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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

On the one hand, it wouldn't make sense to start new DG2 threads at this point, and asking people to wait an indefinite amount of time until DG2 finishes before starting their threads would be annoying. On the other hand, running two systems at once is also annoying.

Maybe a solution would be to switch existing threads over to DG3 at some specified date, and in the mean time do your best to rush towards a conclusion? If you don't make it for a particular thread, then the mechanics change completely to DG3 but the story remains in DG2 until it is finished. And with the holidays coming up to disrupt activity in any case...

Edit: Also, while I'm here: two different people have now posted in the DG1 character creation thread with regards to (presumably) DG3 character creation. Maybe rename the thread or something, and started a locked DG3 thread?

Edit2: Which reminds me. Maybe I have a thread that needs storyline-accelerating as well. >.>
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

You're really just trying to get me to play Miranda in DG3, aren't you? >.>
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I've been thinking and waiting on a couple of responses, and Two is right about having to run two different systems. I'd be afraid I would accidentally slip between DG2 and DG3 rules. Then again just converting everything into DG3 could be a problem as well. So I say wait until the end of the year to make a decision. It'll be easier to think with the holidays behind most of everyone, and it'll give everyone a bit of time to ponder.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

@Oni: I haven't decided on the time line just yet, but so far I've been thinking of it as 2 years post DG2 for DG3. That said, it's a demon. They grow up really fast if they have to.

@thetwo: That's an option, of course.

Also, your thread will be moving on now. I just had to get all of that out of the assorted more characters malarkey way.

@Tiffanian: >:3

@Termite: Yeah, it'd be waiting until around then anyway. No need to rush things, as it's not like I don't have enough RP stuff to worry about now.

@Host: Ehh.... Not really. The story is going to be picking up the pieces left after the aliens all buggered off back to wherever they came from. Also, it is going to be more long term than DG2 was, as the mechanics don't have so many horribly broken things in them. I hope.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Would the kid have matured enough to look 18-ish? If so I could work with that, though I'd have to change a few things background-wise with her to fit in with the time skip.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I'm on board with that
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Alright, two things, one pointed out by Blind and another thought up by Hafnium.

1) Change formulas for Perception and Stealth to one similar to speed, Yay or Nay?
IE: Perception becomes squareRoot(Mind * 10) and Stealth becomes the same but for Body.

2) Mind Buffs are a little overpowered right now. Change them from Mind/5 down to Mind/6 or Mind/8, Yay or Nay?
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

1. That would probably help keep people from being completely blind, but it would also probably nerf the shit out of characters built to be stealthy. I think. I'm not sure.

2. Well, nerfing buffs probably makes sense. If I'm doing my math right, Miranda could buff herself with Mind/8 with the spell she would normally use to 50 Body, as opposed to 60. With Empower she could still give herself a pretty decent chunk of stats.

Granted, most mages probably don't have 60 Mind.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

1.-no, im fine with mind/2 body/2. if you make them to stat*10, all the skills and talents that give perception and stealth will be useless

2.- yes, mind/8 sound fine
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Even though I'd like to start early as much as the next guy, like someone said, juggling two systems around is a pain. I would just push for a point where a conversion is made, and even if some are still in the DG2 era, you've still only got one system to think about.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

1 yes, 2 yes, although every change to a rule affecting primary or secondary stats usually has a cascading effect requiring a few tweaks here and there
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

1. Not really sure how much of a difference it makes. It makes points under 40 worth more, and points over 40 worth less, I guess, which would tend to be a buff for under-powered characters and a nerf for people who wanted to rely heavily on stealth or perception. Though if you don't also nerf the stealthy/perceptive talents then maybe not much of a nerf for said people.

2. Buffs are going to be tricky. If you can get up to second level practically for free, then a nerf may well be in order. But nerf too much and people won't be able to practically use them in combat, which is less fun. I still kinda like the idea that maintaining buffs gives you a casting penalty, but that might be too complicated to balance and keep track of.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

The only reason I ever buff is so that I don't have to cast anything else, so that wouldn't really be much of a penalty to me, but that's one possibility. I haven't been reading threads, so I'm not really sure how many people besides me actually use buffs.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Jesus fuck, I didn't expect to get that many new allies.

