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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I will be very careful I promise you can even send someone to watch me if your worried." Jenny bowed slightly at the mayor she had hardly every seen such a well to do man in her life and who knows maybe he was a noble.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man looked up to the auburned haired woman with a "told you" face, a warm smile on his face. The official looking female just sighed "Fine. Let her through Tina...." the woman glared down to Jenny "Please be respectful in the archives. We'll hold you personally responsible if something goes missing...." the two went in first leaving Jenny at the receptionists desk "Looks like you can go in, it's the first door on the right. Please refrain from going elsewhere." with that final sentence the woman looked over to Jenny dismissively, her business with the girl was done.

Behind the door there Jenny could get up the stairs and into the offices. Most doors were fairly ornate with names on them and just like the receptionist said the first door on the right had "Archives" clearly written on it. There were 5 doors in total: 2 on each side and one infront with "Mayor" clearly written on it, this seemed to be where the duo from before went in as some ruckus came from the room. The other room on the right side did not have a name and was likely the janitors closet or storage. The left side the fruther door was branded "Private quarters" this was the only room locked. Completeting the set was the Finance quarter.

Upon entering the room Jenny quickly took note of just how big it was. Numerous drawers with numbers on them filled out the room. Upon closer inspection Jenny could tell these were infact years and months. Walking to the end of the room she would find a fairly hefty collection of books containing the full names and basic information for the residents of Kings Coast... there was only one problem. Each book had atleast thousand of tiny hand written names. And there was atleast 8 of them. Each covered a span of around 8 years. Making the city around 64 years old... that is atleast after it was started to be recorded here.

If Jenny was curious. The drawers contain old newspaper copies.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well it was a simple enough thing to search for. Just as long as the book where in order. The first order of buisness was to find the most current list of names and then move to the 3rd newest. That should be where her mothers maiden name would be if at all. If she found it Jenny would then take a look at the newspaper copies to find what she could about the white manor. All in all it would probably take a better portion of the day.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Simple enough" was a horrendous description for the task at hand. Jenny opened up the newest book, it seemed to be only half filled. And the names were written down as they were registered, without any real semblance or order. Looking over the books Jenny shuddered lightly. She would have to scan page by page, for her mothers maiden name the small fonted, thousand paged books. Was it really worth the time investment? Not to mention stamina cost?

The newspapers inpsection would also not let be a simple task at all. Jenny looked over at the numerous drawers filling making up most of the archive. Every 4 months for 25 years had it's own drawer, making up up 75 drawers spread throughout the room each containing numerous newspapers. Unless Jenny knew atleast the estimated date, heck atleast the year she was looking for it would be one big horrible experience.

Still it was up to the peasant girl, whether she wanted to slog through this. Let there be no doubt, such tasks would take significantly longer than one mere day.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had time to burn and this might be her only time to get the work done, Her experience at the bar set her on edge what every did Rosa mean about training completed and male talent not to mention how in the hells did they now about the bandit. Maybe Rosa was trying to scare the girl into staying. If that was the case her plan may have backfired their was no way Jenny was going to go back to the bar anytime soon and she had already cleaned out her room. Still she was wasting time looking threw the name book would take the most time so Jenny decided to see if the thing was in any state of origination if it was just random names unordered she would pass. The newspapers however had the more important info she was looking for. Checking the dates of the paper Jenny tried to determine if it was done daily or weekly. Finding that info Jenny began her search focusing on the draws between 4 and 6 years looking for any headlines talking about a murder at the white manor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The names in the book only had a month and numerous names, not following any real order expect as the one as they had been registered. Forcing the girl to look through the whole page, due to not having any alphabetic or the like order.

Opening a random drawer Jenny took note that it was indeed a weekly paper. Determined in her search the gilr placed the two random papers back into the drawer and began her search.

Moving to the drawers of contianing papers from 4 to 6 years. Jenny opened up the first one detailing whatever happened in town 4 years previously. It would be a long and painful slog, but she failed to find anything related to the manor... the white manor atleast. However all her persistance payed off as she found 2 articles detailing events in the black manor.

It took a healthy amount of time, but Jenny still had some time to spend here.

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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Excellent they where at lest clues and dates. Jenny looked around for an ink well and took out her sisters battered burned journal. Finding empty pages hopefully at the back. Pausing a moment Jenny instead pulled out her copy of the journal she had been writing. Coping the dates and writings on the wall as listed in the paper Jenny began to search again moving up her time scale to between 2 and 3 years ago.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny copied down whatever information she seemed fit and placed the papers back in the correct order, let she brings the towns hall staff ire upon herself.

Whatever judgement she made with the black manor, would be delayed as she quickly got back to searching for more information. This time on a much smaller scale, hopefully she'll still have time left before the town hall forces her out.

Looking through the articles, there was a lot of religious praise, some fishing news... pie eating contest and the like. Still finally she found something related to the manor.

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny jotted down those comments as well finally she was getting somewhere well maybe getting something still she didn't have all the pieces. Looking out the window Jenny tried to gauge how much time she had until dark. She wanted to look more but it might have to wait she still needed to find a place to stay before nightfall. If it was to close she would have to leave. She may be suspicious of Nico but she took her warning to heart about being outside at night.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly packed her stuff and decided it would have to do for today. Best not risk going outside when the night comes. Even if Jenny was rather frightful of the bar and it's denizens, Nico seemed earnest in her warnings.

