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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought the situation over. The wall would pose little trouble for her to fly over but then anything in the Academy would be able to see her. The choke point of the gates was dangerous but she could be silent as a mouse if she needed to. Frowning Jenny made her decision and brought her wings into hiding, she would go on foot threw here. Looking down at the little servo Jenny smiled. "To bad Mistey and Grace can't see this place. Maybe when this is all over Ill show them. That is if the place doesn't implode or something." Frowning at her own dark humor Jenny headed forward keeping quiet and letting servo know he should do the same.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two approached the busted up gates, Jenny going first through with Servo floating through the space right behind her. A cold chill ran down the girls spine as the scene revealed itself...

The main building of the academy loomed infront of her, from this distance it was fairly hard to tell what condition it was in. Jenny looked around, much to her amazement the grounds were very well kept, the white pebble trails leading all around the academy were in good condition, on her left and right at distance Jenny could see numerous wooden tables and benches, likely relaxation spots for the students here. And on either side of the academy in the distance the girl saw nearly identical buildings.

It would've been a fairly beautiful sight, except all fo the ground were absolutely FILLED with sickly looking humanoid figures. At distance it was hard to spot out any features, but there was a hundrer of them litered all around the ground. Some shambling around others, be it dead or resting on the ground or benches.
Jenny recalls reading that in places of great magical catastrophes, sometimes inanimate objects or even the dead are infused enough to able to move on basic motor skills, these creatures would be completely mindless and fairly savage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a grisly sight for sure and Jenny almost regretted not flying over the mess still it was possible to get past them all she would need to do is be very quiet and not draw attention to herself. Moving silently as possible Jenny moved avoiding large groups of the undead and drawing her blade. After all gun shots would be very bad for her right now.

Move silently with blade drawn and rifle secure behind her back.
If spotted she would sprout wings and get to the wall.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 64/70 EP: 35 PP: 35;
Jenny chooses to sneak past the courtyard.. here we go:
42 vs 48
36 vs 41
34 vs 38
48 vs 41 !!! SPOTTED
46 vs 54
40 vs 52
34 vs 41
39 vs 44
37 vs 49
45 vs 42 !!! SPOTTED

Two meat puppets spotted her!
Jenny knelt down just incase the creatures spotted her and proceeded forward ducking behind some of the benches, trash-cans or brushes alogn the way.

Though inadvertably she soon passed a few of the creatures by very close proximity, especially troubling were the wandering ones she had to wait till they pass. Wether she liked it or not she got a good look at what littered most of the courtyard, she'll wish she didn't.

The creature was slim, didn't seem to ever really been alive. It had clearly seperate pats compiling it's limbs. It's hands being made of 2 fleshy sticks wrapped tightly by skin like material, it's legs very much the same, but much thicker parts. It didn't have a stomach nor much of a lower body, just a fleshy base for the legs to attach as for the upper body only a replica of a ribcage, tightly covered by it's 'skin'. It's 'face' was of similar treatment each of the creature head differed in shape and size, but all had tiny black eyes, no nose and some of these things had a maw. Others just a mouth seemingly covered by the same skin like material.

Eyeing the grotesque figure and hearing it breath in a high pitch manner perhaps fumbled the girl as she didn't notice one of the creatures flanked her and slowly turned to face her. It was a fair distance away from her but soon another of the wanderer from behind her spotted her. They didn't scream or alert the others but they were slowly increasing their movements towards her. Surely if the girl took flight she'd be seen by ALL of these things... and she was more than half-way towards the academy, but if these things screamed out or worse... caught her... what then?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

They things didn't seem that fast but still she could keep moving. Picking up Servo Jenny increased her pace trying to avoid being spotted by more of the creatures as she continued. Still trying to remain quiet and stealthy as she could.

Same as before but more inclined to flight if more of the things spot her and get to close
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

32 vs 34+
30 vs 34+
34 vs 34+
35 vs 41+
31 vs 34+
48 vs 40 !!!
35 vs 48
30 vs 34+
One more! 3 creatures noted Jennys presence

Choosing to ignore the approaching threats for the time being Jenny quickly took Servo in hand. The tiny golem lightly flailing his hands around at the sudden lift off, but quickly calmed down and packed himself up into floating mode. He was surprisingly light for a fairly big chunk of rock though...

Jenny glanced above the bushes she was hiding, noting numerous creatures blocking any other passage than directly forward. Steadying her breath Jenny continued onwards, unfortunately this meant passing one of the abominations that was lieing hopefully dead right in the middle of the path. The heroine quickly proceed over it only to note it coming to life with silent high pitch squeel and turning its head to face Jenny, no doubt soon gettin up to it's feet aswell.

The other two creatures were shambling forward at surprising speed. Though not fast enough, as Jenny was already at the main buildings entrance. The main entrance seemed to be once fully glass, but it was just empty frames and numerous shard litering the area. It was a double entrance system having two doors follow one another directly. Thankfully this second door was in fairly good shape, even if it also had just glass walls, the glass while baet up was still there, the heroine quickly entered through the second pair of doors and closed it behind her.

