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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


Looking at Odella, you can't help but feel guilty, this place has used and abused her heavily since you've arrived, she has probably spent more time unconscious or confused than she has spent awake and aware.

curled up into a fetal position, Odella rests her head gently against the soft ground with both hands cradling her enlarged stomach.

The large collection of eggs inside of her would be uncomfortable if she wasn't passed out, but that is what the creatures of this place do to humans like her.....use them up and subjugate them.

The very thought turns you on slightly, as you yourself would enjoy nothing more than to have a collection of women each existing to serve you.....though you feel anger and frustration that something else has done it to who you consider to be your property.

You've been made incredibly exhausted from only a few hours of rescuing Odella, your feeble attempts to fend off the gigantic bug-like creatures has only made you more fatigued....normally you'd harvest Odella, but in this current state it would be impossible. all you can do is rest and hope you recover well enough soon that you can move her in a few hours.

Cuddling up close to Odella again, you feel her body heat and it sends shivers though your body, at peace finally, you doze off shortly afterward...


hour later you awaken and are relieved to find Odella still there next to you, though still passed out completely from the eggs constant draining of her energy.

you yourself feel only slightly more energized, the only way for you to restore your power significantly to is gain it from Odella or another human, nevertheless you decide that you need to move Odella in order to keep her safe from other predators.

You think to yourself for a moment as you remember the fields of plants which is located about a tenth of a mile from here, it could potentially serve as a shroud for Odella and yourself from other predators who may be searching for her.

Without much more thought, you wrap your back end around Odella's ankle and begin to drag her along the slick ground back towards the fields.


Upon arrival to the middle of the fields once again you feel more exhausted than you ever have, you collapse having just finished dragging Odella's unconscious body here and feel as though you could die from exhaustion.

that's when you begin to realize that Odella's life is not only hers, but yours as well.

As a foot-long spawnling, you might have been able to life here on this plane from the small amounts of energy radiating from the surface, but being grown now, you body needs human energy in order to not only revitalize itself, but to even survive.

you spend so much time thinking about you pathetic situation that you don't even notice that Odella has been lifted into the air behind.

You turn around to see that Odella has been lifted high into the air by a plant, two of it's tentacle-like appendages grip onto Odella's thighs and spread them open, her unconscious hands dangle downward and her blank pale unconscious face.

too exhausted to react, you can only watch as the stamen of the strange plant guides it's way into Odella's anus and begins pumping her with a strange fluid.

It appears as though all hope is lost as you watch Odella become molested by yet another creature from this plane.

Odella's belly gets larger and larger as the fluid continues to be pumped in from Odella's behind, eventually small amounts of the fluid begin to drip from Odella's mouth and nose, it's thick white paste ploping on the ground beneath her.

This is it, you think to yourself....she is going to choke to death.

For the first time you feel incredibly guilty, this is your fault, you were in charge of her and now because of you, she is going to die. the worst kind of mental agony enters your mind as you lose all hope entirely and in that moment you wish you yourself were dead so to spare yourself.

Odella begins coughing as she opens her eyes.

The plant quickly drops Odella down to the ground where she gets down on her knees and hands and begins to vomit up large amounts of the copious thick white fluid.

'ugh' Odella says as she continues to spit up some of the stuff, from behind a thick trail oozes from her anus as slowly collects on the ground between her legs.

'Odella!' you say to her as you use the last bits of strength you have to get up and move over to her. 'are you ok?' you ask her

'n....no......not really' Odella says as she spits another thick load of the fluid onto the ground in front of her. 'I've got a terrible headache' Odella says as she turns over and lies down on her back in the pool of white fluid, her hands move over her stomach again.

'these eggs.......ugh' Odella says as she closes her eyes again.

'Don't you dare pass out again!' you say to her

'i won't.......i've got this now' Odella says as she raises her hand and shows a bit of the white glop on her fingers.

the white fluid appears to be a concentrated form of semen, the plant must have detected that Odella was unconscious and protected her, the creatures here can't afford to let any harm come to a human, especially one they considered their own.

As you look around you, the plants have become more dense, their long appendages have started to block off an exit and form a bit of a prison in order to trap Odella here.

Normally you'd be panicing, but this should at least keep you safe from other predators for the time being, at least until Odella has had the chance to recover.

