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Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Soude smirked, and said "Aye."

He then set to the tasks Caitlin had assigned to him without complaint. Having something to focus on and do well seemed to have excited him and he moved quickly and efficiently. The scientist would note, if she cared to, that he moved with an effortless grace, with very few jerking motions.

First the pot was filled an put on the boil before he moved to the poultry. The burned skin was scraped off, and the dry meat salvaged as best as it could be. He cut it into edible hunks and place them in a smaller bowl beside them.

"I think your director underestimated the appetite of my crew. We're going to need more than this to satisfy everyone. I'm going to go search out your new supply crates for some potatoes or a pasta."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

At the pool table, Sonya froze a moment as Athryn's hip brushed against hers and her face seemed to have just a trace of red as she shook her head in a light smile, before setting herself up for the next shot.

"You're really not giving me a lot to work with here," she said, trying to get her mind back to the game. She took some extra time to set up, apparently aiming for the 1 ball across the length of the table, which was arguably her best angle, but still a difficult shot.

It was at this point that Odessa made her daring raise of stakes at the poker table, and maybe the sheer audacity of it made the pilot lose her concentration at the last moment. Her cue shot forward, hitting awkwardly and off center, sending the white ball careening off target and connecting with the black eight ball in the exact wrong manner, tipping it into a side pocket and losing the game immediately.

Sonya's eyes widened and she stood upright, now really blushing and looking a bit frustrated, given her competitive nature. "Oh shit!"

But she gave a sidelong glance at Odessa and then laughed. "I guess I lose." She turned to Athryn. "That's one favor to you I guess. Do I get to know what I owe you now?"

Athryn pretended not to notice the pilot's blush or the goings on at the card table, though both Sonya's expression and Ken's petulant bowing out of the hand at Odessa's raised stakes both caused her smirk to widen momentarily. "I play hard ball~" the marine commented dryly following Sonya's complaint, but she didn't try to tease the pilot any more than she already had, letting her concentrate on her shot. Odessa provided more than enough distraction to foul the pilot's aim, however, and Athryn winced as the pilot's shot went awry and struck the eight ball.

Frowning slightly as the black ball rolled and smoothly sunk into a pocket, ending the game in her favor, Athryn merely shook her head, nearly as disappointed as Sonya. "I suppose you do. Too bad, you were just coming back!" she said, offering the pilot a sympathetic smile. A hint of mischievousness flitted into her expression, "I'm not quite sure what I'll have you do yet~ I'd be happy to discuss it over in my quarters after dinner though!" She gave the pilot a flirtatious wink as she took another swig from her bottle, nearly finishing her second beer of the night. "Care for another game to pass the time until grub's up, or would you like to go join everyone else over at the card table?"
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Yes, potatoes are necessary, I don't think the few we have left in here will be enough." Caitlin answered calmly, reaching over and dumping the bowl of chicken into the water. "Try stopping by the medbay as well, if you have time. At least one of them should still be able to return and help."

Leaving the vegetables alone for now, Caitlin moved to another drawer and took out the small try of spices they had available, carefully measuring out small amounts from six or seven different containers and putting all of them in the water as well, which was quickly reaching a boil. After that she removed a stick of butter, cutting off a quarter and returning that to the fridge, placing the rest in a frying pan to melt over low heat. She measured some flour into a bowl and left that beside the pan for now, moving back to the vegetables and starting to cut them again.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Mmnnn... even if that's true, I would want to station at least one other for backup... you know, a redundancy, to fall back on. If you got sick, or like... an accident happened, you know? Trusting the keeping of a whole research station like this to just one guy is just... a bit much, you know? ...Er, th-that's not to say you've done a bad job, I mean. That patch job on the cell was pretty good - especially to have been kept going as long as it was."

When she was told to just check the systems in the hall, though, she inwardly frowned. 'Darn. I wanted to see some secrets!' she thought to herself. "Alright," she'd reply - trying not to sound too disappointed. Curiosity killed the cat, after all.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Can't say I'm terribly surprised..." Odessa mused aloud, her eyes meeting the back of each of her opponent's cards for a moment. "All three of you are that confident against an empath? My... I have to say, I'm a little impressed. I just hope it's all well-placed. I'll raise again, then. Whoever isn't the winner of this, off with the uniform, down to their boxers or briefs--depending on if it's Nicolas or Kenneth. As for the Captain and I, same thing; tops off!"

