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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


-Did the implemented Corruption change.
How much corruption it takes to acquire a mutation is dependent on how many mutations a character already has. The amount of corruption needed is equal to the number of non-racial non-special mutations that the character has plus 1, times 100. So, a character with no mutations requires 100 corruption to get one, while a character with 5 mutations requires 600 corruption, and a character with 11 requires 1200.

Lots of power changes.
-Chemical Splash had its effect DC increased to 6X.
-Grande and Mine were rolled together into Bomb.
-Meet Analysis! A new Alchemist power.
-Reshape got a bunch of new functions.
-Damage part of Seal made optional.

-Aurora gained an upkeep and can be allowed to ignore allies for EP.
-Frost Armor now buffs Dodge for 3X.
-Polar Binding walls have 12X HP.
-Rhimewind Blast's DC increased to 6X.

-Astrologer's Boon's Resistance buff is only effective for defensive Resistance, now gives +X damage.
-Scry can allow for an automatic hit.
-Void Touch cost reduced to 3 + X.

-Enhanced Shell had what it affects changed.
-Fixed the wording of Reflector. Barrier version increased to 5X.

-Black Dragon's AoE version cost increased to 5 EP.
-Draconic Transformation's Flight ability switch to an optional ability for 2 EP.
-Dragon's Breath cone range increased to 60 feet, line range increased to 120 feet.
-Removed ability to use Dragon's Ferocity with Duelist.
-Roar now only debuffs attack, Perception and Dodge.
-Adjusted all of the dragons except for Tarox and gave them all Dragonborn.

-Commune with Nature now costs X+1 and lasts X minutes.
-Wild Shape bear form now only grants defensive Resistance. Bird form grants Perception instead of Speed. Cat no longer buffs Speed.

-Holy Wall is no longer more difficult for demons and undead to walk through, but still deals double damage. It also has a new function allow a character to form a shield with it.
-Lay on Hands has a move action equivalent.

-Nightmarish Image's Resistance buff only works defensively.

-Psychic Shield was changed substantially, its Resistance buff only being defensive but its AV increasing to 3X and now cannot be ignored.
-Pyrokinesis damage increased to Xd8 + 8, defensive variant cost reduced to 4X and fire Resistance changed to Spirit/2

Engineer, Ice Wizard, True Daemon, Dragonborn, and Nature's Ally all saw alterations.

-Changed the commune spells in Nature to reflect the change to the power.
-Changed Lightning Armor.
-Added Icy Protection to Water, Energy Shield to Force, and Fiery Protection to Fire. All level 3 spells.

Special Mutations:
-Tweaked Oni Alcoholism a little bit.
-Malleable Form now makes one immune to Submission Holds, Webs, and Stunned, and also only take PP damage if they want to.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I've gone mad with editing power! In addition to the changelog above: Vampiric Futanari now allows characters making use of its power to gain up to 3 instances of large for 1 EP apiece, or stretching for the same price! Next, an offshoot of Nightmares with dicks on their forehead called dickicorns! Gahaha!

Also working on slave pricing guidelines but I'll probably edit that into this post a few days from now.

Slave Stuff (Very much a WIP, though I welcome suggestions and criticisms. Don't expect numbers to make sense quite yet but I definitely do not mind if you let me know some of the places where they're absurd).
This is simply meant to cover what a competent slaver would look for as a starting price for a character based on the character. Obviously they'd probably want to get as much denarii as possible, and less scrupulous ones would try to downplay penalties and play up a slave's strengths (or even lie about them). And obviously some qualities not covered might also effect how much a buyer is willing to pay. A character with a fetish for su-ku-ta, for example, might be willing to add in more, and this doesn't cover more niche desires such as, say, finding an orc with tentacles. Meanwhile, a character who only wants a trained and obedient warrior for use in the fields might try to avoid paying the extra premium that such a slave would fetch. As a baseline, a healthy adult slave with no particular training, conditioning, or useful talents costs 10 denarii. This assumes a 10 in all stats, no talents, and no class.

