Captain!." Mickey smiled warmly at her leader, before casting glance to their escort and then to the fire.

"Permission to speak freely?" she looked to Jenny, much to Sona slapping her knee and laughing out loudly. Mickey shifted lightly at the warriors gesture, but continued "Captain, do you think she did it? Murder the entire church in cold blood? She's been quiet our whole trip... her eyes don't seem to be that of a murderer."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mickey lets get some things straight okay?" Jenny smiled sweetly at the young girl trying to impress her. "When where in the field like now just call me Jenny alright." Jenny kept her voice warm and kind. "Save all the Mams and Sirs for those blowhards back at the guild hall. On the field we are battle sisters spilling blood and risking our lives for each other. I may out rank you but that just means I've been around awhile besides calling me Mam or Sir just makes me feel old." Jenny chuckled a little before her own eyes where drawn to the priestess. "I don't know Mickey the eyes can say a lot about a person. If she did it or not I couldn't say but our job is to get here where they sent her. Don't doubt our mission until there is proof otherwise it will only lead us down the wrong path."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye~ Captai--n... Jenny." Mickey lowered her head lightly embrassed as Sona ruffled her hair "This is your first outing isn't Micky!" she snickered happily, taking out a cig and lighting to the bonfire "Formalities stay in the halls, but out here we're all friends looking out for each other. No titles, just respect earned in battle!" she nodded firmly " 'Captain' Jenny earned her rank and then some. Wait till you see her in battle" the woman laughed boisterously "I hope not to..." "Eh? where would the fun in that be?" Jenny could only eye and snicker heartily the veterean and rookie talk about their ideals on the expedition.

Though before long the heroine went over to their escort, Grace. Something urged her to approach the woman, she'd get cold all that way from camp... and she's been looking down to the ground for quite some time now...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved over to the woman and crouched near to her staying out of arms reach. She doubted the priestess was dangerous but you never knew with desperate people. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" She may have be their prisoner but that didn't mean she had to be treated poorly and besides they would fail their mission if she died of hunger or thirst.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No." the girl spoke up weakly, but she hardly had a bite to eat their whole trip. Jenny glanced back to her company who laughed merrily, well Sona laughed merrily Mickey was as sheepish as ever.

"What will happen to me?" the girl spoke up once more, not daring look her captors in the eye. Jenny didn't know, the orders didn't specifiy... she was to be brought to be 'remade in the waters of the Star God' or some other religious crap like that... Still the escort did not complain even once during their whole four day trip, nor did she really speak all that often.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "Well you will probably know more than me but the orders state we are to take you to be remade in the waters of the Stargod." Jenny got to her feet looking down at the sad priestess. She looked familiar as well still Jenny couldn't let that interrupt her work. "Are you sure you don't want anything I hear church food is fairly bland.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check:
Clear as day! Success

Mickey and Sona perception:
Mickey - fail. Mickey is in a submission hold
Sona - fail. Sona is attacked for 54 post-armor damage?!
"I'm alright." the girl didn't even look up from under her hood, the heroine was about to continue onwards back to her companions, when something caught the corner of her eyes.

Once more again... some shadows moved in between the trees, Jenny drew her blade only to see what was slowly lumbering out towards them. A grappler! One of the biggests she's ever seen!

A scream pierced the air as Jenny turned to the camp, only for Sona to come crashing down near her, the full-plate armor almost shreded to pieces and likely saving the girls life. Mickey meanwhile was held down by the neck against the ground, her weapon out of reach! 2 hunters attacked the camp!