A devious look formed on her face. Surely there was too much at stake, particularly for the Captain at this point. Someone was liable to back out. "And as with before, lowest hand takes off an extra garment--so, the last one they have. Winner gets to be the only fully clothed person at the table until the shots are finished. How's that? Don't act as if I haven't caught you two staring. You might not have another chance at this... after all, it IS the Captain we're talking about. Unless she backs down now, of course..."


Back at the card table. Ken grumbled and started shaking his head. "How can ya do that to me! I don't wanna see Nico's junk! Grrr... already using psychic powers on us, eh? Well... you'll have to work harder than that. I'm out."

Ken threw his cards face down and crossed his arms.

"I'm still in. What's the harm?" Nico said. "And even if we have been staring, Miss Odessa, at least we couldn't be accused of undressing our fellow crew members with our minds. Go on then. Captain, you still in?"
Elise smirked as Odessa began to taunt the rest of the players. While she didn't know much about the psion, or even empaths in general, she at least knew that they needed to concentrate to use their abilities. The ploy was clever, if a little too obvious. The second raise, however, brought a surprised expression to the captain's normally sly face. It only lasted a moment, however, before she looked impishly at Odessa and asked, "Going all in on your first hand?" She then laughed, shook her head, and said, "So much for building up to the fun bets." She didn't offer any other opinion, silently considering just how she, as captain, should respond.

Ken's sudden fold also surprised Elise, as she was sure the marine would jump at the chance to put Odessa in a bind. Nicolas, always cool and composed, stayed in and didn't seemed perturbed in the slightest. Elise shot a quick glance at Amy, who she imagined would be quite happy with the fact she had folded, then turned back to Odessa. "So let me get this straight," she said calmly, "Lowest hand has to strip naked and take a body shot off the next lowest hand, who has to drop to skivvies and take a body shot off the winner?" She paused, to give Odessa a chance to confirm the bet, then asked a further question, "And those two have to stay as they are until the shots are finished? Then they can get dressed again?" Thanks to the empath, her simple but fun bet had turned into a rather wild wager. While she had only served with him for a short time, Elise was sure Commander Soude would expect her to not only refuse, but to put an end to this bet and any others like it.

But Tai wasn't here, Elise noticed. Both he and the red-headed scientist were gone. She smirked after taking a quick glance around the lounge, wondering just where they had went before looking back at Odessa. "Alright, I can handle that," she said, grinning profusely, while holding a hand out to take her next card. "I just hope we'll be able to top this bet on the next hand without turning this party into an orgy." Her grin took on a more mischievous look and she added, "Unless that's what you wanted, Odessa? "
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Fufu... an orgy? Well, I certainly wouldn't go THAT far, though I was really hoping Ken here wouldn't back down on us this game, as I was rather looking forward to embarrassing him in some form," said the blonde in a most casual tone, without giving the fiery-haired marine a single look. "And yes, sounds like you have the idea. If we could just get the pool couple over there to come join, then I'm sure this could stay interesting."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"All right, already!" Tammie said, slamming a hand from out of nowhere on the card table. Dr. Rachel peeked out from behind the engineer's back with a nervous smile. "Lay 'em out on the table. Rachie and I can't dance properly while you yahoos are going on."

Shrugging, Nicolas agreed. "On the count of three," he said. "One, two... three."

The three remaining players put their cards face up and everyone in the room, including the dancers and pool players, leaned over to see the results.

Nicolas had a set of three Jacks. An impressive hand, and it beat the two pair of Queens and Sevens that Elise had. However, they were both trumped by the three Aces that Odessa had managed to pick up. Some glances went around the room. Was the captain about to get naked for them?

Sonya put a hand over her face to cover her look of bemused shock, though her other hand gripped Athryn's solid forearm tightly. "Mmm, maybe we should join this game? It's getting interesting!"

"Hmmph. A bet is a bet isn't it?" Nicolas turned to Odessa and began to unbutton his purple and white uniform from the front vest flap. "You'll have to expose your midriff though, Odessa. Captain, I'll understand if you wish to reneg, but I assure you, I am quite hygenic, so you needn't worry about sipping from me." The diplomat bore only the faintest of smiles as he removed his uniform top to display a pleasant, lean, and thankfully hairless torso. For a talker, Nicolas seemed to take some pride in his body.


Left alone in the kitchen to prepare the meal, Caitlin might understandably be feeling bitter. Even the commander seemed to be taking his time as minutes stretched by with no interruption. Suddenly there were footsteps by the doorway, but when the scientist turned, she saw the director, Bernard, standing there looking at her with feigned surprise.

