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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

So she was faced with the girls rooms. Nina's being the one ripped and Becky's being the one with moss growing on it. Both ghosts where deadly but she didn't know which to choose though she had been able to talk to Nina maybe she should try her door. Jenny headed to the statue to look it over for clues before heading to Nina's door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny approached the statue trying to make out whatever it was, but to no real effect. It seemd to have been female, but with all the grime, ashes and bruns it was impossible to tell whether it was one of the divines or here just for show. The peasant girl looked around, actually perhaps this indeed used to be a shrine area... but no longer anyway.

There was infact only 1 door that could hint at the sisters rooms, with the respected paintings on each side of it. On the right Nina's painting and on the left Beckys.

Jenny slowly entered the room. It was indeed the bedroom she suspected 2 fairly large beds rested here, barely skeletons of their former glory. A huge window illuminated the room, obviously this one was too high to block off like most of the windows on the first floor, though the intense heat of the fire blew all the glass out. The room also had 2 dressers and a small little nightstand with a single drawer.

Suddenly Jenny could feel a foreign wind rush past her and right into the night stand, the winds seemingly slipping inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was a hint if ever she needed one. Making her way to the dresser Jenny paused before opening it. "May I look inside?" If no answer came Jenny would open the drawer and see what the ghosts had lead her to.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No answer would come, but the drawer was not sealed like the door downstairs so Jenny had no problem opening it. Inside there was a small wooden box oddly enough in pristine condition. How the hell it did it survive the fire. The box contained 7 colored slides: Red, Blue , Green, Yellow, Black, Purple and Pink.

The importance of this object was rather confusing to Jenny. There was nothing else in the drawer. Whoever hinted her obviously hinted at this object. Though what would Jenny make of it was all up to her.

The room had been burnt down pretty badly, leaving nothing else of interest for the heroine inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Color coded just like the cryptic riddles the girls had made of their victims. "Where to now Nina and Becky?" She wasn't sure and if no further help from the spirits happened she would explore the upstairs as much as she could after all she did leave one door unchecked.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Honestly Jenny could start doubting the spirits were even listening to her, but the inaudible whispers at the back of her head and the feeling of being watched followed her through her exploration.

Jenny placed the box inside her pack and proceeded further on, gently closing the door to the bedroom. The other door, seemed to have a healthy amount of wind blowing from under it. The heroine took a deep breath and opened it!

A gust of wind threw her hair back as some winds raged from outside, seemed most of this room had collapsed blocking her way and leaving numerous fairly large holes to the outside, though looking up Jenny could see there was another floor in the mansion. Seemed the supports above this room didn't survive the burning. Still there was a possible passage through here that the girl could get through she could see another door leading further into the mansion at the end of this busted room.

There wasn't much else to do, but advance forward. The girl slowly bypassed any debris that blocked the way and opened the door to the other part of the mansion.

This room was significantly different from the rest. Mostly because it didn't suffer as much fire damage, though it still looked pretty darn bad. Looking around the whole left side of the room was one big bookshelf, most of the books scorched or on the ground, but some remained in a readable state. On the other side she could see a small door leading and behind the corner to her surprise she actually recognised what this was! The beaker and bottles, numerous books and urns. This was actually a laboratory just like at Misteys! A burnt down and damaged one... perhaps even bigger but an alchemy station nevertheless!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well onwards and forward as much as she was excited about finding the alchemy station she by far had no skill for such things and many of the ingredients where old or tainted by fire and such no telling what effects they would have. Still there was one door left to check so Jenny opened it cautiously.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The door slowly creaked open revealing a circular metal staircase leading up. This was likely the attic. Jenny slowly made her way upstairs, bracing herself for what the final floor would bring...

Jenny peaked her head out and looked around the attic, it was particulary abbandoned, numerous old furniture also burnt lied in two corners and one wall had succuumbed to the fires and toppled down to the second floor. Likely where the room from earlier.

Though there was one item of interest here, the lights from the windows giving clear view of a golden mirror it's glass broken and litered across the floor, likely this was done rather recently.

Jenny felt herself compelled to get closer to the mirror as it emited a faint shiver around it. The ornaments on it were rather odd to say the least at first what seemed just to be random scribbling on closer inspection were actually faces twisted in agony, with two beautiful figure at the very top, sadly looking down and their hands extended to 4 empty slots at the top of the mirror.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Mirror Jenny's sister had written about it in her journal but she had so little of that she would have to solve it on her own. First off she needed to inspect the mirror in better detail. Jenny moved closer to the object and looked it over she would have to be very careful who knows how the spirits wold react to it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking over it seemed like a simple golden mirror with creepy engravings and the four empty slots at the top. Walking around it Jenny didn't see any writings or runes or the like from either side, just the slight shivers of magical energies swirling around it. Though thinking back Lina actually saw something written on the mirrors glass.

