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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My suggested additions to Haf's suggestion, not particularly impressive in comparison but I took a day instead of 2 weeks to work on it:
Giant Spidersilk for Primitive Ranged Weapons and Crossbows: same cost as for armor, +1 attack/damage

Weapon Customizations for ranged weapons

Upgraded Sights - 15 denarii, +1 attack

Clockwork Automated Winder - 20 denarii, allows the first reload of any given combat to be free. Takes one round to wind up if the character wants to do so in combat. Can pay an additional 10 denarii to make it the first 2 shots, and an additional 15 on top of that to make it three shots.


Custom Bored Barrel - 25 denarii, +1 attack/damage

Upgraded Sights - 15 denarii, +1 attack

Folding Stock - 20 denarii, half penalties for fighting in melee range

Su-Ku-Ta Hand Crafted - 75 denarii, +2 attack/damage and +5 feet to range


Custom Bored Barrel - 25 denarii, +1 attack/damage

Upgraded Sights - 15 denarii, +1 attack

Su-Ku-Ta Hand Crafted - 75 denarii, +2 attack/damage and +5 feet to range

Primitive Ranged Weapons


Recurve (Bows only) - take a -1 penalty to damage, get a +2 bonus to attack, costs 15 denarii

Straight (Bows only) - take a -3 penalty to attack, gets a +10 foot bonus to range, costs 15 denarii

Reflex (Bows only) - get +1 to attack/damage, costs 25 denarii

Thrown Weapons


Flight Weighted - deal -2 damage, get +5 feet of range and +1 to attack, costs 20 denarii

Strike Weighted - take a -2 penalty to attack, but gets +1 to damage and deals Body/3 damage if used as a melee weapon, costs 20 denarii

Balanced - gain +1 to attack and damage, costs 25 denarii

Also, a Blacksmith Skill of some sort that lets people upgrade items for a lot cheaper and with some minor additional mechanical bonus must be created.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Putting this here so I don't have to flip around for it and shit.

Make Black Dragon costs 4 + X EP and 2 + X HP instead of what it costs now. Also, change Transformation so that it only adds Stat/4 to Dodge instead of Stat/2, cuz it's pretty OP right now. Correct the fire portion of the Wrath of the Elements power so that it includes the correct AoE. Allow Mind Cutter to attack clothing despite being a ranged power. Reword ranged attack on Necromancy summons.

Change Power Gather Aptitude so that it allows a character to gain 2 EP by trading their move action. Add Evasion skill. Change Skirmisher to allow full movement while using full defense and defensive fighting.

Evasion - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.

Under almost all circumstances, the PC acts first in the turn. Their actions resolve first, usually followed by the actions of their NPCs. That said, how the turn resolves itself is ultimately up to the GM, and they can rule how things go however they see fit.

If random initiative is necessary for dramatic reasons, roll d20s for each combatant and resolve it that way, having whoever rolled the highest go first and then proceeding in descending order. I prefer to do this every round, but as before however you or your GM prefers it is how they should do it.

Technically, all actions are occurring at the same time. Initiative only determines order of resolution.

Random Encounters
If encounters must be determined randomly, I generally make it up on the spot and go from there. Other GMs are free to handle that however they wish, but I don't have any random charts on hand. Where certain things are viable as encounters are usually fairly self explanatory if you know the lore, and a lot of the available templates have explanations on where they could potentially be.

Combat, Grappling, AoE, and you!

Combat happens. When it does, you need to know what's going on, and more importantly, what your can do so as to not be raped, enslaved, or murdered. Firstly, here is a list of the basic things that a character can do on their turn.
-Make an attack using a weapon held in the character's hand.
-Make a grapple action against a creature that the character is currently grappling.
-Attempt to start a grapple with a creature that's within range.
-Cast a Spell.
-Use a Power.
-Draw a weapon or weapons (a character can hold one two handed weapon or two one handed weapons at a time.)
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.
-Move in any unblocked direction up to 2x the character's Speed stat.
-Run in a straight line up to 4x the character's Speed stat.
-Full Defense: Defend yourself, giving up all other actions in exchange for a +30 bonus to Dodge and Resistance and a +15 bonus to Perception for that round.
-Sit there looking silly.

