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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I go with C If its like what Minerve said
But, for C: just be clear with Odella that we're not anymore hers, we work together to rule the whole world and we'll have power both, she'll be our Queen and we'll not be her slave.

if not than i go with B
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

But, for C: just be clear with Odella that we're not anymore hers, we work together to rule the whole world and we'll have power both, she'll be our Queen and we'll not be her slave.

Im going with this one. If it's not going to be like this than A would be good too.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Detour.


'We'll figure out a way out of here together' you say as you leap from the surface of the ground and onto Odella's leg coiling around it quickly.

'We should look for the pillar while we are here, it is what i was originally going to come here for, we might as well get it out of the way.' Odella said as she squinted her eyes and looked far off in one direction.

'This place is an almost endless flat plain, unless you can see it right now, we'd might be wandering all day.' you say as you quickly make you way up her warm body.

'There!' Odella shouts as she points off into that distance 'Is that it?'

Ahead of her is a tall and thick shape which appears from far away, it naturally looks phallic in nature, and is difficult to tell whether it is what she is looking for or not.

'I'm not sure, it could either be your pillar or something else which is huge' you tell her as you finally reach your usual perch on her shoulder.

'Lets go investigate' Odella says as she starts off in that direction.

'Hold on Odella' you say quickly, she stops in her place immediately 'There are some rules about this place i think you should know'.

'Yeah? like what?' Odella says as she focuses on the shape in the distance again.

'First, every creature here is exactly like me, they are unnaturally attracted to you form and body and will attack you if they see you'

'Well i should be able to fend them off if they all look like you' Odella says as she gently pats you on the head.

'Some of them are much larger than i am, hundreds of times larger and stronger in fact.'

'Well how can i avoid being captured by one of them?'

'You have to run, they are much stronger than you, if they capture you, they may never let you go.'

'Anything else?' Odella asked, turning her head towards you now and looking at yours.

'Yes, this place is devoid of any kind of food or water for your kind, the only thing which exists here for you to feed on is tentacle semen.'

'We'll i've got you for that, don't i?'

'We'll likely be traveling alot, and you'll need alot of energy to keep you going, which means you will have to capture smaller creatures like me and force them to give up their juices....don't ever pass up and opportunity to do some, as you never know when we will find another.'

'I'm ok with that i guess.......is that all?' Odella says as she takes another step in the direction before her.

'Finally, Don't let me out of your sight, whenever you go, i have to go as well, if the monsters grab you, i might not see you again.....we cannot allow this to happen'

'Just hold on tight up there' Odella said as she nodded and started to move forward.


The place was an endless surface of the fleshy living tissue, underneath her feet, it squished and was slippery, making the footing difficult, it felt like the inside of someone's mouth, like on their lips.....or like another part of a woman's body.

'What kind of place is this?' you asked Odella, unsure if it's origin.

'It is a dimension created to capture and hold you kind, im not sure about the specifics, but it's existence lured you from our plane long ago'

'We originally existed in your plane?'

'Yes, an incredibly powerful witch created your species so that she could commune with the demons, your species is comprised of potent magical material, and the density allows for you to channel energy through your body better than any human could'

'Which is why you need me for your rituals?'

'A ritual is like a pot of stew, you add ingredients in the form of incantations gradually until it is ready, your kind is needed not only to hold the power of the incantations, but to transfer the magic into the witch when it is completed.'

'So you couldn't be a witch without me?'

'Some rituals are short, and the latent magical energies hold in the air long enough to complete the ritual, but many rituals can take minutes or even hours to complete, for that, a powerful tentacle creature is required.....someday, you will be strong enough to help me conduct incredibly powerful rituals, which will change the shape of the world'

'How do you know all of this?'

'Do you remember that grimoire back at the cottage?'

'Yes, you used it in both of the rituals that you conducted back there at the cottage' you remember.

'I found it when i was very young.....it is the Grimoire of the great witch who created your race.'

'How could i have survived?'