She was now at the main entrance. There were no doors here, only on the sides there were several message boards litered with numerous academy and miscellaneous announcements. Infront of her was a double staircase, fairly well polished metal railings on it's sides and right down the middle. The floor was made of marvel rock, giving each step a light echo. Looking forward Jenny could see a some sign at the top of the stairs "The Kings Academy".

It was fairly roomy here, a cold and silent wind the only company Jenny had, excluding Servo taht is. Jenny couldn't even see the ceiling due to it being covered in shadows, the lighting was only whatever small sushine came from outside and the busted up glass did little to allow light inside. The academy was a tomb both in atmosphere and in it's cleanliness.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly ushered Servo up the stairs her blade still at the ready. "Come we need to find a hiding place before those things see us again." She had thought about engaging them they looked fairly frail but you never knew with such things besides what if they didn't come in one at a time she would surly be killed as the things didn't seem interested in Jenny's other attributes.

Moving up the stairs to hopefully hide from the three zombie meat bag things that spotted Jenny. The door and shadows should break the line of sight from the creatures giving her a chance to hide.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Deciding not to linger near the entrance longer than needed Jenny made her way up the stairs her blade still at the ready incase of any danger.

With each step up more and more of a rather beautiful sight unveiled itself, the stairs lead up very roomy hall, a huge sculture taking up most of the room, with the skylights raining down streams of light, throgh the fairly dusty and cold air. The sculpture was of two people on robes on their knees mirroring each other with the star gods symbol right above them, shinning with polished steel and golden engravings.

There was also some simbol on the ground etched infront of the display spaning most of the fairly wide hall. Numerous collums placed all around, this was likely one of the centerpieces of the university and it easily showed.

Looking around there didn't seem to be any enemies around and behind her Jenny heard a very half-hearted thunk at the entrace, but silence afterwards. Perhaps the coast was clear for now.

Jenny saw numerous passages out of here, there were 2 hallways on both her left and right side around mid-way through the room. And two double doors in the distance on either side going forward, near these doors she also saw hints of possible stairways.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This place was huge and was once fairly pretty. There had to be a map for new students probably one a notice board or even posted on the walls. "Okay Servo help me find a map. It wouldn't do us any good to get lost here right." Not that the little guy could answer but having a map of the grounds would be beneficial to say the lest. Still Jenny's voice wasn't more than a whisper the erie gloom about the place giving her some pause. Who knew what else could be in here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The moment Jenny spoke she could hear her voice silently echo through the halls. Unnervingly enough sounds of scitter and rustling feet echoed back. As some shadows passed from behind the far door on the right.

Jenny was not alone in this place. With the small golem placed down and given orders the two would look around the immiadiate area first before proceeding. Servos lightly light serving as his field of view... he was awfully interested in the sculpture it seemed, but soon enough started wandering around, but not too far ahead, before stopping his lights at a few boards nearby and pointed them out to the heroine. It was a dust covered collection of small notice signs reading "Shop" "Library" "Administration" all of them pointed to the left, was it the next corner or beyond was as good a guess as any.

If Jenny proceeded forward she'd come to the first hallway on her left. It had an excessively elaborate double door and two rooms on either side, both lacking signs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took the occulus in hand and examined the statue after all Servo seemed rather inclined to look at it maybe it held a secrete. After her inspection was done she took notice of the signs and nodded at her little companion. The Library might have a map but given the mage's usual notion of study it might be full of meat bags to. Still Admin might have a map as well and then there was a shop maybe she could augment her supplies from the place. Thinking only a moment Jenny moved down the hall quiet as a mouse. Fist stop was the shop after all their might be cloths that fit her instead of the rags she was wearing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sneaks in:
36 vs 31 Unnoticed
??? lays motionless
25 vs 29 NOTICED!
Peering through the oculus Jenny noted a massive amount of energy swirling around the object, even sparking fiery tongues to run off from it a fair ways. Also of note were the two robed figures, who kept looping the same way of going into kneeling and doing a some gestures with their hands.

Choosing to inpsect the shop first Jenny slowly sneaked in. The shop was of memoirs,trinkets, notebooks, pens and the like. Unfortunately most of it was in ruins, though the supplies seemed to be untouched completely, this place was not looted at all. Whether she picked some things up was up to her, but on the counter something caught her attention, Servo didn't dare follow Jenny in as he peered from the hallway inside. Lighting up Jennys way forward.

Jenny approached the counter to note, a flier with clear writing "Kings Academy, an introduction" BINGO! Jenny reached forward, when she heard a distinct rumbling from behind the counter. Looking over it was one of those things from outside! Seemed it hasn't noticed the girls presence, but it was very much... atleast seemed to be breathing and seisuring form time to time. The heroine could kill it to be sure, or just grab the sheet and get the fudge out of dodge.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny carefully grabbed the introduction to the academy book and made her way out of the shop and away from it and its "shop keeper". Things where looking up in this creepy place but at lest she had a map. Her next stop after a brife examination of the book was to the library. It was probably one of the first place's Lina went to investigate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny silently sneaks away the flier and legs is out of there!
34 vs 50 success!