A few additional things:
-Movement: A character taking any of the above actions other than Full Defense, Charging and Double Movement can move up to their Speed stat in any unblocked direction or 2x their Speed in a straight line. In addition, drawing a weapon can be done in place of movement if the character is performing another action. Some special abilities allow creatures to substitute other actions for their move or don't allow them a move at all. Creatures using Full Defense can move up to 1/2 their Speed, and cannot run. A character's move action can sometimes be replaced by other actions, such as using a magic item.
-Defensive Fighting: Whenever a character would make any attack that requires an attack roll, they may fight defensively. Effectively, the character can sacrifice up to 20 points from their attack roll, gaining a bonus to Dodge for that turn equal to the number of points sacrificed. Characters may instead add the bonus to defensive fighting to their Perception or to their Resistance for the round, but this bonus only affects their Resistance when defending against effects, not for determining whether their own effects work. They may also trade their attack bonus to grant an adjacent creature a bonus to Dodge instead. In addition, they may forsake their ability to dodge all attacks directed at an adjacent ally for the round, taking any and all attacks that would hit that ally unless they come from a direction from which the character couldn't conceivably defend them. One can only move at 1/2 their speed while using Defensive Fighting, and cannot run.

Finally, characters with Activated Skills or Feats may use as many as they desire and meet the requirements for, so long as those Skills/Feats do not contradict one another in some way.


Almost every attack, spell and power requires an attack roll. Those that don't have it indicated in their description somewhere. Attack rolls use the d20, and then add or subtract any appropriate modifiers. If the final number from the dice and all of the modifiers is equal to or greater than the Dodge value of the target, then the attack hits successfully and deals damage.

Area of Effect Attacks

Some powers, spells, and attacks hit multiple creatures within a given radius. The creature making the attack makes a single attack roll that is compared to every creature's Dodge score. Creatures that are in a grapple and lack the Brawler skill take full damage regardless of their Dodge score. Creatures with Brawler in a grapple and creatures not in a grapple who's Dodge score is greater than the attack roll takes 1/4 of the damage rolled for the attack, but creatures hit by the attack take full damage.


Attempting to start a grapple works slightly differently than other attacks. When a character attempts to start a grapple, the GM rolls a d20 and adds the character's Grapple stat. This is treated as an attack therefore allowing the character to use Defensive Fighting, and the character gains any bonuses applied to attack rolls to this roll even if they do not increase the character's Grapple stat. If that total is equal to or greater than the target creature's Dodge stat, the grapple attempt is successful and both creature and character get the Grappled status. Whatever action the creature that became grappled was going to take can still be attempted if it's allowed by the grapple rules. If it isn't, then the action is lost.

Things work differently for characters in a grapple. When in a grapple, the character can attempt any of the following. When 2 characters are in a grapple, both declare their actions and then a d20 is rolled for both, and then add their Grapple stat to each roll. Whichever has the higher total gets to make their action, while the other character can take no action for that turn.

A list of options while in a grapple that require that the character win their grapple check:
-Penetrate (or be penetrated by) a creature.
-Perform foreplay on an opposing creature. If that creature is wearing armor that hasn't been shifted, the amount of pleasure dealt is decreased by the armor's DU.
-Attack a creature that you are grappling with using an unarmed strike, a directed spell or power, or a one handed weapon.
-Attack a creature that is not in the grapple. Taking this action also requires that the character make an attack roll to hit their target as well win the grapple check, and they take a -10 penalty to their attack roll.
-Shift aside the armor of one opposing character, allowing foreplay and penetration without penalty.
-Remove the armor of one opposing character. Characters attempting this action take a -4 penalty to their grapple check.
-Tear an opponent’s armor. If the character wins the grapple check, the opponent’s armor takes TP damage equal to the difference between the rolls. This damage ignores the armor's DU.
-Escape the grapple.
-Force a creature into a Submission Hold.

