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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh sweet Naya here me I could use some help. Quick Nina we need to get to the attic this way!" Jenny kept leading the girl along doing her best to keep any apparitions or Nick at bay
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"This way!" Jenny quickly dragged Nina into the room on her right and slammed the door shut, thankfully it had a twist lock on it. Giving Jenny a moment to catch her breath. This room was the manors music room with a piano and all manner of instrumets scattered around. Perhaps she could buy them some time by blocking the door?

With that thought the door slammed violently! Almost breaking the lock, showing just how little time Jenny had to decide.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Quick Nina help with the piano!" With Nina's help hopefully Jenny would push the piano to block the door while she kept an eye out for any of Nicks ghosts. With the door hopefully blocked Jenny would lead Nina to the attic and the mirror.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly got behind the piano and beckoned Nina over both girls rapidly started pushing the object when suddenly the door slammed open the ghost was barely recognisable at this point. His eyes spread widely, chin blockier, mouth filled with razor sharp blades and most of his torse was covered in blackness, shimmering and stretching otu numerous tendrils at the girls.

"PUSH!" Nina quickly beckoned to Jenny as both girls heavied the piano making it forcefully roll right at Nicks apparition and slam into a nearby wall causing it to once more disappear in smoke. Though this time, there would be no rest...

A loud roar echoed throughout the house, making it shake and churn. The blackness started actively seep through the windows making approaching them seem very dangerous!

"Go go!" Jenny quickly pulled Nina on her hand once more and into the laboratory which was nigh-covered in the ooze. The girl would've just ran up the circular stairs to continue her mad dash when suddenly a few arms black hands formed under Nina grabbed her! "HELP!!" the girl cried tugging at the hands.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had no time for this ghosts antics so she took the cursed blade and slashed at the shadowy arms hopefully freeing Nina. "Come one Nina where almost free we can do this fight him I know you can do it." If she successfully freed Nina they would keep moving to the goal the mirror in the attic.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The cursed blade easily severing the arms and making them disappear, Jenny turned to Nina and after a few words of encouragement extended her hand to help the fumbled girl up. "A-aye!"

And not a moment too soon, as the house churned once more. Looking back Jenny could see a flood of the dark smoke crash it's way through the music room.

The duo quickly got to the circular stairway and aroudn midway up the black onslaught quickly smashed into the stairs. Making the metal cry out from the force. Still both girls were out of it's reach and the metal staircase held firmly allowing them to get up.

Jenny quickly helped Nina up and looked around the mirror was still there and it shined a bright light to boot! Perhaps this was their chance!

The two girls approached the mirror, but to no real effect! It just stood there, shinning away and no amount of bashing touching or yelling seemed to affect it!

Another roar rocked the house as the black smoke quickly shot up the stairway and lunged at them like some foul dune worm, only for the mirror to activate and slam a beam of light into the darkness piercing it!

The darkness quickly gathered into the form of Nick as Jenny first saw him, panting heavily obviously he was hurt.

A light figure appeared with no distinguishable features from the mirror "Nick Lawrey, you are found guilty of the murder of Tina Burns, Yung Styva, Joal Ygret and Nina Brensley. Your sentence is death..." a rope quickly dropped from the cieling wringing around the apparitions neck, much to it's yells of anguish! Spitting curses and squirming Nick soon found himself raised off the ground with the noose firmly around his neck and with one final tug, the culprits neck was broken. His shadow burning up in light.

"You... saved me..." Nina turned to Jenny "I'm ALIVE! I'm alive! Thank you thank you so much!" the girl hugged her heroine tears rolling down her face. Nina leaned out from the hug and a blink later Jenny could see the girls form jump into the mirror. Just like that she didn't even notice when she got back, but Jenny stood in the burnt down manors attic once more. This time the mirror showing her reflection as Nina... in a burning attic.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took a deep breath and touched the Mirror again waiting for the inevitable disorientation. She knew that Becky had fled to the bathroom and she knew where it was. What a horrible way to die.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gains Ninas Boon
Ninas boon grants Jenny infinite EP, 50 base casting and Experienced caster
Jenny can now cast any mage spells up to lvl3

Just like expected Jenny instantly blacked out upon making contact with the mirror, her second challenged layed ahead and in the darkness she could her objective "...survive..."