Jenny held her breath as she extended her hand, eyeing the back of the creature who continued ot breath unevenly. The heroine ever so gently too the flier by it's side and lifted it up, some dust accompanying it up.

With the object in her hands the girl slowly moved it back to her and avoiding to make any ruckus, slowly sneaked her way out. Servo, beckoning her over with one hand while keeping an eye on the counter, though himself not daring set a foot in the shop.

One more step... Jenny quickly turned the corner upon exiting and sighed with relief. Servo raising his lil hands up in celebration and all too curious what Jenny brought out. Well then now to inspect what she had here...

After a brief inspection Jenny looked down to note Servo patiently waiting for his turn, the girl chuckled warmly and handed the small golem the map that it intently looked over. Next stop... the library, Jenny approached the door only to hear sudden loud stone clapping sounds and a tug on her arm! Servo was holding her firmly and shook his cristal side-to-side quickly, looked like he didn't want Jenny going in there.

Kings Academy, an short introduction.
Jenny gains the academy main building map
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the door than the paper and frowned. "Your right servo I would probably get zapped or something. Lets head back to the statue I have and idea." Jenny would take the servo's hand and much like a small child would walk with him back to the statues to examine them again with the occulus. "Okay Ser keep an eye out for trouble alright. Im going to try and figure this out."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo bowed lightly and locked down, his legs disappearing his body with the cristal floating above him and beaming a blue light ray, running it counterclockwise through the room. Seemed the lil guy had her covered, now onwards with her investigation...

Jenny placed the oculus infront of her eye and once more looked over the statue. The Star Gods simbol continued to blaze with magical energies as the two robed figures beneath it continued their loop. Each one first kenlt down, then kissed the hand before plaing it near their heart, the other hand tapping the left and then the right shoulder, before kissing it once more and squeezing it into a fist. Heads lowered at all times. And the loop just continued, obviously this wasn't exactly a sight for everyone eyes to see, it only being visible via the oculus attested to that... but what was the purpose of this? Asthetics?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the ghost images before her and looked back at the inscription on her borrowed book. "Well what do I have to lose?" It was a stupid question one that Jenny knew exactly what she could lose. Still she pushed those thoughts aside and watched the spectral mages perform their ritual again and again till she had it down pat being extra sure she didn't any detail before performing the actions herself. "I should have bought that primer on the star god." Jenny hopped she was indeed doing the right thing and not just making a fool of herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The heroine took a deep breath "Here goes nothing..." thinking over the actions once more she proceeded to mimic the images. It took a few tries, sometimes she fumbled the side, others used the wrong hand but her fourth try was nailed. The moment Jenny clenched the fist, a loud pulse escaped the Simbol of the star god. She couldn't see it without an oculus, but she felt the wind twist around her briefly. Servo taking a few steps back eye Jenny and then slowly moving his gaze back to the statue as the sensation of being surrounded by the unseen energies passed. Whatever Jenny did it seemed to work.

Looking back to the flier she could see the letters "And make as a someone of pure faith before his holy symbol." seemingly be blown away like dust. Though if she glanced away and looked back the paper didn't seem to have changed at all. Did this mean there were more statue she had to visit? At any rate Servo ever so carefully approached Jenny and gently tugged at her ruined clothes looking up at her curiously.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked down at the servo and smiled. "Well Sir it didn't kill me thats good. Though I think I might have to find some more statues before I can get much of anywhere." Jenny looked at her map again noticing the different collard dots. "Maybe these are the other statues Sir what do you think?" Jenny showed the map again to the little guy. "I think its worth investigating myself lets go and be very quiet." Jenny drew her blade once more keeping it at the ready as she snuck around the seemingly empty academy heading for the nature class knowing all to well that she was hardly alone.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo took the map eyeing it curiously... before flipping it over the right way. There were indeed some spots here and the blue one was placed right where the Star God statue standing near them is right now. Perhaps the heroine was right...

Stashing the map behind him, the small golem proceeded to follow the heroine keeping barely a decent feet between them as he glanced around worryingly.

Jenny approached the door which should lead to the nature class, on her left she noticed a fairly beautiful staircase leading down there was definedly another level of this place down below... but it would wait.

The heroine slowly cracked open the door, to reveal quite the jaw dropping sight. In front of her was a wast area of less than knee high-water, sparkling beautfully due to the sunlight illuminating the whole area. The whole ceiling was one big glass dome, though a decent chunk of it was broken in it only made the bright ray of sun even more gorgeus. To say the area was huge would be an understatement, it felt more like part of an exotic jungle than an inhouse gardening area.

Though that was also the problem, the plants seemed to have grown out of control, the roots dipping into the shallow pool like area. On her left there were step out of the water and into an elavated area, some white metal benches and numerous seats litered all over. On her right the area elevated to the more wild corner of the area the plants made it fairly inaccessable unless the heroine decided to do a little nature climbing. The thick flora not allowing easy flight.

Up ahead there was a completely different area, a clearing to be more precise with the glass obviously better kept there, but by now the lush natures carpet had already planted roots there aswell, upheaving fairly large chunks of cut stone. There were several places to look around here...