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Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
Reputation score
Wanting to see how running a PbP would work out, and Dark Heresy is the chosen setting. So questions:

1) Is there interest?

2) What sorts of bad guys do you want to run into?

Based on response, I'll have more definite setting information and the like.
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

1) Quite possibly. You probably know how busy I am though.

2) I'm up for anything. I've never really played any 40k RPs, as much as I like the setting, so I'm up for anything. Witches, daemons, xenos, bring it!
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

1. I call techpriestess!

2. Eh, anything really, you can literally import anything into a 40k setting and still have it be okay (remember, there are Harry Potter x 40k fanfics out there) AND LOVE CAN BLOOM~!
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

1. Always interested in an RP.

2. I've never RP'd in the 40k universe but I'm mildly familiar with it. Witches, cultists, daemons, and xenos are all fine with me.

3. Are you intent on it being non-ero? Indifferent? Or are we to expect lots of Slaaneshi daemons?
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

There may well be ero-smut. It doesn't have to be Slaaneshi stuff though.

PCs could infiltrate an Eldar's harem, for instance.

They could be recruited for Genestealer cults.

Or strange xenos that aren't quite chaos (wouldn't Slanneshi cultists love to find non-tainted tentacle-beasts to corrupt?).

Could be Nurglish.....but won't be. Count your blessings.

If things get too twisted, it could well trigger a minor Slaaneshi or Khornite incursion.

And yes, I'd like different classes of characters...we have an interest in Tech-Priestess already.

Chargen will use non-standard rules that will allow for significantly more powerful starting characters. Options from Inquisitor's Handbook are available and encouraged. More will be forthcoming if we get another person or two interested.

Alternately, I could create a character using the same rules to be in the party, and could trade off GMing to others after every adventure?
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Calling psyker. As for monsters, I'd prefer intrigue and cultists to open battles.
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

<---This is a good basic generator, though I will be more generous in stat rolls, and careers and various background packages from origins. Basically, if you want a career or background package for that career that conflicts with your origin, let me know.

Also, since people want to play things other than Sisters of Battle, I am currently going to forbid them. If you really, really want to play one, PM me and make your case. If it's great storywise, and could fit in with the others...I'd consider it.
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

I'm getting the books now, but I thought I'd leave this question up: Can I play a Callidus Assassin?
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Why not a Rogue Trader ship? We could debauch so hard we'll create a second Slaanesh. Or whatever it was those Eldar did that one time.

Interested, also.
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Tassadar: Yes, you may play someone who will eventually become a Callidus Assassin. You would start out on the Assassin career path in Dark Heresy, but would not get Callidus training until you get 9th level (beyond the scope of the original book, but we might get there....might start people out with enough experience to be 2nd or 3rd level characters).

GargantuaBlog: I'd rather not deal with Rogue Trader stuff. (If you want to GM Rogue Trader, by all means go ahead!) And you'd need to have far more population being that debauched to make another Slaanesh. Maybe if the entire Imperium of Man got into it.

So: I have enough people and the following people want to play specific classes:

Tassadar = Assassin
GargantuaBlog =
Hentaispider = Psyker
BlueSlime = Arbitrator
LDF = TechPriestess

Open classes: any not already named, except for Aedptes Sororitas (no SoBs this time).

You will want to have knowledge, social, and combat all.

I require at least one of the following: Guardsman, Arbiter (think Judge Dredd), or someone with the Noble Born origin. (Multiple people can have the same origins, and the Guard or Arbiter could be Noble.) NOTE: I do not require both classes, and if someone plays a Noble-born, I do not require either class. Any mixes or matches will do.

If you have the Inquisitor's Handbook, look at all the background packages and alternate career paths. If you want something appropriate to your class that would normally be disallowed by your world of origin, let me know: I'll probably allow it.

Character creation: every die on your stat rolls, as well as your fate point roll, and your starting gold roll, is assumed to come up 10. The Imperium is /big/, and this Inquisitor (whom you are dealing with only through underlings) is able to recruit only the best of the best.

Fair warning: the Inquisitor is Ordo Malleus and is fairly Puritan.
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

I'm tentatively interested if a spot opens up. I'm super tired though, and have never looked at the Dark Heresy rules before, so I have no idea what I'd like to play, but I suppose playing as a xeno (ie: T'au) would be out?
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Everyone in this game is the member of an inquisitorial squad, so no xenos.

Perhaps in a future game, xenos would be allowed (a Tau squad that gets seduced by other tech, and eventually by either Tzeentch or Slaanesh? A Dark Eldar slaving squad? A Genestealer cult?)
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

All the books i have available to me, Including four or five sourcebooks and as many scenarios, for those of us without great wads of cash.