'I don't know, but i felt like it found me....like i was chosen..' Odella say as she wiped a tear away from her eye.

'Is something wrong?' you ask

'No, its nothing...i just.....' Odella stopped abruptly as she tried to pull her foot free 'im stuck!' Odella said as she looked down to see that her foot was trapped in place in a hole on the ground, she tried pulling it free but it wouldn't budge. 'What is this thing?'

'Just stay calm, It's just a meat trap, it will pull you in and inject you with it's fluids if you cant get away'

'Am i going to be ok?'

'It wont hurt you, it just a mindless creature.....don't panic'

Suddenly, a tentacle appeared from the hole and wrapped around Odella's other ankle, pulling it closer as Odella struggled to maintain her balance, pulling her other ankle into the hole which trapped her other one, it quickly wrapped it's tentacles around both her ankles and started to pull Odella down further into the hole.

'What happens now?'

'The creature is going to pull you down onto it's head and penetrate you, spread your legs as best you can and raise your ass, unless you want to get raped there instead.'

'Is there nothing i can do?'

'Next time, watch your step....'

Odella was pulled further into the tight passage below her, which now had her mid-thigh deep into the hole.

'Just stay calm, breath...don't fight it now, the creature doesn't want to hurt you...it only wants to use your body.'

'its really slimy and warm'

'Now you know how i feel when i'm inside of you'

Odella's pelvis disappeared into the meat trap's hole, submerging her up to her belly.

'you should feel it's head soon...its like a big phallus which will pierce it's way into you'

The head of the creature found Odella's vagina and pushed itself up into her, penetrating her instantly with it's highly slimy and thick head.

'ah.....its big' Odella said as she winced and grit her teeth.

'Thats nothing Odella, some of the creatures here will be twice as big.....think of this guy as practice'

the meat trap below quickly thrust it's head into Odella's pussy, pounding into it quickly as Odella's toes curled up inside of the monster below.

'it's going to fill you up, just relax your body and accept it's load inside of you.'

The meat trap ejaculated inside of Odella, immediately filling her up with its creamy semen, the gush of semen rushed past her cervix and filled her uterus, slightly distending her stomach as it continued to surge inside of her.

'does it hurt?' you ask

'ahhhh' Odella said as she continued to clinch her teeth, feeling the fluid build up inside of her.

Odella felt a powerful orgasm trigger as she tilted her head back and sighed in relief.

Odella's legs were released inside of the creature and she slowly climbed out of her, her stomach was larger from the semen trapped inside as she crawled out and layed face first against the warm surface of the ground.

'how do you feel?' you asked her

'Full' Odella said simply as she wrapped her hands around her stomach and felt the new hefy of the weight she was carrying.

Odella crawled further away from the creature, leaving a trail of thick and slimy semen behind her as it leaked steadily from her pussy.

'hold on' you say

'w...what?' odella said as she tried to get up from the ground, she was exhausted.

'get to your knees, and spread your legs open'

Odella obediently lifted herself up and got to her knees, she then spread her legs open and looked over at you as she was breathing hard.

'push down on your stomach'

'Are you sure about this?' Odella said.


with both hands, Odella pressed down on her stomach, a flow of the thick semen quickly drained from her uterus and splattered against the ground below her between her knees, it seemed to flow forever before it once again only dripped from her body.

'Do you feel better now?' you ask

'Yes, i feel much better'

'Good, so now eat it'


'Yes, you were lucky to find such a creature, now you can feed on it's semen'

'This seems so wrong....'

'Nobody can see you...i wont tell anyone'

Odella timidly brought her hands together around the big puddle of semen before her and scooped up a generous amount, she put her hands to her lips and drank it down, it's thickness was like a heavy stew....but it tasted incredible, like nothing she had ever had before in her life.

Odella quickly drank the semen down and scooped up another handsfull of it.

'how is it'

taking a moment out of gorging herself with the stuff, she commented quickly 'it's delicious!' Odella said, turning quickly towards you, her face was covered and dripping with the warm substance.

