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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held Nico tightly not wanting to let go and breathed in her scent one last time. It brought a tear to her eye that she wiped away quickly. Stepping back she looked at her new family full of shame that she was leaving and not staying to help defend them. Her lips quivered and eyes watered but she quickly turned away so the girls wouldn't see the tears she was about to shed. "You guys be careful okay. I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to you." Having successfully held her tears at bay she turned to meet her sisters again. "Besides Im looking forward to that party and you all better be there." Jenny only waited a moment more for Grace before she left the bar after all she wanted to stop by Mistyes and Ezalor's one more time.

Im I going to have some time to spend xp?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It's a calm period. Feel free to spend it as you please.

Nico just as glass eyed as the heroine looked to Jenny, only turn her gaze down hiding her tear aswell. Hopefully this was not goodbye. Ashai gently pulled the elder succubus closer lettign her lean her head, while Nico herself gently wrapped her hands around the significantly shorter Tina. Jasmine and Ritta joined the company each smiling lovingly at the company. And with that Jenny was off. She still had 2 more places to visit...

Holding in her sadness and the burden of choice weighing heavily on her, Jenny made her way through the streets oblivious to all any people she passed, lost in her thoughts. Soon she reached Misteys, thankfully the shop was open. Jenny looked around, noting some of the light around already starting to light up, it would be dark soon...

Mistey was nowhere to be seen, but if the shop was open chances were the girl was here. However Jenny wasn't alone in the shop... a seemingly animated egg shaped rock contstruct was making its way across the shop, it's height around her knees. Rows of small square block with a larger circle at the end acting as hands. It's feet were two flat square stones, but the way it moved Jenny could see bright lightning like wines connecting the whole creature together. This was no alchemy Jenny ever heard off.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hello little guys is mom home?" Jenny smiled at the strange construct before knocking on the door. "Misty are you home? I was wondering if I could have some potions. Im heading out to find my sister." Jenny waited for an answer while she looked around the shop.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The contstruct turned to her and clumsily got to turning around like a penguin, one foot at a time, before trying to dash away only to fumble every few steps. Mistey didn't asnwer, perhaps the girl was in her alchemy labs... or maybe Jenny could follow the small golem, it was a very cute and curious sight afterall.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well she might as well. Jenny followed the little golem trying to see where the odd creature was going. It was strange following such a strange little creature but hey if it lead her to her friend then it was all good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny followed the little construct even helping him up after a rough stumble, it was soft to the touch likely because just how smooth the stone was. It unwillingly lead her to the backrooms, but instead of going to the alchemy labs it made a turn to the right and deeper into Misteys shop, before disappearing behind a cloth covered doorway.

The heroine brushed aside the curtain and look over in wonder, Mistey of all things wasn't just a potion maker. There were atleast 3 robust golems around 6ft here each of a different design, one was reminiscent of a knights armor with fairly well crafter halberd in hand, the other more a kin to a stone golem, but made mostly of triangles, oddly enough it lacked hands and the third was a mega-sized construct just like the one Jenny followed inside this workshop. Thankfully this trio was inanimated, the opposite to the numerous tiny golems near their feet.

Interestingly enough the small round construct wasn't the only one of it's kind, with numeorus of them running around in panic at the visitor wandered in. Jenny counted atleast 7 of them, not to mention the marmur stone cat from her first visit was here aswell!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Wow Mistey sure has quite the hobby." Jenny stood in awe of the assembled constructs. They where fascinating and it was to bad Jenny never got a chance to see Mistey work on them. "Well little guys its seems mom isn't home so be nice and stay put alright." With that Jenny would leave obviously Mistey and Rei where having some time together or at lest she hopped. Well it was off to Ezalor's for any last minute advice and to bath in his calming presence.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at the sight, even giggled as the two fairly cute golems butted heads into each other and fel back struggling to stand up. The heroine was about to leave only the moment Jenny moved the curtain aside she saw Mistey right there. Both eyed each other in surprise "J-Jenny... What are you doing here?" the heroine smiled sheepishly "Oh just curious about--" "Do you like them?!" Mistey quickly grabbed Jennys hands and grinned happily "They're my newest little creations! I call them Servos." she smiled happily picking one up.