EDIT: Fuck, I uploaded Death Watch, not Dark Heresy XD My friend has the other pdfs, I'll see if i can get them at some point.
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Shrike, I'd be indebted to you if you could provide me with links. I don't have the rules at the moment. (EDIT: I've found a site with some pdfs available, downloading them now.)

EDIT: I'm thinking that I will play an arbiter/Noble type. Someone to be the holier-than-thou diplomat with some badassery thrown in. And of course, hotness.

I'm horrible at character maximization and don't actually relish the process, so if someone who likes that sort of thing wants to help me out, please, let me know. I'd just as soon play with pre-generated characters and get the story on the road.
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Aw man. How are we gonna heresy if we've got a Puritan Daemonhunter as our boss?

That leaves me the Arbitrator, right? The badass, hardcore space detective/judges. ...I don't know if I can into detective work.

I kinda wanna be a Feral Worlder, also.
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

GargantuaBlog: No. Arbiter = Arbitrator, and we already have one of those. We still have open: Adept (knowledge is power, and I have the power, er knowledge), Guardsman (army...just like today's, except with lasers), Priest (one of the most social classes), and Scum (petty and not so petty criminals). And yes, you may indeed be a Feral Worlder (which removes Adept and Priest from the normal career choices).

So what sort of character do you want to play?

BlueSlime: Fortunately, the only decisions you have to make are which talents do you want (and equipment to buy/start with). But yes, I'll be glad to help.

Official chargen post coming soon.
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

You may choose anything instead of rolling. You are assumed to roll a 20 for each stat, a 10 for your fate point roll, and max for starting gold.

Please note effects of each trait or talent.

Homeworld: (Type, and Name, especially if one of the specific ones from Inquisitor's Handbook).
Homeworld Traits:
List of traits
Homeworld Skills:
List of skills
Homeworld Talents:
List of talents

Career Skills:
List of skills
Career Talents:
List of talents
Starting Gear:
list of gear
(Optional: Anything else from Career:
Like imperial sanctioning

Starting Package (and EXP cost):
Put description and effects here.

BS: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
S: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
T: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
Ag: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
Int: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
Per: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
WP: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
Fel: 20 + HW + Specific Homeworld + Package + Sanctioning + Divination = Total
Wounds: Max possible
Fate Points: Max possible
Insanity: 0 + modifiers
Corruption: 0 + modifiers
Thrones: Max possible

(For the following, select or random as you like, but bias towards the attractive and, perhaps, younger.)
Sex: Female preferred!
HW-Outlook (Hive class for hiveworld, Ship tradition for void-born, etc.):
Career Memento:
Who was your family/what happened to them?

Other Bio/personality notes:
Events from your life, what the character is like

Possible RP hooks/OOC notes/things you want to see:
Exactly what it says on the tin

Description/picture (optional):
What they look like

If there is anything else you think is missing, let me know, and I'll edit it in!
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Nihila Tsionica - Noble Trooper of the Adeptes Arbites

Homeworld: Lux, Imperial Homeworld - Noble House Tsionica background (Proveners of the Imperium)
Homeworld Traits:
Etiquette: +10 bonus to Charm, Deceive, and Scrutiny tests when dealing with high authority and in formal occasions.
Supremely Connected: Start with Peer (Nobility) talent. I also gain a Peer (Ecclesiarchy) to represent my family's powerbase.
Vendetta: I have powerful enemies of my family, aiming to harm, inconvenience or kill me. Details to be worked out with GM.
Wealth: Begin play with double starting money and I am considered a Noble for determining monthly income.
Homeworld Skills:
Literacy, and Speak Languages (Low and High Gothic)
Homeworld Talents:

Career: Arbitrator
Career Skills:
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int); Literacy (Int); Common Lore (Adeptes Arbites)(Int); Common Lore (Imperium)(Int); Inquiry (Fel)
Career Talents:
Basic Weapons Training (SP); Melee Weapons Training (Primitive); Quick Draw.
Starting Gear:
Shotgun with 12 shells, sword, brass knuckles, knife, mesh vest uniform (good quality clothing), 3 doses of stimm injector, Arbitrator ID, chrono, flask of amasec, backpack, autogun w/ extra clip.
(Optional: Anything else from Career:
Divination: Trust your fear! +2 to AG and +1 Fate Point

Starting Package (and EXP cost):
Rank: Trooper
Ballistic Skill increase (+5) (100xp)
Awareness (100xp)
Pattern Killings (200xp) (+5 Perception, gain Talented (Inquiry): +10 to Inquiry tests)

WS: 20+ 20 + 0 + 0 = 40
BS: 20 + 20 + 5 + 0= 45
S: 20 + 20 + 0 + 0= 40
T: 20 + 20 + 0 + 0= 40
Ag: 20 + 20 + 0 + 2 = 42
Int: 20 + 20 + 0 + 0 = 40
Per: 20 + 20 + 5 + 0= 45
WP: 20 + 15 + 0 + 0= 35
Fel: 20 + 25 + 0 + 0= 45
Wounds: 13/13
Fate Points: 14/14
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
Thrones: 20

