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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A pop-up appears, shortly followed by another, as a an animal cry echoes from somewhere far away:

"No maps available at this time"

"Ashela: Axe expertise 0: Attack +0, defense -1, improved critical 0
HP 5/5 MP 0/0 AP 0/10 Experience: 2
Status: Tired: No penalties"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The animal cry sends a cold shiver up and down and crossways Ashela's spine, and she looks around herself in panic, trying to determine the direction and source of the cry. Taking her chances, Ashela continues her way towards the grove, dearly hoping the lizards weren't rousing awake. "G-Game, can I have the direction of the slimebath?", she thought in a hurry, if she knew where that was located, she figured she'd be more able to navigate... And if that means detouring towards the spring, she'd simply have to make a run for it, and hope the RNG gods were less cruel this time around.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Another arrow appears overhead, pointing slightly to the right of the first one, through the grove.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nods, continuing on her way towards the grove, hoping to not rouse the lizards... But she would look around herself warily, if not in an outright paranoid fashion.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

There is an almost clear path to the grove, and Ashela manages it without rousing any of the lizards. There are lots of vines hanging from the trees, though there's something strange about the way they're light and seem to stick to her skin when touched.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela was relieved that she got past the lizards, although the moment the vines touched, and latched onto, her she freaked out, and against all forms of logic or forms of sublety, she shrieked out, swinging her axe around wildly to try cutting away the vines... Only in passing realizing what she had done, looking behind her briefly before dashing on, flailing her axe in a panic against any vines that might come in her way.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

17 vs 8
Several of the lizards rouse and dash towards her, only to stop at the edge of the grove. As Ashela rushes forwards, stumbling in the underbrush and some horizontal vines, she barely manages to stop short of a huge web, seemingly made of those same vines, that is blocking the way. As she stops, she can hear something moving above. Something big.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela wouldn't take not of the lizards stopping their pursuit, and only dashed forward, seeing the web of vines, and rustling from above, she began hacking into the web blocking her path, tears forming in her eyes, desperation, panic and fear being all she felt. All she wished for was a long, nice slimebath and cuddling down with Issah, all of which everything seemed to deny her.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

11 vs 12
Ashela: 5/5
Spider: ?/?
As Ashela starts hacking away at the web, she manages to instinctively dodge something, which turns out to be a web shot by a large spider looming over her.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela yelped as she somehow managed to dodge the webshot without being aware of it, trembling. "T-Thank god for combat mechanics...", she stammered out, staring up at her would-be opponent... A goddamn spider. Ashela tensed up, and briefly considered taking flight before fight. Against what might've been better judgement, Ashela swung her axe, trying to strike at the spider!
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 6 vs 4
S 20 vs 12

Ashela: 5/5 Webbed: -2 to attack, -1 to escape
Spider: 4/5
As Ashela's blow lands on the spider, she can hear the sound of metal striking metal and she realizes that the spider is wearing some sort of maille armor. The spider doesn't seem disturbed by the hit, but another web traps Ashela's feet, making her almost stumble.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela couldn't help but freeze up for a moment at seeing a spider wearing goddamn mail armor. "WHAT THE HELL GAME?!", she blurts out at the sight, anger rising within her at such a cruel joke against someone already defeated! Her panic began to give away for rising fury, and as soon as she managed to get back her balance, she'd hack after the spider unrelentingly!
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 12 vs 12
S 6 vs 13
A 13 vs 12
S 21 vs 2critical

Ashela: 5/5 Webbed: -4 to attack, -2 to escape.
Spider: 2/5
Ashela manages to tear herself free as her strike hits the chainmail again, smashing some of the links and causing a crack in the exoskeleton of the monstrous spider. Another hit causes the crack to widen, but she stumbles to the web in front of her as another webshot catches her midriff. Another hit and she'd be immobilized.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Fueled by her fury, Ashela manages to get a few good hits in, but she is starting to realize how badly things are going despite managing to damage the spider so well, shifting her focus, she starts to try tearing the sticky webbing off of herself, and if managing to regain her freedom, once more striking out against the spider!
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 9 vs 7
S 3 vs 6
A 14 vs 5
S 2 vs 7
A 2 vs 7
S 21 vs 11

Ashela: 5/5 Webbed: -2 to attack, -1 to escape.
Spider: 1/5
Ashela manages to free herself and lash at the spider again before another web hits her, binding her left arm to her body.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela grinned gleefully at managing to get herself free, and delights in whacking the spider once again. As she is webbed again however, she ignores it, swinging her free hand after the spider once more! "You're othing but XP fodder!", she shouts in triumph, even before the deed is done.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 10 vs 14
S 15 vs 4
A 14 vs 14
S 20 vs 8
A 7 vs 3

Ashela's slash goes awry and she gets trapped in more webs. She quickly manages to free herself, however, and even as more webs hit her she manages to deal a blow at the spider's head, splitting it in half.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela wasted no time, chopping up the vine webs ahead of her, then tried to free herself so she could continue on towards the grove, at least the battle, and resulting victory, had made her push aside the hopelessness she had felt earlier... But she still wasn't safe, pressing onwards, hoping to find any clues where Issah might've slithered off to, hoping that no further trouble would befall her.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The grove turns out not to be very big, and there are more of those lizards in the other side, some right between Ashela and the way forward, which turns out to be another wide path.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela stops in her tracks, staring at the lizards wide-eyed. "Game, Issahs last position again, please.", she spoke out quietly, readying her axe as she counted the lizards, and to see if they were asleep still or not... Something she doubted after her screaming. However, if they miraculously still were slumbering, she'd simply have to try sneaking past them, she had to continue onwards.