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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well, if Guan's third character is the one I'm thinking of, she's definitely not gonna fit well with a group. She's bonkers, and lacks an important part of being apart of a group, communication.

Yes, I will require that your characters actually interact with one another. If someone's hiding in the corner during a discussion I will be angry.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I personally would vote for a 2-2 split as a 4 might be somewhat clunky to execute. Plus, I need a little time to actually patch my person together.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Meanwhile, in the lands of the forgotten, Cappy, Smokefish, And SirOni all toil on their thematic Knights, perhaps never to be fully realized.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm really only interested in getting one thread going. (Two if I GM a thread for Tass as he seems to require).

So, here's how I'll work this. Aust will make his character, and his character will be the the center point of the group, whether it be the leader or simply the person who made friends with the other two. Once Aust makes his character, anyone who's still interested by that point can make their character based off of what he made.

I'm choosing Aust for this because he seems generally laid back and as such he shouldn't be too hard to get along with.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Meanwhile, in the lands of the forgotten, Cappy, Smokefish, And SirOni all toil on their thematic Knights, perhaps never to be fully realized.
>In the lands of the forgotten, Cappy, Smokefish and SirOni toil on their thematic Knights
>Cappy, Smokefish and SirOni toil
*Dies laughing, respawns, and repeats a few times, then goes to maybe get some work done on his Psycho Knight*

------And now to be a productive member of DG society------

I hereby suggest to alter a clause on each and every single "Spirit Weapon Buff" Power, the ones that effectively conjures a weapon out of thin air. The clause I am refering to is this snippet on them;
"If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a sword (any of the three kinds depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent." - Energy Blade
To something similiar with the following;
"This Spirit Weapon can count as one of the following weapon types(Chosen when cast): One-Handed Sword, Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword, or Unarmed, for the use and benefits of Skills and Talents. IE Duelist Talent and using Lightning Strikes Skill, or Two-Weapon Fighter Talent, etc"
I just think it would save a lot of textspace, which seems to be a valuable commodity nowadays. Naturally this would open up things for hilarity, such as Energy Blade being used with Heavy Weapons Specialist if done as above, unless a special exclusion is made. Which would take up even more text. No one can ever win, can they? :D

Altho if this change is made, I suggest making Death Whip count as a Whip. Just to have it done and over with, and all.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Meanwhile, in the lands of the forgotten, Cappy, Smokefish, And SirOni all toil on their thematic Knights, perhaps never to be fully realized.

Hey, don't lump me in with you lazy bastards. Wulfric is more or less finished, just need to sketch him up and write up his back story.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm really only interested in getting one thread going. (Two if I GM a thread for Tass as he seems to require).

So, here's how I'll work this. Aust will make his character, and his character will be the the center point of the group, whether it be the leader or simply the person who made friends with the other two. Once Aust makes his character, anyone who's still interested by that point can make their character based off of what he made.

I'm choosing Aust for this because he seems generally laid back and as such he shouldn't be too hard to get along with.

*Raffles in* Oh oh! If you don't mind, I would like to join so that I can make a side character that pops in and out.

Edit: Or at least get to see where this is going and how the [insert number of] people chosen will mesh.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Lets make MAF GM a six player thread! :V

I'll join with that old slime paladin of mine! Will fit right in I'm sure.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm sure RJ can handle more than 6 players. Hell, AWMBI had like 20 people running around in it and he kept it going for a while. Wait, I just had a crazy idea...

Let's make RJ run a DG thread for all of the DG characters together!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Rawr? There is no insanity here. Only madness. And Raditz.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I totally suggest the DILDO ISLANDS which Sin apparently told us like a week or some shit ago are .

They would be waaay the hell out there off the coast of Anudor. They would have Moai Headsexcept the other head. The natives would be dem brown folk, because islanders. Glassmaking would be widely practiced among the natives - their sand melts exceptionally well, and they have managed to harness the power of their obligatory volcano to fire and temper the glass.

Occasional shipwreckees, Atlanteans, and humies should make up the populace. Also Embers I guess. There should be Sirens singing also, to lure in bitches.

The waters around the island are deceptively bad, an ever so slight whirlpool effect surrounding the island, and the shallows near it are deceptively... err, shallow, and also rocky. The rocks are also phallicly-inclined. This usually means bad times for sailors.

Optionally, there would be OVARY COVE, wherein the island's riptides would lead into. All wreckage would get sucked in towards Ovary Cove and it's beaches. Especially sailors.

Doubleoptionally, once a month or so, Ovary Cove's coral are on a monthly breeding cycle. Every new moon, the tide rises super high, and the tide reverses, washing out to sea. The coral goes into a massive surge of doing their weird fish babymaking thing where they poot the eggs and sperm into the water. Like tasty brine shrimp, they turn the water red, and wash out to sea, to continue building the greatqureef.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

An excellent suggestion Garg. Thanks for offering to GM for it!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I totally suggest the DILDO ISLANDS which Sin apparently told us like a week or some shit ago are .

They would be waaay the hell out there off the coast of Anudor. They would have Moai Headsexcept the other head. The natives would be dem brown folk, because islanders. Glassmaking would be widely practiced among the natives - their sand melts exceptionally well, and they have managed to harness the power of their obligatory volcano to fire and temper the glass.

Occasional shipwreckees, Atlanteans, and humies should make up the populace. Also Embers I guess. There should be Sirens singing also, to lure in bitches.

The waters around the island are deceptively bad, an ever so slight whirlpool effect surrounding the island, and the shallows near it are deceptively... err, shallow, and also rocky. The rocks are also phallicly-inclined. This usually means bad times for sailors.

Optionally, there would be OVARY COVE, wherein the island's riptides would lead into. All wreckage would get sucked in towards Ovary Cove and it's beaches. Especially sailors.

Doubleoptionally, once a month or so, Ovary Cove's coral are on a monthly breeding cycle. Every new moon, the tide rises super high, and the tide reverses, washing out to sea. The coral goes into a massive surge of doing their weird fish babymaking thing where they poot the eggs and sperm into the water. Like tasty brine shrimp, they turn the water red, and wash out to sea, to continue building the greatqureef.

...I'm curious as to how much time you spent thinking all this up...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

About thirty minutes. The novelty wears off and I start to think "what the fuck am I doing" right around minute thirty-five, so I try to cut it off right around there.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*nods* makes perfect sense. Which is kinda scary, when I think about it. XD
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Talent suggestion Succubus


Grants +8 to the users resistance checks on Charm, Siren song, Stunning gaze, and Enthrall.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Not a bad idea or concept, but in practice it's a bit less useful than just taking Resistant and getting +8 across the board.

I'd suggest it either giving +10 to those specific checks or being a succubus power.