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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Okay so apparently I am to be trusted to run games for people, but I'm too much of a lazy shit to go ask around if they want me to do so or whatever. Gimme a message in my PMs or visitor whatsits if you want me to thing.

I still basically have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, but as a general note, you should expect much derp. Like, all of the derp. Low challenge, probably, as I am kinda bad at antagonism as of yet.

I'm also supposed to be lightening Tass' considerable load of things to run, so if you've already got a thread and want to be merciful on him, feel free to also ask.

Okay, can I haz two threads from you? XD I'll whip a fancy character real quick! //shot
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I ran out of room on the rituals post, I've counted Alchemist as a qualifying Talent for a while now.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I was going to mention something about how the alchemist thing was intended to be usable anyway and stuff, but was beaten to it. So instead, reminders:

Change fertility potions and infertility potions so that they're not completely more amazing than their ritual counterparts and aren't an incredibly convenient way to negate the fertile and infertile flaws.

Suggested change:

Fertility Potion: The drinker gains the Fertile Flaw for 2 days after taking this potion. Has no effect on a character with Infertile.
Costs 20 denarii.

Infertility Potion: The drinker gains the Infertile Flaw for 2 days after taking this potion. Has no effect on a character with Fertile.
Costs 20 denarii.

Also, change Sealing Collars for much the same reason. Plus, current ones can seal a lord without much issue.

Proposed suggestion:

Sealing Collar: 40 denarii for a DC 30 sealing collar (as the ritual). DC may be increased by 3 for an additional 50 denarii, or by 15 for an additional 200 denarii, up to as many times as the character can afford.

(For reference, a normal ceiling collar can be crafted at resistance + 10 DC for 20 denarii and its DC can be increased by 3 for every application of faerie or demon blood, or by the resistance of a creature sacrificed in its making with blood magic. A standard sorceress has 20 resistance, faerie's blood costs 50 denarii, and an average Joe apparently has 30~ body and around 15~ resistance, so... >.>

Sure, you're saving by buying in bulk, but you're also inadvertently murdering someone.)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hey, hey Blarg. Hey Blarg. Wanna GM for me?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Possible ritual to put in or replace an older one with. Just a rough description of it so far that I just threw together in like 5 minutes or so from off the top of my head. Can be changed to better work with the game mechanics later.

Ritual Name: Scry
Ritual Cost: Depends on what you're scrying for. (i.e scrying for a person would cost 30 denarii in ritual components, while looking for a specific item would only cost 10 denarii.)
Ritual Time: 10 to 30 minutes. (If the target of the scry is stationary GM uses a shorter time, while longer if it's on the move.)
Ritual Requirements: The caster must have focus in Light magic, and must have the Mind Worm spirit power. If you're scrying for a person you need a drop of their blood, a single hair, a personal belonging of theirs, a drop of blood from someone close to them like their child. While for an item you wouldn't need anything save a good picture or description of what you're looking for and who it belonged to. (For items you have to use the psion power 'Mind Worm' on another person or it could be used on you to get a clear picture of what you're looking for. Looking for people doesn't require 'Mind Worm'.)
Description: Use a map of the land to attempt locating a person or single item that you're looking for. The ritual let's you know the general area either is in and using this ritual would also tell you whether or not the person is dead or alive and what shape they're in, while for items it would tell you the condition the item you're looking for is in.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okay, apparently RK didn't suggest this for whatever raisin, so I'm going to do it instead and step on all the toes and stuff.

Glowy Juices: Some or all of the character's bodily fluids glow. (Saliva, milk, semen, vaginal juices, blood). -2 Stealth when Aroused or Horny/otherwise appropriate.

(Follow-up mutation) Grossly Incandescent Juices: The character's bodily fluids now glow strongly enough to rival the light of a torch.
-6 Stealth when Aroused or Horny/otherwise appropriate; can be used as a light source



Spawned in the sewers of Acheron from carelessly dumped alchemical, magical, or otherwise questionable, fluids along with the demonic energies permeating the town. The Hellroaches are steadily growing in numbers underneath the now demon inhabitated city. Chaotically mutated, it is a rare thing to find more then a handful of these insectoid humanoids that resemble one another.

