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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah and Salesh get up and follow Ashela with Neomarica as Ashela leads them to where Bubbles is. The living pond looks mildly horrified when she sees them covered in blood and gore. "Oh gods! What happened to you?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela was trying to wipe the blood and gore off herself as she approached Bubbles, looking far meeker than was fit for someone having just slain such a great adversary. "We got attacked by one of those tentacled bears... A big one. C-Can I bathe? I... I really need a bath, and think of something else... Please, Bubbles, can I?", Ashela sniffled a little, the rush of battle and victory washing away, much like she hoped to wash away the blood and dirt of the fight.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Come in! Come in all of you!" Bubbles' head rises above the surface, looking a little worried. The two lamias and Neomarica quickly accept the invitation, and Issah pulls Ashela with her to the pond. The water quickly starts swirling around, easily carrying away the outer layers of dirt and blood.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela followed along meekly as Issah pulled her into Bubbles liquid mass, and would lower herself into the water followed by scrubbing her skin with her hands. She'd try to stay as close to her friends as they would allow. The human was still shaken from the encounter, and just wished nothing more would come and further ruin her day. Once she had managed to clean herself up decently, she'd finally speak in a low voice. "Thanks... Thanks for letting me bath, Bubbles. I... I feel a little better now.", those words were more meant for Bubbles, with Ashela then turning her attention to Issah, Salesh and Neomarica. "I'm sorry for getting us in trouble... I'm not much of a leader, am I...?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

After they're all clean, Issah wraps herself around Ashela, hugging her tightly. "Don't worry about it. The bear wasn't your fault, and at least there'll be plenty of good eating in it."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela had cleaned herself thoroughly by the time Issah hugged her, and while the girl at first tensed, she soon went a bit limp and relaxed in her friends embrace. As the Lamia spoke, Ashela rubbed herself a little up against her friend and returned the hug. She grimaced slightly at the part of 'good eating'. "I... suppose thats one good thing about it...", she sighed quietly. "Guess we should get to work butchering it before scavengers or... or other predators come? Any way to preserve the meat so we can store it? Smoking or salting perhaps...", Ashelas focus drifted a little as she thought about it. She wasn't feeling sure about adventuring, not if such beasts prowled everywhere, perhaps Survival would be a good start... She still wasn't confident in her combat abilities.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Well, let's get to it, then. We can't get enough salt, but smoking it should do." Salesh says, slithering out of the pool with Neomarica on her arms before putting the alraune down. Issah hugs Ashela for a while longer before getting out as well and heading towards the surface and the bear.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded slightly at the decision, and let the hug with Issah linger before finally letting go. She figured it made sense to not let the meat go to waste, even if she wasn't particularly happy about having to eat meat from the very thing she found frightening. Still, waste not, want not. As the rest began to leave Bubbles, the raven-haired girl leant tried to caress the liquid girls surface, and spoke with a low tone. "Thanks. I really needed this. I hope we'll see each other again soon."

With herself cleaned up and farewells said, she slipped out of the pool to get clothed and head off after the rest of her friends, dearly wishing she wouldn't have to help butchering the creature. She'd do it if her friends asked it of her though, albeit reluctantly. She'd help to carry some 'home' too, wherever the Lamias would decide 'home' to be in regards to where to get the meat smoked.
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Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The group stops as they find the bear's corpse, still oozing blood in places. "Why don't you two start gathering firewood while Salesh and I butcher the bear?"

"Sure! Let's go, Ashela!" Neomarica pinches Ashela's butt and grabs her hand, starting to pull the girl towards the forest.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinks a little at the suggestion, and doesn't even try to hide showing relief at the chance of doing something else than butchering the bear. Before she could respond though, she gets pinched and pulled by Neomarica, letting out a quiet yelp followed by trailing after the chipper plantgirl. After a few steps she'd try to catch up, slip an arm over Neomaricas back, and walk side by side with her in search for firewood. She was feeling a little happy again.

She did try to keep an eye out for possible firewood though, even if her mind hadn't entirely caught up yet. The chance to talk a little privately with the plantgirl was a positive thing though, in her mind. "A bit of a rough start in our little group, but I hope you're not feeling uncomfortable so far with my, Issah and Salesh' company.", her voice was on the more curious side than anything else, like she was wondering what Neomarica thought of the Lamias so far.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Neomarica immediately heads towards the grove surrounded by the giant lizards. "Well, it's more interesting than tending to my garden, at least. Besides, I like you."

