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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grinned it was fun teasing the Alarune but she wanted to hear her passionate cries. Looking up at the woman once more Jenny began to lick in earnest sparing no part of the woman's pussy. She coaxed Aylas clit from its protective hood and gave it a slight nibble before sucking on the sensitive flesh all the while holding Aylas to her face with her hands refusing to let the woman escape her assault.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

AS Jenny finally went on to the main course holding in her yelps and moans was no longer a option for the poor alraune. As Jenny finally heard clear signs of just how effective she was even without giving it her all. The woman gently leaned on one of the tentacles giving Jenny easier access to her treasure, as she dreamingly rested and indulged herself in the pleasure. Jenny had to admit the alraune had a very pleasant taste to her, as if sweet sap and the smell of fresh roses combined into one, be it conciously or not Alysa spread her legs and allowed Jenny fulls reign giving a sharped moan whenever the girl teased her more sensitive spots.

Her blush was evident, but Jenny took note just how active the rest of her plant body got. The pod was slowly opening, not allowing Jenny to see the full picture, but perhaps even more interesting were the roots and wines that were trying to latch themselves onto Jennys body, the alraune had quite a number of trick up her sleeve even if she was inexperienced.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

So this was the game then? Jenny grinned inwardly her perverse experience with the tentacles in a bottle having an effect on her that she didn't even realize. However as turned on as those thoughts made her she was determined to give Aylsa a run for her money by making the plant girl orgasm before her roots and vines turned the tables on her. Moving one of her fingers in Jenny began to penetrate Aylsa slowly at first but as she sped up she added more fingers till she couldn't fit any more in while her free hand rubbed her own slit causing her to add her own moans to the mix.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grinned in perverse delight as added the third finger into the mix finger fucking the Alraune out of her mind. ALysa wasn't even making an attempt to hide her arousal or just how pleasure Jennys touch was she played with her breasts and moaned loudly in sheer ecstasy "Ah~ Mm~! Right there!"

Meanwhile the pod seemed to shift itself slowly as the outer parts engorged themsleves, but none of the alraunes 'other' features made a move yet. Jenny just had to do one last push to force the girl off her limit... though what form of reward she'd receive... actually Jenny was a curious girl to begin with.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could feel that Aylsa was on the edge and all she would need to do is push her just a little more and so she did by alternating her thrust with her fingers twisting and grinding all in an effort to give the plant woman the best orgasm she's had from a woman ever.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny intesified and varied her finger fuck, leaning down to rain kisses around the alraunes treasure. With each thrust Jenny could feel Alysas body jerked light a sultry and silky moan escaping her from top. All the while the smells sights and sensations fueling the girls only self-tease to greater extents. It wouldn't take too long, the finger fuck, the teasing kisses and just the sheer sensation soon overcame Alysa as she jerked violently and soaked Jennys fingers. The succubus giggled lightly and licked her fingers clean, her job here was done, not to mention the Alraunes juices had a surprisingly pleasant rich sweet and refreshing taste to them, the girl hasn't had much experience in nectars so pinpoint it for her was fairly hard.

But perhaps the most impressive change was that other parts of the pod opened up revealing the alraunes pink, soft and very scented petals that were hidden before. Jenny stood with the alraune right in the middle of a fairly huge flower now!

Alysa panted hotly tweaking her nipples for a brief moment and turned to Jenny "So that is how... Thank you.." she giggled in a girly manner and gently placed one of her hands under Jennys face guiding her up lovingly and into a kiss. It was likely the Alraunes turn to return the favor...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let Aylsa guide her into a kiss more than willing to share the alarune's juices with her. Placing her hands on Aylsa's firm feminine ass Jenny drew her close and deepened the kiss. "It should be an experience everyone should have."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Alysa snickered mischieviously as her floral part shifted beneath them "Oh you've sparked my curiousity, Jenny. Let me see what I can do with you..." with that Jenny could see the flower grow bigger and it's petals slowly form a globe around them as Alysa held the succubus firmly, both seemingly sinking deeper.