If Jenny attempted to move the item it wouldn't budge no matter what she did. The girl eyed the mirror the gold encrusted faces of agony seemingly shifting and turning, the only part that was not disheartinign to look was the top where the two golden seemingly held the 4 slots. Seemed Jenny could insert something in there, but with all the magical energies surrounding it she best make darn sure she was careful.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Humm this was interesting and who busted the mirror? Jenny looked at the glass at her feet wondering if it had the writing still on it. Picking up one of the larger shards Jenny looked at to see if it had any writing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny picked a larger shard, there did indeed seem to be something etched into the glass, but the girl could only see minor parts of the whatever was written. She could spend quite some time trying to puzzle the pieces back together, but there was no guarantee she'd manage such a feat. Numerous pieces had shattered to dust like bits. Likely she'd even cut herself. Though there was nothing stopping her from proceeding.

If only she could've seen the glass before it was shattered....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the mirror and the colored tabs she had. Her concern was simple what if the mirror was wanting the opposite input? She didn't have an alternate color for gold so she was stuck. Maybe she was just over thinking it but if she was wrong the consequences could be deadly. "Oh Naya please guide your humble follower."

"Golden" Jenny placed the Black tab in the slot.
"Girls" Jenny placed the Blue tab in the slot.
"Sorrowful" Jenny filled the third slot with the yellow tab.
"Memories" Jenny placed the Purple tab in the slot and waited her fate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The mirror shinned out with bright light. As energy curtain slowly rolled down where the glass used to be. Jenny stood back lightly avoiding the light show just incase, but it would soon cease leaving her looking into the mirror, but seeing someone else standing there, a brownish tint running all over the reflection.

The woman in the mirror was blonde with a few freckles and gentle features. Not quite as curvy as Jenny, but she was beautiful nevertheless. She wore a comfortable green dress.

Jenny approached the mirror image, which copied her to a T. Seemed it was indeed her image only it wasn't her the mirror was showing. The object glowed brightly with foreign energies.

Black Manor puzzle complete:
Jenny gains 5 xp
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well this was strange though given her trip here she doubted it would be the last strange occurrence to happen to her. "Uhh hello? Can you help me free the spirits here?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny adressed the mirror, though she got as much reaction as she'd get from talking to a mirror - nothing. Obviously she unlocked something, though what to do now. She just had a mirror showing something else in the room, it's faint glow continiously shinning throughout the room.

Though as whom did the mirror see her as? Blonde hair, light green dress... well Jenny had an idea of who was the image, but that didn't help one bit. Her tries to get the reflection to speak back or give a sign were obvious failures, it was afterall just a mirror with the Jennys changed reflection in it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about the room to see if the mirror revealed anything. If not she would try to touch her reflection in the mirror even though she had certain reservations against it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the mirror showed the room as it was before, the numerous furniture covered under white sheets and not a single hint of fire in sight. Though nothing more... Jenny took a deep breath and approached the mirror her heart racing as she slowly extended her hand and touched the reflection. With that the girl blacked out "...don't let him kill me...."

Jenny would wake up, a seemingly brown haze upon her eyes. She'd quickly find her footing and fix her blonde hair and green dress... the girl quickly snapped back into the mirror and looked at herself! She was actually in the reflection! She could see herself lieing down on the floor in the burnt out manor on the other side, though there was no way she could get back now.

The girl looked around the room, it seemed in rather pristine condition sure there was some dust here adn there, but otherwise the room was as good as it'll ever be. Heck even the sheets covering the furniture were still white and clean.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked herself over checking out what she had with her. Was she armed or was she defenseless. Ascertaining her current situation Jenny realized rather quickly she was in the past or rather a memory of the past. Could she change the outcome and give the girls the peace they sought?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl wasn't armed, but not defenseless, Jenny was at her regular strentgh. Though she wasn't a brawler a farm girls punch or kick should not be underestimated. As Jenny thought through her current predicament a voice rang out from downstairs "Becky~ come on~ whats taking so long!"

Jenny looked around and noticed a small bottle placed near the mirror.