In addition, the following actions can be done without a check or using a turn while in a grapple.
-Shift your own armor.
-Remove your own armor. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.
-Release a creature that you are grappling with. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.

Also, the following can be done without making a grapple check, but if so, the character can take no other actions.
-Cast a spell. Direct spells like Bolt and Touch spells are treated as direct attacks, but AoE spells, buffs, utility spells, and summons require no grapple check to cast.
-Use a power. Direct attacks and AoE attacks work just like spells as above.
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.
-Use Full Defense.

A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status.

Group Grapples
When multiple creatures are in a grapple, generally it will be multiple weaker creatures trying to grapple one stronger one (multiple monsters trying to grab the same PC.)
In this case, each "side" is treated as a single monster capable of multiple actions. Each monster gets a single d20 roll, but they also get a bonus to that grapple roll equal to 1/2 the grapple modifier of the creature(s) grappling the same target.
If multiple monsters attempt the same thing for that turn, then the roll becomes 1d20 + the total grapple modifier of each of the creatures.
Finally, if multiple creatures that are not allied attempts to do something, each only rolls a grapple check against the target of their action for that round.
Creatures attempting to join a grapple make their attack roll against whichever creature has the lowest Dodge value.

Range Increments
Ranged weapons (not spells or powers) have a maximum range listed beside them. Characters can fire at targets beyond this maximum range, but take penalties to their attack roll depending on the range of the targets away from them.

Range Increments:
1x < C < 2x == - 4 penalty, 2x < C < 3x == -8 penalty, 3x < C < 4x == -16 penalty, 4x < C < 5x == -32 penalty, and you can't fire farther than 5x the range increment.

Where x = the weapon's listed range and C = the current distance to the target. The penalties would apply to attack rolls only.

In words: The character takes a -4 penalty to ranged attacks for the first range increment in distance to their target, and this penalty doubled for each additional range increment.

Ranged Weapons and Positioning

Characters using a ranged weapon can choose to orient themselves such that they gain a bonus to hit, but find it more difficult to move. Kneeling or crouching gives a character a +8 bonus to attack rolls with any ranged weapon except for thrown weapons, but the character must use a move equivalent action in order to take a knee and another one when they want to stand up. Characters using guns or crossbows may also voluntarily make themselves prone, giving them a +16 bonus to attack rolls but providing all of the penalties of the Prone status. Bows and thrown weapons cannot be easily used while Prone, and thus gain no bonus.

In addition, most ranged weapons are ill suited to use in close quarters combat. Using a ranged weapon when a hostile creature is within melee range of the character causes that character's attacks to take a -10 penalty to hit, and that character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge.

Stealth Attacks made with ranged weapons don't automatically hit like melee sneak attacks do, and instead gain a +10 bonus to hit.

Clothing and Armor Damage

Normally, attacks deal damage to their target's TP equal to the damage that the character would have taken from the attack if they had no DR, Resistances, or AV, divided by the armor's DU. This only occurs if it makes sense given the nature of the attack, and sometimes character's or creatures may simply choose not to do it. A character may instead choose to attack the target's clothes only when attacking with a melee attack, and if they do so the target themselves takes no damage or other ill effects. The target's armor would take damage equal to the damage it would have taken if the character had been attacking the creature wearing the armor.

TP damage on armor doesn't automatically repair itself. It should be tracked like everything else in the status bar, and remains even after combat unless the character does something about it. Armor can be repaired given the time and materials, but for characters without the proper skill this can only restore an armor up to 1/2 their maximum TP. To fully restore a piece of armor, the character must take it to the merchant or to a competent smith/leatherworker/seamstress/etc and have it repaired there, at a cost equal to the max TP value of the armor to be repaired divided by 10, increased by 1 for every 100 denarii worth of modifications and enchantments made on the armor. So, an armor with 30 TP and 100 denarii worth of enchantments would cost 4 denarii to fully restore, for example.

Conditional/Prepared Actions

Rather than taking a normal action during their turn, the character can choose to prepare an action based on certain circumstances. For instance, a character could prepare to attack anyone that comes through a door, or cast a spell based on certain actions done by an NPC. Almost any action that can be done without conditions can be done conditionally. Some things, such as Sudden Shot and Counterspells, can only be used as prepared actions.

