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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 16 vs 18 N 8 vs 14
L 11 vs 10
A 4 vs 7 N 5 vs 4
L 9 vs 18
A 3 vs 8 N 8 vs 19
L 3 vs 20counter
A 11 vs 14 N 10 vs 8
L 3 vs 11
A 21 vs 19 N 19 vs 9

Ashela's first swing misses and the lizard bites her leg, drawing blood as Neomarica's tendrils lash against the monster. Luckily the girl manages to catch the lizard with a counterblow, cutting a gash into the lizards shoulder, and mere moments later her axe comes to rest embedded to its skull.

"Umm... I guess we could have. I didn't really think about that. Anyway, you can drag the lizards, I'll go get firewood." Neomarica answers, her face growing slightly darker as she darts towards the grove. The other lizards seem to be lazing around, none too interested in the pair.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela muffled a pained yelp as the lizard bit into her leg, but carried through and finished up her business with the reptile. The girl blinked a little at Neomarica's words, but as the Alraune darted off, she set off after her friend, and tried to catch her into a hug. If succeeding in catching the Alraune, her words would be firm but concerned. "Oh no, you ain't running off without me!", there was anxiety showing in the raven-haired girl's eyes. "We stay together, I will not split up with my friends. But...", she put emphasis on her unwillingness to split up, but her words trailed off at the end. "That look you got on your face there, did I... Did I do something wrong?", Ashela's eyes softened, and she tried to nudge Neomarica to turn around in the hug, so she could face her friend, and waited for an answer with a nervous smile on her lips.

If she didn't catch up with Neomarica, Ashela would call out. "Come back, please! Don't leave me like this, what did I do wrong?", her words trembling, anxiety and worry setting in rapidly.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Neomarica giggles as Ashela catches her from behind, leaning against the black-haired girl. The alraune looks puzzled, yet pleased as she turns around, hugging Ashela tightly. "Fine. We'll go together. You can probably cut trees better than I can, anyway. I just...didn't want to go underground again."

Giving Ashela a kiss to her cheek, the alraune cuddles her for a while before taking her hand and leading her to the grove. The alraune steps around carefully, looking at all the different trees before pointing out one to chop.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela visibly looks relieved as Neomarica giggles, and holds her close for a few moments before nudging her around, and melts a little into the hug as she's embraced, which only makes her hold her alraune friend closer. Ashela listens to every word, smiling as they'll go together, and blinks a little at the underground part... only to smile and nod briefly, then leans in to kiss Neomarica deeply. A deep, affectionate kiss, that she lets linger for a little before parting their lips. "I promise you, Neomarica, I will never force you to go anywhere you're not comfortable to go, and if we do head underground together, I will try to not make it a lengthy visit."

Ashela's spirits were as if reborn, and she'd give her plantgirl friend another, shorter, smooch on the lips during the cuddling, and happily trail after Neomarica while holding onto her hand firmly, her axe hanging loosely in her other hand. Ashela would let the Alraune take her time choosing a tree, and then get chopping, felling it and then starting to process it; chopping off branches first, and then maybe try to get some logs out of it. She'd never done lumberworking in her real life, but she had seen some clips on youtube... It couldn't be that hard, she figured, not in a game at least. A game... How easy it was to forget this was all just a game, Ashela thought. It was so wonderful to make friends, to be with them, yet so terrifying when alone and... She shook her head, shaking off such thoughts, she was with a friend now, and she had friends waiting on her. She'd try to get as much wood as possible to take with her, and would have to worry about the slain lizards later.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Neomarica melts into Ashela's kiss, her supple body bending against Ashela's naturally as their breasts rub together.

Still smiling, Neomarica's vines wrap around the tree as Ashela starts swinging her axe, and it doesn't take long for the tree to fall away from Ashela as guided by the alraune. Neomarica almost falls, but quickly regains her balance. "I think we can drag this one with us if you remove the branches. Should be enough, right?" The tree is perhaps 15 cm thick at the base and easily 8 meters tall.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela had smiled slyly at the end, she knew full well they'd have to pick things up again later. She was already starting to feel in a good mood, nothing was as fun as sharing an intimate moment with a close friend... Or a few. But for now there was work to do, and as she had felled the tree she nodded a little at the Alraune. "For a fire, this ought to be more than enough, yeah. Think you can carry the branches with one of your vines? They might help with starting a fire.", she began to de-branch the tree, and gather them up in a cluster if Neomarica could carry them. Afterwards, she'd do what she could to help hauling the tree back to Issah and Salesh, hoping they wouldn't run into too much trouble along the way. And if the lizards were still dead and untouched, she'd have to mention them to her Lamia friends once back at camp.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Sure!" While Ashela limbs the tree, Neomarica helps by gathering the branches and makes them into a bundle using a few of the limber ones to tie them. Once they're finished, Ashela and Neomarica start dragging the heavy trunk towards the camp. As they pass the dead lizards, some of the others are already cannibalizing them, but the living ones leave Ashela alone, thankfully.

When the pair gets back to the camp, they find that Issah and Salesh have butchered the bear quite neatly, though there's still plenty of blood everywhere except on the lamias, who seem almost clean despite it.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela would do what she could to help Neomarica carry/drag the trunk, even exerting herself quite a bit if it meant lightening the burden for Neomarica. She was also relieved to find the lizards ignoring them, and figured it was a fair trade for the corpses they had left behind... Even if it meant she would be forced to eat the meat of a tentacled bear.

