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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was time to go and it hurt her greatly. She didn't find anyone she was looking for. There was one more hallway to check but Jenny would have to pass if she got caught it was over she didn't have the strength to fight off all the foes present. Fleeing tears in her eyes poor poor Nico Jenny made her way to the other double doors hopefully this was the exit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With her heart broken, Jenny decided not to look around the rooms for goodies and closed the door sorrowfully. Well likely her exit lied beyond the double door.. With her head hanging the girl proceeded onwards and slowly cracked open the double doors to reveal a uneasy sight.

Indeed she could see a flight of stairs leading up in the distance... but she also noticed 2 demons in twisted dark armor, standing guard not too far away and thankfully looking at the entrance, not her. Both their stances and obviously high-tier armaments told Jenny only thing - she tried to fight them she'd be captured in a heartbeat.

A cold chill ran down the girl, what was she to do now? Only to make matters worse she could hear a commotion in the throne room. The demon she slew was likely found!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well it was simple she couldn't stay where she was and no doubt the ritual would be over soon. Quickly Jenny made her way over to the rooms she hadn't explored just as long as she would not been seen by the guards. Hopefully the other area had someplace she could hide for awhile until the next dinner call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly proceeded down the only path she had. Still keeping her stealth in mind, the girl opened the door.

The place was huge! Not via a huge open space, but the numbers of sheer doors here. Walking forward abit Jenny could see numerous rooms. 2 room on her left, 6 on her right and 2 doors infront of her, these two lead to two rooms of differing sizes, one large and another tucked deeper much smaller.

After looking around the place a bit Jenny heard unmistakeable moaning coming from one of the rooms on her left. The closer one...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Was that Nico? Jenny had to find out and snuck up to the door to peak and see what exactly going on to who. After all two heads are better than one.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny approached the door and ever so silently and gently turned the knob... unfortunately to no real effect. It was locked, however she noted something odd the moans echoed from behind the second door, but significantly dulled and silenced. It wasn't the same room, so why were the moans so audible in both rooms?

Jenny could investigate or check the rooms scattered throughout the place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and fished for the keys her hostess had left with her robes and tried the door again. If that proved futile as well she would check each room as she could hoping to find an open door or at lest discover why she could her the sex going on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pulled out the keys that served her so well only to notice that there's no keyhole in the door. Likely the door was locked from the inside with a simple twist mechanism.

Still she was curious about this room, hell perhaps she could find out whether it was Nico behind these doors... The heroine slowly made her way to the other room subtly turned the knot only to feel the door open up.

With that done the girl peeked inside. The room had a view chairs all facing the wall to the left, which was actually see through! Jenny froze up at the thought that whoever was going at it would see her, but the vission was one sided. This was a voyeur room!

Judging it's safe Jenny entered the room and inspected the sight...
The girl in question wasn't Nico, she wore what seemed to be a priests regalia at some point, but now it was cut like just a black corset, with a miniskirt ending hallway around her firm ass, not covering the girls folds at all. The top was just the corset around her waist with nothing to cover her breasts. Seemed this was some kind of kinky outfit.

The girl was pressed against the glass with force as she moaned in bliss and ecstasy, giving Jenny a front-row view as the demon cock slid in and out of her, stretching the girls pussy it it's absolute max. It was a perverted sight and noone would know that Jenny peeped... but she was kinda in the middle of something.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The former priestess didn't look to be to distressed by the situation but then again she could be hopped on some sort of drugs but the lack of bindings seemed to indicate she was a willing partner in this. Frowning and now slightly aroused Jenny left the room being quiet and checking the other doors. It seemed she had found the training rooms.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slowly walked out of the room, the wet slapping noises and joyous moans leading her out. A thought to stay and watch did cross her mind, but she was an escapee in a dungeon... there's no way she'd risk it.

Looking around Jenny decided to check the group of 5 rooms, she slowly approached the first of the 5 and listened in. There didn't seem to be anyone there, gently nudging the door open Jenny peaked inside. It was a simple room, modest, but liveable. There was a stationary mirror, a small desk and a fairly robust, with a naked girl lieing on it... wait! There was someone here!

Jenny could spot a priestess garment in the room.
The girl was completely out cold.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the girl it seemed she was one of the priestess from the church. She didn't look bound but was out cold. Jenny didn't know if she should risk waking the woman up. What if she was in league with the demons? She best not risk and check the other doors before heading back to this one.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly checked the rest of the rooms, the second room contained mostly the same sight, but a different girl lied on the bed. Knocked out and hardly any chance to wake her up. The third room had a girl sleeping also naked and seemingly satisfied, but the fourth room would prove much more different than the rest.