"Caitlin? I wasn't expecting to see you here. I had expected Maria or Egan to be here. Are you free for a moment? I'd like to discuss something in my office with you, it has to do with the future of this station's research directions. Now that the new supplies are here, I'm eager to hear your opinion on my proposals. Will you walk with me? I'm sure the food can wait just a bit."


Judith walked through the hallway until she got to the first monitor. She found that a security measure had been installed, denying access to a status report without a pass code. Why hadn't Sparky told her about the code? And why would a passcode even be needed to acquire a status report? Any calls for Sparky would go unanswered for the time being. A thought occurred to her that perhaps if she entered the same code that Sparky had used to access the inner research area, she would be able to gain access. She could also use her general knowledge of how these systems worked to bypass the security question, it would just require a minute's worth of tinkering.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Cooking is like chemistry, just less precise and more open to wrong answers." Caitlin responded, adding the vegetables to the water and dumping the flour in with the now melted butter, mixing it with a spatula. "One of those two cut themselves, by the looks of it. They left without saying anything, and the turkey burned. Their commander was helping me, left for potatoes or anything else he could add." She explained, the mix in the pan thickening quickly. "I can leave in about twenty seconds, soon as this rue starts to smell like almonds. Where is the rest of the crew? It was brought to my attention that I am practically the only one trying to entertain this ship." She asked.

A moment later, her rue started to brown, the smell of nuts emanating faintly from it. She took it off the heat immediately and added it to the pot, stirring it in before changing the heat. "Okay, it needs to be turned down in seven minutes, you have my attention until then, or we could find someone else to take over." She told the director, finally turning to look at the man.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Bernard waited patiently as Caitlin worked, smiling in a peculiar way, as if he were hearing an old joke from his youth. He calmly cleaned his glasses with a cloth from his breast pocket as they waited those twenty seconds for the rue to brown.

"Seven minutes then. Let's head to my office. It shouldn't take long to sort this out."

If Caitlin were okay with leaving the kitchen unattended, he would lead her to his office, but he wouldn't object if Caitlin wanted to stop by the lounge to alert anyone from the supply ship that there was a meal to watch out for. The decision was left to Caitlin.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

The scientist nodded, stepping over to the doorway between the kitchen and the lounge, leaning out in time to see the others start to sort out the lost bets. "Hey, If I'm not back in seven minutes, someone come in here and turn the big pot on the stove down to twenty percent! Someone start a timer!" She called out, disappearing around the corner again before a response could be made, heading out the other exit with Bernard. "What do you want to talk about? Is there something in these new supplies I'm not aware of?" She asked as they walked, folding her arms behind her.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Thud! Thud! Thud! Went Judy's fist on the door. That was the third time she was doing that, and the third time the pounding went unanswered. Knocking didn't seem to do much on this station. Goddammit!

How the hell was she supposed to check the damn monitor if there was a password lock on it? She went over to check the other monitor - maybe that one wasn't locked, and it was just the first being a pain in the ass? If it was locked as well, then the engineer would try to input the code Sparky had used earlier into it... and if that didn't work, she'd hem and haw awhile... before finally deciding that, fuck it, it would probably be okay if she saw what was on these computers, right?
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"As expected, you are quite correct, Caitlin," Bernard said, only pausing briefly to gaze at the one man undressing at a card table before shaking his head and moving on with his fellow scientist to his office.

"I have been awaiting this shipment for a long while. Planning the next phase of my research around it entirely. Too many of my hours here in this remote corner of space have been spent in political string pulling. Cajoling and coaxing, stroking egos half a galaxy away just to get sent the basic necessities for research, meanwhile I assuage the higher ups that results will be on their way soon. Yet it seems its never soon enough for the war mongers in the Federation who dislike this peace with the Xaloxians. As you and everyone else on this station knows, samples of living Tentak tissue are difficult in the extreme to come by. But, yours truly has a solution to that. A solution that has come in with this shipment."

He opened up the door to his office with his personal passcode and let Caitlin step through first. Interestingly, Jane, the Vulpar, was waiting inside, seemingly more interested in examining her fingernails than anything else at the moment.

"Jane here is already aware, and has been helping me prepare for the next stage in my research. Our research, really."

He tapped a few buttons on his workspace control panel, and the wall monitor flickered to life, showing a live feed of the inner research area, normally off limits to anyone except for researchers on Fringe 1. Right now however, Caitlin could clearly see a woman that she'd never seen before, wearing an engineer's uniform, standing in the off-limits hallway. She must be someone from the Urania.

