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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No was her chance who knows maybe the slime girls would eat the other slimes? Jenny didn't want to find out either way and made another bid for freedom.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 EP: 22/35 PP: 8/35 Res: 8/20; More than a little hot and bothered; A little weakened
Jenny attempt sto breka the grapple with the help of her allies!
78 vs 85... dem slimes really want her. FAIL

Gray slime #1 penetrates Jenny!
27 PP dealt!
13 EP drained!
Gray slime #1 orgasms!
Gray slime #1 is stunned.
Jennys is exposed to aphrodisiac coating 12 resistance damage!

Gemini #1 attempts to remove gray slime #2 from Jenny!
84 vs 69! Success!

Gemini#2 attemtps to remove gray slime #1 from Jenny

Jenny is no longer grappled!

Jenny summoned her strength once more and a struggled valiantly, feeling her new allies atempting to help her out. Unfortunately all her stuggle did was allow the gray mass to seep into and all over the girl. The heroine gritted her teeth in annoyance, when suddenly her eyes went wide as she felt her folds open up the slimes concentrated ooze forming a cock and started fucking the girl silly.

Jenny hated this so bad, but at the same time her body was starting to enjoy it more and more. Her very sensitive nature, making even the most primitive fucking a sensual bliss... and her exciteable nature causing the aphrodisiac slimes to quickly turn her body to lusting more of this.

As the first unwilling moan of passion escaped her and her first thrust down towards the slime took place she felt a hefty part of the ooze thrown off her! Soon followed by the the rest of the gray ooze chugged aside. Jenny was free! The slime girls offering her a hand up as the gray oozes quickly formed tentacles to combat for the pray!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Being helped up by the gemni was sort of surreal but Jenny accepted the hand. "Thank you!" Jenny kissed the gemni on the cheek. "Now feed as you wish on them." With that Jenny would head after Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A little hot and bothered, by the whole ordeal Jenny thanked the charmed creature pair and moved onwards. Not even glancing back to the slime duel, though she did feel light compassion for the slimegirls. A stray hope of them winning the battle lingering at the back of the heroines mind.

As per her plan, she grabbed the top hat and proceeded through the door, blade at hand just incase. The heroine opened the door to reveal quite the sight. The more was a smaller background prop storage cutout of small rocks and bushes were aligned along the walls, as well as quite a few of trees.

Though the star of the room was obviously the mass of black tentacles the shortest atleast 6 feet long in the middle of the room, seemingly growing out from the ground itself. Though the centerpiec eof the sight had to be Riley.

The girl was suspended by numerous tentacles, fucking her with warying thickness and force. Her clothes were gone and nowhere to be, the showgirls muffled moans ehcoing silently across the room. Though the closer Jenny looked the clearer it got Riley was fairly enjoying herself, she'd buck ehr hips against the tentacled horror and when the tip from her mouth slipped up she'd lick it pasionately before opening her mouth willingly for it to continue the oral fuck... then again Jenny was no stranger to the 'enjoyment' forced sex brought forth. No matter how she looked at it, it sure didn't look like consensual sex.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It would be tricky but with the creature clearly enjoying Riley's charms Jenny had a chance to get the drop on it. Trying to remain unseen Jenny moved to strike at the horror before it spotted her while keeping her eyes open for any possible attack.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts a sneak attack!
47 vs 34 +
54 damage!

Jeebus. You killed it dead.

Riley is no longer in a submission hold

Jenny ducked behind one of the faux bushes and looked over the creature, seemed it was all too pleased with it's catch not even noting the heroines presence quite yet.

The heroine readied her blade and looked for a good point to strike, she could try to cut off some of the whirling tentacles, but there were so many of them... what she needed was a weakpoint, perhaps if she striked directly into the tentacled horrors core it would kill it off.

Jenny sneaked closer and indeed right at the center the was a plain black plot, clearly different from the floor. Her target set, Jenny slowly approached and awaited for the perfect chance, taking cover behind one of the decorations. Incidentally, Jenny had quite a clear view of Riley. The girl had an exceptional body beneath all those clothes, her pure skin surrounded by the whirling mass of black tentacles, just the sigh of juicy the fuck giving Jenny quite the few indecent thoughts.

Suddenly, the fucking stopped, without even a bombastic orgasm?! Jenny ducked back into her hiding spot was she spotted?! She'd glance out only to note the plain area she targeted slowly open up to reveal soft body tissue and a extending VERY thick tentacle with a huge head.

Riley breathed hotly, her eyes glazed over, but when she noted the creatures intent she'd quickly snap out of it "WHAT?! No! Don't you dare!! NO! Let go!" the girl struggled against her constraits, but to no avail. The thick tentacle slowly approached her, the other parts of the creature holding the girl firmly.