The alraune slowly lied the girl down on the now fairly large space beneath them. The nectar from before likely seeped into the flower so Jenny lied on the blossom, it's warm, soft and fuzzy texture pleasant to the touch.

Alysa slowly trailed some kisses down from Jennys lips to her breast, before suckling on them lightly. The floral surrounding shifting as some numerous other blooms slowly opened up. One of them approached the girls it's head shaped in a tube like like fashion, no bigger than a finger. As Alysa continued to lick, nibble and tease on Jennys proding nipples the flower lowered itself to the succubus bust, the alraune squeezing on the breast aim giving the flower an easy target to latch onto and suck with great fervor.

The alraune grinned at the success and Jennys outcry leading another one near her and latchign it to the girls other breasts. The alraune herself right on top of Jenny, moved in to a kiss "Am I doing this right?" she grinned before kissing the succubus.

As their kiss continued a few other flowers appeared... or to be more precise - thick wines with odd endings "Which one shall I use?" Alysa turned to the collection. One had an bumpy ending, one something more a kin to a normal phallic form, another nuemrous small tendrils surrounding it... and there was far more. Jenny had quite a few choices here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was panting with arousal already having done a good job of teasing herself let along what Aylsa was doing. "Why.... not ..... both..." Jenny pulled Aylsa back to her filled with desire kissing the plant woman eagerly. before spreading her legs for the woman. "Your... doing... good." Jenny bit her lower lip waiting for the penetration.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The alraune leaned out briefly in surprise and giggled girlishly, honestly what other answer could a succubus give her "Alright then.." the alraune turned to the flowers and nodded lightly before turning back to Jenny "You know I haven't had a girl with me before, but with Grace's gift I won't be the lone girl around much longer."

Alysa darted forward back into the dizzying kiss, one of her hands running across Jennys body just feeling her out, trailing her curves with a very delicate touch. Soon though Jennys desire would be fullfilled as she felt something gently and slowly spread her folds, Alysa broke the kiss just to hear the succubus moans in full. Seemed the first one to go was the plain phallic wine, though it's various ridges and sheer size has something to say for being refered to as "plain".

Jenny cried out in ecstasy seemingly igniting sexual hunger in the alraune as she greedily lunge back to Jenny and locked her in an embrace, the wine already fidning a comfortable rhytm and fucking the succubus silly, with controled force.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ohhh the ecstasy Jenny was feeling it nearly fainted from the intense sensations but she held. Now that the woman had penetrated her Jenny could treat her to her other gifts. Supernatural muscle control ensured that the vine in her sex was pulled in deeper even massaged as her succubus traits began to add there unique effects on her partner. Jenny moaned just thinking about how good it must feel for Aylsa. "More more more!" Jenny coaxed the woman on trying to feel every ridge and bump her phallic like vines could offer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Alysa continued her kiss with closed eyes, breaking it only for a few moments panting hotly "So... this is what you succubi are capable of." she dashed back into the kiss absolutely drowning in pure sensual bliss.

Soon though oddly enough Alysa would break the embrace and lean out, removing the wine also. Jenny was about to protest but soon realised what was going on. Atleast 8 think wines surrounded restraining her hands and spreading her legs. One of them wrang itself around the girls bust squeezing down and slipping itself in between the sucked on breasts. The phallic wine still absolutely drenched by the girls on juices would approach her lips and demand entry, the bumpy looking wine would gently teasing against the girls other hole, while another wine made sure her pussy was well treated. Moments later the triple penetration proceeded, fucking Jenny in all manner of possible ways while the alraune watch the sight and fingered herself furiously. Seemed this spurned her to further pervesions as Alysa herself had one of the wines deliver her somekind of seed that the girl quickly placed into her folds.