Racial Talents: +8 Body, Healthy, Resistant
Racial Flaws: Tainted Bloodline, Mutated, Fertile

Racial Mutations: Naturally Warped, Odd Skin (Carapace) & Armored Hide, Vestigial Wings, Clawed Feet, Claws, Funny Ears (Antennae), Shadowy (replaced with Glowing Skin(Genitalia when aroused), Glowy Fluids

I personally would replace the Body bonus with Quick, add in Night Eyes and a Strange Eyes (Compound) mutation which doesn't technically exist and remove the Claws and Clawed Feet, but then apparently RK and I are thinking of the race differently.

Also, . Stretcher and the Tentacle Clan, herp.

RK's pic and inspiration for yon race:
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A counter proposal:
Ritual name: Scry
Ritual cost: Varies. At least 2 denarii worth of materials if the target is an object, at least 10 denarii worth of materials if the target is a person. More expensive materials get better results.
Ritual time: For stationary targets, 10 minutes. For moving targets 30 minutes.
Ritual Requirements: Psion OR Focus in Light. If the target is a person, the ritual also needs a part of the said person or an item associated with her. If the target is an item, a clear mental image or a good drawing of it. A mirror, a bowl of water with a drop of ink or other reflective surface.
Description: When the ritual is completed, the person making the ritual becomes aware of the targets location and an image of the target appears on the used mirror. The clarity and the duration of the image depends on the quality of the used materials and the mirror, with the cheapest alternatives providing only a brief and flurry image, while more expensive alternatives can provide a clear image that lasts as long as the person leading the ritual concentrates and that can be used to look around.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

-Race suggestion/Approval to use-

Spawned in the sewers of Acheron from carelessly dumped alchemical, magical, or otherwise questionable, fluids along with the demonic energies permeating the town. The Hellroaches are steadily growing in numbers underneath the now demon inhabitated area. Chaotically mutated, it is a rare thing to find more then a handful of these insectoid humanoids that resemble one another.
Stat Adjustment: +8 Body
Racial Talents: Healthy, Resistant
Racial Flaws: Tainted Bloodline, Mutated, Fertile
Racial Mutations: Naturally Warped, Egg Layer, Odd Skin(Chitin carapace/exoskeleton), Armored Hide, Vestigial Wings, Clawed Feet, Claws, Night Eyes, Funny Ears(Antennae), Glowing Skin(Genitalia when Aroused), Glowy Fluids

-Mutation suggestions-

Glowy Fluids
: Some or all the characters bodily fluids glows, and incur a -2 Stealth penalty when exposed(IE when aroused, bleeding). Fluids such as saliva, milk, semen, vaginal juices, blood.

Grossly Incandescent Fluids: The glow from the characters fluids are so strong that it is equal to a small torch, and incur a -6 penalty to stealth when exposed. Stacks with Glowy Fluids penalty.

(Thanks for posting it Blarg, I had another blackout, but I'ma go ahead and post it myself anyways)
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I was going to mention something about how the alchemist thing was intended to be usable anyway and stuff, but was beaten to it. So instead, reminders:

Change fertility potions and infertility potions so that they're not completely more amazing than their ritual counterparts and aren't an incredibly convenient way to negate the fertile and infertile flaws.

Suggested change:

Fertility Potion: The drinker gains the Fertile Flaw for 2 days after taking this potion. Has no effect on a character with Infertile.
Costs 20 denarii.

Infertility Potion: The drinker gains the Infertile Flaw for 2 days after taking this potion. Has no effect on a character with Fertile.
Costs 20 denarii.

Also, change Sealing Collars for much the same reason. Plus, current ones can seal a lord without much issue.

Proposed suggestion:

Sealing Collar: 40 denarii for a DC 30 sealing collar (as the ritual). DC may be increased by 3 for an additional 50 denarii, or by 15 for an additional 200 denarii, up to as many times as the character can afford.

(For reference, a normal ceiling collar can be crafted at resistance + 10 DC for 20 denarii and its DC can be increased by 3 for every application of faerie or demon blood, or by the resistance of a creature sacrificed in its making with blood magic. A standard sorceress has 20 resistance, faerie's blood costs 50 denarii, and an average Joe apparently has 30~ body and around 15~ resistance, so... >.>

Sure, you're saving by buying in bulk, but you're also inadvertently murdering someone.)


