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Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

C) Never hurts for a pretty lady to negotiate.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

C, he looks to be a poor lonely guy, we can get more of him
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

We gots a job to do (no, not that kind, -_-). A.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A. Dude works in a 7/11. He probably has poor personal hygiene and will want to make you his third wife afterwards.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A) won, so no happy time for the poor owner XD


Maya glared at the store owner, and that was enough for making him back off without any words necessary. After he took his embarassing self inside of the store again, Maya looked for a good hiding spot where she could eat and rest for a bit. She definetly needed this, and after a while, this time without any interuptions, she was gulping the last drop of that energy drink

MAYA: "Aaaaah...much better now...finally something good in this damn mission...why the hell did they send me to this anyway...looks like more like a pervert convention than a bar to me...and why do I have to wear this suit anyway?...I look like a...bah, forget it..."

She looked at the distant bar and sighed. She had to do it for real this time. No more problems. After approaching the place, Maya entered the building from the back door again and checked both siderooms. The thug from before was surprisingly still lying there. After checking his body for any valuable loot, she found a keychain with three different keys, one of them resembling the backdoor's lock. She thought about dropping the knife and getting the baseball bat, but the knife was definetly easier to hide and way more lethal and quick, so she scrapped the idea quickly.

MAYA: "This can come in handy I guess..."

Maya locked the backdoor with the key in order to block the path. No one could surprise her from that side now. The agent then checked the other bathroom. This was obviously the girl's one, but there was nothing of interest. Maya headed to the door leading the main bar.

MAYA: "OK...hope this comes out smoothly..."

The door creaked while opening, and the girl eyescanned the place. Smoke, noise, a counter full of lowlifes drinking and chatting, some pinball and dart machines and a pool table. Pretty generic stuff and nothig suspicious so far.

The room had also three doors; the entrance at the center, one at her left, and one more behind the counter.

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Fine
Clothing: Perfect condition. Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Act as a normal customer and sit at the counter for now
B) Try going to the left door
C) Try sneaking into the counter's door (may cause an alert)
D) Other
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

EDIT: Ah Crap, wasn't answering the right vote.

Let's go with B.
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Quick consensus there :) Let's go with B)


She couldn't lose any more time trying to blend in as she had already stumbled on more than enough problems to stop her for quite some precious time. If she wanted to catch the objective before he was gone she needed to act. Fast.
Maya advanced towards the door at her left, hoping not to get the attention of any costumer...specially the "dangerous" ones...and she knew it wasn't going to be easy in that outfit. She reached the door without incidents and tried to open it. The door was locked. Just when she was about to try the keys she got from the thug, she heard a voice behind her.

MALE VOICE: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Maya froze in place, thinking that she was spotted by one of the objective's thugs...again. But as she turned, she saw the familiar, chubby shape of the store owner. She quickly stopped and hid the keys.

OWNER: "Hey...what a coincidence! Are you here too?"

The obvious liar had probably just followed her here to see if he had any further chance.

MAYA: "Well...yeah...I thought about spending some time here...maybe have a drink"

OWNER: "Well, me too, haha!" he stopped for a second and grabbed Maya's hand "Hey, how about I invite you to a shot? Maybe chat for a bit and...you know...stuff"

MAYA: "Well, I..."

Maya looked at the counter, and suddenly she saw her objective, surrounded by two big, chunky men that were obviously his henchmen. Situation was clear.

MAYA: "You know what? Yeah, why not! Let's go have a drink"

The store owner widely smiled.

OWNER: "Yeah! You won't regret it haha! Let's go!"

The man guided Maya towards the counter, without releasin her hand. Maya pointed at two free spots near her objective and its two thugs. Her "companion" nodded and they sat there. As the bartender approached them, the store owner took Maya by the waist with one hand and raised the other.

OWNER: "A couple of scotch!" he then stared at Maya, his eyes traveling briefly, once again, to her chest "you GOTTA try the sctoch here, it's plain delicious! I'll invite to all the shots you want, sweety!"

MAYA: "Well yeah...thanks"

As they got served their respective drinks, Maya ignored the hand on her waist and began looking at her objective, who was casually having a drink. He wasn't going anytime soon. Deep in her thoughts about what to do, she was interrupted by the owner's hand grabbing on her thigh.