'These things......they must really like me' Odella says as she opens her eyes again and turns to you.

'You are the first woman they have seen in centuries....if ever....of course they like you....without you they cant reproduce.' you explain to her

'I guess that is true for everything here on this wretched plane' Odella observes.

'I can't live without you either Odella' you explain to her

'I know'

'How do you?'

'Back when i conducted the ritual to summon you, i linked my soul to yours so that you may exist in our world, without my energy, you would eventually wither and die in our world, though you can feed from other women, you can never be truly sated without my specific energy, even if you drained from every other woman in our world, you would eventually die without my energy......you need me....but i need you as well'

'How do you mean?'

'If you were to somehow die, i wouldn't be able to cast my magic anymore, my current enchantments would fail and i would likely die from the trauma......our lives are linked you and i....'

'so we'll be together for as long as we live?'

'I'm afraid so, even if we were separated by distance, my magic would eventually fade and your power would wane....we are most powerful when we are close and far less powerful when apart'

'Why didn't you tell me before?' you ask her

'I wasn't sure i could trust you, but you rescued me....you came to get me when i was in danger....i think its time.'

you cuddle up close to Odella again, feeling a warmth against her side which wasnt there previously, one of her hands comes to your head and she begins to stroke you lovingly.

'When we finally escape from this place.......we can't afford to waste anymore time...we need to stop hiding in the shadows and take control....we need to begin our conquest' Odella says to you.

In that moment, she could have said anything and it would have made you happy.


dipping her fingers into the small pool of white cum below her, Odella scoops up more of the semen and places it into her mouth.

'how do you feel?' you ask her

'I'm starting to feel a bit dizzy again, but i think i'll be fine' she responses.

you notice movement behind you as you quickly get up and see that one of the plants is opening up a blossom near you.

around the opening petals is a small central platform with a phallic stamen in the center.

'Whats happening?' you ask.

'i think this plant here is offering something'

'what do you mean offering something?' you ask

'It wants me to mount it....but i'm not sure what it means'

The two of you patiently wait and watch as the Phallic object stands tall between the petals of the flower, waiting for Odella.

What do you do?

A. Tell Odella to put her Mouth around the Phallic Stamen.

B. Tell Odella to sit on the Phallic Stamen and insert it into her Vagina

C. Tell Odella to sit o the Phallic Stamen and insert it into her Anus

D. Tell Odella to ignore the Phallic stamen.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. With those eggs still in her, I think this would be best.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B we can't risk her getting addicted to semen again, and she's already pregnant so no harm doing it :)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Might as well get her womb good and broken in now, so she's ready for whatever we're gonna be putting in there.

Also it would be cool if we could transform into tentacle armor for Odelia so we can protect and empower her, while having a few or more tentacles in her.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. She can't get more pregnant...right?
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Intermission 4: Celia

It had been only days since Celia abruptly quit the bounty hunter's guild. Her compatriots had grown wary of her behavior and she wanted to ensure that her secret wasn't accidentally exposed.

She sat in the shade under a tree in about an inch of snow, though it was cold outside, her body was hot and she felt more comfortable outside now than inside.

Unclipping the clasp of her tunic, she dropped it down and revealed her swollen breasts which had each gotten larger, attached to each of her nipples were tiny suction cup appendages which attached to the ever-growing creature which held against her body like a bra.

She had been lactating for days now and the creature fed off of her milk, the creature was beginning to sag down lower like a drape and she knew that the next orifice the mysterious creature would likely explore was her navel.

Celia's skin had become reddened and moist and her vagina seemed to ooze lubrication out of control, she felt like a wild beast would in heat and she knew that it had something to do with the creature preparing her body for what was to come.

In one way she didn't know if she still wanted it, but it was she her master desired and it's will was always done.

slowly pulling her tentacle sword from her hilt, it reacted to her touch and came alive, transforming from it's blade form into a slimy writhing tentacle; excited at the possibility of feeding again.

Celia felt like sticking it inside of herself in order to get some measure of relief; but she knew that it wasn't what was best for her body or the creature which was using it right now to grow itself.

reaching down, Celia put her hand into her pants and started to finger herself, it wasn't nearly the stimulation she now needed to sate herself, but it was enough to keep her from going crazy.

sticking her tongue out, Celia arched her back against the tree as she suddenly felt an intense orgasm which caused her to tremble for a moment.

tears began to stream down her face as the orgasm extended well past the duration of a normal orgasm and she dropped her tentacle sword in the snow as she slid her legs and glided forward across the snow as her back pressed hard against the oak.

