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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico nodded eagerly "Mhm~ I've took over after the previous owner passed away, for some reason he left the bar to me instead of his family." the silvery beauty giggled warmly "Not that I mind. Most of the girls running around are my old friends, so~ everyones like one big happy family here." something crossed Nicos mind as she looked over Jenny again "You know... if you're ever short on money, I could always find you a job here. We pay per shift, it could be easy, quick denarii."

Before Jenny could answer Rosa popped up again "Here you go Nicky" the blonde girl smiled at Nico warmly, dropping a key with a wooden block and number 5 written on it "Thanks~ Rosa." the head barmaid smiled right on back, as she lead the girl off with a friendly look.

"Maybe we'll discuss this later... tonight." Nico winked at Jenny, as she slid the key towards Jenny, prompting her to pick it up "Huggy, hug~" Nico opened her arms playfully for a goodbye hug. Well Jenny didn't have a choice, but accept the offer. Nico ofcourse used this opportunity to tightly squeze the girl into herself and take a good feel of Jennys round ass. Honestly she didn't even seem to take if anyone was looking "I can barely contain myself... I'll be waiting" with that final whisper Nico let Jenny go and smiled that innocent smile of hers "Nico~ Dear more tea please~" "Aye~ Works-a-callin. See ya tonight, Jenny." with that the silver beauty skipped off to her customer, the man eyeing her bouncing DD's like a predator.

With Lina's key in hand and having set up a date of sorts with Nico, the girl was free to leave the bar. Unless she was feeling thirsty... or wanted to sate some other urges.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully her conversation with Nico only left Jenny embarrassed and flushed and after her last drink in the bar see had doubts about sampling anything else for awhile. Still if she is gonna be here awhile she might just take Nico up on her offer of employment. Gathering her things Jenny went to apartment 5 letting little dissuade her from her goal. There had to be some answers in their she hopped.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The door slowly creaked open unveiling an unnerving sight. The room was a mess, severe burn marks covered most of the apartment with numerous fairly large claws marks across the bed and walls. Thankfully there didn't seem to be any blood in the room. Whatever happened here, hopefully ended well.

Lina was a mage, could it be she was fighting off someone... something here. Jennys heart beat faster as she continued to look over the room. There was a fairly burnt journal on the reading table with the ink spilled over nearby, likely Lina was busy writing something down when the attack happened. Unfortunately quite the number of the journal pages were burnt beyond recognision but the start and end seemed to have survived fairly well. Unfortunately this seemed to be the only item to have survived the fight. The wardrobe had been burnt to cinders along with the bed and the chest for item storage. If there was such a fight, with fire no less. Why didn't anyone report it?!

Read Linas Journal HERE
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's knees went weak as the sight revealed itself. Their had been a fight here and given that the door was locked and the windows unharmed something bad had definitely happened. Thankfully the doorway offered support for the girl before her mind kicked back into action. Closing the door gently Jenny looked over any of the surviving papers and read the journal. Starting at the first few pages that mentioned her first days in King's coast before moving to the end to see what mess had befallen her sister.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't know what to make of this development but some things where not adding up. Still she had one question she might be able to answer it always seemed that Lina forgot that their mothers maiden name was Hathway. It wasn't much and besides the librarian being the person to most likely see her last it looked like she would be paying the library another visit and maybe ask Nico about the manor either way she should tell the barmaid about what had happened in her room first. If she was involved then she already knew that Jenny now knew so it mattered little. Looking about for Lina's spare ink and blank sheets Jenny would copy down what was left of the journal just in case something happened to the original better safe than sorry. After her copy job if she found what she needed to do it with Jenny would store her copy of the journal separate from the original. If no suitable paper was found she would commit it to memory just in case before heading back to the bar looking a little distraught.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny opened the writing tables drawer and thankfully some spare paper and an unopened ink stand had been spared from the fire and chaos that erupted in the room. It would tke Jenny quite some time before she finished copying the journal. Heck it was already pretty dark outside by the time she was done. Seemed in the mountains nights start sooner than she's used to.