Jenny woke up lieing on the floor in the attic, though it seemed surprisingly hot in here... and bright. The girl looked around - the attic had smoke and fire tongues dancing around. Not that much to impede her, but enough to be of threat!

The girl quickly covered her mouth from the fumes, she had to find Becky as quickly as possible. Though this time seemed she wasn't in her own body. The girl could sense an inexplaineable power surge through her. It felt like she could manipulate her surroudnings... like a experienced mage.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unknown knowledge filled the girl and she felt a serge of power that rivaled any sex she ever had. The urge to flex her new found strength nearly overwhelmed Jenny but she remembered she didn't have time for such games. Eyes blazing with power Jenny began to chant a spell she had never known in her life. "Aqua spiritus meam audient invoca. Exi et serviant mihi." The words unfamiliar until now had no meaning to Jenny but through Nina she know that a water elemental was being summoned. The elemental soon came into being and stood waiting for her orders. "Keep any fires you find extinguished! Do not let this room catch fire any further. I must rescue my sister." Jenny shuddered at her own words her sister Becky wasn't her sister Lina was. Confused at the slip Jenny hopped that her exposure to the spirits wouldn't lose her self in the spirits lives after all she is a succubus her own soul was damaged no telling if Nina and Becky wold get trapped in her well. Shoving those thoughts aside Jenny rushed down the stairs heading to the bathroom and what ever challenges that may await.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Round 1 start.
The water elemental quickly got to making sure any potential fire in the attic would be stopped as Jenny herself quickly ran to the circular staircase. The metal was blazing hot, so Jenny had to take every step carefully even if she was rushing touching it with her skin could cause serious injury.

Jenny quickly got to the laboratory only hear numerous bottles and beakers pop from the fires, she would've just passed them, but seemed Nina once more provided insight to Jenny. There were some chemicals that if exposed to extereme heat causes poisonous fumes to emit from them, other may have explosive results. She could stop and make sure those chemical were tended to or rush to Becky downstairs. She'd be risking her sisters life, but if those chemicals go off getting back through here will be a significantly harder challenge.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As much as Jenny wanted to run by the chemicals she had to do something about them. Letting Nina's memories guide her Jenny made sure the most dangerous chemicals where soon tossed out a window or if baring a window frozen with water magic to make sure they took awhile longer to explode. She didn't have alot of time so she hurried down the stairs moving ever forward to the bath.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses lvl1 Freeze, the Chemicals have been neutralised.

Round 2 start.

Jenny decided to stop and take care of the chemicals, what would be the point in saving her sister if they had no way to get away to safety. The girl quickly ran up to the shelves keeping the chemicals and spotted out the ones she needed. It was getting really hot. The fires made use of water magic all the more difficult, but Jenny still managed to focus enough energies to a ball of icy magic and threw it at the shelve cooling and freezing the chemicals in question.

She wasted enough time here, Jenny quickly dashed out passing the music room, which seemed to have suffered signifcant damage already the same piano she used against Nick was now destroyed by the fire.

Passing by Jenny entered the shrine room, most of the paintings either bubbling from the heat or flatout on fire. Jenny could once again see the shrine to Naya, though this time the flowers and pots placed around it were on fire the tongues of flames dancing around the shrine.

"NI-NA... NINA!" Jenny could hear faint cries from downstairs "Becky!" the girl almost out of institc called out to the girl. Obviously Becky was already great in danger!

Jenny quickly ran down the stairs though this floor was greatly aflame, the smoke making breathing significantly harder and reducing Jennys vission rather greatly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The smoke was getting intense Jenny/Nina rushed even faster casting buffeting winds to keep the smoke at bay. Her sister was in danger she needed to help and fast. She was close soon they would both be safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses buffeting winds.
The winds clear the smoke and give a way to breathe.
The winds empower flames.
Jenny takes 2 damage from the heat. [58/60]

Violent winds quickly enveloped Jenny forcing the smoke away and clearing the line of sight for the mage. Though with the winds constantly blowing at the fire the heat started inscreasing exponentially. Jenny quickly made way past the hallway, her spell granting her much easier travel. She made her way into the study with one final obstacle in her way, the study was absolutely alight in flames the old books serving as exceptional food for the flames.