Jenny wasn't going to wait and find out what was this creatures intent, seeing the exposed soft flesh the heroine quickly darted out and swung out, cutting deeply into the tentacle, before forcefully ripping her blade out to plunge it downwards!

A loud roar echoed out, as Jenny quickly got out of there! The tentacles swirled madly, dropping Riley and after a brief moment every single tendril fel lifelessly to the floor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sighing in relief at a job well done Jenny moved over to help Riley up handing over the hat that had fallen off. It was kind of ridiculous with it being the only thing she was wearing but hey at lest she didn't need a new hat. "You okay Riley?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley breathed hotly from the sex likely still a little out of it, but the moment she saw Jenny clearly, the girl would quickly grather herself up to the best she could "T-thanks. I owe ya one." she smiled warmly and with Jennys help got to her feet and placed her top hat on to it's rightful place, only to note how wobbly and weak she was from the fucking, forcing the girl to sit down on one of the faux rocks.

It was a fairly interesting sight, the showgirl previously emanating confidence, now was unsurely glancing away from the heroine her legs crossed and hands covering her breasts.

Jenny however was far too experienced in matters such as this, it was clear as day. The girl was more than a little aroused! Her skin flushed, her eyes glancing to Jennys own sex and her crossed legs doing their best to hide the honest truth "S-so did you get the stones and scrolls?" Riley fixed her hat to hide her eyes and sat on the stone 'casually' swaying one of her legs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stood and smiled showing her satchel with the scrolls and rocks. She herself was slightly aroused but it seemed that recently she was always aroused to some what maybe it was her nature. Still she was no longer bashful about being nude anywhere. "Got em!" Jenny set the satchel down and looked at Riley. "Hun you need some help." Jenny moved to Riley and knelt down. Smiling Jenny kissed Riley on the lips deeply waiting to see if the woman was still turned on enough to want more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What? No I'm no---" Rileys eyes shot wide as Jenny interupted her with the kiss, only to quickly turn to lidded as she returned the kiss lightly, not quite sure what to think of the guests actions. Though with that simple gesture her previously tense body eased up, as if not having to hide it's state anymore, clealy she failed and would fail even if she tried.

Riley smiled devilishly "You are full of surprises" the girl shifted lightly to face Jenny, returning the perverse in glint right back to her "But down here, the cast may catch us. They're not the kind to just pass by..." Riley grinned happily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny traced a finger down Riley's side feeling her soft skin. "Oh! While that might be fun I had some one on one rehearsal in mind. Is there any place we could go?" Jenny kissed Riley on the neck her hands exploring the woman's body tracing every curve.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

43 vs 54
41 vs 47
Riley looked bewildered at Jenny, this was hardly a spur of the moment offer anymore. The showgirl closed her eyes feeling Jennys soft full lips, tease her already aroused body. Jenny felt just how actively Riley responded to her delicate touch, how eagerly she gave in to the heroines grasp.

Soon Jenny felt a gentle touch on her face interupting her kisses on the girls body and leading her into a full blown kiss. Riley slowly pushed forward as the two slowly stood up, their kiss refusing to be interupted.

A little dizzy Riley smiled widely at Jenny and grabbed her by the hand, dragging her out towards one of the exits out of the room. In no time the girls passed several halls and doorways, some commotion sometimes echoing from deeper on that the two girls ignored.

Riley stopped near some doors with stars on them and jerked Jenny into a very intimate kiss, their exceptional bodies pressing against each other. Guess they found a room for the private tutoring session...
Inside there would be a small table with a huge mirror, a substantial wardrobe and ofcourse... a huge silken double bed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Making out in the hallway was dangerous exciting but dangerous. Thankfully Jenny had the presence of mind to enter the room and shut the door behind them. This of course was hard to do with Riley and herself trying to kiss and touch at every opportunity. Still she managed and with the safety of the door Jenny soon got back to kissing Riley getting her excited. Thankfully their cloths where long gone leaving little to hinder their play in fact Jenny's own encounter with the slimes had made her slick her skin shining as if covered by oil. Making their way to the bed it seemed the two woman couldn't keep their hands off each other. Trailing kisses down Riley's body Jenny soon found her self at the woman's treasure. Not hesitating a moment she began to lick the damp folds savoring the woman's taste.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Doing rolls for perspective and corruption counts:
Jenny rolls 3d6 = 6;6;6... wanna tell us something Jenny? :D
49 PP dealt
49 corruption dealt

Actually Riley made it fairly easier for the two girls to enter, heck she even took a small "Do not disturb" sign and hanged in the door before it was closed shut.

