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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Noting Sir's fascination with the rug Jenny kept in mind to examine it with the occulus in a short while. Meanwhile the book with readable writing was far more important hopefully it wasn't just bored scribbles of a mage gone mad. That brought another twinge of worry what if the survivor if that what this was had indeed gone mad and was not used to seeing another living breathing human. Jenny gulped a little the thought of facing a sane mage was bad enough but one that might have gone bonkers... better make sure her blade was at hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The oculus was vibrating violently, it's glass impossible to see through. Well that was that... still atleast she had a book to inspect. Hopefully the owner wouldn't mind if she took a peek.

The girl leaned over to read "Dear, diary. To--" the book slammed shut fairly violently, interupting the music for a very brief moment. Before incredibly a small little stick tapped gently on a tables edge starting the atmospheric music once more. The book was shut... it was a diary?

The table didn't hold anything else of interest, unless the girl decided to rummage through the numerous failed scribbles with chance of finding something of note beaneath them.

Without the risk of its owner returning and being bonkers, this place was likely the safest and most comfortable place to relax for the heroine. A small teacup and teapot stood on the small table near the finely made leather sofa.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was sudden.... still there was plenty of other things to explore. Bending down she inspected the rug with Servo trying to see what he found so interesting. After looking at the rug for a moment Jenny sheathed her blade. If the mage was bonkers she doubt the weapon would do her any good anyway and if they where sane looking as nonthreatening as possible was just as good. Though given the dear diary line she read Jenny had a sneaky suspicion that the mage may in fact be a woman. Still if said mage hadn't returned Jenny would go look at the mirrors and look at some of the books on the shelf.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sheathed her blade aside and walked to the rug. Kneeling down and running her hand across it the girl came to a conclusion - it was indeed a fine rug. Nothing else of note.

Meanwhile Servo was busy inspecting himself in the mirror, likely the lil golem didn't have much of a opportunity to find out how he looked... or maybe he just missed his family. The numerous mirror images reminding him of home.

Jenny approached the mirrors aswell, gently placing a hand on Servo to comfort her little companion. There were atleast nine 6 feet mirrors here, this mage really loved themself. Jenny was free to look over herself, though it was a shame the fire robe hid most of her features, atleast her beautiful face made even the baggy robe work.

Approaching the bookshelf Jenny could help, but look up at the rows upon rows of books. Some even shuffling out and in of place as if being sorted. Most of them didn't have their names visible, Jenny could grab a few out of curiousity sakes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aww don't worry Sir well have you home soon I hope." Jenny checked herself out in the mirror doing some poses before heading to the bookshelf. Letting her intuition guide her Jenny grabbed a book and looked it over. If it was more of those scribbled funky arcane writings she would place the book back if not she would see what the book was about. Never really one for book learning as Christine called it Jenny was still a curious girl and would often look of Lina's books when she was studying. After looking at the book for a moment unless it proved to be interesting Jenny would place it back in its spot and look to Sir. "We should get going Sir Im not sure I want to run into who ever lives here they might be crazy." Jenny moved towards the portal hopefully she didn't linger to long.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny picked out a book and opened it up mid-way, well there were tow surprises here. First it was actually readable! The second... this was no learning book at all, from what she could tell it was a story about a Spirit mage and a nymph archer. Though the more Jenny looked it over the more it was clear this was a fairly erotical tale... the succubus slowly closed the book and looked over the bookshelf, what if...

The girl placed the book back, it shuffling out of that place and into a new one, where it was before. One more book! Jenny pulled out another one and looked it over, it was also a erotical adventure book about an seamstress fleeing her fate. Jenny curiously flipped through the pages, honestly this was very well worth a read. She was about to check the current pages only to note, quite a significant amount of the book was blank?! Jenny quickly retraced to where the letter end only to note more and more of them fill up the previously blank page. It was currently writing itself.

Jenny was free to take as many or none of the books, they did catch her interest if she ever needed a breather from her current predicament. Whatever her choice was Jenny did not want to linger here for too long, she called over Sir and walked over to the tear and through it.

She was back in the bleak, desloate, silent and dark underground area of the academy... after that relaxing break it was almost heartbreaking. No... it wasn't completely silent, Jenny noted a sound of a pair of doors being movd by the wind. On the right side of the area she noted a double door widely opened... she could've sworn it wasn't like this before.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and motioned to Sir to be quiet. Looking down the hall she pointed at the newly opened doors and began to quietly move that way. She had to check it out what if it was a different kind of creature then what she had fought already. She didn't like the thought of something that could open doors chasing her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny keeps an eye out
48 vs 34 !!!

Hell-hound spotted!

