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Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A. If things get ugly, use Mr Gropes as a meatshield/convenient distracting object against Generic Bodyguard 1 or 2. Or both, but that's probably too much to ask :p
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1



Maya followed her target with her eyes as he and his two henchmen approached the left door. Then they seemed to stop right in front of it and started talking quite violently, like if the target was scolding his minions for something they did wrong. Maya then looked back at the anxious Richard. She didn't had a clue if this was going to work or not...but she had to try, even if it suppossed going thru a little more...shameful moments.

MAYA: "Well...you know what? Yeah, let's go..." she gulped and knew she would maybe regret this "...let's go have some fun over there...I appreciate your...spirits..."

As Maya pointed at the empty corner next to the door, Richard smirked and almost jumped out the roof with more than obvious joy. Then grabbed her by one of her downstais cheeks, even more furiously than before, and guided her to the corner of the bar, just some meter away from the door, all without saying a single word.
Once they were there, the man just grunted and started kissing Maya's neck furiously, without letting go her asscheek. As she endured, she kept her eyes on her prey, who was still discussing something with his men while playing with the keys...if she tried to catch him while still at the main bar things would get real ugly.
And speaking of ugly things, the owner's attentions started to get more and more serious...

RICHARD: "Alice baby...this is way better than I imagined, you know...just stand there...like that...come on..."

He started licking her neck while sliding down the zipper on her suit until a quite nice chunk of cleavage was exposed. His eyes almost popped out of his skull as he brought maya against the wall, making her facing it then cupping both of her still covered breasts with his chubby hands.
As she was enduring this, her target was still at it with his men...she really didn't expect him to stop at the front of the door this long...but when she was submerged at her thoughts, a hard bulge surprised her, then began to rub against her ass.

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Embarassed, Vulnerable
Clothing: Perfect condition (Zipper down to her mid-breast) Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Wait until the target enters the door
B) Forget everything and enjoy the moment
C) Push him (Cover is lost)
D) Other
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A, I s'pose.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Must A. Endure ye molestations!
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A, poor girl
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A) won, so it's endure time!


She may regret this, but Maya did nothing to stop the man. If she wanted to follow her target with any guarantee of success she was, for now, bound to wait without blowing her cover...
The pervert moved Maya's zipper even more, exposing now her bare breasts. With nothing more than feral grunts, he followed by unzipping his pants, uncovering his bulge to reveal a hard shaft.
He slurped and started nibbling on Maya's ear.

RICHARD: "That's right...that's right honey...I'd play some more with you but you see..." he started grinding his tool between Maya's ass "...I don't think I can hold anymore..."

The pervert was way quicker than she expected. Nervous, she checked again on her target...who was still scolding his thugs. She was then surprised by a feeling she experienced not long ago...one of the man's hands just moved aside the crotch area of her suit, revealing her womanhood to that reckless store owner. That's when she felt both of his hands grabbing onto her now uncovered breasts from behind, like if he was trying to milk them. The man then nibbled on her ear one more time. His breath was making Maya dizzy.

RICHARD: "Ready or not here I go..."

Maya didn't see it, but she sure knew what he was trying to do. She moved her eyes again...the target was still at it.

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Embarassed, Very vulnerable
Clothing: Perfect condition (Zipper down revealing breasts, Crotch area put aside) Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Wait and see if the target finally enters the door
B) Close her eyes and enjoy it
C) Push him (Cover is lost)
D) Other
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Tassadar's D.
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

D, offer to use mouth/tits instead in order to stall for time.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

D. And if he doesn't agree punch his lights out

Told you we shouldve lured him into the toilet
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A. Never been a fan of bandwagons
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

I just love when you come out with the "Other" option >w< Makes everything more fun and challenging for me, wich I like.


RICHARD: "Hmmmmmm...this is wonderful..."

The man started twisting Maya's nipples carelessly, hurting her slightly, then freed one of her breasts, taking his hand to his shaft, grabbing it and approaching it towards Maya's exposed entrance. As she felt the tip barely rubbing her, she knew she needed to think of something, and quick, or she was screwed...literally.

MAYA: "Hey, wanna hear a...good idea I just had?...You'll love it"

RICHARD: "Hmmm?"

Almost in his own world, the man spanked Maya's ass with his manhood a couple of times.

MAYA: "Yeah, you will...how does it sound to stick your...thingy between my titties?"

Maya giggled, dying on the inside. Maybe this would save her...but the payoff wasn't gonna be a lot better. The idea of having that dirty shaft laid on her, let alone playing with her breasts, was sickening.
Unimpressed, the pervert used his tool to slap on Maya's crotch, then started to slide it down, the tip already touching her secret.

MAYA: "...Oh I see...you don't like that? How about..." she gulped "...me making you have a nice time with my mouth?

RICHARD: "You see...I've got an even better idea...how about you relaxing a bit and keep being a good girl? I'm sorry, but I gotta empty this, it's been too long since I've been saving it"

As the man prodded Maya's entrance, she looked back at her target, sending one of his goons to exit the building from the front door...that was a good thing...but even with only one of his thugs with him, he still didn't seem to start opening the left door...

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Embarassed, Very vulnerable, dizzy
Clothing: Perfect condition (Zipper down revealing breasts, Crotch area put aside) Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Keep trying to convince him
B) Be quiet and just take it
C) Push him (will cause an alert)
D) Other

You sure got her into a mess XD
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Edit: Tassadar's A.

The fetish part, not the disease part.
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A, tell him you have some horrible venereal disease that you don't want to spread, and/or that you have a cum fetish and will let him do whatever he wants for round 2 if he can keep it up.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

D. Tell him to do it in her butt.