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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took her notes out from the day before thankfully she had dates from those to work backwards and forwards from. Heading from the artical dated 5 years ago about the burning of the pale manor Jenny decided to search 2 years from that maybe something would come up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked through the papers, unfortunately there was no information about the pale manor. Only numerous reports about attacks and kidnappings. Judging by the paper this was when the citizens were first warned not to go outside. Heck the girl even found some murder reports... this seemed to be a dark time in the city past. Reading further the girl found a huge headline stating the death of the current Sheriff and his deputy taking over the law in the city. It was not Reincan... some man named Richard. She also found some ads for Nico bar... looks like the girl was working here for quite some time.

The peasant girl sigh and put away the last of the paper... no new information on the manor. Just some dark and trivial events. That was 2 years worth of newspapers down... with 17 years worth of papers to go. A cold chill ran down Jennys spine, but she couldn't give up now. This was a major lead she wouldn't abbandon!... but there was just so many papers...

Searching 5-7 years in the past.
Search failed: No new articles found
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rubbing her temples Jenny went back to searching she would check two more years farther back before taking a break and maybe catching some fresh air.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The more Jenny looked back the less and less dark events seemed to take place. Seemed they started ramping up at around 7 years in the past. There was nothing of note once more, numerous entries to the pumpkin carving of the week, some stories about sights in the forests and odd sounds in the night, but nothing concrete. The priest also moved out of his home during this period, but who really cared. The church ramblings were starting to lessen as further she went but thats it. Likely this was around the time when the church took over the paper.

Taking a deep breath Jenny flatout couldn't look at another newspaper. She really needed some fresh air, the peasant girl quickly got down the stairs and out the main entrance. SUNSHINE! Not to mention the fresh mountain air... ugh those archives really needed some ventilation. Jenny took a few deep breaths and sighed in relief, looked like she'll be missing out on yet another day with all of those papers inside. The smokers looked to the girl admiring her exceptional forms, but avoided gettin their glances caught at all cost, what was such a girl doing in the town hall? Jenny smiled to herself eyeing the shop infront, seemed there was quite a few customers in Misteys little establishment. Perhaps she could buy something to reresh her poor eyes and stamina.
No luck in the 7-9 year bracket
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Something in Jenny wanted to be mischievous so the girl did a few stretches making sure her pert backside was in great view of the onlookers. Having teased the gawking men Jenny headed over to Mistey's after all she did say she use to edit the paper maybe she could give Jenny some better dates not to mention maybe try a few new potions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The men flatout leaned in a hidden fashion, but the better the view the sloppier they hid their glances. Jenny had the goods and she had no problem to show them off~ Wow.
With her little tease done and a satisfied smirk the girl walked off to talk with Jenny, the onlookers leading her off with their eyes.

There was atleast 3 other people in the shop. Simple townsfolk, hardly worth noting for the girl - a few of them discussed which Healing potions to buy, while a woman discreetly read the labels for the mornign after potion.
"Jenny~!" Mistey waved happily from the cashier "Came to chat or buy?" the elven girl grinned cutely at her friend.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh came to chat a bit but it looks like your busy. Do you want me to come back later?" Jenny awaited her answer and eyed the various potions that lined the wall. "I was thinking we could have another alchemy lesson if your interested in teaching."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey tensed up and blished brightly at the mention of alchemy 'lessons' "I-I'd love to, perhaps after I close up shop though..." the elven girl looked bashfully "...but I've got time to chat. The labels explain what each potion does so I'm just sitting here... being bored..." Mistey smiled cutely at Jenny "Any luck in finding your Sister?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "Not so much but maybe you can help with that." Jenny didn't recall telling Mistey her sister was missing maybe Reicarn had said something either way the girl could possible help. "Oh I won't be able to tonight Mistey maybe in the morning we can try some alchemy? As for your help." Jenny got closer to Mistey so she could whisper. "I think my sister was investicgating the pale/black manor so any leads you can give me in finding info in the paper would be helpful."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey leaned backs, her eyes wide at the mention "The Pale Manor... such a horrible name. How can someone be so cruel..." the elven girl got a distant look in her eyes "I did a few stories about the Brensley sisters. Please Jenny don't mention them in ill will, they were good girls. I met them... They arrived into town around 20 years ago, when I did an article about them... a few years later Nina was murdered... I had to cover the story there aswell..." Mistey held her sides slightly shivering, seems these were rather cold and painful memories for her. "W-why are you looking into this, Jenny. Please let the girls rest, they don't deserve their fates..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I would be more than happy the let the dead rest Mistey but my sister may be involved I have no ill intent for those lost souls just trying to prevent another from joining them." Jenny was being sincere she wasn't digging up this stuff for morbid curiosity.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The Black or Pale Manor is just a cruel name placed by the superstitious and fooled townsfolk. Becky would never harm anyone... never!" some of the customer turned to the cashier curious at the discussion, but not quite able to hear it "We shouldn't talk about this... the church forbids such talk about the white manor. If you want to learn more check my articles on the girls, 20 years ago and Ninas passing a few years later." Mistey nodded at Jenny slightly determined for the girl to see the other side of the coin.

