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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Surly the other guards where gone by now they had to be. Silently Jenny opened the door and made her way to the demon all to enthused with his current task. Jenny readied her blade and aimed for the creatures foul heart and struck!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny goes in for the assassination
48 vs 31 WIN

The demon humped away all too happy gleeful at his current task, a glint of sadistic pleasure in his eyes as the girl under him was looking away with her eyes closed, knowing all too well she'd be covered in his spunk soon. "Don't want to mess up your hair now do we... Open your mouth.." the demon licked his lips as he saw the girl turn to him and open her mouth submissively.

Unfortunately, he didn't catch the girls eyes lighting up as she saw Jenny exit the drawer with her blade out! The heroine quickly lunged forward, covering the demons mouth and impaling him right through his twisted and dark heart. In mere moments the demons corpse fel lifeless to the floor...

The purple haired girl quickly crawled away from the sight, her eyes wide "Y-you killed him?" she uttered out in disbelief "Who are you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wiped the blade off on the guards cloths before answering the girl. "My name is Jenny." Jenny wasted no time after telling the girl her name and moved to check the hallway again to see if anymore guards where present. Ignoring the girl for the moment while she made sure she had time to talk. If the coast was clear she would look back at the girl and speak. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With her blade cleaned the girl opened the door to the hallway and looked around. Indeed the coast was clear, atleast for now. Jenny turned to the girl made her introductions.

"I'm a priestess of--- the girl looked away in shame "Well I used to be a priestess of the star god. My name's Grace, Grace Turmin." she paused a moment "As for what I'm doing here... I-I'm kept as a... way to relieve the demons 'urges' ." it was one way to say a sex-toy, still her room was rather reasonable so she wasn't a complete slave. There was likely more to her life here than she said.

"You're one of the two girls they brought in arent' you? Nico's friend? You came to rescue her?! Please take me with you!" she leaned forward, determination to join Jenny sparking in her voice.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Use to be?" Jenny eyed the girl questionably. "So you have no faith left in you then? Because I could really use someone with some magical talent to get this off me." Jenny pointed at the leather collar on her neck. "Pardon me if Im asking to much but you don't exactly look like a slave and I find your sudden desire to escape a little hard to swallow as it where. Can you tell me whats going on and why your not chained? Also what about the other girls here do they share your feelings."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl looked down in shame "By now I was forced to break every vow I gave to the church... I do not deserve the title 'priestess' anymore." Grace sat down on the bed and looked around "The demons like to keep their toys in good condition... Once you submit they feed us, provides us with means to keep ourselves in shape... only to humiliate us again and again. Most of my sisters are broken already, they've even joined the demons cause and would fight fiercely for them." she clutched the sheets "Please! I can't take this anymore, let me escape with you. I won't give in like my sisters!" she shook her head violently "I won't!"

"That's one of the masters sealing collars. All the prisoners have those, though yours seems to be more powerful..." the girl pointed to the white silken collar she too had, though it seemed more like part of her lingerie "Only a very powerful entity could remove these... or a skilled mage." she looked up to Jenny "I'm affraid we're stuck with these for now."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well Grace if you want to escape you better realize a few things." Jenny looked over at the priestess. "If it comes to it we may have to fight some of your sisters and trust me on this I will not let them prevent me or my friends escape. Do you understand?" Waiting for a moment Jenny continued. "Also if you want to escape with me stop calling the demon that did this master. I don't care what else you call him but stop saying that word." Jenny looked at Grace again studying the girl. "My friend Nico is in here and we will need her help to get out of this place. If we can do that I know someone who can get these damned collars off our necks." Jenny checked the hallway once more. "Now hurry and stay quiet or else we will all get caught and If what Rosa told me was true I don't want to be turned into a demon anytime soon." If the coast was clear Jenny would make her way out and to the chambers across the hall these had to be where Nico was being held.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Luck roll 67 WIN

Grace didn't seem too keen to see this women hurt her sisters, but she didn't say a word. "Yes! Yes! Nico! The demons kept talking about her, she's in the ma-- grand demons private room the girl peeked out alongside Jenny "That room, but it's usually locked... perhaps when the demons looked for you they forgot to lock her up again."

The two girls slowly made their way to one of the rooms that lied infront of the entrance "Turn you to a demon? But that requires excessive exposure to corruption..." she eyed the very busty and beautiful, but seemingly normal heroine.

At any rate lucky for Jenny the door was unlocked, as she slowly opened the room exceptionally pleasant scents filled the air. Indeed Jenny could tell this was a very VIP area, numerous paintings containing perverse or lewd scenes were placed around the area, golden trim frames to hold them. The bed was easily enough for 3 people to fir as it was enveloped with see through silk. Rest of the bed had numerous mirrors, some drawers and oh~ so many candles.

Still on the bed she could a stunning figure, not quite making out who it was... but Jenny had a good guess.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I hope she still on our side." Jenny made her way slowly to Nico or at lest she hoped it was Nico one never knew given Rosa's shapshifting powers. The sudden thought caused Jenny to halt for a moment and look back at Grace. She had been beat twice by Rosa this could be the final icing on the cake. Moving silently as she could must Jenny went near the bed. "Nico? Nico?" If she could she would gently shake the girl on the bed and hope for the best.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pushed aside the curtain-like silk around the bed to reveal Nico! The stretched lightly likely recently sleeping or just resting. The silver haired beauty turned to Jenny and smiled non-chalantly "Jenny..." unfortunately her voice didn't carry the usual warmth it used to and her eyes were seemingly glazed over. Nico was not in her right state of mind at all, her collar unlike Jennys even had burnt out red simbols on it.

