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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

First My Vote: A

, because we are selfish :p we cannot allow other creatures to take her energy, we need it for us to grow and rule the world.
On the second hand we like her a little bit and cannot watch her getting raped.

Second My thougts for Serifyn: I want to reply to your post.

First, THANK YOU for your writting.
I think the CYOA is going in the right direction. It´s getting darker. Fewer happy thougts between the tentacle (us) and the woman (Odella). And now she is getting gangraped by some insects. Thats great. I want more of this :rolleyes: .

I personaly read your stories because i love tentacles and monsters going wild on women :D.
I would like to have a more mean tentacle/s who just want to fuck and breed and less love, but it´s your story i´m just a reader. If i´m not happy i wait for the next update.
So i think it would be great if sometimes you could make a CYOA with such a dark setting. I know that you have written such texts in your past CYOAs and i loved them. It´s just a suggestion :)

Your storys are all great. I liked the old and finished ones as well and admire your work :).
I can understand, that you want more responds from the readers, but you must consider that many readers are reading, faping and then leaving the forum :D . Thats how it goes.
On the other hand you can be realy proud for the 5-10 people who are constantly replying and voting in your CYOAs. For each one of them there are 50 others who are happy to remain silent and enjoy.
For the votes you provide i think it´s only your choice how to do them. Like to discribe exactly what the consequences are for the following texts and telling which one are "good" and which one are "bad" or let the voter be in the dark which consequences his vote will have. I like it both and i think for the author the second one is the easier way.

(PS: Sorry if i made many mistakes in diction, grammatic or spelling. English is just my second language)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Thank you :D.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B Great work, keep it going. It's good that you write these reminders to keep your audience up on our toes once in a while. I'm grateful for the story, is what I'm saying.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Sorry it's taken so long for this update, i'll try to keep up with this better in the future.


You rush in with furious anger at the sight of your human being violated by these strange creatures, With full force you charge in and ram against the large creature who is prepared to deposit another egg inside of Odella.

Though you have grown significantly, the mass of the creature is too much and you absorb most of the blow yourself, the creature simply ignores you as it slowly inserts it's ovipositor into Odella.

Odella winces once again as she feels the fleshy tube slide into her, her toes clinch as she opens her legs and sticks her tongue out, trying to open herself as much as possible to accept the egg inside of her painlessly.

Though dazed from the previous attempt, you continue your assault, trying to loop around the large creature and find some way to disturb it enough to leave Odella alone, your efforts are futile, as the creature ignores you entirely, focused on implanting it's seed into Odella.

A large egg moves through the ovipositor and presses up against Odella's entrance as she grits her teeth in anticipation, with force behind it, the egg pushes past her labia and enters into her vagina, sliding in nicely once inside as translucient goop behind the egg plasters her labia and oozes downward onto her anus.

the egg slightly distends her slim stomach as she begins to breath deeper, the ovipositor exits from Odella's body.

Finally the creature appears to move, despite your efforts, you notice however that another one of the several large creatures is beginning to stir from behind in order to have it's turn.

Odella's face goes red as she tries with all of her might to push the egg out of herself as she had done with the others, but her earlier efforts have taken their toll on her as she isnt able to get the egg to budge.

'I cant....im.......too tired' Odella said as she laid her back flat against the platform which raised her and seemingly conceded, the egg inside of her had not budged an inch.

the next creature moves up and you redouble your efforts, desperately trying to get the creature's attention, this creature also ignores you entirely.

The creature moves up to Odella who looks positively defeated and stick's it's own ovipositor inside of her, with a little less enthusiasm, Odella raises her hips again and tries to accept the egg, lest have it be painfully and forcefully inserted inside of her.

exhausted and defeated, you can only watch as the line of creatures have their way with and impregnate Odella with her eggs, Odella who is too tired to push them out now, is slowly filled with them until she is packed to capacity hours later.....


With a satisfying pop, the last of the creatures retracts it's ovipositor from Odella, whose belly is completely filled with eggs now, having passed out some time ago, Odella sits on the pedestal unconscious, her body is completely covered with the clear ooze from the creatures and her rump rests in a pool of it which has collected from all of the creatures prior each having their way.

you stir from your rest, still a bit dazed from your previous efforts and go to her, climbing up onto the pedestal which seats her.

Odella mumbles with her eyes closed her bound arms brought as close as they can be to her belly in attempt to hold it.