With the copy of the journal finished Jenny could continue on to whatever task she deemed of highest priority.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking once last look around the room Jenny tried to compose herself. 'I should tell Nico about this.' The more Jenny thought about it the better it sounded. Of course she wasn't sure if she wanted to tell her because of the damage or because she wanted to see her. Either way telling the owner something had happened to one of her patrons and that the room had been damaged was the responsible thing to do. Well sense she was already at the apartments Jenny decided to visit the room she was gifted the night before to place her things and hide the journals. Placing each journal in separate pockets Jenny went about her business stopping at her room before heading back to the bar to tell Nico the bad news.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny entered the bar once more and business was as good as ever it was still early in the night, so the laughter and songs were at a tame level. Still ale ran free and the barmaids flirted away with the male customers. Just a day like any other in the bar. Nico was at the main bar as usual still chatting and resisting the swoons and promises from her male company crowded around her.

The peasant girl approached the barmaid slowly, it was such a horrible feeling to tell her such news when everyone is jolly and happy around... though a doubt that Nico might be involved in this still lingered.

"Jenny~! You came!" Nico smiled happily making all the men look back at the brown haired girl aswell, before clearing way for her "You're a bit early aren't you... I'll be with you in just a moment." the men continued their friendly chatter with Nico as she filled the mugs, the silver haired beauty didn't quite ignore them, but some comment from her and a playful wink later the lads eased up. Nico gave each man a friendly kiss on the cheek, a few even on the lips and cleared the bar.

"Sorry if the rooms a mess, we make it our priority to not enter anyones room without permission. So~ find anything interesting?" Nico smiled warmly seemingly oblivious to Lina's apartment state. As Jenny told her about the state she found, the barmaids eyes continued to widen and widen in disbelief. "WHAT?!" for the first time ever Jenny heard Nico use such a harsh tone "I--I don--" the girl quickly grabbed the key from the apartment and ran out of the bar. The whole bar seemingly stopping to look at Jenny, what did she say to their favorite girl.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't linger and instead followed Nico out doing her best to keep pace with the barmaid. If Nico was a part of this then it might be an act or she might try to hide something Jenny had missed. Though hopefully the girl was honestly and truly as shocked as Jenny had been. She wanted the kind barmaid to be innocent of this though Jenny doubted she was innocent at all in somethings.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny rushed out, in hot pursuit of Nico. Once Jenny exited the bar Nico was clearly visible rushing to the inn part of the bar. The peasant girl caught up, a brief moment after Nico had entered Linas room. Jenny peeked inside, Nico wasn't rummaging through stuff, but was concentrated on inspecting the walls and burn marks.

"Those Corini-forgotten bastards!" Nico grumbled something Jenny couldn't quite make out, but seemed it was about someone specific, right as she turned to notice Jenny. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know. If we had inspected this place sooner~ If- If~ damn it!" Nico breathed heavily she seemed rather furious, was it because someone actually broken in one of her rooms? Was she worried about Lina? Or something else?

"Jenny, go to the bar. Tell Rosa to get you whatever you want. I'll be right back. 'kay?
" Nico gently hugged Jenny, refraining from anything perverted.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny headed back to the bar and took a seat. Not much in the mood for a drink of any kind she simply sat and thought about what she had learned. Lost in her own world Jenny let the normally vibrant atmosphere of the bar drift away. Nico's reaction didn't clarify anything and their was the mystery of the manor though Jenny doubted she could find much out about that after all she was hardly attuned to the magic forces of the world. Still something about the manor fueled her curiosity. Getting up from her seat Jenny decided she would at lest take a look at the place before going to bed.

Head over to the manor to take a look maybe even get a peak inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny listened to the barmaid and went back into the bar, taking a peek back to see Nico lock up and run up the street somewhere. Honestly she seemed incredibly fast, but still perhaps it was the lights and overall dark evening playing tricks with her eyes.

Sitting at the bar helped the girl slightly calm down, but she still remained restless. Thinking about what Lina thought Jenny decided to go investigate the mentioned manor. Though there was one problem, Jenny had no idea where it was. She could wander around town and find it, or perhaps she could ask someone... nevertheless the girl had no idea where to go.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up full of determination to at lest see this manor her sister had written about when the obvious dawned on her. She had no idea where it was. Still the journal had mentioned it was on the edge of the city but wandering around in the dark would only get her lost. Changing her mind Jenny decided to see if the library was open.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made her way out, it was already dark and leaving the active bar she couldn't help, but notice how silent it everywhere else. Where had all the people gone? Still the library was rather close by so she made her trip without any incidents. Oddly enough even at such a hour the library doors were as open as she found them earlier.

