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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. I disapprove ditching her and i have a feeling in her current state B would be like dragging a sulking child to the dentist or school/etc.

This is likely accurate. C
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B Obvious addiction trap requires willpower to escape.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Oh god its close.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B is locked.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


'Come on, get up now' you say as you make your way behind her and push her up gently, you are surprised how much stronger you are now compared to a few hours ago.

Odella simply pouted as you forced her up, she was tired and so were you, you had been up for many hours now, traveling without rest, but this place wasn't safe and in Odella's Enfeebled state, a place like this would only make her worse.

'Lets go' you say to her as you grab onto her arm and force her away from the oasis, she looks back at it with a sad look in her eye.


You begin to feel the exhaustion kick in after a few minutes of travelling across the living plains, as far as you could sense, there was nothing but more in the direction in which you moved.

Though at one point in your life, you would have been satisfied simply living here, the ground beneath your feet was warm and welcoming.

Walking upon the ground wasent easy for Odella however, it was slippery and moist, and the traction was bad for her, causing her to put more into every step.....it was torture.

'I cant go on' Odella said to you as she pulled back against your grab 'I need rest'. She said as she quickly sat down against the living surface.

You looked around quickly and didn't see any kind of danger around, so you figured you might as well give the poor girl a moment to rest before you continued onward.

putting her head down against the ground again, Odella closed her eyes and put her hands underneath her head while crossing her bare legs.

The dim light came down from beyond the shade of the thick atmosphere, it was constant and dull, but it was enough for Odella and you to see the plane off into some distance still, as though it were just the beginnings of dusk in the human world.

Odella's body was a thing of beauty, you had not ever had the opportunity to take a good look at it, especially inside of her dark and dusty cottage where she lived.

She was a slender girl, with long legs and a thin belly, her breasts were the only part of her which had any real heft to them, rounding into orbs which stuck against her chest and hung down securely there, you remembered how much bigger they looked when you were smaller, and how when she wore her dresses they pushed her breasts up and created the illusion of more cleavage.

Her hair was long and dark, going down past her shoulders and midway down her back, kept usually in control, but now in a mid of a mess from all of the traveling that they had been doing.

The moisture against her thighs reflected a bit of a shine back at you, whether it was from the sex she had endured since getting here, the sweat from the journey or just the natural overabundance of lubrication her body produced, you couldn't know for sure, but it didn't seem to bother her much.

As much as you wanted to coil around her now and fuck her brains out, you knew it wouldn't be the best, you cared for her now more than you had realized, perhaps because she had raised you and cared for you....and you felt obligated to return the favor in her time of need, it would be irresponsible to cave to your desires now, she needed all of the strength she could get and though you were sure you'd both enjoy it, and it would likely re-energize you, it would make keeping her going much more difficult, especially if she consumed any of your semen afterwards.

'Lay with me' Odella said as she spread her legs open in front of you and inserted one of her fingers inside, playing with herself.

avoiding her lower region entirely, you slither parallel to her body and scooted up next to her, meeting your head with her face above.

you come close for a second and rub your head along her cheek as she sticks her tongue out and licks you.

You turn away 'we shouldn't.....not now.....rest please'

Odella frowns and looked disappointed as she closes her eyes and brings you in close agaisnt her body like a tentacle teddy bear to keep her warm
while she rests.


A few hours later you hear a slithering sound around you which wakes you from your sleep, you get up immediately to see several other smaller tentacles around you, slowly creeping in towards Odella, who is sleeping peacefully.

'Stay back, ill hurt you otherwise!' you say to them.

one of the other tentacle creatures starts to speak to you.

'You have a human........delicious......can we taste her?' the creature speaks to you with it's telepathy in your common tongue.

'No! shes mine, i won't let you hurt her' you say in an angry tentacle tone to them telepathically.

'We don't want to hurt her....we only want to try her, to see what she tastes like'

'Get back or i'll kill you....i will!' you threaten them as they stop for a moment, realizing that you are serious.

'What are you doing here? are you lost? maybe we can help you' the tentacle speaks again.

'How could you help me?'

'The girl........she seeks the pillar....we can read her subconscious mind'

'You know where the pillar is?' you ask, immediately interested.

'Yes, we know where it is....but....you must pay us a favor'

'I can't let you touch her, she isnt my property, she is my partner' you explain to them.

'A human being your partner?, don't be ridiculous, they are our food, we feed from their energy, they are our prey'

'How do you know this? How do you even know what a human is?' you ask them

'The old one knows all, he can explain, come with us and take the girl with you, we will bring you to the old one, he will tell you where the pillar is'

'How can i trust you?'

'You can't'

The Small tentacles around you are no match for you, you could easily kill them all and escape, however, they seem to know not only what the pillar is, but what it is and they are willing to show you if you bring Odella to their master 'The old one'. Because of Odella's debilitated state, you would be best to make this decision yourself.

What do you do?

A. Refuse to accept their help and allow them to leave without incident, then continue looking for 'The Pillar' yourself.