"Don't worry, I'm aware of her presence there. Protocols are in place. However, she does have relevance to this conversation. You see, Caitlin. Despite our best efforts, our rate of research isn't good enough for the top brass. We're in danger of having our funding cut off if we can't make a break through in the next six months. To do that, we need to acquire fresh, living Tentac tissue... something beyond the stunted, unfed crawler we have in our test tube."

Bernard eyed Caitlin carefully, pausing for a moment to see if the researcher had anything to say up to this point.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Athryn just rolled her eyes at the antics at the card table, and Sonya's statement caused her to reply; "I think I'd rather watch! In the meantime, I'm gonna go get another beer. You want one?" And then, the marine would go and do just that, though this one she intended to nurse for a while rather than chug as she'd done the other two. She had a nice buzz going, and wasn't particularly in the mood to play cards at the moment, not when she could watch it all play out without risking anything of her own in the process.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Caitlin frowned slightly as she entered the office, slightly offended that Jane was informed before herself. Her gaze locked onto the monitors rather quickly, stepping closer to examine the woman on the viewscreen. She was silent for a long moment, and when she did speak, it was short and clipped, her mind obviously running every variation of the circumstances she could come up with.

"I have been petitioning for use of criminals for the better part of a year, surely they would have allowed that before something like this." She commented, her brow furrowing. "Are you planning on simply her, or the entirety of the crew? If the former, what would you say to the others? Family members, social contacts in a position to cause problems? Do we have genetic records on file? This seems like a rather... Hasty decision, Bernard. My own research is close to a breakthrough already, this shipment should be delivering the last of what I need to begin showing results that would shut the naysayers up for some time."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Hehehe! Yeah, you're probably right. Yeah, I'll have another one." Sonya said, leaning against the pool table and watching as the Captain reacted to her loss at the table. When Athryn handed her the beer, Sonya opened it and drank an eager gulp, then giggled as Nicolas removed his shirt.

"Not bad, Nico."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Elise grinned as a number of onlookers began to gather at the table. It was finally starting to feel like a party. Her grin lessened a bit as she was finally dealt her new draw. A King, which wouldn't help her out. Two pair was by no means a bad hand, but it certainly wasn't something to feel overly confident about. Still, the game was going and it was time to lay down their cards. Without hesitation, Elise flipped her cards over and slapped them down on the table, looking over the others hands just as eagerly as all the onlookers.

Three of a kind... and another. Elise could hardly believe her luck, both of her opponents had beaten her with only the next highest hand possible. Leaning back, Elise's grin was stuck on her face, though it looked more bewildered than excited. She sighed softly, then chuckled at Nicolas' comment. The diplomat was wasting no time undressing, completely unashamed of his rather impressive body. He seemed happy with the results, though Elise could guess why. She wondered briefly what he was happier about, giving a body shot to the captain, or taking a body shot off the empath. Everyone was starting to stare at her though, wondering just what she would do, so Elise had to make a decision.

"Yeah, I lost fair and square," Elise announced, standing up and bringing a hand to the buttons of her uniform top. As she slipped the shirt open she smirked and said, "Game's no fun if you don't carry through with the bets." Once she had finished removing the shirt and draping it over the chair behind her, she reached back to unclasp her bra, a rather simple black cotton affair. While Elise wasn't as busty as Odessa, she had nothing to be ashamed about, and proudly stood tall and straight as she bared her ample breasts. She didn't waste time to let everyone stare though. Immediately she went to stripping off her tight pants and simple black panties, draping them over her other clothes atop the chair. When her clothes were situated, she stood straight again, but brought one arm up to her chest, covering the fronts of her nicely sized breasts, while her other hand dropped to cover her crotch. The bet was that she had to be naked, not that she had to show off for everyone.

Once finished, mostly bare but proud, the curves of her svelte body on display, Elise grinned at Nicolas. "Thanks for the info, Nic," she said, calmly eying up his body. "Are you ready for this?" she asked, waiting for him to get in position for her to take the shot, then added, "I'll understand if you want to reneg."
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Your research, while notable, Caitlin, is but one piece of a larger puzzle. What the Federation needs is a breakthrough akin to the cloning technology that turned the tide of war against the Xaloxians. Eggs were cracked to make that omelette, I assure you. It wasn't some fairytale miracle by one innovative man that they sell to the masses on the core worlds. People died and didn't come back, but their deaths saved billions of lives from worse death and slavery to the Xaloxians.