Jenny slowly cracked the door open only to hear a yelp as a terrified looking purple haired girl eyed her with doe eyes, mostly covering herself up with the sheets "J-jade? Is that you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

At once Jenny's heart slumped. "No Im not.. are you a part of all this?" The blade Jenny had used was still with her stained with the demons blood in fact a good deal of it had probably run down her hand by now staining it. Jenny made no hostile moves but stood a moment trying decide what to do. If the girl did yell for help Jenny would be caught for sure but yet she didn't move maybe she wanted to believe that she was a victim as well.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl quickly jerked back into her bed out of fear "W-who are you? Why are you wearing Jade's clothes? Why is there so much blood!" the girls eyes looked over the bloodied blade in terror. Was this woman some kind of broken slave on a murdering rampage? "Wha-what did you do to Jade... Please, you don't have to do this..." she shivered visibly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the girl. "I didn't do anything to this Jade person I just found these cloths when I escaped." Looking at the blood on the blade Jenny sighed "This is demon blood from one of the guards." Jenny looked back at the naked woman. "Now tell me are you a prisoner a slave? I don't have a lot of time they will find me soon and I need to escape."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You're an escapee?" the girl seemed to relax ever so slightly as her eyes widened. Suddenly Jenny could hear the door to the sector open up as some armor resounded througout the hall.

"Quick come inside! Close the door!" the girl threw the sheets aside and beckoned Jenny inside. The purple haired girl was not in fact naked... to a lesser extent atleast. She had white lingeries complete with a garter belt and stockings on.

"You two both sides on Nicos chamber! Everyone else check the rooms!" a commanding presence echoed through the hallway, seemed the feast was over and Jenny had most of the security after her as numerous footsteps could be heard.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What could she do in the open she would be found but the fact the girl didn't sell her out immediately was promising. Closing the door behind her Jenny looked about where could she go. Looking at the girl and the bed Jenny made her way over to it and if allowed under it. It would be a tight fit at best but Jenny could deal with some discomfort just as long as she wasn't captured again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys approached the bed rapidly and aimed to sneak under it... but there was just flatout no room there. It was a low bed and at best small dog or cat could fit under there, but not a girl with a cup as glorious as hers!

"Not here! Quick inside the dresser!" Indeed there was a dresser there, Jenny couldn't see it due to the door. Hopefully Jenny didn't argue and even if she did she'd be almost forced inside by the unknown girl!

Soon Jenny could hear each rooms door getting slammed open as it was inspect and it was her room next...

The door slammed open as a demon entered in a powerful stride "Hoar!... W-what are you doing here...?" the girl kept a solid pokerface.

"We've found Tresin mortally injured, you've seen anyone around here?" Jenny froze up as she listened in, getting a good grip of her blade and planning her sneak attack...

"No... I was just here resting before..." the girl blushed and looked down, only to get a snicker out of the demon "I can tell why the master loves you... still innocent after all the times you've been fucked." the demon grinned maliciously.

"Clear!" "Alright this sectors clear move out!" the demon in Jennys room leaned out "I'll stay and keep watch on this place, captain." a scoff could be heard "Don't take too long with her. Rest of you to your patrol routes. The escapee is still in the dungeon."

Jenny could hear the guards march out... but the one that mattered stayed. He cackles vilely and turned to the girl in the lingerie "B-but it's not my night!" the girls weak protest fel on deaf ears as the demon unbuckled his lower armor to reveal a surprisingly long shaft, instantly shooting up. The purple haired girl just whimpered lightly and slowly got off the bed, she knew her duties...

Still with the door closed and no guards around, Jenny was in a decent position to strike! Though whether she'd wait for an opportunity to do so was up to her... she could potentially just wait it out or sneak out while the demon had his way. The options were there, now what would she do...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A familiar anger burned in her but she couldn't just let kill him outright his friends where still to close. So Jenny would wait if only for a little bit to make sure the guards where gone. When the moment was right and before the guard got to work Jenny would take him out as quietly as she could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gritted her teeth and decided to wait a little bit, be it fortunate or not if she didn't close her eyes she'd be a spectator of the demons gleeful power abuse... atleast now she took a good look at the girl. She was perhaps slightly shorter than average height, had very fair skin and around a bountiful C cup. Her big wide eyes were bright pink, complimented by her long curly purple hair. Likely the corruption had some hold in the girl by now...

The girl got to her knees infront of the impressive rod and with trembling, but very delicate hands took hold of the tool. She closed her eyes and just leaned forward licking the shaft right to it's base and back, gently stroking it along it's whole length. Though Jenny hated this moment, a stray thought of fucking or sucking off a cock of that length did cross her mind... whether she indulged or perversion was up to her.

The demon just leaned his head back and allowed the girl get his shaft nice and wet "Squeeze 'em" with a simple command the girl quickly leaned back and squeezed her breasts, allowing the demon to tower over her and get into a nice titty fuck position. He soon slipped his shaft in between the C's and began humping the girl roughly.
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