Price adjustments for stats. Each has their own level of usefulness, with characters with high body being better at manual labor, mind being better at BRAINSTUFFS, and spirit being better succubus food or something I guess.
If a character has 0 or below 10 in any stat: -10 denarii.
For every additional 10 points (round normally when figuring this) a character has in a stat from 10-30: +5 denarii. (E.g. a character with 30 body, 20 mind, and 10 spirit would be worth 25 denarii.)
Additional 10 points in a stat from 30-60: +15 denarii. (E.g. A character with 60 body, 20 mind, and 10 spirit would be worth 70 denarii.)
Additional 10 points in a stat from 60-90: +30 denarii. (E.g. a character with 90 body, 20 mind, and 10 spirit would be worth 160 denarii.)
Additional 10 points in a stat 90+: +60 denarii (E.g. a character with 120 body, 20 mind, and 10 spirit would be worth 340 denarii.)

Price adjustments based on race. More exotic-looking races tend to be more popular for the purposes of pleasure, entertainment, and just curiosity factor. These modifiers cover extra pricing for racial appearances or unique abilities or curiosity value, along with the difficulty inherent in enslaving one, rather than training or other such attributes (as that's covered in other modifiers).
Part Demons, Half Daemons, Nymphs, Dragonkin, and Karkastan vary depending on how exotic an appearance their parentage has bestowed upon them. Living slimes and gemini are too specialized a market to place a modifier on.
Humans, Goblins, Alraunes: No modifier.
Night Elf and High Elf ears make great handlebars: +5 denarii.
Harpy, Su-Ku-Ta, Orcs, Kitsune, Oni: +15 denarii.
Naga, Merfolk, Arachne, Ember Draconian: +30 denarii
Sidhe, Full-Blooded Demon, Vampire: +50 denarii.
Angels: +100 denarii.

Price adjustments based on more combat-inclined classes. These are guidelines. If a GM feels that a character has earned their status as a master in one class or another, feel free to bump them up as necessary.
The slave is a warrior (Has at least one discipline talent, e.g. unarmed fighter, heavy weapons specialist, two weapon fighter, or the like, and 3+ skills): +5 denarii.
The slave is a veteran warrior (Has at least Skilled With one weapon, one discipline talent, and 6+ skills): +15 denarii.
The slave is a grandmaster warrior (Has Skilled With at least one weapon, two discipline talents, and 15+ skills): +30 denarii.
The slave is a mage (Has either experienced caster or focus in at least one school of casting): +15 denarii.
The slave is an advanced mage (Has 2+ focus in element -or- specialization in element and 2+ metamagic feats): +30 denarii.
The slave is a master mage (Has 3+ focuses in elements -or- specializations in element, 30 base casting, and 3+ metamagic feats): +60 denarii.
The slave is a spirit wielder (Has at least one spirit power talent): +15 denarii.
The slave is a powerful spirit wielder (Has at least two spirit power tree talents and 1+ aptitude): +30 denarii.
The slave is an incredible spirit wielder (Has at least three spirit power trees, 2+ aptitudes, and 100 EP): +60 denarii.

Price adjustments based on miscellaneous items, useful talents, and the like. These also depend on what the buyer is looking for. Though the slaver might consider each beneficial to the base value of a slave, they might be willing to come down in price with a character who doesn't want the slave for certain attributes and as such wishes to pay less.
The slave is rebellious (generally disobeys or attempts to run away or is otherwise difficult to control. This automatically applies to known lycanthropes as well.): -50% price.
The slave is obedient (not only willing to obey their master, but fervent in doing so.): +50% price.
The slave is particularly beautiful (This is based more on RP than stats, but things like seductive, dazzling beauty, apparent innocence, and mutations like massive breasts and other similar mutations in cases where the buyer enjoys such features can also constitute as this): +10%
The slave is good at pleasuring their partner (This is also based more on RP than stats, but talents such as Kama Sutra, Fuck Me, Suck You Dry, and the like along with succubus powers such as Rhythm and Energetic Foreplay and mutations like soft skin, tight/large, and whip tongue, or a PP modifier of over 30 can also constitute as this: +5%-10% (GM discretion in the case of RP, +5% around 30~ PP modifier for either penetration or foreplay and 10% for 60~)
The slave is receptive to pleasure themselves, and/or makes a good energy slave. (RP again, though Open Soul, Sensitive, Giving Soul, Battery, Fetishes, and similar would all contribute to this). +5%-10% (GM discretion based on RP and the number of flaws, mutations, and other applicable items.)
The slave has something that modifies their fertility in a way preferable to the buyer (connection, fertile mouth, breeder, potent, fertile, infertile, selective fertility): All fetch +10% with a buyer interested in using the slave for a purpose in line with said flaws or mutations.
The slave has a useful work skill (Enchanter, Alchemist, Ranger, and Smith all apply, along with other things like them, but RPed talents like being able to teach or being an artisan in some other way apply as well): +20 for the first skill, +10 for the second, and +5 for the third and any after it.

