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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela can see movement from the corner of her eye, as the woman ponders the questions. "I'm Issah and I was just sunbathing after clearing a spider nest. Have to kill them before they grow too big. What's your name?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela looked curiously after the movement, but slowly moved back to eyeing the woman before her, nodding. "Issah? Pretty name, a bit odd, but pretty. My name is Ashela, nice to meet you.", she smiled pleasantly. "Spiders huh? Anything you need help with?", Ashela grinned softly. "Oh yes, spiders, what a very typical thing to throw at level 1 characters. I hate spiders.", she thought to herself.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Nothing particular, though I could use some...fun." As Issah speaks, Ashela can feel something brush against her legs from behind.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela quirks a brow, and her voice betrays curiosity, "Fun, hmm?", however, she gasps softly as she feels something against her leg, and tries to take a small step back, staring down at whatever it may be, her heart racing, she could only imagine just what it might be she's dealing with.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

As Ashela steps back, she almost trips on an enormous snaketail, which starts to slowly wrap around her legs. Issah is still smiling, but now there's a predatory edge on the dark-haired woman's smile.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela yelps, landing on her back with a soft thud. "Wah! What're you gonna do to me?!", Ashela blurts out, staring at the snaketail, her heart skipping a few beats. "Oh, this is gonna be good... I hope", she thought as a nervous smile crossed her lips. She offered only token resistance, as if trying to appetize or tease her captor.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The warm and dry tail wraps around Ashela's entire body gently but firmly, holding her still. Issah presses her torso against Ashela and gives her a gentle kiss while the tip of her tail teases her nether parts and her hands squeeze Ashela's bust, starting to massage them.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela shudders as she's coiled around, the restrictive embrace not entirely fitting to her tastes, but she accepts it reluctantly. She moans softly as her sensitive areas are advanced upon, albeit muffled by the Lamia's kiss, which she returns meekly, if somewhat eagerly. Her tongue trying to catch Issah's own, while the humans hands brushes along the snakewomans body, trying to return the favor, something she should've thought of before being completely wrapped up.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The coils loosen enough to free Ashela's arms as Issah slides further, pressing her orbs against Ashela's face. "Suck them." Issah says in almost entrancing tone as the tip of her tail slowly brushes back and forwards along Ashela's slit and the coils gently squeeze her legs.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela smiled as her arms were freed, and brought them up to gently cup around Issah's orbs, kneading softly as the snakewomans bosom press against her face. She needed no further encouragement, as the girl locked her lips around one of the Lamia's nipples, suckling softly, sometimes lashing her tongue against the nub. Her slit moistened from her previous slimebath, Ashela gently bucks against Issah's tailtip, expressing impatience as she moans around the nub in her maw.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah lets out a soft moan as Ashela starts to suckle her breasts, bringing forwards a trickle of bitter yet pleasant tasting milk as the tail tip forces its way a little inside Ashela's flower before starting to leisurely thrust in and out, pushing a little deeper each time. The milk causes a mild burning sensation in Ashela's stomach and she starts feeling slightly light-headed as the tail thrusts deeper and deeper, each time stretching her entrance a little more until the very tip brushes against her cervix.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela half closed her eyes, she shuddered at the bitter, burning milk she were gulping down, but that pleasant tinge to it kept her wanting for more. She did have some problems swallowing, given the sudden penetration and following thrusting into her well-lubricated snatch. A grimace crossing her face as Issah's tail struck against her cervix, and the girl found herself as if paralyzed as a result from the pleasure jolting through her body, doing little but allowing herself to be ravished, and squeezing the Lamia's breasts for more of the strange milk, swallowing it greedily.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah let's out more moans as Ashela suckles her, and her tail starts moving faster, now carefully not to hit the cervix as it speeds up, the warm and smooth scales now slick with Ashela's juices. After a while, Issah moves forward a little more, exposing her flower to Ashela's hungry mouth, where the snake joins the woman.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela's eyes are foggy and almost closed by the time Issah seeks more intimate attention from the girls tongue, but she do take note of the movements, and need no incentive before pressing her lips against Issah's nethers, her tongue hungrily sliding in, lashing around greedily for Lamia juices. Ashela's arms move to firmly hug around Issah's ass, to lock the snakewoman in place. If she could do anything about it, Ashela wouldn't let go until her partner wailed for mercy, something she herself was close to doing, but unwilling to give in to.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah's moans soon turn into screams of pleasure as she rolls on her back, pulling Ashela with her as her tail roughly pounds into Ashela. She reaches her first orgasm soon, but doesn't even slow down as Ashela's face is covered with her salty juices, her hands convulsively squeezing her own bust as the screams reach diminuendo, only to soon grow louder again.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela's body tensed up, trembling beneath the Lamia's furious thrusts into her pussy, and she let out a muffled wail every time she was brought to a messy climax, but continued her sloppy work within Issah's drippy cunt, hoping she had gained some leverage in the situation, because if there was something Ashela was sore about, it was losing. She had to win this, she had to have Issah quiver and give in, admitting defeat, and then enduring further pleasurable abuse from Ashela, before the girl was satisfied!... Or such she hoped she could achieve, not entirely sure about her own limits.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah shows no signs of giving in and the pounding she is giving to Ashela only gets harder with time, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through Ashela even as she causes Issah to come repeatedly. The coils start to grow tighter to the point where it becomes hard to breathe before quickly loosening and starting to tighten again in cycles matching Ashela's orgasms until she nearly passes out while coming, all the while the burning sensation in her stomach remains.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela panted exhaustedly, even struggling to breathe whenever the coils tightened around her, her vision flickering after multiple orgasms, but still she tried, until the sweet end, to tire out her partner. Unless she managed to miraculously gain the advantage, Ashela would curse lowly, and drift off into sweet oblivion, her body at the complete mercy, or lack thereof, of Issah.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

As Ashela nearly passes out again, Issah stop, panting heavily as her tail unwinds from around Ashela, leaving the warrior to do as she pleases - once she recovers enough to act, anyway.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela was surprised as she was let go of, taking deep, ragged breaths, to regain herself what she could, before taking her chances a second time! If Issah still remained within reach, the Lamia would find her pussy ravished by the girls tongue once more, while Ashela tried to close her thighs around the snakewomans tail, as if hoping to somewhat restrict or dampen her thrusts, if they were to pick up again. Given any chance for revenge, Ashela would take it, no matter how sweet or bitter, she'd force herself upon the snakewoman time after time again if she had to, until prevented from doing so, or until her body finally gave in.