When the feelings of the orgasm faded, she felt the sudden urge to masturbate again, her body would feel desire as long as she was being pumped full of the fluids the creature forced into her through her breasts, she could only imagine what it would be like when the creature grew large enough to enter her other orifices, she only hoped that the creature would be able to satisfy her by then, otherwise she might go insane.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I will vote for C.
I think her pussy is to stuffed... even we were not able to use it.
And i am into anal :D.
Great update again. :)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B Who knows, it might even release the eggs from her vagoo. And agreed, I enjoyed this update very much.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I go for C but if that's not enough to bring it within about 3 votes of 1st then B
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


Using a significant amount of her strength, Odella gets up by placing her palms on your ground behind her and pushing herself forward to get to her feet from her seated position, the heft of the eggs inside of her belly make it difficult to move at all as she grabs ahold of her belly and slowly moves over to the Stamen.

'What are you going to do?'

'I'm going to sit on it and see what happens' Odella said, turning back to your momentarily.

You sit back and watch as Odella climbs into the bud of the gigantic plant. She places her feet inside of it and feels the soft texture of the bud's pollen against her feet, the petals of the plants lay steadily against the ground but caress her ankle gently as she passes onto the flower.

standing beside the tall and phallic stamen, Odella carefully places her hand over it and touches it gently. The stamen is likely coated with a soft ooze which makes Odella's hand tingle a bit as it coat her hand, placing her hand around the stamen, Odella begins to stroke the organic appendage to see how the rest of the flower reacts.

The petals of the flower jerk slightly with her strokes as she masterbates the stamen, it becomes clear that if the plant is sufficiantly stimulated, the petals will likely close and trap Odella inside.

'I might be trapped in here if i mount this thing....but i kinda feel obligated to do so, something is telling me not to be afraid'

You decide to sit back and let Odella trust her instincts, after all, these plants surround you now and the only way you'd ever be able to leave is if they allow it.

taking her hands off of the stamen, Odella hesitates for a moment before lifting her crotch over the stamen and placing it just above, taking a deep breath, Odella drops her hips slowly until the stamen presses against her labia and parts it slightly.

forcing herself down upon the stamen more, her feels the plant's phallus pierce into her crowed vagina.

sensing that it had caught a woman, two small yet strong tendrils spring from beneath the soft pollen and grab onto Odella's ankles tightly as the petals begin to close around her.

struggling to move now, the Stamen of the flower navigates through her cramped depths and delves further into Odella's warm depths.

The petals close in around Odella until they press against her stomach and press firmly against her, further trapping her in place, using her free hands, Odella tries to pierce their secure hold and finds herself unable to, using her hands now to try to free herself in a kind of half-hearted effort.

'im stuck.' Odella says, in a tone which would leave you believe that she wasnt surprised of that outcome.

you simply watch patiently as the plant continues

feeling a rush of liquid being poured into her vagina from the plant, Odella begins to feel even more full as the eggs inside of her become loosened by the sudden addition of semen from the stamen.

Odella sees her belly become even larger as she ramps up her efforts to escape now, knowing it is futile.

in an instant, the stamen pulls from Odella's vagina and she feels a splash of the semen against her feet as it gushes out of her, as quickly as the stamen was removed, it moves and forces itself against Odella's ass as her eyes widen and she grits her teeth while simultaneously clinching her toes against her feet.

the stamen pierces into Odella's anus as she begins to wiggle and make other strange and spastic movements in reaction.

Odella closes her eyes and shakes her head 'its....warm.'

like a high pressure pump, the stamen begins to inject Odella with it's stamen, the fluid flows quickly up her intestines and spills into her stomach.

Odella looks down as she feels the familiar pressure in her stomach, it was similar to what she felt hours ago.

when her stomach was full, the stamen slowed it's flow, but it caused Odella to feel uneasy with the massive deposit of semen inside of her.

openning her eyes again and looking at you, Odella suddenly felt a surge of semen bubble up into her mouth and she vomitted a significant amount of it onto the petals which held her in place.

once again the flow of semen started, acting quickly to replace the amount which had been vomitted away by Odella.

