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D&D campaign setting


Nov 10, 2008
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This may belong more in the blank page, but I put it here anyways. If an admin wants to move it go ahead.

I was thinking we could get the D&D players here to collaborate on a campaign setting/rules and sort of come up with our own world to play in. Don't know if anyone would be interested in helping me, but it sounds fun to me. So any interest?
Re: D&D campaign setting

Do you have any basic ideas? If you need a central thing to base the world on I have an idea stemming from a book I once read. In the book, there would occasionally be waves of energy that passed through areas at random transforming the land and the people on it into random things. Essentially, we could include something where if the area you are in is struck by it, everyone must make a will save or be transformed as though they were being brought back to life by the spell reincarnated. (Roll a d100 and that determines their new race.)
Re: D&D campaign setting

Well the way I was thinking was to establish the basics of the world first. You know races/classes/etc. then moving on to the actual campaign setting. I myself tend to build outward rather than inward though, so I was hoping as we built it we would come up with the central theme.

I do like an idea of having an area in the world where a random effect like you described may occur. It reminds of the wild magic areas of Faerun or the Mournland in Eberron.
Re: D&D campaign setting

In my opinion, sometimes the way you have the world set up decides what classes and races are used. Such as if the change winds were commonplace, there would probably be races that result from the winds or are immune to them and classes that take advantage of them (Such as a hybrid melee/spellcaster class that restores spell-slots by being exposed to the wind.) Also, if magical barriers were used to ward the winds off from farmland and cities then magic classes might be more common since most adventurers would need to learn strong warding spells and more npc's would become casters to maintain the barriers around the city. Thus there would be more magical classes than non-magical classes and almost everyone would be at least a hybrid of some sort.

In my view, the basics are the setting and the classes and races are the add-ons. Otherwise you might decide to use dwarfs, but then decide to have most of the setting revolve around everyone living in vast airships because the world has sunk into the water. In that case having dwarves being commonplace would seem very odd.

Essentially, what I'm saying is why not theme first, details later?
Re: D&D campaign setting

This may not work, but it gives us something to start with. Hopefully we get some thoughts from it. Like I said I work detail outward probably weird for some, but it's how I work. I used standard races to fill in for now, maybe we'll use them maybe not.

Dwarves being of a more lawful nature are the natural protectors against say a random wind that reincarnates. Maybe we make their favored class wizard so they can learn ways of protecting against it. Elves being more chaotic harness it, sorceror as favored class. Gnomes are very in touch with this natural occurence and don't like to see it used for good evil law or chaos, druid favored class maybe use it to explain the wildshape ability. Humans and halflings tend to be nonmagical so they can work better at the fighting and skill classes. Maybe orcs, goblins, etc. are products of these winds changing our main player races.

I also think the winds though random should only be able to affect a creature one time. Unless they can find a way to change that, which would suggest a possible campaign.

Let's see what thoughts that generates.
Re: D&D campaign setting

Any world that has an tamed Umberhulk farm is good in my eyes.
Re: D&D campaign setting

Okay, but only if I can make giant flying spider swarms.
Re: D&D campaign setting

I want a pet beholder!
Re: D&D campaign setting

Lol well I've always had this idea ever since my first encounter with an Umberhulk that they'd be great tamed as beasts of burden. Of course my friends all thought I was nuts.
Re: D&D campaign setting

Go to an Illithid City, that's what the Mind Flayers have been doing to them for evar ;)
Re: D&D campaign setting

Yes, go visit the Illithids. They'd be happy to have you...

...for dinner.
Re: D&D campaign setting

Oh...There's an idea if Hardware ever runs a campaign offline again...

Visit the Illithid city...With a Massive Ordinance Air-Burst device...

((And the people who know what that means are probably either cringing or laughing...))
Re: D&D campaign setting

Cringing a little, but it's mostly because Illithid cities tend to be a couple miles underground, at least :/
Re: D&D campaign setting


A minor detail!


The effect could still be achieved. Just need a good teleport spell.