Jenny slowly made her way out the Towns hall there was already significantly less people around, most likely retired for dinner. Though where would Jenny spend the night... *CLICK*

The peasant girl froze up, she knew that sound all too well it was that of a weapon being readied "Don't. Move." that voice?! It was the Sheriff, but why was he using such a cold and rough tone with her? "Jenny Ann Hulus. You are under arrested for suspected murder and witchcraft. You have the right to shut up and follow me for interogation."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well this was a terrible way to end the day but what could she do. She had seen the sheriffs skill with his weapons and knew she would stand little chance. Murder and Witchcraft damn that didn't sound good. Relenting Jenny did as she was told and was lead to the sheriffs office.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Sheriff silently lead the girl back to his office he didn't shove her or force her to do much, but did take away all the girls weapons. Besides his cold tone and his unrelenting aim at her, he was rather nice with her. The holding cell was already open and waiting for her... shame it wasn't cleaned "Come on, in you go." the man nudged her forward and slammed the cell bars loudly, locking the her inside. It was a rather small room with a bucket for a toiler and a horrible smelly matress, making up most of the cells interior.

The Sheriff slowly got to his desk and grabbed a chair placing it right infront of the cell looking Jenny dead in the eye "So... A rock you say... we've found the carriage, Jenny. Think we should talk." Reincans gaze was as sharp and cold as ever, though what would Jenny tell the man was all up to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well best get it out of the way straight and forward. "Everything I told you about the heist is true the only lie is how my rapist was killed. Im not sure how that happened he was raping me and then he died. I don't know how or why and that is the complete truth." Jenny looked the sheriff right in the eye meeting his cold gaze with her own.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well here's the thing Jenny. I HATE liars. I really do and noone ever died from having sex... atleast not at the age Ernston was." The Sheriff continued his unnervingly piercing gaze at Jenny "Now let me tell you what I found, we've found Erston, who I'll get to in a moment, Pete and Matt. Now the former two were killed by gunshots from weapons fitting the ones you had when you came into town. So that's possesion of the murder weapons, then there's disposal of the murder weapons. The blacksmith has to register any firearms gained or traded with me, unfortunately, and whoopidity-doo look who's trying to disponse of a certain handcannon. AND~ now we get to the really juicy part." the man leaned forward "Tell me Jenny, what do you know about the succubi?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny raised an eyebrow at the sheriff "The sucu what? Anyway I already told you sheriff I took Ernston's gun from him when he died. It was the gun that shot Mike I used it to force Pete to dig his grave I couldn't just let him rot in the sun. Anyway Pete was not happy with that arrangement and he tried to escape. I was worried he would run to his gun or to his buddies so I shot him and thats IT!" Jenny was getting annoyed by the sheriff and her treatment not to mention the smell.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The sheriff just scoffed at the tone Jenny was treating him with "Okay here's another scenario. A succubus attacked the raiders, seduced the men, ate Ernstons soul and shot the other two. Sated with her victory she stole a horse and made her way to the closest town to feed some more." Reincan spat to the ground "For the uneducated in demons among us. A succubus is a demon or corrupt soul that needs to consume other being soul essence to survive" the man locked his gaze on Jenny "And it was a succubus that fed on Ernston. I've lost my share of friends to those filthy creatures, I've inspected the body myself just to be sure. A succubus consumed Ernstons soul, leaving him just a meat sack on the floor a succubus you fail to mention in your tales." the man eyed Jenny with spite, was he accusing her of being one of those creatures?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So you think Im this suca whatever that killed Erenston? I don't even know what a succamathing is? Anyway assuming that your story is even possible why would the bandits bury the driver? Im sure you've seen your share of bandit raids how many bodies to bandits bury? Not to mention I have a ticket from the travel company." Jenny fished the ticket stub out of her collection and presented it to the sheriff.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Don't play coy with me, demon." well that sealed the deal, Reincan clearly stated what he thought of Jenny "Drop the innocent act, you'd be dead if I didn't think you still had some good in you... that and Nico begged me not to kill you." the sheriff sighed "Even if you honestly don't know who you are, you're still a threat to this town, that I will not allow to roam freely. What did you think happened to Ernston? Don't play dumb and say shit like he fainted, just think back what did you do." the sheriff crumbled the ticket and threw it away, obviously he didn't care whether Jennys visit was official or not.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had enough the man's yelling clearly upset the girl and she started to cry. "I told you he was raping me and it hurt but then it felt good and he he died what more do you want. I don't know why he's dead but you know what IM GLAD THE BASTARD IS DEAD FOR WHAT HE DID TO ME!" Jenny was crying and slumped down in the corner clearly done talking to the brute this town called sheriff. Sobbing Jenny sent one parting comment muffled from her tears "Your no better than them."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man didn't seem to be particulary moved by Jennys tears, though she didn't see it his stone face did crack for a very brief moment. The sheriff slowly got up from his chair, looks like their talk for now was over "Yeah... I'm glad he's dead too... but don't expect simpathy from me succubus." he simply took his chair and went back to his table, leaving the girl to her tears. If Jenny just continued her sob alone Reincan would occasionally leave her, though was it for a smoke or to steel himself up once more was unclear. Whatever the case it would be dark soon and Jenny wasn't going to leave the cell any time soon.
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