As to the changes I'd have to look to see how stealth/perception is done now before I vote though that being said if I do end up playing as Eleanor's and Aulekia's child then she won't be that stealthy anyway.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

The change already went through, actually. It's in the character creation thread now.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Oh right, fair enough. I take it I'll have to edit my sheet now then?
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

It's only for DG3. This doesn't affect DG2 at all.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Had an Idea about a change i thought would benefit anyone using spirit powers at all, More specifically on the Buffing side of things.

I don't think it would be a bad idea if we cut the Upkeep costs for the Buffs by half, as most of them only increase secondary stats, and they're far inferior efficiency-wise to mage buffs.
Whilst mage buffs only increase One stat, Most of the time its a base stat such as body or mind, which, of course, increases several secondary stats as well, Body increasing dodge and attack mods, dmg, stealth etc. etc.

I think its a good idea mainly because it increases the usability of the spirit powers and keeps them, efficiency-wise, still below the mage buffs, Whose upkeep is based upon spell level (Level-2) as opposed to an upkeep of X, X being the initial cost and degree of the buff.

Yes or No?
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Ha, well, glad I managed a double update. I hope I can get past this passion/creativity block soon. I hate feeling like my posts are lacking in quality. ( ._.)
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Had an Idea about a change i thought would benefit anyone using spirit powers at all, More specifically on the Buffing side of things.

I don't think it would be a bad idea if we cut the Upkeep costs for the Buffs by half, as most of them only increase secondary stats, and they're far inferior efficiency-wise to mage buffs.
Whilst mage buffs only increase One stat, Most of the time its a base stat such as body or mind, which, of course, increases several secondary stats as well, Body increasing dodge and attack mods, dmg, stealth etc. etc.

I think its a good idea mainly because it increases the usability of the spirit powers and keeps them, efficiency-wise, still below the mage buffs, Whose upkeep is based upon spell level (Level-2) as opposed to an upkeep of X, X being the initial cost and degree of the buff.

Yes or No?

I think your original suggestion was something like a Talent that let you remove one bonus from a buff in exchange for decreasing the upkeep by 1/2. Anyone have any ideas about that? I do like the concept, but it'd have to have caveats for almost every buff power.

Two quick suggestions.

1) Allow foreplay through clothing. Reduce the PP damage taken by the character by DU*2 or DU or even Armor.

Reasoning: Eh, there's not really any hard reasoning on this one and the game would surely survive with or without it. It's just a thought so that more rape-oriented characters and creatures have an option available to start draining EP or whatever before they get to the task of removing any hindering clothing.

2) Cap the amount of EP that Drain through Pain can grant. A few possible options include setting a hard cap on the drain amount (i.e. no more than 5 drained each round), a cap on the overall amount that it can restore (i.e. Drain through Pain won't grant any EP above 1/4th a character's EP total, or something similar), a mixture of both, or maybe reducing it to something like damage dealt/10 instead of /4.

Reasoning: Most characters seem to be more than capable of dealing *at least* 50 damage. With Drain through Pain 50 damage becomes 13 EP, which is more than capable of sustaining a non succubi's needs. Given that some of the characters more focused on dealing damage will be reaching numbers like 300 damage and draining 75 EP, it seems a bit intense as is, even given the rapid nature of combat. /10 would dampen those numbers significantly, at least, but it would only really hinder the lower damage characters' ability to sustain spirit buffs and the like indefinitely, which is why I thought that a hard cap on the amount that could be regained might be in order (also because of certain slime characters >.>).

1) Sure. I'd probably say it gets decreased by the armor's DU, just to keep things small and simple. AV would definitely make more sense though.

2) Sounds fine by me, really. Hard nerfing it would have some unpleasant effects upon characters that didn't build to abuse it, as you pointed out, so making a cap for it might be good. Just to keep the math easy, I'd make it EP/5, since that's the same as Spirit Ceiling which many characters already have on their sheets.