'Odella can you hear me?' you say to Odella as you press your face against hers, trying to stir her from her rest.

she doesn't respond, she is far too exhausted to move at all herself, the eggs inside of her continually drain her of her energy and she likely won't wake up until they hatch, which may be days from now.

Thinking for a moment, you place your head into Odella's mouth and start trying to fuck her mouth, hoping that it would excite you enough that you would cum inside of her and give her the temporary energy boost she would need to wake up and potentially escape.

After a few minutes of trying to fuck her mouth, you realize that without her conscious stimulation there is no chance of you being able to ejaculate inside of her.

crawling down her body, you enter Odella's Vagina and explore the inside of it; it is absolutely packed with eggs, so much so that it would be incredibly hard for you to stimulate yourself, let alone get deep enough inside of her.

removing yourself from her Vagina, covered in the gooey slop now from the creatures, you dive into Odella's Ass, the ooze covering her other hole makes entry easy, and you can feel her sphincter muscles tighten around you instantly as you delve deeper inside of her ass, rubbing against her rough rectum you slowly feel the tension build inside of yourself.

Odella's sphincter presses and squeezes you when you abruptly ejaculate into her, at the peak of your excitement, you quickly backtrack and exit her ass, then quickly climb up her body and deposit yourself inside of Odella's mouth again, fucking her mouth hard, you begin to feel yourself becoming ready to ejaculate once again, and finally, a thick glop of cum exits from you and splatters against the back of Odella's throat, causing her to choke for a moment before she swallows it.

rubbing against her face, you try to wake Odella once again 'cmon girl, get up!'

opening her eyes abruptly , Odella looks you in the face looking terribly weak.

'Where.....am i....why do i feel so weak?' Odella says to you.

'Don't worry about that now....we need to get you out of here'

pulling against her binds weakly, you go to assist her and break though the first one against one of her wrists, it's living tissue breaks and it's slime blood drips out as she uses her free hand with your assistance to free herself from her binds one by one.

dizzy and weak, Odella slowly climbs down from the pedestal and immediately falls to her knees.

'what is happening to me? i feel so........feeble'

'I can't explain it now, we need to go as far as we can before you pass out again....i'll get you out of here, i promise' you tell her.

using all of her strength, odella gets to her feet again and holding your hand, you guide her out of the room and back up towards the entrance of this cave.


reaching the entrance of the cave, Odella collapses again onto her back.

'I cant go any further....im sorry'

grabbing her ankle you use all of your strength to pull her along, her body being coated with the ooze from the creatures and the smooth surface of this place makes it relatively easy to do so.

After the entrance of the cave is out of view, you yourself collapse next to Odella, who is unconscious again.

you've never felt more exhausted in your life, it took alot out of you to rescue Odella from that situation, but now you have another problem..

The eggs inside of Odella will keep her unconscious until they hatch and she gives birth to the creatures inside of them, you estimate that it will take about three days for this to happen.

Weakened yourself, you can't use Odella's body to replenish your strength.

You lay down next to Odella and contemplate your next move....

What do you do?

A. Rest for a while, then drag Odella far enough from the cave until you are sure that they won't be able to find her again.

B. Rest for a while, then Drag Odella back to the fields with the strange plants, maybe you can hide there for a while.

C. Rest for a while, then leave Odella alone and go looking for something you can use to empower yourself or Odella.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. We need to get Odella powered up so we dont have to drag her around. She would have an easier time dragging us around if exhausted then Vice Versa. Also if possible I say we additionally try putting a little A. in there too amd get as fucking far way from them as possible and I dont trust the strange plants much either, especially in Odellia's current state.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. We need to get Odella powered up so we dont have to drag her around. She would have an easier time dragging us around if exhausted then Vice Versa. Also if possible I say we additionally try putting a little A. in there too amd get as fucking far way from them as possible and I dont trust the strange plants much either, especially in Odellia's current state.

+1. I like this plan.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I say B. The plants didn't seem very dangerous (at the moment) and we really need to distance ourselves from those bugs. They might not be so uncaring if they find out we've stolen their prey. And maybe some of the plants have seed, like the sperm trap did, that we can use.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. We need to get Odella powered up so we dont have to drag her around. She would have an easier time dragging us around if exhausted then Vice Versa. Also if possible I say we additionally try putting a little A. in there too amd get as fucking far way from them as possible and I dont trust the strange plants much either, especially in Odellia's current state.

lets do this
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I will vote for B.

I think that the forest is the best hiding-place we know in this open fields.

PS: great update. I liked it. It was worth the waiting.