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ACT [D-Dub Software] Bonecraft


Mar 3, 2009
Reputation score
Before I begin typing anything else...heres no download of the game,what is here is my thoughts on the game.

So as some of you may know Bonecraft is made by D-dub,the same fellas who made Bonetown several years ago.The game was released today and I decided to get it as Bonetown showed promise but had a lot of annoying things in it.Game engine seems to be the same but has had improvements and ther game is now fantasy/scifi themed and obviously parodies Warcraft,Starcraft and.....Warhammer 40K(only a little).

The game looks good enough,nothing special but solid 3D graphics some terrain may look bad but still much better than the blocky terrain of Bonetown.Character graphics are better that the terrain.Audio side is pretty good as effect sounds are standard stuff and sex-voices/talk is pretty good and voice acting ranges from decent to very good.

The gameplay has been improved nicely from bonetown the melee plays pretty similarly but you no longer lose your weapon if you get knocked down and getting knocked down does not happen has often as in Bonetown,melee weapons are also way more powerful than in Bonetown.As the theme is fantasy/scifi theres also ranged weapons that make the combat easier and more enjoyable as pretty much all guns do some sort of area damage so even a large group can be managed,theres decent amount of guns like rifles,shotguns,flamers and so on and some grenades too.Another nice feature is your team,you can have up to 4 of your space wranglers with you and these guys can be upgraded with cash just like your guns(didn't mention that earlier) and you can order em to either stay close and shoot anything that comes close or you can order em to attack....makes em run around trying to kill or fuck anything they can find(usefull in some situations).

The story from what I have played so far is ok and theres a lot of jokes in it and I found myself laughing several times at the funny lines or events and the toilet humour is still present but has been reduced from Bonetown(good thing) but for those looking for really intelligent humour...you should keep on looking:D .So the story....you play as captain Fort Worth voiced by Neil Kaplan who also voiced Tychus Findlay on Starcraft 2 and the captain is actualy a parody of Tychus,you also have a somewhat annoying sidekick named Lubbock.After some drunken raging and putting down a mutiny the ship crashes into a planet habited by orcs and elves in other words your typical fantasy world.And in typical space badass style the captain starts a fight with the orcs led by his old buddy warboss Swampass(seems rather light friendship to me) mostly because the good captain wants pussy thats something other than a sexbot and the orcs just happen to be on the way,his main goal after all is to bone the elf queen who is supposed to be really hard to get.

As for the actual sex in the game,theres fair amount of it available at most times and you can bone pretty much any female character that you come across,even in the middle of a fire-fight:D .All the same poses that were in Bonetown are present here but you can also unlock new positions with the cash you collect from enemies and earn by completing missions.So far I have seen roughly 20 positions and some are the girl pleasing herself or some lesbian action but most are good ol' fucking.

Personally I'm fairly pleased with the game so far as it has improved on many of the key areas and I have only found one minor bug in it compared to Bonetown where half the things didn't work on the release and had to be patched.So as to is the game worth it's price...I would say yes as it's way better game than most porn games out there...then again some of those porn games have horrible gameplay and the actual adult content sucks serious monkey balls.

The official site:

Read more from the official site and I hope my little review was not too boring:)
Re: Bonecraft

Isn't something I'd personally spend my money on.
Re: Bonecraft

So Star Craft marines invade the World of War Craft to rape all the elf chicks? o_O

From whom mind has something crazy like that appeared?
Re: Bonecraft

This looks hilariously awesome, yet still highly fappable.

I hope somebody cracks it xD
Re: Bonecraft

I tried Bonetown and liked it. But as far as I know it was never cracked; at least, not fully. You could only get the first skill, and some enemies/areas were not beatable/unlockable without other skills. For example, I could never get the angel because I didn't have the jump skill (of course she was the one I wanted most...)

Point is, I wouldn't get your hopes up for a cracked version. Although if they've improved on Bonetown I would think it's worth some money. Not sure if SC2's voice actor is worth $35 though. Think I'd rather spend my money on PS3 version of Shadow of Colossus.
Re: Bonecraft

I tried Bonetown and liked it. But as far as I know it was never cracked; at least, not fully. You could only get the first skill, and some enemies/areas were not beatable/unlockable without other skills. For example, I could never get the angel because I didn't have the jump skill (of course she was the one I wanted most...)

Point is, I wouldn't get your hopes up for a cracked version. Although if they've improved on Bonetown I would think it's worth some money. Not sure if SC2's voice actor is worth $35 though. Think I'd rather spend my money on PS3 version of Shadow of Colossus.

You have wrong information, bonetown was cracked. I finished all game with angel, devils id, etc in cracked version.
Re: Bonecraft

Hey, that's awesome. After realizing that I couldn't get the angel I never looked back into it. I should do some hunting now...
Re: Bonecraft

if you want crack you could actually go to those torrent that are still up, it should carry the crack
Re: Bonecraft

Will any torrent work? Or can you link me a specific one? Because I'm reading them and some say they don't work at all.
Re: Bonecraft

search for bonetown-vitality, btw i did some search and learned that vitality gonna crack the new game soon
Re: Bonecraft

...fuck, I thought this was gonna be a hentai mod/parody of Minecraft...
Re: Bonecraft

a personal question to the one that bought it.

does it have more actions than 1 vs 1??? you know like gang and stuff?? or still same as bonetown but with more movements?
Re: Bonecraft

Can you get raped in this game? By elf chicks and stuff?
Re: Bonecraft

I couldn't be bothered with bonetown but this new game looks awsome...and viltality better crack it :p
Re: Bonecraft

haha i was registering and did everything to buy it haahaha but page doesnt accept my card hahahaha seems they hate mexicans, oh well i will wait for vitality sa well XD
Re: Bonecraft

I don't think I can wait. I already missed C3P-HO by not pre-ordering, if I wait too much longer, I'll miss ROBO-HO.

Then again, like most hentai games, I end up regretting paying for them. Especially when games like Skullgirls or Lollipop Chainsaw come out.

I wish Cherry Poi would speed up with their games, or maybe have Street Fighter x Tekken come out next week. That'd be good.
Re: Bonecraft

I'm more than likely going to get Neg Rep'd for this, but, eh, fuck it.

In the past, I was a strong supporter of the idea of pirated copies of movies, games, music, etc. A number of events caused my point of view to change, mostly due to spending time with a couple of musicians (no one "famous," but they did have records contracts). I bought those albums, and actually chided a friend when I found out he had gotten ahold of a pirated copies of some of them.

We are getting a decent number of intentionally free H-games, with more in development (though, to be fair, the number abandoned will always be somewhat disappointing). People like Eluku, Toffi, and Swegabe could charge for the hours upon hours they put into creating these games, but they choose not to. I thank them for that.

I bought BoneTown, and I also pre-ordered BoneCraft (prefer the RoboHo skin to C3P-HO skin for the SexBot). I paid for Lightning Warrior Raidy I and II, and part of those purchases will go towards the cost of translating III, which I'll likely also purchase. Are some of the prices on DList outrageous? Yes, but we don't know what percentage of those sales go to the developer, and what goes to the site.

ULMF, as far back as I can recall, celebrated the works of people who created these "AO" rated games that the gaming industry (outside of Japan) shunned... while waiting for Magician Girl to be finished. The thing is, if we keep relying on pirated games, somewhere along the lines, they're going to stop developing them. More games are showing up with DRM (or Steam verification like Civ V), and, to a degree, I can understand why.

Maybe instead of waiting for someone to crack the DRM on a game, you could buy a copy and support and independent developers once in awhile. It's not like Capcom is going to be putting out a version of Street Fighter with GOR in it any time soon.