The slave is especially resistant, with 30+ resistance (harder to collar, harder to do most things to, not really an asset for a slave unless they're a gladiator or something similar): -5%, -10% at 40, -15% at 50, and so on.
The slave has soul eater, or some other effect that makes sex with them innately dangerous and can't be disabled: -10%
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Corruption changes:

I'm assuming that using the Druid ritual to reduce the mutation counter would also apply to this, thus meaning that a character with 5 mutations that were reduced to 3 would need 400 for their next mutation.

I've been thinking about corruption gain and how a single session with a rather dominating demon can generate a shit-ton of it and how some people appeared surprised at how massive the jump was made, so I thought maybe make the initial amount needed for that first mutation larger and making the steps smaller. Maybe 200 for first mutation and +50 for each step. That makes the final step 1050 and the total amount needed 11250.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

@Termite: After mathing it out and comparing via graphs (SCIENCE) your solution produces a gentler curve. I haven't really seen anyone actually complain about the change though, so I'd like to see what people think.

Also, changed Bloodbath to work more like Self Control. From this:
Bloodbath - While in a rage, a character can pay 4 EP in order to regain HP on successful attacks for that round. When active, any successful attack for the round heals the character for 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. In addition, as a passive effect during rage, if the character is hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against the creature that struck the blow. If they win, they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP, but will automatically fall unconscious when their rage or the encounter ends. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit Ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar. Requires Rage.

To this:
Bloodbath - While in a rage, a character can pay 4 EP in order to regain HP on successful attacks for that round. When active, any successful attack for the round heals the character for 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. In addition, as a passive effect during rage, if the character is hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against a DC equal to the damage above their maximum hit points. If they win, their HP becomes 0 and they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP, but will automatically fall unconscious when their rage or the encounter ends. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit Ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar. Requires Rage.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A suggestion for Force 3 spell:

Force Projection(utility): Allows the caster to project a force from themselves to distant objects(up to about mind*10 lb). Unlike most spells, this one obeys basic physics; that is, any force they project is also applied to themselves. In addition, the caster can only pull and push objects directly away/towards themselves. Only allows acceleration of about twice the gravity at most, though the caster can, with practice, apply fairly fine control to the force.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

No! Do not add it! It'll only end horribly for Kherem! Aaaaaaaah!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So is now a thing. Fill it out. If you need a page created just tell me.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Let me know if you guys need anything added on the wiki, I'm not too good at the whole wiki thing.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So we must fill this wiki with ours character info?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Such would be preferable, yes. Backstory, in game stuff, that sort of thing.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I know my way around a wiki. Sadly, I don't got access to my e-mail account currently, so can't set up an account to pitch in at present :S
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have to apologize, because, at length, I've decided to withdraw from GM'ing for DG. It's gotten to the point where the few threads I actually run, are now interfering with everything else I have. I'm not entirely sure why, or even how, but I'm locking up every time I sit down to write a reply. Any available GM's willing to take those threads off my hands would be appreciated, but it isn't fair to the players in them to have to wait months for a reply, when I'm perfectly capable of replying to everything else. So... Suppose it's official now. I can still help out here and there, but at the moment, actually running a thread is beyond me for this system.

Thankfully, the list of threads I'm dropping is pretty small, being Chibi's "Tale of Silverhair", and Ranger and Uber's "Brushfires and Blades" But I can't make the juices flow, Sorry guys. Best of luck to you 3 in finding a new GM, and to whoever picks these up, you have my gratitude at the very least.

