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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

D, she can be very upset if we go "hey, you are my bitch, bitch!"
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C, but on the diplomatic side, let her be highest among humans. Still below us, but it's something.

EDIT: I'd like to change my vote to what UjisatoGamo said.

RE-EDIT: Thanks to Serifyn's comment, I'll change my vote back to my original.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

ABCD Let's have her tell us what she wants to hear. Start by asking her how she feels about everything that has happened to her in this realm and if she truly enjoys feeling used as a cumdumpster then well tell her that's what her place will be once we obtain power. Her left as our breeding queen.

If there is a good bit of disdain in her response make her aware that this how we will conquerher world, necromatic Pact or not you are still a tentacle beast that will fuck and breed those she enslaves.

If she doesn't really care either way then just get all lovey dovey with her and praise her for being such a great partner.

Or some such like all that. :p
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. But not in an agressive way.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

ABCD Let's have her tell us what she wants to hear. Start by asking her how she feels about everything that has happened to her in this realm and if she truly enjoys feeling used as a cumdumpster then well tell her that's what her place will be once we obtain power. Her left as our breeding queen.

If there is a good bit of disdain in her response make her aware that this how we will conquerher world, necromatic Pact or not you are still a tentacle beast that will fuck and breed those she enslaves.

If she doesn't really care either way then just get all lovey dovey with her and praise her for being such a great partner.

Or some such like all that. :p

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A but with a little of B and/or C mixed in; tell you plan to rule over the human race but she will rule with you, that the only one with authority above her will be you.

People, we must be ethical here. We must complete are plans because it will make all women very happy. We can't lets are slave running a muck of things nor can we make her unhappy. So i vote for this!
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A but with a little of B and/or C mixed in; tell you plan to rule over the human race but she will rule with you, that the only one with authority above her will be you.

^ (of course, the part where we say she'll rule is a lie)
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

In watching Odella struggle here, you can't see her as a master anymore, you understand that the only way to protect her is to become the one making all of the decisions. Odella won't agree and will try to prevent it.

When i originally created this CYOA i wanted to make it so that there was conflict between Odella and you, as a infant tentacle you had no choice but to obey, but now that you are grown, you are establishing yourself.

You are becoming more power hungry, it is in your nature to control, not be controlled.

It is for that reason that none of these choices are ones which put you underneath her, your ambitions going forward will be to overrule and control her as well as the rest of humanity.

If you become a servant, it will be because Odella has forced you to become one.

Please choose one of the options i have given you, or you can delay this vote by choosing D.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. Best to get it over quick and not veat around the bush or anything.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A but with a little of B and/or C mixed in; tell you plan to rule over the human race but she will rule with you, that the only one with authority above her will be you.

Yeah this one is great! But she will take orders from us and we can fuck her anytime we want, she only rules the slaves and she is not equal to us.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


For months you've wander across this barren plain, Odella walks warily behind you, her skin is covered with the encrusted semen from all manner of creatures which have fucked her since her arrived, her hair is caked together in clumps. her crotch is caked with the most dried semen around her asshole and pussy, she had given up trying to wipe it all away long ago.

her tired eyes look down as she continues to drag herself along, a team small team of six giant slugs who are fat and short follow behind her like slimy grotesque ducklings.

It has been a rough few months to say the least. First it was the plants of course who used her to fertilize a couple of their eggs, then it was the vore pits with eyeballs who watch you as they fuck you with the huge tentacles with eyeballs, then it was the vore pits without eyes who fuck you with tentacles without eyeballs like everyone else here, she had been eaten, groped, impregnated, fed, milked, fed milk, massaged and slapped on the ass by hundreds of types of creatures here, she had been through the wringer and was spent mentally and emotionally.

You too were becoming weary of this journey, for the longest time you had to be her strength, forcing her to get up so you could continue your journey through these god forsaken lands, lands which you had once called home.

Now all you wanted was to go back to the cold human world alone with Odella.

'Do you see anything?' Odella said as she lifted her face up a bit and looked up toward you.

'Nothing.' you said as you continued to slither along.

Odella simply lowered her face back down and continued to look at the meaty path, months earlier she may have complained and made a snarky comment, but hope had long felt her, she only continued on now because of you, the one who had told her not to quit.

She originally didn't take to being told you were her master very well, there was a bunch of yelling and arguing, there was plenty of time for that being held captive by one species of monster of another, eventually she relinquished her power silently, the arguments stopped, she didn't have the energy to argue, and certainly not the willpower.

You had become the master by default, and at times, you had to wonder whether or not Odella's mind was completely intact.

Odella made it a ritual to sit down twice a day and feed each of you, her six strongest larva fought off the weaker ones who died of hunger, you didn't need much energy for whatever reason, you didn't take much but the larvae gorged themselves on her every chance they got.

You were irritated with them at first, but you understood that they were big dumb bugs who didn't disobey your commands, if they kept growing they would be useful someday for protecting you and Odella.

Odella began to hum in a broken tone behind you as you continued to slither along, if you were human your will may have been broken by now as well, but tentacles are driven by one thing, the opportunity for more power and that certainly wasn't going to happen as long as you remained here.

for hours you continued to walk before Odella dropped to her knees and belt forward.

'its dinner time' Odella said as she closed her eyes and smiled a bit.

the slugs behind her fought for a bit before the first one emerged from the crowd and came up behind her.

with its slimy mouth it pressed against her crotch and pressed it's tongue inside of her pussy.

'mmm' Odella said as she savored the feeling, she had been raped thousands of times, but she still loved being penetrated, particularly by her children, it was something like breast feeding to them. but no child can live off of breast feeding forever.

The slugs would eat Odella whole if they could, their bellies were big enough now to contain her. she would not die however, it was simply how they fed.

she had been 'eaten' by similar creatures before, her body was forced down the maw of the creature and placed inside of their belly, then she would be fucked in each orifice for a few days straight before she was pushed out and discarded, she always needed a few days to recover after that and it made her children restless to have to wait...but they did.

from the mouth of the creature a large amount of semen gushed into Odella's pussy and spilled out onto the ground below her, indicating that it was finished.

'ahh thank you' Odella said as she scooped up a bit of the creamy substance from the ground and put it into her mouth.

the next creature moved up and put its small face up to Odella's butt and pressed forward into it.

'hah' Odella said as she moved up a bit, her knees sliding forward a bit from the lubrication of the cum below her. 'good choice' Odella said smiling as she put her head down and rested it on the ground below.

you turn around from her and look forward again.....theres something up ahead, you can't tell what, but it looks like the land falls off...

you look back at Odella as she continues to be fucked in the ass by one of the huge slugs, should you interrupt her?

What do you do?

A. Interrupt 'Dinner' and tell Odella you are going to investigate ahead by yourself.

B. Interrupt 'Dinner' and Insist that you fuck Odella so that you have all the energy you need to investigate ahead by yourself.

C. Don't interrupt, just go on by yourself.

D. Don't Interrupt, but take the one fed Larvae with you while you investigate, hopefully it is obedient.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. Making them wait a moment won't hurt and it's better that she knows another raping might be coming.

On a side note, hooray! Seri is writing again so unlurking myself means I can contribute.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I've really felt like doing something again but i want to make sure when i start it i want to know that it is something i can commit to long term.

I had a vote for what i was going to do next a while ago but after writing up drafts i thought that it all sucked. the content has to be interesting to both me and my audience.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

D might as well make them useful.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A&D. Let Odella know we're going and take a full Larvae with us.