B. These Creatures know where you and Odella are, you need to kill them now so they cant give your position away to their allies, then continue looking for 'The Pillar' yourself.

C. Accept their proposal and follow them with Odella to the Lair of 'The old one' who promises to help you find 'The Pillar'.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Intermission 3: Celia

The woman screamed in ecstasy as the sword inside of her wiggled and thrust, accessing the depths of her womb and draining her of her energy.

Celia used her forearm to bar the young woman against the tree deep in the forest where Celia had taken her, her skirt was ripped to shreds and lay in several pieces below her.

The hilt of the living sword grasped against Celia hand with tiny tentacles as she held it against the woman's crotch.

After several minutes, the woman finally passed out, completely drained of her energy, having orgasmed several times in the process.

Pulling the sword from the woman's vagina, it was a full tentacle which was covered in the woman's juices, it slowly turned back into metal from it's living form until it was a solid purplish blade once again, the tentacles around Celia's hand turned into full hilt once again, the design of the 'guard' part of the sword was made to look like an octopus's tentacles, as there were eight of them forming the design above the grip, the Pommel was a purple gemstone which glowed with dim light and warmth below.

Dragging the woman away from the tree, Celia make sure she wouldn't freeze out here by covering her with a blanket from her pouch, she would wake up in a few hours and not remember what happened to her, due to the elixir she had forced her to drink prior to the rape.

Walking back towards the road, Celia realized that her hand was covered by a small purple dot similar to the color of the tentacle sword she had been handling.

A large smile came across Celia's face as she had finally got what she had been working for hard for all this time.

Celia unattached the clasp which connected her leather armor to her shoulder and let it down, revealing a cloth tunic underneath, gentling pushing aside the tunic, Celia pulled out her right breast and placed the purple dot onto her nipple.

The dot grew a small needle and pierced into the nipple, causing Celia to wince in pain for a moment while she held her breast up.

The purple dot started to inject a small amount of fluid into Celia's breast like her master said, and Celia smiled again as she placed her breast back into her tunic and refitted the leather clasp.

Celia walked towards the road as the creature attached to her breast continued to work underneath her clothing, it wouldn't be long now before she would start lactating, then, the real fun would begin.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. First arbitrary rule of tentacle land: Don't trust a tentacle.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. i dont trust them to take us to the pillar or "the old one" and its too risky to let them live if we turn them down; probably just sell us out to other tentacles.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B and make sure to get some information from them (death can be a powerful tool to get information)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


You immediately go berserk, fearing for the safety of yourself and Odella, you use your larger body to smash down on the smaller tentacles and crush them with their superior force, though they try to run, you are faster than they are and chase each one of them down and kill it.

Minutes later, you and Odella are surrounded by the lifeless corpses of the smaller tentacle creatures.

As you crawl back to Odella, you are covered in the slime of the creatures, their lifeblood. You've commit a grave sin and killed your own kind, you had better hope that you are not discovered now, as you will be shown little mercy.

You let Odella continue to rest as you watch over her vigilantly.


Hours later, Odella awakens and gets up looking at you.

'What happened here?' She says as she looks around and sees the corpses of the slain tentacles around you.

'They tried to attack you....i had to kill them' you explain, choosing to not give her the full story.

Getting to her feet in an instant Odella begins to brush herself off, particularly around the thigh region where some of the semen from before had dried and caked onto her 'What happened to me? i cant remember anything since we.........had sex.'

'You ingested too much Tentacle Semen and it caused your mind to become temporarily enfeebled, it completely slipped my mind....sorry'

'Enfeebled? hmmmmmmm. I'm not sure i've read about that condition' Odella said, thinking back to what she read in her Grimoire.

'it is an evolutionary mutation inside of us, it would allow us to control our victims more easily.....had you continued to consume it, you would have likely never regained your consciousness, you would have simply been a mindless piece of meat to be used and exploited by the creatures here'

'Scary thought' Odella said as she looked out on the horizon for something 'say......where are we?'

'I Don't know.......we had arrived at the object you originally saw, but it was just an pit filled with semen......we couldn't stay, given your condition'

'What a stupid decision!' Odella said, turning towards you with anger in her face.

'I tried to protect you, What if we had stayed and you continued to drink it?'

'We're in middle of god damn nowhere now, i cant see anything! At least with the pit you found we could use it as a landmark' Odella clinched her teeth with anger.

'why don't you read the minds of the tentacles....maybe they can tell you which way to head'

Walking over quickly to one of the dead tentacles, Odella picked it up and tried to read it's mind '............nothing...its been dead for too long..'

'Anymore ideas, genius?' Odella turned to you again, dropping the dead tentacle to the ground.

'I guess we continue walking....we're bound to find something sooner or later'

Odella just shook her head at you and started walking in a random direction.


Odella didn't speak to you at all while you walked with her, she was clearly angry with you about leaving the only visible landmark in the whole area, it just slipped your mind that something like that would be useful on a barren plane such as this.