Grace out of curiousity peeked behind the curtains aswell only to be treated to a sight of a fully naked elder succubus. The girls heart seemingly jumped as Nico turned her gaze to her "Oh? And what do we have here... came to play with Nico." the elder succubus smirked lightly licking her upper lip, like a predator eyeing it's pray.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good not good at all. "Hey Nico we didn't come to play. The girls at the bar where worried about you so I decided to come get you okay. Upsie daisy time to head home." It was dangerous but thankfully the collar still held Nico's powers at bay or Jenny would just be another victim. Jenny looked at the collar to see if it could be removed with a lock or key. If Nico wasn't buying Jenny would try something else. Perhaps there was cold basin of water or some such she didn't want to have to resort to other means to get Nico's head back where it belonged.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico attempts a grapple but fails.

A cruel giggle escaped Nico as her eyes, blazed red briefly "Oh~ but I want to play here, don't worry I'll take great care of both you." with that the girl quickly extened her arms forward aiming to wrap around Jenny. Though the girl was much too fast and alert for such a simple and straightforward advance as she stepped back out of range.

"Alright I guess I'll just have to make you stay." the silvery beauty slowly stood up from her bed to reveal her tail. Unnervingly it was of a tirangle shape it's egdes glinting razor dangerously "Don't worry, I'll heal you up after you're nice and secure, Jenny. But I get to keep your friend, she looks delicious..." the tail whipped lightly, as Grace cowered behind Jenny. Nico wasn't listening to reason at all.

Jenny looked around the room for means to snap her friend back to no avail. Whatever she does she'll have to figure it out herself.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's mind raced Nico wasn't at all the way she should be right now. Whether from hunger or mind control she wasn't sure. "Oh Nico I would love to let you time me up but you see we have a present waiting for you and we are late for a party back at the bar." Jenny kept light on her feet defending herself to the best of her ability with out harming Nico. "But there are some guards that don't want us to get to the party. Just think of all the sad faces of your harem if we don't make it on time."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico attacks!
11 damage! [59/70]

Nico just emptily smiled at the comments, though there was a distracting blink. Unfortunately the lies, were getting Jenny nowhere as suddenly Nicos tail lashed forward doing a precise, but rather hollow cut at the girls shoulder. It was obvious the woman was just playing and just like she promised wanted to disable Jenny.

The elder succubus giggled coldly and continued to approach Jenny. This was no time to be fighting, not with all those guards outside! What could cause the woman to snap back... actually the way she mentioned Jenny was just by name, no weight behind it.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Nico the girls are waiting for you. You need to wake up and whose this Jenny your talking about?" It was another lie but maybe if she could get Nico to think about her or the girls she would bring her self out of it. After all she was no match for the girl in combat and in this state Nico might just drain her dry. It was strange and Jenny had little time for such games but she had to try something. "Tina and Meril don't you remember them they sure remember you."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nicos tail twitched lightly "The bar.. Tina, Meril... and Ashai, Jasmine, Ritta, Emilia, my sisters..." the girl grabbed her seemingly aching head "By the... how could I forget." Nico looked up, her eyes all too well known to Jenny once more "Little sister! Jenny!" she smiled widely, her voice clear of whatever taint it had. Nico laughed merrily and quickly skipped to Jenny giving her a warm hug, before locking her into a kiss.

Now that the womens body was close Jenny could feel just how frail and weak she actually was right now... "Jenny! You're okay!" she giggled warmly, before her eyes turned to Grace. The priestess was just covering throughout the whole ordeal and seeing a succubus with a tail and greater wings infront of her did little to comfort her. Jenny could feel Nicos hug tighten up as she eyed Grace briefly, her eyes having a strong spark of red energies, though she noted just how much she scared the ex-priestess.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." Nico stepped back from Jenny aswell and leaned against the bed "I'm just so hungry..." she clutched the sheets tightly. Looks like Nico was back.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned Nico's kiss though she did wince as the succubus squeezed her injured shoulder. "Nico this is Grace she wants out of here. That is if you don't mind escaping with two succubi?" Jenny looked at Grace and smiled. "Trust me Nico is the kindest succubus Ive met and lately Ive met a few I could do with out." Jenny looked back at Nico just as long as Grace didn't come screaming out of the room. "Nico can you tell me whats going on Im so confused Rosa said my sister is here and I just don't know if its true she said some many things and she wanted to convert me into a demon... how is that even possible."

If Nico was to hungry Jenny would offer up some of her energy to feed the succubus trusting that Nico would not hurt her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico breathed deeply, obviously the girl was struggling to contain herself and keep a straight mind "Nico... if you're hungry I could give you some essence" Jenny knelt down to catch her friends eyes "T-thank you, little sister... but I can't... they've put on this collar to prevent me from feeding. Leaving me with barely any essence of my own. We must get out of here..." Jenny had the very same collar, though fortunately she was not drained of her essence. To be drained nigh-dry and unable to restore herself, just how hard must it be on her friend. What did it even feel like?

Nico took a deep breath "Alright I'll manage... perhaps, the explanations could wait after we get out Jenny? But I can tell you one thing for certain. Your sister is not here." she smiled meekly, still supporting herself with the bed.

Grace slowly approached the two succubi "Of-ofcourse I'll join you. I've commited to this escape already..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded at her companions. "Okay Nico there are some tough guards at the entrance I don't know what I can do they are stronger than me. Do you know of any other way out?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No I've never been here before..." Nico look to Jenny with concern, if only this collar wasn't here the girls could easily bust out.

"I do..." Grace smiled lightly "There's a secret exit near the bunk house, noone will look for us there." the priestess paused briefly "...but that's almost at the other side of this place."

"So we either risk fighting off two elites... or the whole dungeon full of demons." Nico sighed "This'll be interesting..." it was Jennys call. Both options didn't promise much... unless the heroine had a third option.