Odella pressed her face against the surface and started to greedily lick it now.

'Easy' you say as you try to calm her down.

Odella comes up licking her fingers 'that was the best thing i had ever tasted!'

'how do you feel?'

'i feel energetic now.....and a little horny' Odella said as she lowered her hand to her crotch quickly and started fingerbanging herself a little bit.

'it's a side effect from the semen, it makes you incredibly aroused...but you need to control yourself, im here if you need me, just don't go jumping onto the nearest phallic object you see'

'im alright...i can control myself' Odella said as she brings her finger up to her mouth and started to lick the residual juices from it.

'Well now that you have fed, and are in the mood.....i'm kind of hungry myself'

'Oh are you?' Odella said as a smile ran across her semen-covered face, Odella immediately laid down on her back and spread her legs open, picking you up and placing you on her stomach.

'choose wisely' Odella said as she stared up into the blank sky and fantasized.

Odella is giving you an opportunity to feed, you feel as though you are close to growing in power substantially yourself as you ponder which hole to use this time.

What do you do?

A. Fuck Odella in the Vagina.

B. Fuck Odella in the Ass.

C. Fuck Odella in the Mouth

D. Don't fuck her at all, Deprive and tease her instead.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A maximize the enegry we are getting
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A is locked.\
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


It doesn't take long for you to decide as you crawl down her belly and approach the entrance of your special place.

Odella reaches down with her hand and spreads her pussy lips apart for you, making it easy for you to slip down between her legs and dig into her hole.

you pierce down inside of her with your head and wiggle your way deeper inside as Odella sighs in pleasure, using her other hand to massage one of her breasts.

As usual, her body is very accepting, it spasms around you and contracts, squeezing your body inside of her tight little hole as you inch deeper down, a deluge of lubrication makes it so easy for you to slip deeper down inside.

At the deepest part against the entrance to her cervix, you cuddle up into a ball and simply absorb her energy as you have done many times before, you body fills with the powerful energy from her body as you rest comfortably inside of her tight hole.

Several minutes pass before you start feeling differant, your body begins to strange as you stretch out and expand from within Odella, your tail begins to lengthen and your body begins to thicken, you panic a bit as your tail exits from Odella's body and tastes the relative cold of the outside, your body seems bigger as you press tighter against her womanhood, you feel more powerful.

*You have Grown into an Adolescent Tentacle*

You begin to slip out of Odella's body as she pulls you from herself, it is easier to grab you now that your body has become more thick.

Once your head as exited Odella's pussy, she immediately bring you up against her body and pats you gently.

'You've grown' Odella says as she smiles at you and gives you a quick lick as you press against her face.

You have grown much longer, three feet long now and twice as wide, Still a single tentacle, you feel stronger and even quicker than you were before.

'hopefully you can protect me now' Odella says as she holds you close against her chest between her breasts and strokes your bottom half between her legs as she sits cross-legged on the meaty surface below.

getting up, Odella takes you off of her body and leaves on you on the ground. 'lets try something' Odella says, stepping away from you as you look at her confused.

'im going stand here, and you are going to try to rape me, while i fight you off' Odella says and she takes a more defense stance before you.

'but what if i hurt you?' You ask, a bit concerned

'you won't' Odella says as she motions for you to come forward.

You press your body flat against the meaty surface below you, feeling its warmth as you crawl like a snake towards Odella.

Odella takes a step back as you come within two feet of her and you take the opportunity to lunge toward her ankle.

You coil up around her ankle and hold on tightly, she tries to push you off but her other leg gets too close and you lunge toward that now and coil around it, tightening her legs together as you wrap around both of them now at a very quick pace. Odella loses her balance and falls forward, using her arms to break her fall.

You take the opportunity to bring your head up between her thighs and pierce into her pussy, tasting it's sweet moisture once again, despite her struggles, she cant get you off of her, and the playful exercise immediately turns into the rape she suggested.