'ugh...i feel terrible, but....empowered at the same time' Odella said before vomitting up a bit more of the semen as it exited her mouth and oozed down her tits and below the petals toward her crotch.

'Should i help you?' you ask

'no....no...just leave me like this for a while.'


Odella continued to vomit up the excess semen which was deposited into her stomach and as soon as she did, it was quickly replaced by more. her body was absorbing it at an alarming rate, one which she had not been used to.

She was almost being drowned in the stuff, but the plant took special care to ensure that she would not die.

At the rate she was absorbing the semen into her body, she should have been complete enfeebled at this point, but she was still lucid and communicating the entire time.

'How do you feel?' you asked her

'I feel completely invigorated, like i've never had more energy in my life' Odella responded, her body was completely covered in the thick semen now from her hours of vomiting it up all over herself.


in a few more hours, the semen was caked all over Odella and the ground beneath her had large puddles of the semen which she had been expelling this entire time.

two of the pedals spread open and the tendrils moved Odella's legs out of the plant and spread her legs open, the massive Stamen was still secured inside of Odella's ass as a bit of the semen escaped from the sides and rolled down the stamen and Odella's legs.

'ahhhh......theres movement' Odella said with a smile on her face as her labia started to move slightly.

parting Odella's labia and escaping her vagina were the first of Odella's new children, larva-like bugs which crawled out of her one by one and sat on her thighs and pelvis as they continued to be birthed into this world. the 31st Larva was the last one, it clumsily rolled out of Odella's vagina and fell to the ground below.

now that Odella's Vagina was voided, the plant slowly removed the stamen from Odella's Ass and once there was enough free space, a deluge of semen gushed out of Odella's anus and spilled onto the ground, plastering some of Odella's new children and covering them.

With renewed vigor, the plant quickly pierced into Odella's Vagina and started fucking her, it's thrusts pounded quickly and forcefully.

Odella didn't say anything, she simply had a dumb look on her face as her eyes rolled back from the pleasure.

with one more flex of the plant's lower parts, another jetstream of semen filled Odella's vagina and cervix and a large lump was squeezed past her Labia and deposited into Odella's Cervix.

the tendrils which grasped Odella's ankles released and the petals opened again, freeing Odella as she slid down one of the gigantic petals and was carefully deposited into a puddle of semen on the ground, each of the 31 Larva hopped onto Odella's body and snuggled up onto her skin as a steady stream of semen flowed out of Odella's vagina and ass.

Odella simply laid there with her face against the semen covered ground moaning and making small movements such as raising as butt up or slightly parting her thighs against the petal she was partially resting on.

The Larva used Odella's body as a bed, using her body to keep them warm as they pressed against it affectionately.

you yourself couldn't help it as you too decided to snuggle up against her unconscious and twitching body and go to sleep.


waking up later, you looked over at Odella who was now on her back, her legs were spread open as she was allowing each of her new larva babies to enter her vagina and feed for a few moments.

Odella's hair was completely caked in semen, it's strands were stuck together and her face had large chunks of dried solidified semen hanging from it, there would have been a time when this would have bothered her, but she was such a state of bliss right now, you could tell just by looking at her.

'Odella are you ok?'

'yes...i'm fine.....are you hungry?'

You actually are hungry, you had not eaten in what feels like days, and she was apparently in the process of feeding all of her other little children.

Odella's belly was full again, she had become impregnated by the plant now and noticed that the two of them, plus all of Odella's buglike children were still trapped, presumably until she had given birth once again to the Plant's egg.

above Odella's face the stamen rested, slowly dripping bits of semen onto Odella's so that she could replenish her energy as needed.

You figure you'd be trapped her for at least a while longer, might as well make the most of it.

What do you do?

A. Push the Larva remaining aside and feed on Odella so that you can regain your energy, only about half of the Larva have been fed to this point.

B. No, you don't need to feed, you'll be fine, allow the rest of the Larva to feed on Odella.

C. These Larva may eventually grow large enough to become competition for you, you should kill them now before they can defend themselves (Massacre the Larva.)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C, then A
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C (but only if Odella doesn't dissaprove) and A.


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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Let's have buggy friendions (Friend Minions).