Sex: Female
Name: Nihila
Build: Fit
Skin: Tan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Age: 23
HW-Outlook (Backwater World - Self-sufficient and skeptical.):
Quirk: Devotional Scar
Memento: Tsionica Family Crest pendant.
Career Memento:
Nihila's family still exist. They are the wealthy governors of Lux, an imperial mining world that provides essential ores for the Imperium. House Tsionica has extremely close ties with the Adeptes Arbites and the Ecclesiarchy. They are a devote family steeped in the traditions of faith. Even while their mining world might stray and become lax, the Tsionica's are rigid in their faith. Every child of the Tsionicas go through a training regime to strengthen their bodies' durability and go through multiple devotional scarring tests of faith. Nihila was no different, and in fact excelled in every House-imposed test. The house spymasters detected her amazing potential at an early age and recommended her for a career path in the Adeptes Arbites. Nihila has no intention of letting her family's reputation down. With a grand display of political maneuvering, Nihila has earned her start by being assigned to a capable and rising Inquisitor.

Other Bio/personality notes:
Nihila has the unfortunate position of being the only child of a proud, patriarchal family. Her father wanted a son, but he was gifted only with a girl before an unfortunate "accident" broke his spine and rendered him impotent. Now Nihila is the only hope for a Tsionica heir, but she must be proven in a field normally reserved for men. Nihila intends to be nothing less than a Justicar before she returns to her homeworld and sees to the continuation of her family bloodline.

Possible RP hooks/OOC notes/things you want to see:
House Karock is a rival House whose bloodfeud with the Tsionicas extends hundreds of years into the past. They are closely tied to the underworld and are responsible for many of the woes currently facing Nihila's house. They would love to see the line of her family end with her, either through her death or in a more humiliating and potentially profitable way... by seizing House Tsionica's assets by forcing her into a marriage with their own scion. Their connections in high and low places might try to bring this about.

Description/picture (optional):
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Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Homeworld: Void Born
Homeworld Traits:
List of traits
When spending a fate point, a 9, the fate point is not spent. Does not working for burning

Take a -5 penalty to fellowships with non voidborn humans

avigation (Stellar) (int) Pilot (Spacecraft) (ag) are basic skills

Void Accustomed:
Immune to space travel sickness, zero and low grav environments are not difficult terrain

Homeworld Skills:
Speak Language (Ship Dialect)

Career: Techpriest
Career Skills:

List of skills

Speak Langauge (Low gothic) (int)
Tech-Use (Int)
Literacy (int)
Secret Tongue (Tech) (int)
Trade (Copyist) (int)
Ciphers (Malygris Codex) (int)
Forbidden Lore (Warp) (int)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (int)
Scholastic Lore (Legend) (int)
Scholastic Lore (Numerology) (int)

Career Talents:
Melee Weapon Training (Prim)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Pistol training (Las)
Electro Graft use

Starting Gear:
Metal Staff
Las Pistol/1 charge pack
Las carbine/1 charge pack
Flak Vest
Glow Lamp
Data Slate
Mechanicus robes and Vestments (Good Quality)
10 spare parts
Vial of Sacred machine oil

Optional: Anything else from Career:
Mechanius Implants (20% bonus resistance against toxin and gas wepaons)

Starting Package (and EXP cost):
(200 exp cost)
The infamous renegade Magos Umbra Malygris,
known to Inquisitorial records as Malygris the Damned,
led a widespread and insidious tech-heretic cult that
flourished in the Malfian sub-sector three centuries ago.
Many great crimes against both Imperial Law and the
Cult Mechanicus’s own doctrines were laid against him,
including the fashioning of forbidden silica animus, corpse
vivication and the unleashing of experimental viralstrains
on unsuspecting populations to test their effects.
Eventually the renegade was tracked down and he and
his followers destroyed in bloody confrontation with a
joint Inquisitorial-Mechanicus purgation. Since then his
works and researches have been brutally, but not entirely
successfully, suppressed. Despite the sanctions against
it, Malygris’s lore persists, kept alive in no small part by
those tech-priests tasked to hunt down rebellious members
of the Mechanicus itself, much in the same way as the
more Radical factions of the Holy Ordos seek to turn the
tools of the arch-enemy against its own followers, risking
destruction at the hands of their own kind.
A tech-priest inducted into the Inquisition who has
absorbed Malgrisian data walks a deadly tightrope. On the
one hand, he is armed with knowledge of occult science few
others can match, making him a very able opponent for the
dark powers of heresy and corruption. On the other hand,
such tech-priests already stand half-steeped in shadow, and
are thus in peril for their very souls.