Unfortunately the door to the bathroom, has suffered the same treatment. It was impossible to touch the knot on the door without leaving half of your palm to it. The metal was red hot. Still the door was signifacantly damaged. Jenny just had to give one more oomph at it.... though she better make it fast as her winds spurred the flames around her. Already making her skin sting.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The answer to the flaming door was simple. Once again Jenny's eyes flashed with power as a spell unbidden came to her mind. "Artium arcanorum potentias custodiam meam invoca. Pulsate qui fuerant ante me aufer!" The spell completed a small bolt of force flew from Jenny and pulled the door revealing the bath. Hopefully she wasn't to late.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses force bolt.
Door is knocked open!

Jenny takes 5 damage from the increasing heat! 52/60 hp left.

With the incantation done, a forceful bolt of energy shot out at the girls will, smashing the door open causing a healthy amount of smoke to rush out and onto Jenny winds dispersing them lightly. Hopefully she wasn't too late "Becky!" the sister quickly rounded the corner only to find Becky limp in the bathtub.

A cold chill ran down Jennys spine as she quickly ran up to the girl and pulled her out of the bathtub. "N-Nina? You came back for me...?" the girl voice was exceptionally weak, she had severe burns from the water heat and fire around her, not to mention a healthy dose of smoke in her lungs, but she was still alive! It was up to Jenny to make sure she stayed that way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I got you Becky you silly girl come on lets get out of here." Jenny hoisted the girl up and cast Healing touch on her while moving back to the stairs. Holding Becky as close as she could Jenny made sure her buffeting winds helped the girl not inhale anymore smoke. Moving threw the manor Jenny made contact with her water elemental to check the status of the attic.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses healing touch.
The evaporated water causes Jenny not to take any more heat damage, but increase any further heat related harm she takes.

The bathroom had a very dank and heavy heat to it, instead of the rest of the manors dry and stingy, whether Jenny liked it or not her skin was coaked in hot water causing any further heat to drain away at her instead of just sting.

Jenny lied Becky down and after another incantion her hands were alight while healing magic. She gently pressed her hands against Becky, restoring the girls skin color from burnt to normal. Hopefully she'll be just fine. With that done Jenny gently raised becky on her back into a piggyback and went right out, she needed to get to the attic. The fires fed by the bufeting winds aura Jenny had spiked harshly eating away at the house infrastructure, the whole thing creaked and cracked heavily.

Nina once more directed Jenny gaze to the door leading downstairs Jenny knew that the main support beam rested down there and judging by the smoke coming from down there it was very much on fire. Going down there will waste even more time, giving the fire a chance to wreck havoc on their further advance upstairs, however if unattended the house may start to crumble! Would Jenny place her hopes that it will hold and rush on, or attempt to reinforce the support beam but give the fire way. Making her journey forward more perilous.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny recalled that the major damage to the house was the study if she could clear that room then she could make it to the attic no trouble speed was more important this time. Casting Strength on herself Self Jenny felt her body move faster in creasing her speed significantly. She should be able to make to the attic in time even with a passenger in tow.

casting level 3 strength buff for speed
Moving on to the attic.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny takes 7 damage from the heat! 45/60 HP left

Decideding that the manor will hold, Jenny quickly incanted one more spell a brilliant white light swirling around her before getting absorbed into her body. She was more than speedy enought now! Though having both the winds and such a strentghening power was starting to work on the girls focus, still fixing Becky up on her back. Jenny quickly rushed forward.

The empowered flames seemed to have done a greater damage than Jenny expected as her steps on the stair left each one braking away closing any hope off using them again... this was not how she found the manor... still the shrine was completely ablaze with the windows exploding out from the heat.

The temperature around her was starting to get to Jenny, still she marched onward ignoring the searing heat tearing away at her, the winds around her seemingly the only reason the girl was frying alive.

Jenny quickly smashed the door to music room open only to be knocked back a huge gust! Part of the roof succumbed to the fires! Getting too close to the burning wreckage would surely deal significant amount of damage to Jenny... but she needed to get through. The girl recalled the path from earlier, meaning there was a way to run past the wreckage, but getting so close to burning pyre will be troublesome not to mention if there was some debris in her way!

Decided what you'll do with the lab door in advance also, it's too hot to open by hand