"Now we are faced with an even deadlier threat. The Tentak. We must not simply understand them, we must be able to take a significant advantage over them. Not necessarily a weapon - in truth, I'd like to discover a way to take what is amazing about their abilities and add it to humanity's arsenal. But right now, that step can't be taken without full observation. We can spawn males and females of the species right here, on the site, and contain them for countless illuminating experiments."

Bernard pointed out to the monitor. "Like you, I argued for criminal offenders of the worst kind to be sent to us, off the books. Some bleeding heart got wind of it and it nearly cost us all our jobs. There are some that don't even approve of us having a lone, live crawler, being examined. Some idiots even suggest we're being cruel - to IT." He snorted derisively. "So it occurred to me that the beaurocracy would never allow us to do what was needed. One cannot possibly appease everyone. So I've improvised a solution. It's risky, yes, but we have the most brilliant minds in the federation on this ship. I'm certain we will have results. And when we present these results, where we got our initial data will be overlooked."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Caitlin frowned, turning from the monitor and crossing her arms, staring down the director.

"Clearly you don't read my reports as thoroughly as I would like. But that's an issue for another time, I think. Commission an empty clone, see how the creature reacts to it. It's clearly a less effective option, but you argue yourself into a corner already. If so many speak up at the idea of using convicts, how are they going to react when they find out our gains were discovered on the backs of the innocent? Even volunteers would be a better option, though I think far less likely. The findings may change history, but I doubt we'd be able to enjoy that thought. This is not how you do science, Bernard, you should know that. You do not cut corners off the scientific method, it exists for a reason." She said sternly, nodding back to the monitor herself.

"There are too many variables here for even a passable attempt at proper documentation, you need to end this before it causes something you can't undo. My results will keep the bureaucrats happy for long enough that you can push a more reasonable way through them."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"I've read your reports, Caitlin. I'm dubious of an empty clone being worthwhile. It is little more than a corpse, and there has been documentation that the Tentaks are not interested in dead or dying tissues. In any case, I don't intend for anyone to find out about this beyond those who are already on this station. They are headed to the contested zone after this stop. The area is rife with Xaloxians, pirates, Zardek, and other various unknowns. Ships can go missing, just as this one will." Bernard said with a dangerous look in his eyes. Even Jane had stopped the rate at which she filed her nails.

"We have no choice but to go forward with this. The science will work. We'll start with one male and one female, and contain the other specimens for use, documenting the entire subsumation process. You'll be able to freely interact with living human subjects at the moments that the neurospores are taking over. This is unprecedented access for your research. One that the Federation will never authorize, but I *can* give you. I would have thought you, out of everyone, would have been happiest to hear this news."


In the meanwhile, Judith was getting frustrated. Her pounding seemed to be getting her nowhere. And after several attempts at the passcode, she decided it was no good. She went on to try the doors to the labs, finding them all frustratingly locked... all save one. When the door opened, she was shocked to find Ausel, the Cerulean science officer from her own ship, lying half naked and asleep on a cot in the center of the room.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

The blonde looked upon the two new cards she acquired and did an internal shrug, managing to stifle any body movements that might have given the situation with her hand away. It didn't matter, as she was fairly sure that she had it in the bag with her primary three. Casually, she laid her cards face-up on the table in time with everyone else. Upon spotting Elise's hand, then the diplomat's, she raised a brow and grinned. "Seems like your confidence was fairly well-placed, from the looks of it, but I appear to have gotten just a bit luckier. Though I have to admit, it was rather interesting to see exactly what had you two taking it this far. Unless you were hoping to lose, that is." Her eyes moved to Nicolas' frame as the diplomat calmly undressed his upper half. "Hmm... but, I can't say I would have minded getting a few suits lower, either. See what you were missing out on, Kenneth?"

"Speaking of things to miss out on..." When the captain did away with her uniform, Odessa made a note to steal a glance or two, of course, though she wasn't keen on rubbing Elise's apparent defeat in any more than that. "You really had nothing to be ashamed of either, Captain."

Of course, Nicolas' suggestion for her to bare her midriff didn't go unheard; it was a body shot, after all. "Oh, is that an order?" she asked coyly before proceeding to undo the front flap of her white and grey uniform. Near the top of her abdomen, the bottom of a somewhat lacy blue longline bra could be seen, as a well-endowed woman like her could, understandably, use the support. She first made sure to witness the shot that Elise would take off of Nicolas, even bending down and tilting her head to the side to get a curious look at the action.

When it was her go, she laid back on the table as necessary, folding her arms behind her head, and allowed the others to distribute the drink upon her midriff before letting the diplomat take his turn with her.