Jenny slowly approached the door, but around mid-way through a fearsome howl pierced the air! The girl gripped at her blade and turned to the howl location. It was big... almost the size of a good horse a wolf, no hound approached her. It's maw shinning with teeth, a pair of bright red eyes looking directly at her as it slowly stalked its way forward
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Balls! it had seen her. Jenny drew her blade and then thought better of it. She turned and ran back to the tear in the columns she had a head start and was fairly fast maybe she could reach it before it reached her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Speed check:
42 vs 37

Hellhound is faster!

Jenny gritted her teeth, this was not a battle she would rather have. The heroine quickly dashed forward towards the tear, she was fast... but not fast enough.

The hellhound lunged infront of her growling menacingly, cutting off her path. It's bright red eyes looking over it's pray, as its body shifted into a good lunging position.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny cursed under her breath as she watched the lunging position. Thinking quickly she readied herself to dodge the attack before striking at the beast as it hopefully passed her by.

Jenny is fighting defensively taking -20 attack for +20 dodge
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hell-hound goes for a taste!
51 vs 60 MISS

Jenny steadied her breathing as she eyed the creature. The two watched each other for a brief moment, before the hellhound lunged forward!

With the telegraphed position Jenny was ready, the moment the creature moved Jenny rolled aside and out of the way dodging from the attack! The creature sliding a hefty amount away, before turning around to face her once more. Snarling in an agitated manner.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Now was her chance shifting her weight Jenny made a strike at the demon spawn trying to sever its neck.

Attack the hell hound while fighting defensicly -20 attack +20 dodge
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 61/70 PP: 35/35 EP: 35/35; BLINDED
Follow up to Fighting defensively
46 vs 45 barely hit

Jenny deals 25 damage!
Hellhound is kinda injured.

Hellhound uses Patch of Shadows!!

Jenny is blinded! Jenny no longer sees the hellhound!

Before the creature managed to turn around Jenny lunged forward tearing into it's dark coat with her blade. Making the hellhound jump back, some blood leaking from it. But seemingly closing up soon after the shadows wrapped around it. Though it wasn't as keen to lunger at her anymore...

The hellhound howled once more, making Jenny take up a fightign stance when suddenly a seeming dark curtain enclosed around Jenny! It was complete and utter darkness around her, the snarling of the animal somewhere nearby.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good Jenny had to get out of the darkness all the careful fighting she was doing would be squat if she couldn't see the thing attacking her. Braving a direction Jenny flat out ran trying to clear the darkness.

Flee away from the darkness at full speed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Darkness is 30x30x30 so Jenny has to move 15 spaces.
Jennys speed is 28 easily made it!

Jenny is out of the patch!

Hellhound uses Darkness armor EP- 5.

Jenny cannot see the hellhound!

She didn't just go blind! This had to be that odd dark curtain that enclosed on her! Meaning she once she gets out she'll be good! The heroine quickly got to her feet dashing out of the darkness.

Finally she could see again! The girl quickly looked around, but where was her enemy!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny searched for the creature and found nothing. Maybe it was still in the darkness best not risk it. Deciding on a retreat instead of waiting for the thing to appear Jenny ran once more looking for an narrow hall where the thing could only come at her from one direction.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts to flee
Speed checks: 29 vs 43 [A critical 1... now? T-T ]
Jenny fails to escape

Patch of darkness stealth attack!
Hellhound has grappled Jenny!
The girl looked around briefly, where did it go?! Jenny already had a plan in mind when suddenly the hound erupted from beyond the shadow curtain claws first. Completely blindsides Jenny only manage a yelp before the creature was upon her.

Jenny felt the creautre land right on top of her, knocking her to the ground with the hellhound towering above. Thankfully she managed to raise her hands just in time to keep it's maw away from her head. The poor heroine had the worst luck with canines!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"SONE OF A BITCH!" And just like that Jenny was on the ground fending off the thing with one hand while the other reached for her blade. Thankfully it was light enough that she could grab it and maybe get a blow off.

Attack the creature with her blade
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grapple rolls:
70 vs 46
Hellhound wins

24 Tear damage done!

Hellhounds tears away at Jennys robes!
1/25 left!

Jenny reached for the blade the maw snarling at her, it was just too damn far away! The girl tried to shift the grapple to her favor, but to absolutely no avail... The hellhound was absolutely immobile.

On the brightside the creature wasn't trying to tear the girls face off. The bad news was that soon it's tail formed a fairly wicked blade and lunged forward up to Jennys chin!

The heroine braced for impact only to note it stopping near her skin and moving back. Her robe and bra perfectly cut in two and sliding off her body to reveal her naked body. This thing couldn't possibly be thinking off...