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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stripped even giving Nico a little show though it was purely a subconscious result of her succubus nature. Jenny stood fully nude in front of the mirror waiting for Nico's touch. It was strange Jenny had never seen herself fully naked in a mirror before and she couldn't believe how sexy her body had become. Indeed the changes where more than cosmetic too if someone had told Jenny a week ago that she would be standing fully nude waiting for another woman to touch her she would have laughed and blushed at the comment. But now her modesty was almost forgotten and the thought of another woman touching her just made her excited. It had been a very life changing week for the peasant girl and who knew how much more she would change in the next few days.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Alright let's see..." Nico approached from behind Jenny and wrapped her hands around the girls smiling widely "First let's see your cup size..." Jenny could feel Nico hands slowly slide up and start to grope Jenny... was she really measuring her up? "Mm~~ a bountiful B or a curvy C with a proper pushup..." Nicos hands lingered slightly on the girls breasts, before sliding down her body "An hourglass body and..." The barmaid knelt down and caressed the girls lower body "A very round and perky ass." Nico giggled warmly and gently smacked Jenny on her exposed rear "I think I've got just your size" the silvery beauty kissed Jenny gently on her neck neck before happily swaying her hips away to a nearby door and disappearing. Leaving Jenny alone in the room with the bed, mirror and drawer overflowed with numerous sex toys and a small box with white pills on the top.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the contents of the draw intrigued but not snoopy. Looking over so many of the toys Jenny wondered why Nico needed so many. Maybe she has mass orgies down here. It was a thought that got her heart beating a little faster but other than that she just admired herself in the mirror and waited for Nico to show up again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico entered the room hiding something behind her back with a huge grin, before coming closer "Tah-da~" the barmaid quickly unveiled a uniform on a hanger.
The offered unifom consisted of a white undershirt with a deep cut, a corset with shoulder straps, and a puffy short dress, oh and some cute little bootsies "You'll need to bring your own garter belt and stockings though" Nico beamed a smile at Jenny "Come on. Let's see if it fits~!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slipped the garments on and was surprised that they fit exactly and perfectly. Looking at herself in the mirror Jenny could help but notice Nico's satisfied grin. Turning to meet her new employer Jenny smiled. "Well it fits perfectly no need to alter it or anything. Well I better put it up for now don't want to get it all dirty before work right." With that Jenny began to undress and carefully fold her new work cloths and set them aside before starting to get dressed again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico looked over Jenny in uniform and grined in satisfaction, it fit like a glove. "I can already tell you'll be one of the more popular girls..." the silver haired beauty giggled warmly and for a brief moment eyed Jenny in a rather lusty fashion, but refrained from doing anything.

The silver haired girl sat down on her bed and eyed Jennys getting dressed, humming happily "So~ when can I expect you at work? Best to give me a headsup so I can open up a few extra tables for the customers." the woman swayed her crossed leg casually and smiled at Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped half bent over getting ready to pull up her panties. "Uhh well lets see Ive been ending my search at dusk or at lest trying to. Do you need me to be here sooner?" Jenny finished pulling her panties on and began to fasten her bra. "Oh Nico I heard there are strangers out at night will their be someone to escort me to the inn? Im pretty sure you don't want me showing up armed."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh~ you'll be fine. The Inn and Bar are pretty much hugging each other." Nico smiled warmly "Though I could send one of the girls to escort you, if you're not feeling safe."

"As for arrival, well if you're taking the late night shift I'd like you to be here atleast an hour and a half early this time so that's around half past ten, since either me, Meril or Rosa will have to show you to the dressing room and explain the ropes."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled "Ill do my best to be here though I don't have one of those clocks I keep hearing about. Is there a town bell or some such I should listen for?" Jenny finished slipping her warm coat over her shoulders and gathered up her work cloths.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No~ no~" Nico chuckled warmly "Leave the uniform here. No need for you to carry those around or risk getting a cold walking like that. As for a town bell... well there used to be in the town hall, but it hasn't been rung in quite some time. The church ringing theirs only a few occasions..." the barmaid turned to Jenny "I'll tell you what. Just come 'round when it's dark. Be it early or late, I'll squeeze you in somehow." Nico winked slyly and just rested on the bed eyeing Jenny. Overall the girl was free to leave.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny set the cloths down and walked over to Nico and gave her a kiss on the lips. The familiarity of it at first shocked her but then she was already doing it so she just went with it. Breaking away Jenny smiled at Nico again. "Ill see ya tonight."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico continued to smile as the girl approached her leaned over for a kiss, the silvery beauty instantly using on her hands to press her closer into a deeper kiss. Though it was short it was definedly sweet as both girls seperated smiling mischiviously at each other "I'll see ya tonight." "Can't wait"

With that Jenny made her way up the stairs to the racket going on in the bar, seems the folks decided to raise Meril up on the chair, for every year she reached. Oddly they stoped at 23, guess telling the town that the bombshell girl was 68 years would have mixed emotions, not to mention quite a few suspicions to her origins.