As an additional note, I will not be taking any more new threads for this system either, I am however available for rolls, or the odd question here and there because I'm still familiar with the system, and will stay up to date, helping out with the blog and such when asked without issue. Sorry Tass.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Succubus Power suggestion:
Oil Up: The character uses a move action and oils their own skin (either by secreting it themselves or by some other fluff means). This oil causes the character to take a -10 penalty to attacks and attempts to put a target into a submission hold but gives the character a +10 bonus when attempting to free themselves from a grapple and causes characters coated in it to take +8 PP damage. The oil also halves resistance for the purposes of resisting pleasure and any damage caused by resisting pleasure is doubled. In addition, it doubles the maximum X value of rhythm and energetic foreplay. Any character who touches (i.e. grapples) a character currently affected by this oil is also covered in the oil and gains all of the bonuses and penalties listed above until the oil is removed. This oil lasts until the end of the encounter or until the character cleans themselves (spells such as Clean or other water producing spells and powers can work for this).

Another suggestion:

Consider allowing characters with ranger and skill with primitive ranged weapons to craft special arrows at half the listed price in the shop, and characters with ranger and skill with guns to craft special ammunition at half the listed price in the shop, assuming this isn't already covered somewhere and I haven't forgotten.

Something like this as a change:
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground. With Skill with Primitive Ranged Weapons or Crossbows then this skill allows for crafting Special Arrows/Bolts at half the listed shop price, and it allows the same for Special Rounds with Skill with Rifles or Pistols.

(I'm also still totally for a small +perception bonus to finding lewtz for characters with thief.)
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Dodge bonus vs unarmed attacks?

Also, .
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


HP Leech Enchantment for Weapons; Whenever the enchanted weapons deals HP damage, the wielder regains 2d4HP, this cannot exceed the amount of damage dealt. +2 if the victim is bleeding or have the Hemophiliac flaw. Or something similiar to this.

Force Damage Enchantment for Weapons; Somethingsomething blood being useable for a similiar result as using Fey/Demon blood, but the enchantment gives extra Force damage.

I guess the first one would need some number tweaking, but it'd be sweet to have for that one planned swordcraft of mine. As would the second for another swordcraft. *-*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My derp. Crusader (the Aptitude) didn't do anything for Binding. Now it does! Also fiddled with Teamwork a bit.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I wanted to do this earlier, but I was waiting to see if Haf was going to add/change anything. So far he hasn't, so...

Alex's Worth as a Slave

Price per Stats
+35 for Body (5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 10)
+10 for Mind (5 + 5)
+15 for Spirit (5 + 5 + 5)

Price per Race
+30 for Dragonkin (equivalent to Naga)

Price per Combat Ability
+15 for Veteran Warrior (no 'Skill with' Talent, but two disciplines and 12 Skills should cover that)
+15 for Mage
+15 for Spirit Wielder

Price Adjustments
-50% for Rebellious (I don't see how anyone could convince her to abandon her freedom, but if she did +50% because Honorable)
+10% for Beauty
+10% for Pleasure Slave (Kama Sutra, 60 PP, Tight, Whip-tongue, Soft Skin)
+5% for Slut (mostly RP, Open Soul)
+20 for Work Skills (Ranger)

Surprisingly none...

Base Price: 155
Adjustments: -25% if forced, +75% if convinced

116 Denarii if Alex is forced to become a slave against her will
271 Dnearii if Alex willingly gives up her freedom
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


The same derpery for Tomoe.

+45 from Body score
Nothing from Mind
+10 from Spirit

Nothing from race cos lame human.

Combat ability.
+15 for Veteran Warrior amount of warrior stuffs
+15 for Spirit Wielding

-50% from rebellion (She would do this. All the time forever. But also honorable so if some silliness managed to convince her then she might not do it.)
+10% from beauty, I think. Also big tits.
+10% from pleasure things (Open Soul and Sensitive both.)
+10% from Fertile (Babbiesssss.)
+20 from possible work skill Ranger, maybe another +10 for potential swordplay teaching ability (Silly Kei suggesting things.)

-5% for 39 resistance

115 base

They might pay a bit more if they have a miko fetish. Silly people. Get Alex instead.
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