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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was an opportunity for sure but she needed to act fast. Grabbing some of the spices if they where nearby Jenny would doctor up the food making it taste as bad as it could. Garlic, pepper, salt anything that was handy that to much of would ruin a meal. Dumping each fully into a pot she would then take her leave closing the door and moving on to the long corridor searching for an exit.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Round 11 passed
Luck roll: WIN

Jenny decided to really spice up the food served as she literally threw everything into the pots and heaters, before making a swift exit. That should keep them of her back.

Deciding it was best to back away Jenny quickly made her way back the hallway, once more carefully peeking into the oh so familiar circular hallway. Well she wasn't going to the ornate room, the long hallway it was.

Jenny proceeded forward frozen up in tension. If anyone entered the hallway she'd be spotted instantly. Luckily seemed she picked the perfect time to advance.

Closing in to the door the girl listened in to what lied beyond... and it was not what she wanted to hear. Numerous laughter and a dishes echoed throughout the chamber. There were too many voices to get a good head count... unless she decided to proceed through here or do some trickery in the kitchen there was only one real path for her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was the mess hall for sure and Jenny didn't feel like becoming the main course so she moved on leaving only the ornate double doors to check. Her heart pounded as she approached the doors and repeated the same steps of listing peaking and moving. Though this time for sure she would run into someone or something.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

And her hunch was more than correct... Jenny approached the door and the moment she was about to lean forward and listen in, it opened up right infront of her. There wasn't much for the girl to do as she was right there plain as day...

Looking up Jenny would recognise who it was, the demon who so eagerly to fuck her earlier. Both of their eyes met in mutual shock... well this was quite the turn of events "What... the..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Maybe it was her nerves or the surprise but Jenny quickly thrust into the demon with her borrowed blade. It was a fight she wasn't going to let this demon take her back to her cell or worse yet deliver her back to Rosa.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lunges forward!
42 vs 45 fail! [Seriously Jenny what is with these '2' rolls]
Demon attempts to grapple!
34 vs 40 miss

Jenny cried out as she lunged forward the blade aiming directly to the demon! Unfortunately the demon managed to sidestep, making the girl to just lunge into the room!

This was no ritual room at all! It was a fairly huge hallway with numerous brilliantly carved collums a total 10, five on each side. Throough the middle there was a fairly expensive looking rug, it's ornaments mostly in black, red and white. The main piece of the room though had to be the throne, even with the briefest glances Jenny could see it was far too big for a simple human and was off exceptional craftmanship.

Still she had battle on her hands! The demon quickly lunged forward after the girl trying to lock her up in his hands, only to grasp air as Jenny rolled aside!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had to end this quick or else he would summon his friends into a fight. Lunging again Jenny went in for a killing blow. The demon a skilled warrior or rather more skilled then Jenny simply side stepped out of the way leaving Jenny into a throne room of sorts. Still she could inspect it later for now she needed to end this fight. Regaining her footing after dodge the mans clumsy grab Jenny thrusted at him again trying to put the man down for the count.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny impales the demon!
58 vs 45 HIT!
23 damage!
Demon goes for a grab again:
43 vs 40

Jennys is in a grapple!

Jenny quickly found her footing only to see the demon looming over her! With such a sure-fire position Jenny thrusted forward impaling the demon on the short sword! Some blood splattering on her hand.

Though the demon didn't stop his attack and soon got a good grab on the girl and roared out victoriously "Don't fight me damn you!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It had her in its grasp. She had gone through to much to be caught now. "NO I won't be taken back!" Jenny tried to get a blow on the mans wounds.

Unarmed attack the wounded man
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shows off that willpower!
59 vs 47 Grapple check winner!

Jenny attacks the demon!
13 damage!

Demon succumbs to his wounds. Jenny is free, Tresin is unconcious!

Jenny squirm strongly, her body in the tight and silky clothing brushing against the demon just pefectly enough for him to offer the pefect chance for the girls heel to dig itself into the family jewels.
The demon yelped out as he released the girl and fel to his fours, coughing out some blood and falling over unconcious. The battle was hers... she could always make sure and decapitated the demon...