Positioning in Combat

Positioning in DG is abstracted rather than explicit, and so all positions will be in terms of relative distance and are decided largely by the GM when combat first starts, and then affected by the player's actions afterwards. Generally, distances will be given and then affected by character and creature movement. This may not always be precisely in line with the written actions, as attacks may cause explosions or push creatures in some direction without having any mechanical function that does that in the fluff. These are just for flavor.

More often than not, positioning and speed don't matter very much. Bonuses based on position, such as taking cover behind a wall when under attack from creatures using ranged weapons or attacking a creature from behind, are up to the GM to decide and aren't even necessarily consistent. There are times when positioning can matter, however, such as when a character tries to block access to a certain creature or attempts to step the flow of creatures through a choke point. In the former case, so long as the character is otherwise engaged (already being attacked or attacking something else,) they are realistically too distracted to actually do anything about the things moving past them, though the decision is ultimately up to the GM if they should allow such or not. In the latter case, the character should be able to hold the point unless they would reasonably displaced by an attack, at which point they'd no long block the point, though if the character misses with their attack and is hit by the attack of an opponent, it would be reasonable to say that they'd be pushed back as well. In other words, these sorts of situations should be handled however the GM feels is appropriate given the circumstances that create them, as the system wasn't built to have explicit rules for it.

The mechanics of sex in Dark Gate are generally only called upon when your character is being raped or attempting to rape something else. In that instance, the following rules apply:

Foreplay, including the use of hands, mouth, ect; Deals 2d4 + Body/4 PP damage. Foreplay against creatures wearing armor take a penalty to damage equal to the armor's DU.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + Body/3 PP damage.
These are both subject to a number of potential bonuses that can be applied, some of which are circumstantial.

In addition, whenever a character takes PP damage due to another creature and attempts to resist it, that PP damage is decreased by an amount equal to their Resistance stat divided by 2. However, resisting in this manner is exhausting, and deals 1d6 + 2 HP damage to the character which ignores armor.

If, at any time, a character would take PP damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they orgasm, and their PP is reset to full. Characters that have orgasmed are Stunned for their next action.

Pregnancy: A female character who allows another creature to orgasm inside of them receives a pregnancy roll unless they are Infertile or already pregnant. The GM rolls 1d4, and the character becomes pregnant on a roll of 4. This roll is never modified by any effects. Creatures with the egg layer mutation require no roll.
Optional Rule:
Twins sometimes happen. There isn't an explicit ruling on how/when this happens, allowing the GM to decide in general. An example ruling on how to handle that sort of situation would be to roll a d20 on a successful impregnation, and if it comes up as a 20 (19-20 for Fertile characters) to have them become pregnant with twins. This can be done again to see if they get triplets if you want to take it that far. Note that this example only works for humanoid on humanoid, I've put how I handle nonhumanoid creatures in the lore thread.

If two creatures are penetrating the same character, each penetration is treated separately. This includes pleasure damage for all three, pleasure resistance, and the damage for resisting pleasure.
If one creature is somehow penetrating the same character multiple times, both the creature and the character simply have double the number of dice applied to them for all associated effects.
If one creature is somehow penetrating multiple different creatures at the same time, each creature is treated independently for how much pleasure they take, but the penetrating creature takes additional dice for each creature added to the highest modifier for pleasure damage.

Note: If a creature is penetrated, but makes a grapple check to do something else, they still take penetration PP damage even if they win that grapple check unless the result of that grapple check causes the thing penetrating them to lose consciousness.

A note on the Fertile/Infertile Flaws and Selective Fertility: A character with either flaw AND selective fertility can choose to add either Flaw, but that doesn't erase the existing Flaw. A character that is Infertile who chooses to add Fertile causes the two to cancel out, meaning that they become pregnant only on a roll of 4. A character that is Fertile can cancel that out, but they still become pregnant on a roll of 4 even though they've chosen to be Infertile. In addition, if two characters have fertile, impregnation is automatic. One character having Fertile and the other having Infertile DOES NOT cancel out, however, as the Infertile character can never impregnate or be impregnated.