Entering the library the pristine nature of the decorations and the smell of books assaulted her once more. Ezalor was sitting at a nearby a desk, a decent number of books floating nearby. "Ah Jenny it's you." the man didn't even look back as he spoke "I'm affraid my search has been rather unfruitful. Even in my grand library there is no mention of this "Mountain Academy"" the old man slowly got up and turned to the visitor "Or is there something else?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh I just stopped by to do some family research. Where might I find the records or would they be in the town hall?" Jenny waited her answers as she perused the books. If indeed they where here she would go and look up her mothers maiden name instead of her married one to see if that was a lead worth exploring. "I heard that their was a haunted house in town. I find the idea rather silly spirits scaring people sound like tales to make sure children behave." In truth Jenny did believe is spirits and such but given that few people liked to talk about the haunted manor this was the only way to ask with out directly asking.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Indeed, the town hall stores any and all archives related to Kings Coast. I only tend to the library." the man slowly approached Jenny "Ah~ my dear, one should always keep an open mind. The world can be much more than meets the eye" the man reached out to his library as a book came flying to him "The spirits of the dead, can linger given enough incentive to do so. Be it good or evil..." Ezalor looked over the book the pages turning themselves before stopping to show Jenny a page from memoirs of an old adventurer.

Memoirs of Francikus D.

The vengeful spirits or "The Reavers", as I named them, are actual spirits of the dead. They can only be harmed by silver or holy magic, any other means proved fruitless due to their corporeal nature. The Reavers are usually severely twisted forms of their former selves, with scythe-like arms. Over my travels I noted 3 different shades of spirits: Red, Green, Orange... there's likely more, but these represent what kept the Reaver in this world accordingly- Fury, Despair, Vengeance.

What makes them even more interesting that each ghost depending on their type reacts differently to visitors, however all of them can be lethal. I've noted Fury has the ability to materialise their hands to cut their opponents apart, despair has the ability to shape and change their enviroment and vengeance has the ability to possess whoever comes into their domain. The spirits seem to react kindly if you call them by their full-name, it was honestly the only reason I'm alive to write this. Whatever the case, the spirits are an extreme threat and should be avoided at all cost.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh!" Jenny read over the page noting what she could. "So was the idle chatter right is their a haunted house in town?" Jenny was banking that Ezalor would sate her curiosity while she did her research. "Oh I almost forgot where are the records I should start looking its getting late."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man chuckled lightly "Calm yourself, dear. You young ones rush to do so much in as little time as possible..." the man looked away and took a few steps in no particular direction, but his gaze locked on something distant "It's such a silly name a "Haunted house", a title fitting to only scare children or create more of that silly horror literature..." Ezalor sighed lightly, obviously unwilling to speak much about the topic "Yes. There are two girls still living in Kings Coast past their due departure. I've heard their cries and screams for some many years now..." the man turned back to Jenny "Seek out information on the White Manor, child. Perhaps then you can turn your gaze to the "Black Manor" aswell."

"You already inquired about that. I do not keep track of such matters. Perhaps those in charge of city could help you along." the man smiled at Jennys curious nature.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned slightly no doubt the town hall was not as generous as the library with its hours. Still she did have another mystery to check on. Jenny looked over the many books looking for anything mentioning the White Manor or history of Kings coast. It was a daunting task but with her "date" postponed she did have a little time to do some research.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny really shouldn't have even attempted such a feat. With 3 floors covered in book after book there was no way she would find anything on her own. Being sensible the girl turned to the librarian for help.

Ezalor chuckled lightly "There are no books about the White Manor, my dear. 'tis not a fairy tale nor an object of interest for scholars. Nor was the history of our this humble minning town... however I've been tending to the towns library for a very long time. I've seen it change right before my eyes. What would you like to know of it's history?" Ezalor sat down and looked at the girl.