Whatever she did the girl was now alone in the throne room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked down at the demon and moved on she was trying to get out of here and doing anything to him would just slow her down after all their fight probably made alot of noise. Jenny looked about for the next door to see if she could make it out of the damn place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Leaving the demon be Jenny looked around. It was quite an imposing and grand sight. The ceiling was covered in darkness, each collum had atleast 1 ornate torch on it burning a blue flame. Once she stopped gawking at the exceptional masterwork around her. She'd notice there was one side door much like she cam from. And a very impressive double door at the end of the rug.
Jenny entered the room from it's right side so she's looking at the room left side is the big ornate door and right side is the throne
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

If this was the throne room then the double doors must lead to another important chamber. Heading for the single door Jenny quickly checked it and took a peak she was running out of time and needed to hurry.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny peaked beyond the other side door, though she didn't even to listen in to hear what the very short hallway lead to... the laughs and dishes echoed loudly, perhaps even a fight broke out in there. Neverthelesss if Jenny doesn't finish her escape soon, likely the feast inside would end soon...

Unwilling to join their feast Jenny backed out and followed the rug to the elaborate door, there honestly was nowhere else for her to go. She slowly pushed the faitly masisve doors to see the rug extended further on down a small flight of stairs.

There seemed to be another connecting hallway here. Some fairly twisted, but very impresive armor stood on display on both sides. The torches atleast flickered in their natural color here. Taking a deep breath Jenny proceeded further still and pushed the doors open once more.

She was now in a very beuatiful and decorated hallway. Another pair of heavy double doors infront of her and two doors further down the hall on both sides. Making her a choice between left, right and forward.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

From her position left would lead her back towards the compound and the right was still a mystery. Forward might lead her out or it might lead her right into a trap. She had to choose and soon. Looking between the doors she chose the right door and hopped it was the right way. Still she was still cautious and listened before opening.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed her options briefly and turned her gaze to the door on the right end of the hallway. The double door while tempting didn't seem like the best choice.

As usual Jenny made sure she'd be as quiet as possible when proceeding. Though it seemed to be safe. Behind the door there was a completely different section. 5 doors aligned across the wall infront, each showing expert woodwork, unlike the bulky metal doors in the holding cells.

Whatever conclusions Jenny thought of the sight she had a choice of 5 doors infront of her... and one other door to the far left. Though this one was reinforced with dark steel ornaments.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This must be the living chambers if Nico wasn't in the cells then she might be here. Jenny rushed quickly to the ornamented door and listened if she heard nothing she would take a peek.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Being the brave girl that she was, Jenny went right for the dark stell ornamented door and listened in. It didn't sound good at all...

She could hear some energy buzzing and numerous voices chanting, likely this was the ritual room! She couldn't make out anything clear, but dare she take a peek inside? Getting caught snooping there may lead to tragedy... but may give the girl vital information. It was a great risk to linger here, would she take it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused at the door there was just to many people that could see her if things went bad. In stead she opted to check the other rooms one by one listening and peaking if things sounded clear.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Feeling uneeasy at even peeking inside Jenny stepped away from the omnious door. A sense of relief as if she just averted disaster flowing over her. Still there were 5 other rooms begging investigation here.

Jenny listened in and checked each room. The first 4 rooms were nigh-identical, seemed she was right. This was indeed the living quarters, the highter tier rooms. Each room had numerous silken curtains covering the plain stone walls. Actually it reminded the rooms back in the bar, though over here they seemed much more rough and had an unpleasant feel about them. Still unless she made extra effort to search each room there wasn't much to note in here.

The fifth room though was far different. The room was much larger and didn't have the pleasant scents, nor the silken curtains covering the walls. It did however have a signifcantly larger bed and gold ornaments, be it light stands or whole actual paintings of people and places Jenny couldn't recognise. Whoever lived here was of high ranking.

Jenny didn't have too much time, it was best she doesn't spend too much time here. Not to mention she didn't know if the ritual would end soon...