Even after being so recently ravaged by the tentacled fiend, Jenny could see Riley had an incredibly beautiful sex. So finely tuned, clean... wet, the heroine couldn't resist just to eat out of the natures masterwork infront of her.

Riley gasped briefly as Jennys lips made contact, but soon relaxed up with a silent satisfied 'yes'. The showgirl slowly moved her hands to her lower gently pushing her deeper "Thank you... Ah~ Don't stop" Riley couldn't help, but cross her legs around Jenny. It's been too long since she had proper sex, not just some rough humping.

(RP-Wise) Jenny just needs to push a little and she can get Riley to orgasms. Or she can keep her on the very edge
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Riley pushed Jenny pulled with the similar goal of getting deeper into Riley's perfection. Still Jenny wanted to enjoy this after all she had been rapped far to often or driven to lust she just exploded in a sexual frenzy. No she wanted proper enjoyable sex and Riley would be the perfect willing partner. Keeping Riley on the edge for as long as the woman could hold Jenny would savor every lick every nibble till the woman could hold no more back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny deals foreplay:
36 PP
36 corruption

Riley orgasms!

Riley didn't silenced her moans, as each of Jennys teases rangout throughout the girls body. The showgirl girls breath would soon become all that extra bit hotter, her silent yes's sometimes not as silent as decency demanded "AH~ JennY~ Please don't stop!" just some simple touches would've been enough, but Jenny wasn't one to skim her efforts.

Riley lost the small restraint she had and used her legs to completely lock Jenny in place her arms moving away from Jenny and to her breasts, her head leaned back as she moaned loudly, till finally a bombastic finale!

Jenny felt the legs ease up from her and thank goodness, she hadn't caused an orgasm so strong in quite a bit. The heroine couldn't help, but feel giddity and oh so proud about her handy work. For the brief moment, Riley was briefly stunned. Jenny could wait for her to shake it off and return the favor or proceed to whatever plans she had for the beauty on the bed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't let up instead she relaxed letting her wings spread as began again to bring Riley to another shattering orgasm with her tongue. Holding tight to Riley's waist Jenny let her tongue dart into the sex once more savoring the juices. It seemd a shame that Riley had been denied such treatment for so long. So Jenny made it her mission to give the woman her due.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys still hungry
46 PP dealt!
1 mutation gain on Riley!

Riley is at the brink once more!

Jenny wasn't done quite yet, her tongue now in it's full whip like glory coiled around the girls click briefly, before slipping inside once more. Thankfully the sight of the wings didn't scare Riley off. Perhaps the girl was still seeing stars by then, nevertheless soon Jenny continued her treatment.

The heroine saw clearly, well saw and heard fairly clearly when Riley got her bearing backs. Her body tensing up at the treatment once more "H-- AH~.. How... how are you so go-- Mm~ so good!" Riley once more strengthened her legs and wrapped around Jenny, the showgirl lieing on the bed playing with her breasts and enjoying the complete and utter sensual bliss, perhaps she didn't even know existed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny finished Riley off once more getting a healthy amount of girl spunk on her face. Smiling Jenny's eyes glowed red as her shapeshifting powers came into play once more granting the girl a cock. Moving forward Jenny kissed Riley once more before sliding the tool home with her own pleasured sigh. Holding the woman tight Jenny began to thrust into her slowly building up speed and falling into a sexual rhythm.


Jenny uses Rhythm X=5
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny deals 40 PP
40 corruption gain!
Riley orgasms!

Jenny deals 52 PP! +15
Riley deals 48 PP! +10

Rhytm makes both girls orgasm!
Riley reaches max mutations per encounter.

Each and everytime Jenny heard that final scream of orgasmic bliss, she felt a little bit more alive. The heroine wipped of the hefty amount of lovejuices from her work and lingered above Riley. Her shapeshifting powers used to great effect.

Rileys looked at the just now formed cock widely, perhaps with a slight shock before looking up to Jenny, a mischievious grin on the showgirls face. Jenny moved in closer to kiss, only to note how eargerly Riley darted forward and pulled her in.

Just the kiss absolutely emanated the joy Riley was experiencing, not just sensual happiness... but overall.

A very satisfied slide and sigh of pleasure later, Jenny got to work. Riley crieing out in happiness and smiling widely at Jenny with each and every trust. Damn the showgirl felt great, if it wasn't for Jennys experience and rhytm chances were she'd submit to the sex before Riley did.

The bed rocked loud and hard, obviosuly not used for quite some time. The squeeky springs singing the song of their people, as Jenny fucked the showgirl silly. Till their mutual orgasm, ruining the sheets forever more.
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