Still Jenny made her way out, refreshed and with a new assignment for tonight. It was around mid-day now, Jenny had quite a few options of what to do now. Though what she picked was all up to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny went to her room to change into her less than perfect cloths. She had a feeling that things were going to get messy and didn't want to ruin her good ones. With that out of the way she checked over her weapons and items. 1 potion one little scrap of clues she had written up. Three magic baubles and her side arm and rifle. Well she was as ready as she could be given the situation though she would have loved to grab a few alchemical treats from Mistey though it would have to wait she was no doubt still caring for the sheriff. Mistey was such a sweet girl maybe the sheriff wasn't so bad though he could have been nicer to her. With that final thought Jenny set out for the manor once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting all her gear in check Jenny once more decided to enter the black manor. Though now she had a clear goal - finding the artifacts Ezalor mentioned and perhaps somehow breaking the curse that still lingered.

The sun shined brightly in the sky, not a cloud in sight, such a day and Jenny had to spend it inside the manor... still it had to be done. Jenny was already rather well versed in crossing the fence and once more returned to the manor. Only the creaking wood and whistling wind for company.

Jenny looked around, she was once again at the entrance the entrance to the dinning hall on her left, stairway up infront and the archway to the Kitchen and entrance to the study further down the collidor. There were only 2 doors she could tell she didn't quite explore, the sealed door under the stairway and the rooms where the reptilians corpse likely rested.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused at the entrance and for reasons unknown to her spoke her intent to enter the manor as a guest not an invader. "Nina Brensley and Becky Brensley Ive come to visit and help." She felt silly afterwards but it was worth a shot besides if the ghosts knew she was here maybe they could get the try and kill her stuff out of the way first instead of wasting her time or on the more positive and what Jenny was hoping for note maybe they would see her not as a threat and leave her unhindered. Waiting for a moment for an answer if any Jenny made her way into the house and to the study. It was the only room she hadn't seen in great detail yet that didn't involve expending magic or climbing stairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Some whispers echoed out barely audible to the girl, but nothing of note happened. Though calling out both names and having the gall to enter the mansions after all that's happened, definedly attracted attention from the haunted manor. Be it for better or worse was yet to be seen.

Jenny slowly made her way through the hallway, the floor creaking with every step. With all these sounds it almost seemed the manor would topple right on top of Jenny at any moment... but if it stood this long, chances are it'll stay up for a very, very long time long after Jenny left.

The study was burnt out, hardly any books survived the fire. Most were either flatout charcoal or burnt beyond any hope. There was a rather large window here barred off from the outside and a burnt out sofa. Overall there was hardly anything of note here.

Jenny sighed and the moment she turned around a chill ran down her. The two reavers floated right infront of her, their distorted forms as terrifying as ever. The green sister silently sobbing into her palms while the red one eyed her emptily, they didn't seem hostile... but seeing both of the apparitions this closely once more quickly worked over Jennys ability to stand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a chilling sight but Jenny couldn't back out now. "Hello Nina Brensly and Becky Brensly. You both have helped so many people and I want to help you. I know what its like to have a sister in fact she visited here as well and shes missing now. If I help you will you help me find my sister?" It was gutsy to say the lest but just encase Jenny had one of Ezalor's baubles at the ready just in case they would have none of it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two spirits lingered infront of Jenny absolutely emotionless to anything said, atleast they weren't trying to end her. Jenny could suddenly hear a silent whisper at the back of her head "....sisters... help..." was this an agreement or just an echo of what Jenny said? The two would linger for awhile longer before dashing out of the room and up through the cieling. Leaving Jenny alone in the study.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed in relief at least they didn't try and kill her but should she follow up? Looking about the room there was only one way up to go unless she wanted to use one of the precious baubles on the door leading down. "Do you want me to follow you?" The idea itself was kinda scary to think about follow to undead spirits to see where they lead. Still it was the only place she could explore without expending resources. Gulping down a breath Jenny began to ascend the stairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slowly made her way up the stairs, each step seemingly painful to take. What would she next, what exactly was the ghost plans for her.

The stairs lead to a rather large hall numerous paintings around, but most sizzled by the heat making the paint pop or flatout burnt out there seemed to be a series of small frames on the girls right right up and beyond the door there, 2 massive painting in the wall infront and two more around the door opposite of that the wall infront. These two were hardmed in far different ways one was cut up and had a tint of black on it, while the other was oddly soaked and had numerous moss growing on it. Odd to say the least.

Though the main prize of the room was a huge statue at the end of the the room. Though it was covered in ashes and burnt severely making it unrecogniseable at what it portrayed. Overall the girl has 2 doors to choose: One with the odd ripped and soaked painting on each side and one near the stairway.