You plunge your head into her repeatedly, thrusting deeply inside of her, yet gently enough so that your extra width wont hurt her, the thrusting allows you to collect her energy at an increased rate and soon you begin to feel excitement build inside of you.

You ejaculate inside of Odella and make a mess of her insides, her vagina is slattered with your seed as a deluge of excess leaks from around your sides to the ground below her.

satisfied, you exit her and release your grasp, crawling up Odellas body to see her smiling and satisfied face.

'That was fun' Odella said as she tickled you a bit and brought your head closer to hers, pressing your semen coated face against her lips as she licked it clean.


After cuddling for a bit, Odella and you decide to continue exploring this place.

You walk in front of Odella now to make sure that there are no traps waiting for her along the path, from behind, Odella picks away at the excess semen which coats her thighs and butt and scoops it up bit by bit with her finger, tasting the excess semen plastered onto her body, occasionally she sticks her finger inside of herself in attempt to dig out some of the semen which you ejaculated into her, she seems happier than you've ever seen her, perhaps the stress of the real world was piling up on her, she needed a break like this....she needed to not be in control for once, even if not being in control meant being banished to a place like this.

The closer you got to the image which Odella saw earlier, the more you came to realize that this probably wasent what she was looking for. It was much bigger than what she had described and it seemed as though it was living.

'This isn't the pillar, is it?'

Odella looked up and saw what you saw, a towering phallic obelisk which pointed straight up into the sky.

'I hope not' Odella said as she continued to lick her fingers clean behind you.

'You don't actually know what this thing looks like either, do you?'

'The grimoire only said that it was large and phallic.....but everything in this place is large and phallic...'

'I guess we had better keep moving towards it though.'

Odella nodded, it wasent much of a plan, but it was a plan nonetheless, the two of them might be here for a while, they needed a landmark at least.


Upon reaching the Odelisk, it became clear that it wasent the pillar Odella was looking for, it was a towering structure almost 40 feet tall, which had semen running down the side of it into a pit below, the pit was filled the semen, an oasis of fluid which would be enough to feed Odella for her entire life, should she require it.

'Well this isn't very helpful' you state, looking around for another potential landmark to explore.

Odella knelt down next to the pool and stuck her finger inside, gathering a bit of the gooey liquid within and tasting it, a smile developed on her face as she rolled on her back and stared straight up into the blank sky again, lowering her hand down and starting to masturbate.

'You should really control yourself Odella, that stuff is probably addictive and mind altering'

'I don't care......i could stay here forever with you and be happy'

Those weren't the words that you wanted to hear, This place was your home, but you had greater plans than to sit here for the rest of it, even if you had the company of a real woman like Odella. You and her were going to take over the human world and rule it together, you cant let her lose her mind here and forget her life back on earth.

'Odella, you need to get it together, we need to get you out of here'

Odella just rolled her eyes and started to hum, her mind was becoming slightly enfeebled now due to her excess consumption of tentacle semen in such a short period of time, she would recover if she stopped, but if she continued to consume it for the next few weeks, she would slip into a state where her mind would be completely blank and she could be very easily manipulated by anyone.....or anything until she got back to a normal diet.

It is up to you now to make the decisions, you need to find the pillar and then escape from this place. Odella is counting on you.

What do you do?

A. Leave Odella behind at the Oasis and start searching the plane by yourself, you can move quicker without her while you look for it.

B. You cant leave Odella here unsupervised, take her with you and try to keep her close, she will slow you down, but hopefully you'll get lucky and find what you are looking for.

C. It has been a long day for the both of you, lay down and rest with her, try to remind her of her mission back home, prevent her from consuming anymore semen for the next few hours so she can hopefully recover from her enfeeblement.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. I disapprove ditching her and i have a feeling in her current state B would be like dragging a sulking child to the dentist or school/etc.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B its a trap nothing but a female or male would need to live off semen if we leave her we gonnalose her.