The elven girl coughed lightly and fixed her hair as one of the customer approached and stood behind Jenny in line, thinking the girl was also buying something "So~ will that be all?" Mistey smiled an obviously faked smile, likely not to cause interest into what was discussed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes Ill be by to pick up my order in the morning." Jenny smiled at Mistey before leaving the shop and heading back to the town hall. Suddenly remembering something Jenny took out the morning after potion Nico had given her remembering that after her latest bout of love making she had forgotten to take it and Nico didn't exactly offer it either. Not wondering if Nico could get her pregnant Jenny downed the potion discretely before heading back to the archives. Thankfully Mistey had given her a good reference point to start from and sadly given the sound of it she might be at it for the rest of the day.

Heading back to the archives for more research using Mistey's helpful hints to refine Jenny's search.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nothing new in the Town Hall... honestly how can people live like this. Cooped up in one tight office for most of their day, when there's a world of adventure and fields of animals to enjoy...

Jenny made her way back to the archives the knew tips from Mistey fresh in her mind. So now she could start at 20 years and go forward from there, the elven girl wasn't precise with her later date.

The peasant girl quickly opened up and started reading through the paper. The difference in writing was apparant. So many happy and silly stories, constant reminders to keep the community clean and joyous... best of all - none of that Star God praise articles that plagued the current papers. With her search sharpened Mistey quickly found the article Mistey mentioned "The Golden Girl clerics" though the one detailing the murder was still yet to be found.

18 - 20 year bracket.
White Manor article found!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could see something terrible already forming and the pit of her stomach just sank of all the articles she had seen thus far a nasty horror story was starting to form. Still she had to dig deeper. Moving between 18-16 years Jenny searched again why was her sister so interested in this manor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Whatever terrible fate events would unfurl they were nowhere to be seen in the papers Jenny looked over. Seemed the town was living a rather peaceful and happy life, little anything to report except for the occasional "Big foot" article written tongue in cheek and odd noises from the forest. The white manor wasn't mentioned, though the Brensley clerics were honored numerous times - be it healing the sick or wounded or just helping out the community in general. Nina's fate was mystery... but something churned deep in Jenny, did she already know what happened to Becky?

At the very last paper Jenny checked there was finally a report of murder! Though it wasn't one of the Brensley girls, perhaps if she read further on she would finally fill in the story...

No luck in the 16-18 year bracket.
GM's grace - given extra time for one more search before the day ends.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny rubbed her eye and temples just one more year before it gets dark no need to run the risk of a nasty meeting not to mention she had a date of sorts with Nico. "Okay year 15-14 here we go come on lets have some of that luck I hear so much about." It felt rather silly talking to herself like that but hey she was no scholar and long periods of silence only meant trouble in her life experience. Whether successful or not Jenny would jot down some final notes and clean up for the evening there was still much more to dig threw she just hoped it wasn't wasting precious time Lina didn't have.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

36 vs 33 Jenny doesn't notice anything

Fortunely a few months into the 15th year bracket Jenny found the article detailing the end of the Golden Girl Clergy. Nina was murdered by the same man mentioned in quite a few other articles. Jenny quickly wrote down whatever she though was important and looked over the rest of the papers. Indeed the murderer was hanged in public and despised by the town, though any mention of the grief stricken sister stopped there. Seemed Becky lived her lived in solitude and sadness, post the incident.

Jenny sighed sadly as she put away the last of the newspapers... what a day... she wouldn't want to see another paper for the rest of her life after this... still she had most of the parts of what happened in place, now she just needed to arrange everything in her mind.

It was already dark when Jenny got out, seemed she took quite longer than expected and the receptionists surprised expression told her just how long she overstayed.

Walking outside Jenny could feel the evening breeze run through the nigh-empty streets. Though something else tingled down her spine, as if she was being watched. The peasnt girl looked around to no effect, still best she not stay outside for long.

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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Heading her innate sense of wrongness the girl decided it was best to run to the bar and beat it not stopping for anyone or anything. She would not be another faceless missing person on the wall of the sheriffs office not that he would care.

Haul ass to Nico's
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It's better to be safe than sorry, going by gut feeling alone Jenny quickly got running to the bar. The stories seemed to have really worked over the girls psyche as she ran in fear from whatever she imagined stalked the streets at night.

Jenny quickly reached the bar, the songs and cheers as loud as ever. Seemed every night in town was spent joyfully inside the Kings Rest. Perhaps it was the highlight of some of these poor folk lives.

The peasant girl entered the bar, compeltely out of breath. As always Nico was at the main bar, chatting up with different patrons that tried to get the girl out of that seductive uniform. The silver haired beauty never did shy away from their clear intetions and just giggled warmly sometimes giving vague promises... sometimes surprising the men at question. Still right now she was serving the ale and mead just like any other night.