The poor fella spazed a little bit, before turning to see who it was with. A small levitating blue crystal serving as it's face? Upon recognising who it was the little golem relaxed and got into a stern stance "I'm trying to train to be my assistants in the lab... later they can be serve as lab hands all over the world!" she grinned happily once more putting down the small servant golem, who saluted it's creator and stood nearby. Rest of the small golems calming down and eyeing the two girls silently.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I do they are very cute. Though they seem to wander a little bit I found one outside while I was looking for you." Jenny couldn't tell who the offender was but it mattered little. "I didn't know you made such things Mistey it must take alot of time." Jenny headed over to he knight looking one and eyed it up and down. It was to bad none of these little guys could defend the town. "How do you do it?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey giggled warmly "They can get curious." the alchemist looked her tiny army of assistants "Well when you love to do something, time doesn't matter." she sighed happily, looking over them while the heroine approached the much more dangerous looking ones "Those were... are my prototypes for the city defenders." Mistey approached Jenny, the tiny bumbling constructs opening a pathway across "When the fog came I decided to try and create constructs to fight off the waves of monsters" she gently placed her hand on the knight armor "I never dared to activate them. What if I did something wrong and they can't tell friend from foe, what if they hurt someone... I'd likely be condemned for using magic to begin with" Mistey lowered her gaze sadly.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Probably a good idea." Jenny looked over at the statues feeling some what sorry for them after all they didn't get life like their smaller kin. Though she doubted the little creatures or the big ones felt anything. "Did you make them differently then? I mean are they supposed to fight or are they like your little friends here?" Jenny was curious for sure maybe they could be used to help Nico if the Demon hunters got it in their heads to hurt her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The shell matters little, it is the energies you infuse them with is what defines how they act. Though each of this trio would've had a significantly different style" Mistey looked over her creations in a nostalgic fashion "Biggey Servo would be infused with water and earth, to protect everyone first at all cost, fight second." The girl proceeded to the more triangle golem "Shooter, Lightning and light, to secure perimeters... and..." Mistey stopped at the knight "The black knight, infused with fire and celestial magic... to destroy the enemies." the alchemist smiled meekly,
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mistey? What do you know of Nico and the girls who work there?" Jenny wanted to know what Mistey knew or how much. It was doubtful that the girl was completely naive to who and what Nico was and what exactly happened there. After all being Rei's lover would no doubt leave her in the position of secret confidant. Though what little Rei shared it was not in the realm of possibility especially if Nico and the sheriff had a fling.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey giggled warmly "Well I know Nico is the towns sweetheart and the morale of the town significantly increased after her bar opened up." the alchemist smiled lightly "I have some suspicions about the activities inside, but hardly anything else. Rei said to keep my distance from there, just like they keep to themselves aswell." she paused briefly "Though I do get a visit from Meril or some of the girls sometimes to restock..." Mistey looked around shadily "The morning after potions." she giggled girlishly "Whatever goes on in there it's definedly not just drinking..." the alchemist grinned happily "They all seem like good girls... Why do you ask? Is there something wrong?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well when I was taken I wasn't the only one. They took Nico to and Im just worried for her safety is all. Which brings me to my little bit of news. Im heading out tonight to rescue my sister. I was hoping you had some stock to spare." Jenny looked at the alchemist trying not to think that this might be the last time she saw the girl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Your sister?" the girls eyes widened "You found her?!" she grinned happily and ran up to hug Jenny warmly, the tiny constructs raising their hands as if cheering too, a few even looking at the others wondering what exactly were they doing "I'm so happy for you!"

"Ofcourse! Anything!" she leaned out smiling warmly "So where is she?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Shes in the old mage academ." Jenny let that sink in as she righted one of the tiny servo's that had managed to trip over its self. "Ive found the map and a way in but Im not sure how long Ill be gone."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The smile flatout evaporated at the mention of the academy "Oh... I'm so sorry. Ofcourse I'll help however I can" Noting the alchemists sudden mood change most of the small golems lowered the hands and silently watched, nudging one of their comrades who still kept his hands raised in celebration.

"C-come on, let's go check the alchemy labs for anything you need 'kay?" Mistey gently took Jenny by the hand and lead her out, the tiny army leading the girls out with some gazes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked back at the little assembled army and waved to them turning on that Nico's bar charm that she had learned. She was sad to leave them after all she just met them. "Hey Mistey I want to thank you for all that you've done for me alright and I just want you know that before I leave. Ya know just in case. I think you might have the right idea about the little guys in there don't give up working on them alright." Jenny smiled at Mistey trying to cheer her up even though things didn't seem that cheery at the moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Don't even say such things Jenny!" Mistey stopped midway from leading and turned to the heroine "You'll be back, there's no arguing about it! Promise me! Promise me or I won't help you!" the girl got glass eyed and clenched her fists, looked like Jenny was already considered a close friend Mistey wasn't going to lose.

One of the golems peeked outside as subtle as possible, that being not subtle at all... "Take some potions! Take an ally... Take a Servo with you then!... 'kay?" the last words had more of a desperate tone than a commanding one. Though the offers likely still stood, she just could say what potions she needed and actually take one of the Servos with her... then again why would she?