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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So how fucked would the aliens be if all active PCs and any of their combat oriented NPCs took the fight to them, perhaps with armies from each country as well?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Extremely. Especially if a good portion of the PCs were spirit wielders. Alot of their powers can liquify most enemies, and are even in AoE form too. And some of the characters in there various threads, can do some crazy stuff.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So we assume. The aliens have been spreading their forces pretty thin overall, they decided to go for a guerilla style combat, striking at major locations then pulling out. No ones actually faced their primary forces head on. Given the current state of affairs, the only species with actual standing armies are the Fae, Demons, Orcs and Crolia. And maybe the night elves and Shadow demons. The Arachne maybe too if they cared to get involved.

There's no exact estimate of how many aliens there are, and you also need to count that they have cultists among the mortals too. They also don't lack casters of their own, though mostly they have spirit wielders over mages. Also keep in mind there are other continents and it is very possible that the aliens have had more luck in these locations.

The Daemons are also a bit of a wild card in this. The Godslayer is definitely at odds with the aliens and giving them heck. But it's entirely possible that we've yet to see the aliens actually play all their cards. They may well have forces that rival a daemon or perhaps the reason they are delaying is they need to actually create one there.

Overall I wouldn't count the aliens out just yet.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

True, though we do have to take into account that the aliens would probably have some pretty horrific abominations near the body of their main force/mothership.

Not sure about the other active characters, but Eleanor (a dual gun wielding/electric magic user) would bring with her a pack of seven hellhounds, Kara (another gun wielder), Coltia and Priscilla (a sword and hammer user respectively), three lightning elementals from her spells, and if they are allowed to be pinned to Eleanor's ever expanding list of NPCs over a hundred GIFTS that reside in the forests surrounding her farm and protect it. Depending on whether she's efficient for combat Daneira (an alraune) might be able to tag along, as well as any feral creepers Eleanor would've managed to breed by that time. My other character, Lani (Eleanor's daughter, a half demon that also dual wields revolvers and can summon demons), would bring with her her own (eventual) hellhound companion, and five demon summons of her choice, and given the battle's epic scale that would most likely involve a nightmare lord, a nightmare, a knight, and two sorceress'.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Most pcs can bring similar forces or larger. It'd definitely be of epic scale but I've seen some of the things the more ridiculous pcs have faced. If the aliens could out put anything like those on the mass scale it could get very bad. The cultists may also make use of similar tricks, and of course there's any Gemini or Cultist pcs who may swing to the other side instead.

I doubt any of my pcs could make a lick of difference in that fight haha.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

In theory, it could be made more complex if a infected champion was to rise again from the depths of the archive and try to stay active enough to keep up and grow formidable...

But knowing me that's just a senseless prophesy of uselessness.

(Seriously, you'd think I'd make a decent post in six months...)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So how fucked would the aliens be if all active PCs and any of their combat oriented NPCs took the fight to them, perhaps with armies from each country as well?

The aliens remaining on the planet? My impression is pretty much completely fucked. There's some danger if they're allowed to sit around breeding an army or slowly corrupting more Gemini, but the main alien leadership and numbers left at the end of the DG2 timeline.

If you instead mean the actual main body of Aliens... I guess still pretty fucked, but more in the "we've got more than enough pussy to go around" sense than the "defeated" sense. Remember that a prepared alien mothership can take out an entire flight of angels without trouble. The PC team's best bet would be to try recruiting gods, not armies.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have been ridiculously slow in post count, but my main character Alberik has been fighting the aliens since they arrived, guerilla tactics have been working quite well. From what I understand their main interplanetary force has already moved on, though that could be false/changed at a plot's notice of course.

Such character is somewhat famous for having summoned four angels in a single turn to fight these aliens, as well as causing a repeating cycle of angels summoning other angels, though that part was up to the GM's decisions at the time. Could likely bring Crolia's army to bear, though depending on how close my thread is to the current timeline, they may be recovering at the moment, or having another war on their hands, we'll see.

Apart from that, proficient spirit user and utility mage, plenty of experience blasting them and probably a good distraction, since the aliens likely hate her by now.

In terms of other characters however, not too much that would be amazingly helpful I fear. XD
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

While PCs are formidable, if it were simply a matter of them all grouping up then the aliens would have already been defeated. Consider that some few-thousand angels (which are typically more formidable than PCs on a single basis), not to mention daemons such as Doraleous and Sivicine, have been fighting them with great frequency for the past two years in game and the aliens are still alive and kicking.

If all the armies and nations and PCs banded together to slay the xeno menace then it'd certainly swing things into the favor of humanity (human-ishity?), but I wouldn't count them out that easily. (Although it'd probably make for a spectacular series of battles!)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well, quickly looking over your characters they seem like they'd be able to hold their own pretty well, even if it's against the lower ranked forces. Any enemy taken out is one less of a threat to everyone else, after all. I'm not saying Eleanor and Lani would be able to hold their own against the more powerful of the alien's forces without some kind of magical aid (god knows Lani wouldn't have been able to take out a demon spider queen without Vanilla's help), but I'm fine with that. Lani would be the one to do a lot more damage out of the two, but other than that they'd be fighting to wipe out the smaller fry to make sure the bigger hitters aren't swamped by their numbers.