Glowy Fluids: Some or all the characters bodily fluids glows, and incur a -2 Stealth penalty when exposed(IE when aroused, bleeding). Fluids such as saliva, milk, semen, vaginal juices, blood.

Grossly Incandescent Fluids: The glow from the characters fluids are so strong that it is equal to a small torch, and incur a -6 penalty to stealth when exposed. Stacks with Glowy Fluids penalty.


*Vaginal Tongue: The character has a second tongue inside their vaginal that they can manipulate as if it were a normal tongue. The character deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. This mutation can only be taken by characters with a vagina.

*Greater Vaginal Tongue: The character has an exceptionally long vaginal tongue that they can manipulate as if it were a tentacle. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent but cannot impregnate them. The character deals +4 PP damage during penetrative sex. If grappling and penetrated, gives the character a +4 bonus against an opposing Escape Attempt. Must have already taken Vaginal Tongue. Can only be taken by characters with a vagina.

*shudders* If at least three people tell me that they think this is a good idea after this post, I'll edit these in.

[Flaw] Minute Man/Woman: The character has very little sexual endurance. -12 Max. PP. Cannot be taken with the "Just a Little Longer" or "Just Getting Started" Talents.

*Easily Tired: Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

*Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.

I don't allow Flaws that decrease HP/PP/EP because they might allow people to get into the negatives or even near to 0. Do not want PC with 4 hit points. : | And if I allowed this, there would be calls for those next. Also, it would have to be -20 to keep them even with the Talents that increase those stats.
The other two I guess I can allow. I had to move the Psyker table down to make it fit into the forum's post limits though.

Hellroach (Smokefish)
Spawned in the sewers of Acheron from carelessly dumped alchemical, magical, or otherwise questionable, fluids along with the demonic energies permeating the town. The Hellroaches are steadily growing in numbers underneath the now demon inhabitated area. Chaotically mutated, it is a rare thing to find more then a handful of these insectoid humanoids that resemble one another.
Stat Adjustment: +8 Body
Racial Talents: Healthy, Resistant
Racial Flaws: Tainted Bloodline, Mutated, Fertile
Racial Mutations: Naturally Warped, Egg Layer, Odd Skin(Chitin carapace/exoskeleton), Armored Hide, Vestigial Wings, Clawed Feet, Claws, Night Eyes, Funny Ears(Antennae), Glowing Skin(Genitalia when Aroused), Glowy Fluids

Hellroach (Garg)
Spawned in the sewers of Acheron from carelessly dumped alchemical, magical, or otherwise questionable, fluids along with the demonic energies permeating the town. The Hellroaches are steadily growing in numbers underneath the now demon inhabitated city. Chaotically mutated, it is a rare thing to find more then a handful of these insectoid humanoids that resemble one another.

Racial Talents: +8 Body, Healthy, Resistant
Racial Flaws: Tainted Bloodline, Mutated, Fertile

Racial Mutations: Naturally Warped, Odd Skin (Carapace) & Armored Hide, Vestigial Wings, Clawed Feet, Claws, Funny Ears (Antennae), Shadowy (replaced with Glowing Skin(Genitalia when aroused), Glowy Fluids

There isn't any more room in the races page, but I'll allow people to play as these if they want to. At this point, as has been derped repeatedly in the shoutbox of late, there is the plan to make a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles parody with these. I find great amusement in this plan despite having never much watched the show, and will GM it if we get 4 people interested. Currently we have 2, smoke and garg. As for the two different types of roaches, I prefer Smoke's personally due to the lack of conditional mutations, but they're basically the same.

Also, I'm moving the rituals post down and splitting it in half.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

How about giant millipedes with one thousand legs and 500 penises that conveyor belt fucks their victims~?
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Vaginal Tongue & Greater Vaginal Tongue
I vote yes, 'cuz I was the one that brought it up. '3'

Different Hellroaches
The conditional thing was actually my idea from the start, but I changed it. I'd say my version should be used, but I am obviously biased~
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

It's a... really weird thing, but uhh I guess fund it? I know doublecock was added because I asked for it for my character personally, so. >.>

Also, .
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I vote yes, 'cuz I was the one that brought it up. '3'

The conditional thing was actually my idea from the start, but I changed it. I'd say my version should be used, but I am obviously biased~

I repeat, I blame Smokefish... do I get a vote? I was the one who wrote it up so I'm not sure.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You do, and you actually make the fourth person to recommend it, I think.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Doesn't matter to me. It's not something I'd ever use or want used on a character/creature I encounter, but its fine if others want it, I guess...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Emanation (A wave pulsates out from the caster, affecting all creatures within a 10 foot radius of the caster. Spells of this type require no attack roll. A spell of this type can be maintained, effectively casting it again without paying it's EP cost, by paying 1 EP upkeep and making another Casting check.) [Deals 1d8 + Mind/8 damage.]