Perception Checks, Resistance Checks, and Stealth Checks, oh my!
Perception checks are made to find things, whether they be the monsters trying to sneak up on your and conk you on the head, or the hidden doors leading to treasure, or the tripwire that sets off a landmine lying nearby.

Perception Checks made to detect a creature trying to sneak up on you are:
d20 + Perception (character) vs D20 + Stealth (creature).

Perception checks made to detect a hidden object, like some treasure or a trap, or to notice something about a particular creature or character are:
d20 + Perception vs DC, where the DC is set by the GM.

In addition, a stealth check works exactly like a normal Perception check to detect a creature, only in reverse.

A character's Perception stat is determined by their primary stat as determined by their class.
A character's Stealth stat is always dependent on Body.

A Resistance check made between two creatures is decided by:
d20 + Resistance of A vs d20 + Resistance of B. If a tie occurs, flip a coin to determine the winner.
If the Resistance check is made against a DC, then the check is:
d20 + Resistance of creature vs DC. The creature must at least meet the DC in order to succeed.

GMs are free to add modifiers however they see fit depending on circumstances.

Powers, Spells, and Skills
Using a Power or casting a Spell each take a turn. Unless they say otherwise, the only thing that a character using one of these can do once the Spell/Power has resolved is move up to their Speed. Most Skills, however, are only optional modifiers that can be applied to attack rolls. Unless they say otherwise, using a Skill does not take up the character's turn, and a character can use any number of skills per round so long as their requirements don't contradict each other.

A character may only have one instance of any one Spirit Power active at a time. Activating another instance of that power with a greater X value replaces the old one and takes up the character's turn, but activating another instance of that power with a lower X value doesn't take up the character's turn or count as a second activation. Effectively, lowering the X value of a power is a free action. Note that the X value must be decreased at the start of your turn, before any other actions are taken, or you will pay the full upkeep rather than the reduced upkeep for a lower X value.

A character can maintain only three spells or spirit powers that remain active at any one time (these are indicated by things that appear in the status bar in your thread.) This includes both buffs and utility spells, and spells active on other characters still count towards this limit. A character can have up to 3 creatures summoned with spells and up to 5 creatures summoned with spirit powers at any one time, as well as up to 10 traps at any one time, and these have no upkeep associated with them and count towards separate limits. The wording of any spells or powers supersedes the above ruling on the limits on the number of things that one can maintain at any given time.

Buffs that increase a given stat don't stack, regardless of whether they're spells or powers. They do stack if the indirectly increase that stat, however. For example, Aspect of Spirit giving a boon to Attack wouldn't stack with the bonus from Battle Aura, but it would get the benefit from a buff spell applied to increase the subject's Body stat if they were making an attack roll that used Body. If two buffs would increase the same stat, use whichever one gives a higher bonus. Conditional modifiers, such as a bonus to Resistance against certain effects or Grapple rolls to escape, always apply even if another buff has a bonus to the stat that they conditionally increase, and those do stack.

A list of changes in the above:
-Redid the look of the movement and defensive fighting sections to try and make them more obvious, named Full Defense in the actions list.
-Changed ye defensive fighting rule so that if you're taking attacks for an ally, you can still dodge ones directed at you. Also, can only move at 1/2 Speed and no running while defensive fighting.
-AoE attacks now deal 1/4 damage even on a miss.
-Allow people to attack clothes in melee. Armor must now be repaired.
-Added positioning rules and a blurb about prepared actions.
-Tweaked Full Defense to allow slight movement.

-Added a ruling for the same creature penetrating multiple different creatures and how that works out.
-Made it explicit that creatures who are penetrated and take a grapple action to do something other than escape that still take pleasure damage from the penetration.
-Made the selective fertility/fertile/infertile interactions explicit.
-Made egging not require an impreg roll explicit.

-Added stuff about GMs being allowed to introduce conditional modifiers.