We should try and convince Tass to run an epic 30 PC thread.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The idea is in preparation, yeah. If a prepared ship can down a flight of angels, then it's in our best interest to never let them expect an attack. That's been the main policy behind the angel's war on them, pretty sure. as such, less overall damage because smaller targets, less important locations, etc. That's just what I know of it of course, I'm far from updated on the entire situation. Didnt even know about the flight of angels thing until it was mentioned here. XD
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Most of my characters would actually probably not be much use. I doubt Laena or Zahra could take on even a single Elder Lord, and those are probably not the most dangerous things the aliens can bring to bear. Tlech... probably wouldn't care that much. Miranda could likely do a little good, but there's only so much EP a person can have. In general the problem is probably not power, but sheer numbers. Even a few dozen grabbers are a danger if they get in just one hit per six of them that fall.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yeah I doubt Den can handle more than a couple hunters or Grabbers. Lorelai probably the same. really the only one of the various in the folder who would probably be able to hold her own is maybe Fiera, Cinderstrife, Cailean, Anna or Mieli.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Tlech can raise the morale of the soldiers via blowjobs, obviously.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I think half the pcs would spend their time "raising morale" like that haha. Hell chances are the pc army would implode into an orgy and the aliens just have to mop up.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well yeah, if some other PCs who had Battery or were succubi summoned her she'd gladly recharge them~
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well, I wish I'd been here an hour ago. A lot of ye points have come up and then been answered (pretty much correctly) by people without me having to get involved!

RE: A flight of angels vs a mothership: See the Fated Gathering thread. Yon aliens didn't use the brunt of the abilities of their ships because the majority of the time they've been trying to capture civilian populations rather than engaging in open combat with aerial targets who are highly resistant to capture like angels. Cinders do not make good gemini. Also, while the motherships remaining (as of the present DG3 timeline there are three left, all in Anudor) are quite powerful, they aren't the only problem. The dropships (smaller motherships that end up over towns) are similarly dangerous, and even ignoring them the elder lords, who are on par with some of the most powerful things fielded by their enemies, are a lot more numerous than their counterparts and also often aren't seriously inconvenienced by being murdered. They can just go grab another body at a tower or dropship and continue right where they left off. Generally, the PCs win when encountering them by weight of numbers and shock and awe, and by me also being fairly merciful and having them fight sub-optimally because if they fought seriously it would be nigh impossible for PCs not relatively optimized and with 40+ experience in to win.

Shrike and thetwo are both correct in what they said earlier, that the majority of ye aliens departed from Donevrion after DG2 and a skeleton force was left to mop up the leftovers. It has mostly been a cold war save for their gradual spread from their various points of control, mostly Anudor and central Badaria, since Crolia pushed them off fairly well and they didn't bother staying in the Amazon because it was so hostile and sparsely populated of an environment.

As for the question on how fucked they'd be if the PCs all banded together, I'll just pass on how far fetched an idea that working out is given how varied the various characters are in terms of personality and location in order to keep the glorious(ly derp) idea of DG Avengers alive. Skipping that, it certainly wouldn't help them... Right away. Remember that any character that falls is going to be joining their side, and that they aren't going to lose much of their ability in doing so. Also remember that they're not a small band. Even with their present reduced numbers, the aliens can potentially field millions of mooks in the form of hunters, grabbers, skyrays, and gemini to clog the wheels of any force trying to attack them. They also don't have easily accessible leadership to get rid of, as killing an elder lord's body doesn't really mean a whole lot if you don't trap or destroy the soul too.

If everything went after the aliens at once, theoretically, they'd get wrecked. Utterly wrecked. Even with yon whole fleet and the motherships actually doing what they're supposed to do, they'd still most likely lose, but at that point I'm really just dealing with fairly nebulous and vague concepts, so meh. I would point out that at this point the formerly mentioned Godslayer is being somewhat more of a hindrance than a help, as a lot of the other gods and greater dragons still try to lay low in fear of being murdered should they attract his attention. Such is a thing that I planned on exploring in various threads, but I don't count it as a spoiler and so do not feel bad for stating it here.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

As for characters who have actually fought the Aliens, technically Mithral counts. Though it was due to DM error, she pretty much spell-nuked a small army of aliens, including something larger than a 2-story house. To quote the specifics...

Mithral casts empowered cone of cold -14ep: BC auto success Mithral spent 4 ep more than her spirit ceiling and take 4hp and 4ep damage as a result
Attack 54 hits all dodges: 224 damage..... (gm /quites)
Mithral killed them all and I mean all

Though yes, that was just one isolated GM fuckup that was kept in for hilarity though, against millions? Probably not

Also, apologies Tass, but I finally got my brain to replying to Zeta. Hopefully I don't make ya mad for reviving it like a few days after ya put it in archive >_>;
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I doubt one can truly kill off an entire race easily, especially one as fecund as the Gemini Empowered. Given their capabilities of converting any entity they warp enough, and being relatively fertile on their own most likely, I suspect at most one could reduce them down to a goblin level threat but outright eradication would be nigh impossible. At the very best the aliens overall hive structure could be damaged enough to force the higher eschelons to have to spawn offworld or at least off continent, leaving the more rapidly breeding minor groups to have to manage on their own, and likely split into smaller hive minds that go to ground, not counting any hidden by cultists already.

Least that;s how I figure and it is a long shot as it is.