Why did no one point out to me that emanations required no attack rolls yet? >.> I personally object to this one, but I want to know if anyone has a case for keeping this particular rule.

Also, @ Wind Armor: I'm considering making it not work against AoE attacks. Is this a good plan?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Let it be known that I am completely biased in this because it offers some benefit to one of my characters: I kind of like that version of emanation. >.>

Perhaps forsaking the need for attack rolls entirely could be replaced with a small bonus to attack rolls when using emanation spells, instead? Cone might benefit from a similar treatment, since those two are the spells that give up range in order to hit stuff with magic.

Again, I admit that there's some bias in this.

As far as wind armor goes, I don't really have an argument for or against. As somebody who absolutely loves the spell, I can see why you might want to give it a definite weakness, though, since with enough resistance buffs and wind armor a mage character can become invincible to attacks and completely negate efforts to dispel the powers making them impossible to hit.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well, not requiring attack rolls definitely makes Emanation more powerful than other AoEs.

On related matter, I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it silly that you can stand in the middle of AoE and dodge it completely without apparently moving.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hey DG'ers, me and ranger been discussing this for abit. And wonder whats your take on it:

Diminishing flat DC checks. [10% per turn of resistance]

Explanation inside:
Place that pitchfork down for a moment and hear me out. Right now, the mechanics stand that the DC check shall not budge until the required roll is met.

The thing is it shouldn't really stay flat like that:
Say someone is bound via a rope. If the character struggles, tugs or even cuts the rope surely it should weaken.
Or Say someone is bound via a spell, lets take a juggernaut for instance, just to really show the problem. If a juggernaut is continously tearing away at the binding spell with his massive strentgh there's no way in HELL should the spell keep it's original strentgh and not budge.

A 10% diminish would allow such events to actually give the effected a chance to escape.
Say 15 resistance demon is bound via 40 DC resistance bindings well thats it for him then, his max roll is 35 [15+20]. Insta win.

Now if we'd have a diminishing effect his first strugle would be vs 40, second would be 36 and third struggle vs 33. As you can see it gives the opponent an actual chance to fight back not just go herp, derp I'm trapped now.
Hell the dimish could also be greater for greater tier creatures.

On a related note... Holy Mage: Binding spell is kinda too good. Pour 12 EP into the sucker and you can perma-stun a T4 Lord. Yes a TIER 4 LORD. His max resistance would be 55 you can easily reach 60 AND FAR MORE.

Tier 4 BOSSES thankfully have 65 resistance, meaning their max is 85. So Bindings would need 18EP to perma lock him. And let's be honest say the average holy mage ceiling is 15 you'd drop those 3 hp in a heartbeat to actually BEAT a BOSS in 1 spell [if you won't kill him in the upcoming ~60 turns you're doing something horribly wrong kind sir/maam]

EASY FIX: Right now upkeep is 1 EP. Make it a X - 2 EP or so [you do the balancing :p ]

I'm not a GM so I might be rambling on about things I got no clue. So just sayin :rolleyes:
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Counter example for the first one: if you put a human into pillory, she won't be able to escape no matter how she struggles. Also, if someone can't be easily secured so they can't escape without help, that makes capturing enemies a lot less appealing option. I'm sure you can see why this is a bad thing if you think for a moment. Besides, if you find a way to cut the rope, you'll obviously get free eventually and it's only a matter of the GM deciding how long that takes.

As for spells, I don't see why struggling ineffectively should weaken them, since they're magic anyway.

Regardless, if some mechanic like this is implemented, I think it should be flat rate rather than percentage.

As for Binding, it's hardly unique in being able to take out powerful enemies if you pour enough EP to it and manage to hit them. Look at Gorgon's gaze for another example.