-Made it explicit there that skills can be combined.
-Added explicit rulings on the number of summons you can have and cleaned that up a little bit.
-Made it so that buffs that increase the same thing directly don't stack.

Notes on suggested item stuff: Add cost alterations based on the character's race. Demons should realistically be able to get Darksteel for cheap, orcs should be able to get orcish pattern steel more easily, etc.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

In the interests of mass convenience and because the shoutbox has started to become increasingly unwelcoming, I've opted to move my usual DG derp to IRC. I'll be using the same channel that I used to use to run Pathfinder, which BaconRoom on rizon.


You can get to it by clicking the irc link at the bottom of the shoutbox and then typing: "/join #BaconRoom" without the quotes if you're unfamiliar with irc. If you need to contact me for whatever reason or just want to derp about DG or other stuff, feel free to show up. I'll be about whenever I'd normally be in the shoutbox.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

More rules reminders for myself.

Change Web Shot from this:
*Web Shot: The character makes an attack roll against a single target creature within 30 feet. If this attack hits, it deals no damage, but the creature takes a -10 penalty to attack rolls, grapple rolls, Dodge, and Speed until the end of the encounter. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds the creature's Body stat they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. A creature can spend their turn to remove these webs, thus eliminating the penalties completely. Grapple/20 or 1 webs can be removed per round, whichever is higher, and this number uses the character's unpenalized Grapple stat. This Succubus Power cannot be selected, it must be gained through a mutation.

to this:
*Web Shot: The character makes an attack roll against a single target creature within 30 feet. If this attack hits, it deals no damage, but the creature takes a -10 penalty to attack rolls, grapple rolls, Dodge, and Speed until the end of the encounter. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds the creature's Body stat they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. A creature can spend their turn to remove these webs, thus eliminating the penalties completely. A character can remove up to their non-penalized Grapple stat divided by 20 (minimum 1) instance of this status as a standard action. In addition, character's may create Webs that are difficult to detect and function as traps. These Webs can produce a number of instances of the Webbed status up to ten, and have a Perception DC to detect equal to 50 - (5 * Webs). This Succubus Power cannot be selected, it must be gained through a mutation.

Change Pleasing Touch from this:
Pleasing Touch: The character can strike those they are in battle with in a manner that causes pleasure rather than pain, dealing unarmed damage to PP rather than HP (This cannot be used with weapons.) Attacks made using this Succubus Power gain no damage bonuses from active Powers, Spells, or Skills. The character only drains half as much EP from this as they normally would.

To this:
Pleasing Touch: The character can strike those they are in battle with in a manner that causes pleasure rather than pain, dealing foreplay to PP rather than unarmed damage to HP using an unarmed strike. Attacks made using this Succubus Power gain no damage bonuses from active Powers, Spells, or Skills, but still take penalties to attack and damage as a normal attack would, as well as subtracting both the AV (as if dealing HP damage) AND the DU (as if using foreplay through armor) of the target's armor, though natural and magical AV is ignored. The character only drains half as much EP from this as they normally would.

Change Parry Mode from this:
Parry Mode - The character chooses to forsake all AV granted by Skills so long as this mode is activated. In exchange, they no longer takes penalties to Dodge from using skills in the Two Weapon Fighter branch, and they gain a bonus to Dodge against melee attacks equal to the AV sacrificed plus 5. They may also sacrifice all attacks on their secondary weapon to gain an additional +10 bonus to Dodge while using this mode, but any attacks that they make still suffer the penalties for two weapon fighting. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

To this:
Parry Mode - The character chooses to forsake all AV granted by Skills so long as this mode is activated. In exchange, they no longer takes penalties to Dodge from using skills in the Two Weapon Fighter branch, and they gain a bonus to Dodge against melee attacks equal to the AV sacrificed plus 5. In addition, using the Scissor Defense skill allows them to attack creatures that miss them rather than creatures that hit them. They may also sacrifice all attacks on their secondary weapon to gain an additional +10 bonus to Dodge while using this mode, but any attacks that they make still suffer the penalties for two weapon fighting. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just a random thought, but how about the addition of a roll for the chance of a character becoming pregnant with twins (or more, if there isn't one already)?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Perhaps the Fertile flaw could not just make it such that you're very likely to become pregnant, but also give a small possibility (say, 1 in 4) of becoming pregnant with twins?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I am in favor of this idea as well. Additionally if you have Fertile or make yourself so with Selective Fertility, and then you drink a fertility potion or whatever it's called, then that 1 in 4 chance could be raised to a 2 in 4 or even a 3 in 4 chance.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