WS 40
BS 40
S 35
T 40
Ag 40
Int 40
Per 40
WP 45
Fel 40
Wounds 11
Fatepoint 3
3 Insanity
2 Corruption
Thrones: 160

(For the following, select or random as you like, but bias towards the attractive and, perhaps, younger.)
Sex: Female
Name: Krella
Build: Stunted
Skin: Fair
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Grey
Age: 18
Ship Tradition: Space Hulk
Career Memento:
Who was your family/what happened to them?

Other Bio/personality notes:
Events from your life, what the character is like

Possible RP hooks/OOC notes/things you want to see:
Exactly what it says on the tin

Description/picture (optional):

will finish up later
Re: Dark Heresy Hentai (interest check)

Fleshing out characters is hard. :( Will continue later.

Name: Stranga Sekto
Homeworld: Feral World - Lammas II
Career: Guardsman

WS: 45
BS: 40
S: 60
T: 55
Ag: 30
Int: 40
Per: 40
WP: 35
Fel: 35
Wounds: 15
Fatepoint: 2
Insanity: 0
Corruption 0
Thrones: 70

Homeworld: Feral World
Iron Stomach [Homeworld]
Food is often scarce on feral worlds and those born on such worlds learn to set aside their revulsion and eat whatever they must to survive.
Benefit: You gain a +10 bonus to Carouse Skill Tests made to resist the effects of ingested toxins, poison or tainted foods. This bonus applies to Tests made to consume unusual or unpleasant meals—rotting meat, Grox testes, corpse starch rations, to name a few—as well as Tests made to resist throwing up.

Primitive [Homeworld]
Feral worlders have no time for the mysteries of technology or the rubbishy constraints of etiquette and social niceties.
Penalty: You take a –10 penalty on Tech-Use (Int) Tests and a –10 penalty to Fellowship Tests made in formal or civilised surroundings.

Rite of Passage [Homeworld]
Life is harsh for a feral worlder, and blood spills all too frequently. Whether through surviving a brutal initiation ritual or through tribal teachings, feral

worlders are adept at tending bleeding wounds.
Benefit: You may spend a Full Action to make an Intelligence Test to staunch Blood Loss (see Chapter VII: Playing the Game on page 211). This is a Full Action. On a success, you manage to stop the bleeding.

Wilderness Savvy [Homeworld]
Feral worlders are accustomed to hunting their own food.
Benefit: Navigation (Surface) (Int), Survival (Int) and Tracking (Int) count as Basic Skills for feral worlders.

Speak Language (Lammas Cant) (Int) [Homeworld]
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int) [Career]
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag) [Career]

Melee Weapons Training (Primitive) [Career]
Basic Weapons Training (Las) [Career]
Pistol Training (Las) [Career]
Basic Weapons Training (SP) [Career]

Starting Gear:
-- 1 charge pack
Las pistol
-- 1 charge pack
-- 12 shells

Uniform (Common Quality Clothing)
Guard flak armour
1 week corpse starch rations
Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer

Optional: Anything else from Career:
Starting Package (and EXP cost): [none]

Sex: Female
Build: Muscular
Skin: Dark
Hair: Red
Eyes: Yellow
Age: 18
Superstition: Thirsty Blade: The spirit of your weapon is a hungry ghost. It must taste blood every time it is drawn lest great ill befall you and yours.
Quirk: Tribal Tattoo
Memento: Stone finger ring, made of stone that glows in the dark
Career Memento: Bloodstained bandage

>Your mother's name is Jemadar. She walks the path of the Guardsman. Your father's name is Vern. He walks the path of the Guardsman. Your brother's name is Grish. He walks the path of the Guardsman. Your brother's name is Drake. He walks the path of the Guardsman.

Other Bio/personality notes:
Stranga is from Lamma II, literally a world of ice and fire. It is a highly volcanic world far from it's sun - the high volcanic activity spews tons of ash into the atmosphere, which consequently has led to an ice age on the planet. Ashy snow dominates the planet's vast plains, while life clusters around the veins of lava that thread out from myriad volcanoes on the surface, the magma's heat the sole thing warding off a frozen death, and one of the only things giving off light - the clouded sky already dark from the planet's distance from it's star.

This barren world is almost barren in terms of precious resources, but the inhabitants are unusually big and strong... even when compared with other Feral Worlders.

(every SINGLE asshole on that planet has the Brute mutation. Fun times.)

~~~Need to finish~~~

Possible RP hooks/OOC notes/things you want to see:
She's a mutant. Not as huge and scary as an Ogryn, but still not delicious pure master race. Probably tense. Also, savage Feral!

~~~Need to finish~~~

Description/picture (optional):

And then there's like clothes n' shit maybe

400 to start!
100 for Simple WS
100 for Simple S
100 for Sound Constitution
100 for Awareness
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