OWNER: "So...are you having fun?"

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Annoyed
Clothing: Perfect condition. Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Keep your cover
B) The objective seems quite static, so let's just drink and have fun
C) Try and catch the objective (Will cause an alert)
D) Other
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A/D. Tell the store owner to slow down. A woman must be wooed, not handled like a sack of meat. See if we can get the store owner between us and our target (if he's not already) so we can look at our target while pretending to look at the store owner.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A/D. Tell the store owner to slow down. A woman must be wooed, not handled like a sack of meat. See if we can get the store owner between us and our target (if he's not already) so we can look at our target while pretending to look at the store owner.

+1 to this.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A/D. As above.

So the guy who tried to buy sex from us for $6.79 is now leaving his store empty and stalking us across the street? If the guy pays for our drinks, let him talk. But this store owner is not getting any...
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

Ask the store clerk his name, if its Apu enjoy a few drinks, if its Akmed Akmed isn't allowed to drink or he won't get in paradise but he is allowed to rape the infidel women as jihad bounty, so be wary of the Scotch which is probably some keyword for "give his bitch some rohypnol"
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A, drink slowly. Just wouldn't do if she got so pissed that he's actually attractive
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

The A/D as above.
Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

My actual vote is E

Lure the guy into the bathroom (the girl's one obviously) and knock him out, we really don't need a love sick puppy complicating matters when we're already doing pretty terribly at the whole secret agent thing

Edit: Oh noes, my rep light turned red. Ironic that some people feel they can still take a moral high ground whilst they're reading a forum of stories that mainly feature rape.
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

A/D combo then.


Having her target just behind the chubby owner was a good thing to keep him on sight, but having the man's hands laid on her wasn't. Maya took off the owner's hand from her thigh as calmly as she could.

MAYA: "Hey, calm down...why don't we...know ourselves better first? Besides...for now I just only agreed to have a drink, don't I?"

The man nodded slightly and had a sip of his drink. But his other hand was still on the agent's waist. The target was still there, just drinking casually and apparently quite drunk. That was a good thing. Too bad the two thugs seemed okay. Her thought were interrupted by her "companion".

OWNER: "Haha yeah...I guess you're right. We should definetly know each other better...my name is Richard, what's yours?" He took some more of his drink, seeming more confident than before.

MAYA: "Name's...Alice. So, Richard...tell me something about yourself."

Maya thought having him talk would prevent him trying to make any more advances for now, giving her time to see if her target would move to a less crowded place. But she was proved wrong instantly as Richard left his glass on the counter and grabbed her leg again. This wasn't gonna be easy or nice.

RICHARD: "Something about myself, eh? Well...I like attractive girls like you...specially when they dress as nicely as you do..." he rubbed Maya's thigh once more "...it was a complete surprise seeing you enter my store, you know? Like a signal...I had to follow you"

Maya tried to hold herself from punching him in the face as she rolled her eyes again at the suspect's location. He was about to finish his drink with a dead look on his eyes, but the two thugs were still watching over him. One of them spoke at his boss.

THUG #1: "Hey boss...not my business but...don't you think you had enough?"

TARGET: "I'll say when I have enough! Just leave me alone, you ant-sized brain!"

The second thug grabbed on the first one's shoulder and shook his head, then the first one sighed and stopped.

RICHARD: "Hey Alice sweety, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

A hand approaching her ass alerted Maya.

MAYA: "Ah!...Well...y..yeah"

RICHARD: "I've got a nice idea...why don't we go somewhere more private? I definetly wanna show you more of myself, as you asked..."

As his hand rubbed her bottom, Maya tried to relax...but it was getting more and more difficult. This Richard guy was being useful, but also pretty disgusting.
Suddenly, the target woke from the counter ans started to walk off towards the door at the left, swinging a keychain simillar to the one she got from the bathroom's thug. His two henchmen followed closely.

Life: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Condition: Embarassed
Clothing: Perfect condition. Tiny cut on her left arm part
Weapon: Pocket knife​

A) Accept Richard's offer and take him to where the left door is
B) Accept Richard's offer and take him to the bathroom
C) Refuse and keep drinking
D) Punch him in the face (Will cause alert)
E) Other
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Re: Dangerous Missions Vol.1

B. Take him to the girl's bathroom then knock him out