What if the side with the dick have Fertile? And the other things? Does it all stack? Can it go up to 6-in-4 chance of having twins, resulting in 2-in-4 of having triplets? '-'

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I already do such as a chance with every pregnacy though I follow this little guide I made myself.

On a 4 (or 2-4 for fertile) roll again another 4 and the character has twins. I then roll a d8 and on a 8 (7-8 for fertile) the character has triplets. Its a rough system but I think it covers how rare multiple births are for humanoids. They system could go higher by increasing the die each time but I don't think Ill need to go higher. After all the only character that has gotten close was Ashranni in Heart of the Mountain.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I already do such as a chance with every pregnacy though I follow this little guide I made myself.

On a 4 (or 2-4 for fertile) roll again another 4 and the character has twins. I then roll a d8 and on a 8 (7-8 for fertile) the character has triplets. Its a rough system but I think it covers how rare multiple births are for humanoids. They system could go higher by increasing the die each time but I don't Ill need to the only character that has gotten close was Ashranni in Heart of the Mountain

Uh, with that chance 1/4 of pregnancies should be twins or more. Sounds really high chance to me.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

True but its still a 75% chance not to have another baby. Though I could increase it to a d6 with needing a 6 to have the second. Its still rough and it actually doesn't come up that often.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I dont see what is wrong with that, at the real life you can get multiple babies, even eight, you have nekos and cats ussually have more of five babies
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I dont see what is wrong with that, at the real life you can get multiple babies, even eight, you have nekos and cats ussually have more of five babies

Yes, you can have more than one baby. No-one is disputing that. The argument here is about how common such occurrences should be. And I'm saying it should be fairly rare. the probability should be only a few percent. Varying according to race, obviously.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

then beasts, egg laying and maybe some demons must have a high rate. Maybe even orcs
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

On a 4 (or 2-4 for fertile) roll again another 4 and the character has twins.

Uh, with that chance 1/4 of pregnancies should be twins or more. Sounds really high chance to me.

I was about to suggest that spiders maths was wrong due to it needing two fours in a row not one, but that's only relevant for fertile characters. I forgot that a roll of 3 wasn't a pregnancy in normal characters. The system used to be a 50/50 chance in ye-olde-DG if I recall.

So yeah, that does seem very high. A very quick google check puts the odds at about 3.3% in the modern era, and that's approximately double the real world historical rate because more people conceive at an older age these days (is a factor in twin chance apparently), and also due to the use of fertility drugs.

A natural 20 on a d20 being the requirement would be the closest you could get using traditional dice sizes. Being a 5% chance.
A natural 30 on a d30 would give you the exact 3.3% chance (as based on modern day statistics at least).

It of course, is pretty unlikely that way. So would mean less double trouble surprises for characters in general, but maybe make them more special? I guess it depends on whether the idea is to aim for "realism" or whether to nudge in more twins than normal just because twins are fun. The other option as always, is just that the DM decides whatever based on what seems fun for the individual thread/character.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Clearly it's time to break out the d100, 3 or lower for twins.

I'm of the opinion that hard ruling it seems likely to result in oddities given that DG's pregnancy chances are simplified (for good reason), it might be better to just throw in an optional note for GMs that they may, if they choose, devise their own preferred system for determining whether the pregnancy results in twins, triplets, or a clown car pregnancy.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

What Haf said. I'll put something to that effect in and make up an optional ruling to determine it, but say that GMs can decide how to do it themselves if they want to. Also, that reminds me that I was going to write out numbers in that pregnancy lore post I did for how many each creature made with people.