Once back in camp, the Lamias seemed to have gone through most of the butchering already, if not all of it. All the blood made Ashela feel a little uneasy, but she kept telling herself internally that it was just a game, it was just graphics. Very, very realistic graphics... As soon as Ashela and Neomarica put the log in place, the girl would offer to start chopping it up in more manageable chunks, something she'd do with her back turned towards the gruesome sight of the butchered bear. Just something to keep herself distracted while they finished preparations, or... something. She just didn't feel like watching a corpse of her greatest nightmare while its meat was being prepared as food to feed her.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

As Ashela starts chopping the trunk into bits, Salesh piles the pieces up while Issah starts making tinder. The wood is surprisingly easy to work with, and it doesn't take very long for there to be enough to start a fire. A few minutes later, Issah has a fire going, and she puts a few pieces of meat cooking over the flames.
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Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela would continue chopping the wood until there was nothing left to chop up. The physical exertion doing wonders to keep her mind from wandering. By the end of it, she'd move a little to the side and slump down on her ass, axe dropped to her side. And then she plopped down on her back and went limp. It felt good. Good to be helping friends like this, to be useful. She couldn't quite remember the last time she had done anything resembling this back in the real world.

Her eyes went a little blank, 'the real world', the words echoed in her mind for a few moments, but she shook such thoughts away fairly quick. She closed her eyes and took a deep, slow, breath... And then exhaled just as slowly. Unless one of her friends approached and did something to draw Ashela's attention, the raven-haired girl would be completely happy with taking a nap while the food was being prepared.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

As Ashela starts drifting away, a pop-up appears:

You have been in EGG for almost three hours, which is our recommended limit. Save and quit y/n?
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela would've blinked in surprise, but she kept her eyes closed for now. Only three hours? Thats it? It felt like she had been in here for days! And she likely could've continued like that but... she sighed inwardly in resignation. "My progress will be saved, right? I can pick things up from here? And... Y, time for a break I suppose.", she had an inner monologue with herself, figuring that'd be enough for the game to register it all, she wasn't happy over taking a break right here and now, but perhaps it'd give her some time to reflect upon things once outside the game.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Everything fades into black, and Ashela wakes up, finding herself back in the EGG pod with a middle-aged woman waiting nearby. "Hello Ashela." Helping the younger woman up, she continues: "Your first session went well, I trust? Do you have any questions?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinked her eyes open, feeling a little dazed and lost as she found herself back in the pod once again. Slowly she composed herself and eased herself out of the pod, with the womans assistance. "Hi? And uhm... yeah, it went well. Questions...?", she closed her eyes, her thoughts racing. But then she slowly shook her head as she opened her eyes once more. "I... I don't think I have any questions? It was... a very strange experience, a good one overall I think?", she smiled softly, sheepishly. "I think I'll be coming back for another session, if that'd be okay?", Ashela still felt a little lost. Was she really back in the real world now? It was hard to tell, everything had felt so real inside the 'game' after all. "How... how soon could I come back?", she added quickly, blushing in embarassment. She must've sounded like an addict...
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The older woman smiles widely. "I'm glad to hear that it went well. If you don't have any questions, you should drop by at the nurse's office at the end of the hallway. Unless something is wrong, you can come back after a lunch break."

Ashela would find the door to the nurse's office open, with a young woman waiting inside.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded slightly as the older woman spoke, and smiled softly, relaxing a bit, it was good to know she could return so soon. "Ah, alright, thats good to hear. As for questions, uhm... Any way I can transfer allies I meet? If I want to explore other areas?", whether her query was met with disappointment or not, Ashela would thank the woman for her time and then head off towards the Nurse's office, not entirely sure why she'd have to go there, but figured there was no harm in doing so. Once in the doorway, she'd knock the open door a bit to make her pressence known. "Hello? I was told to go here."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Unfortunately that can't be done at the moment, though it's definitely in potential feature list" the woman answers while Ashela is getting up.

The nurse - a busty young-ish woman - looks up at Ashela without standing up. "Oh, hello..." the blonde quickly looks at her papers: "...Ashela, is it? I'm Marie. Come sit down." she finishes, gesturing at the chair in front of her.

As Ashela sits down, the woman hands her a questionnaire on a clip-board and stands up, adjusting some machine behind Ashela until a small half-globe is over her head. "Let's see..."
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Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela pouted a little, but nodded understandingly, as the answer she got was less than she had hoped for, but at least there was a chance of change, and then went along to the Nurse's office. "Yes, I'm Ashela, nice to meet you.", she smiled a little bit, and sat where gestured to do so. As she was given a questionnaire, she'd start reading it curiously, not noticing the contraption until it was already over her, whereupon she cringed a bit, looking up at it warily for a brief moment before going back to the papers, feeling a little uneasy about the odd half-globe, but she wasn't going to question it.
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Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The half-globe starts humming softly, but nothing else seems to happen before the nurse pushes it aside again just as Ashela finishes the short questionnaire. "Hmm. Slightly increased lust as usual, but everything is within normal limits. Looks like you're good to go. The cafeteria is on the other side of the reception hall, if you're intending to stay for a second session."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinked a bit at Marie's words, a red hue streaking across her cheeks. Increased lust, 'as usual'? What was that supposed to mean? Too embarassed to question it however, the raven-haired girl simply nodded. "I, ah... y-yes, that'd be nice...", she wasn't thinking entirely straight, and excused herself before heading out of the office, towards the cafeteria. 'as usual'? Those words echoed in her mind. Just what kind of game had she gotten herself into...