After a couple hours of walking, you began to understand why she was so frustrated, the plane truly was devoid of any kind of structure or activity, it was just flat and endless, you could be traveling in one direction for the rest of your life at this rate, with only each other to keep yourselves sated.

Odella continued to squint her eyes and look into the distance around her...looking for something....anything but endless land.

Odella sat down to rest, turning away from you as she crouched down.

'Are we resting?' you asked her

'I have to go......just look away if you don't like it'

you looked away as she did her business, she was already mad enough at you.

'Thank you for looking out for me......but we have to be smarter' Odella said as you looked away from her

'I can see that now'

A few more moments passed before you heard her speak again.

'I don't suppose you have any tissue on you?' Odella said

'Fresh out'

you heard a sigh from her general direction before she got up again and continued walking.


For a few more hours you walked, until finally Odella saw something in the distance.

'What is that?' she asked as she squinted her eyes again and looked out at it.

It looked like some bushes out in the distance, it was hard to make out, but it was definitely something.

Starting to walk faster, you kept behind her as she excitedly moved towards whatever she had found.


Odella and you walked into a field of what appeared to be some living plants.

The plants had many pink leaves and long stems with buds at the end, the plants moved a bit, although slowly, they were not like normal plants on earth, more like a kind of tentacle/plant hybrid.

Close to the ground, the plants had small pieces of what appeared to be purple fruit, the fruit was grapesized, but there were plenty of them, almost one hundred that you could see.

The plant nearby took an interest in Odella of course, slowly moving it's buds toward her body.

'Don't get too close' you warned her

'The female body is like currency here and this plant doesn't look strong enough to capture me.' Odella said as she slowly moved towards the plant

'What are you doing?' you asked her in a bit of a panicked state.

'Im testing something'

Coming close enough to the plant, the buds slowly came to her body, wrapping underneath and finding her anus, starting to peck at it gently.

Odella turned around and spread her legs apart in front of the plant and spread her asscheeks, bending over at the same time, welcoming the plant.

'Are you crazy?' you ask

'Maybe i'm just bored' Odella snapped back, looking at you with the evil eye once again.

The buds of the plant slowly but surely entered Odella and started to lick her with their tiny tongues, more of the buds gathered around and started to lick the outside of her anus allowing her to feel a warm sensation which caused her to smile in delight.

tiny orbs started to pass though the stem of the bud which was inside of her and the orbs entered into her anus after a bit of pressure when squeezing between her sphincter muscle, the process excited Odella a bit, who couldn't help but giggle as the small orbs were deposited inside of her.

Finally, after about 20 or so of the orbs were injected into Odella's colon, the bud removed itself from her anus and gave the outside of it a final soft lick before returning to it's body.

'so what the hell was that all about?' you asked

'look' Odella said as she turned around and pointed to the fruits at the bottom of the plant.

The Grape-like fruits had grown significantly in size from before and looked juicy and plump.

Without hesitation Odella crouched down and picked one off of the plant, the looked at you and smiled, bringing the fruit to her mouth.

'Wait!' you said, but it was too late, Odella starting eating the fruit, its juices covered her face as she ate it.

'Wow, its really good' Odella said, pausing for a moment as she continued to feast on the fruits one after another.

'Do you feel ok?'

'I feel great......why?'

you watch Odella as she continues to eat the fruit from the plant, it doesn't appear to have any kind of adverse effect on her, other than making her feel full.

Minutes later, Odella gets up and wipes her face clean with her wrist and smiles at you.

'Are you completely insane?' you ask her.

'These Plants wouldn't hurt me, i've got something they need'

'Yeah? whats that?'

'A place to fertilize their seeds' Odella said as she rubbed her hand along one of her ass cheeks.


'Think about it, if i was a mindless human, who was hungry and 'enfeebled' i might wander into these fields looking for something to eat...the plant would provide nourishment in exchange for a place to fertilize it's seeds, after i am done, i wander off into the plains again and eventually feel the need to....go to the bathroom.'

'So then it's seeds are spread to a different part of the plane'

'Exactly, and even if i am enfeebled, i remember the tasty fruit from before and continue to go back, like a trained dog.....it is a symbiotic relationship'

'How did you know for sure?'

'I just assumed'

'Are you really going to let yourself be used like that?'

'This is their plane, and the best way to get what we want is to play by their rules........i've got this body, it is a rare commodity in a place like this.....we might as well use it to get what we need'

'So what now? we just continue wandering through the plane until you find something else you can voluntarily fuck while i just sit back and watch the entire time?'

'We need information, so until we can find a creature who can tell us where to go.....i don't really have a better idea.'

Stuck in a field of exotic living plants, it is the only landmark for miles, you have traveled so a long time and haven't had much of an opportunity to rest, your plan appears to be for Odella to fuck everything in sight and you couldn't be less enthusiastic about it.

What do you do?

A. Rest for the Night within the field.

B. Take some for yourself (Rape Odella and empower yourself, but drain her)

C. Continue traveling together.

D. Split up from Odella and search in different directions, allowing you to cover more ground, agree to meet up back at the field in a few hours.