Soon Jenny felt herself lifted up by her constraint arms, most of the wines removing themselves from the girls well fucked holes and made the succubus face Alysa, who used the small seed to grow another rod of her own. the alraune licked her lips with delight "I won't deny myself such a pleasure..." with that she took a firm hold of Jennys hips, the wines on the succubus legs spreading her widely for the oddly grown rod and with that Alysa parted Jennys folds her eyes and lips trembling at the penetration, screaming out in pure bliss once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So goood don't stop" Jenny wrapped her legs around her plant lover coaxing her deeper. Panting Jenny sighed as and jerked as she reached her own climax. It was about time Aylsa stepped up her game Jenny thought as she recovered from her orgasam. Looking into the alarune eyes could see the passion the desire. "Spaaare the roooood spooooil the chiiild and Ivvvve beeeen aaaa nauuught girlll." Jenny barley got her words out from the constant thrusting but knew that she could get them to the next level. Meeting the thrusts with her own Jenny soon picked up the pace bringing Aylsa along for the ride.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Alysa just continued to pant hotly, a very bright blush on her lust crazed face. The wines were not sexual organs, so they were only used on one-way pleasure for Jenny, but now it was obvious Alysa was feeling every single inch of Jenny "Ah~ mmm~ Jenny~~ how~ AH!" their sexes sang throughout the pod as soon the other wines made their return. The suction plants that so firmly were attached to Jenny quickly powered up as small little wines crept up from their tops and flatout tugged at Jenny, the precum from below making each thrust faster and now to top it all off Jenny felt herself swept of her feet as the feet restricting plants hoisted the girls legs up, giving Alysa all the better way to fuck Jenny while allowing another wine easy acess to her other hole.

Double penetrated, restricted, milked and deep in an embrace the girls drank deep of the perversion and sensual bliss, but before long Jenny felt Alysa tighten her grip, her moans becoming stronger and stonger her eyes hazier by the second before she exploded inside the succubus filling her way above the brim as a stream of nectar poured out of the very minor room that was still left between the cock and Jennys treasure.

Alysa was spent.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny panted as the vines slackened their grip on the girl. She was tired and nearly screwed senseless but she still went over and kissed Aylsa on the forehead and cuddled next to her as she drifted off into a sex induced sleep. Her last thoughts hoping Nico and Grace has as much fun as she just had.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny awoke to a beam of sunlight shiining down from the sky light onto her, she was still in the same room only wrapped in a surprisingly warm and soft huge leaf. The smell around was so reminiscent of the same scent back when she used to take the sheep out. A mix of wild-flowers, fields and morning dew. She'd also find a beautful white flower in her hair, likely placed lovingly by her lover. Besides that the room was very much the same as she first came here, the little garden of flowers were still blooming with little else here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wanted to rest here for a long while the smells of home bringing a tear to her eyes, but she had a sister to rescue. Getting up she checked herself over making sure Aylsa didn't leave her with any permanent surprises. Finding the flower in her hair she smiled it looked like she left an impression after all. Still it was high time she got back to town. Gathering her cloths Jenny dressed herself and went to see if anyone else was up and about.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The heroine quickly got dressed and after a brief self-inpsection ventured onward through the door. She was back in the 4 room 4 hallway complex, but could clearly hear someone talking in the what she presumed was the kitchen. She could go check what was the chatter abour or explore the household some more. It was her call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made her way to the kitchen after all it had always been the social heart of her home why would that change else where. Heading down the hall Jenny waited just out side the door and hopefully out of sight to hear who might be waiting in the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sometimes being sneaky and cautious is just not an option... Jenny carefully approached the door and before she could begin her eavesdrop it opened up, to a rather surprised looking alraune. She was around Jennys height, had the same green colored skin as Alysa, though her hair was bright pink. The unknown alraune smiled warmly and hugged Jenny "Found her~" also of note her petals were pure white, unlike Alysas purple... didn't the alraune say she was the only girl around or was this... still before she could muster any more thoughts she was pulled in to the room to a pleasant sight.

Seemed everyone was already up, Grace happily chatted with Darnell, while Nico, up and looking fairly well was chating with Alysa. Though the moment Jenny entered the room Nico dashed forward and hugged her warmly "Jenny! Thank Corini you're safe!" she gently wrapped her no longer wicked tail around the girls waist, though her wings were hidden. It was a pleasant sight to see her silver haired friend looking fairly healthy once more and smiling that pure smile of hers.