If Ashela doesn't protest, Neomarica leads her past the slimepit, only to stop and frown when she sees the lizards. "How do we get past those?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela was a little relieved to hear that Neomarica was so far positive towards the group, but she couldn't help but smile sheepishly at the latter part of the plantgirls answer. The raven-haired girl wouldn't protest as she was led along, although she would shudder a little and stick close to her friend as they passed by the slimepit.

And then she caught sight of the lizards, making a pained grimace as she thought back to her last encounter with them. She'd look them over, to see how many there might be. "I ain't sure myself... I've run into these before and... Well, that didn't end well. I didn't try to fight them back then tho...", she hummed quietly to herself, perhaps it was high time for some payback. Though she didn't want to risk Neomarica getting into trouble on her behalf.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Well, let's go then." Fingering her flute, Neomarica gingerly continues onward, keeping an eye on the lizards. Most of the lizards lazily move out of the way or pay them no attention, but a pair of larger than usual specimen takes notice, and starts walking towards them.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela let out a resigned sigh as Neomarica walked onwards, followed by quickly catching up with her friend with axe held ready. While she herself was apprehensive of entering lizardcountry, she wouldn't let her friend get in trouble on grounds of the raven-haired girl being a coward. That didn't stop her from fidgetting a little when the larger lizards approached, and Ashela would tap on the plantgirls shoulder and then motion towards the approaching reptiles warily.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Neomarica: 8 vs 7, 7

The alraune frowns as she looks at the approaching lizards and pulls out her flute, starting to play an exotic melody. The lizards seem confused as they stop, their heads swaying.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinked a bit in disbelief as Neomarica began to play music. The raven-haired girl looked around herself warily, for even as the two big lizards seemed pacified by the music for the time being, noise might attract more attention from the reptiles. "Uhm, Neomarica...? I think... I think we should keep moving.", she spoke in hushed whispers, biting her lower lip. She'd remain by the plantgirls side however, wether she moved or not.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Neomarica: 8 vs 7, 14
Neomarica: 7 vs 18
Lizard: 3 vs 14
Neomarica starts walking again without stopping the melody, but one of the lizards seems to shake the effects off and leaps towards Ashela, missing her by inches as the alraune whips a vine towards it, missing it by several feet.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela let out a quiet yelp as the lizard lunged after her, barely managing to step away. She didn't even register Neomarica's attempt to attack the reptile before she brought her axe up into the air and swung it downwards, chopping down at her aggressor with all her might! This wasn't good, not at all! The raven-haired girl was already feeling the adrenaline and dread beginning to grow within her.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 7 vs 20
N 11 vs 15 | 12 vs 18
L1 16 vs 1
A 14 vs 8
N 18 vs 2crit | 4 vs 14
L1 19 vs 9 L2 6 vs 17
A 13 vs 5
N 11 vs 8 | 6 vs 13
L 10 vs 20
Ashela: 5/5 Neomarica: 3/5
Lizard1: 0/5 Lizard2: 5/5

Ashela's first swing misses the lizard, but she manages to catch it with a return strike while the lizard bites Neomarica's leg, causing her vines to strike it angrily as she yelps in pain. The second lizard comes out of the trance as well, lunging towards Ashela but missing her. Ashela's axe sinks into the foul creature's flesh again while Neomarica's vines constrict it and snap its neck. The second lizard quickly recovers, trying to snap at Ashela again.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela grit her teeth as she managed to just barely evade the lunging lizard, but grins with glee as she manages to counter attack it successfully. The sharp, audible snap its neck made sent a shiver down her spine though. But she recovered in time to notice the second lizard, and shifted her stance, lashing out her axe towards this foe aswell! These lizards weren't overly tough at least... Perhaps she should make it a plan to fight them from time to time, for live practice. She'd continue to attack the thing until it stopped moving, and huff softly while catching her breath.

"Neomarica, why did we have to go here? Couldn't we find firewood from where we came?", she looked to her friend a little confusedly, but didn't look like she regretted the decision to come out here though. "And now we got more meat to drag back to camp too... Waste not, want not, and all...", she let out a small sigh, slowly shaking her head, but quickly got her wits about her to look back around her, incase more lizards chose to approach them.