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CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

Voting - 2c2) Watches out of boredom

Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

Thank you!
I was actually trying to write this last week but then my internet died on me and I raged. lol.

The Red Eyes of Madness- Reisen Udongein Inaba Scenario:Higher Standard

The wet sounds of Reisen's pussy sliding along Tewi's echoed all over the room. It sounded strangly louder than it should be due to the lack of any other noise in the room.

Tewi can only continue her panting as her third orgasm slowly builds up inside her. Reisen had not stopped her assult at all as she ravaged Tewi for about an hour. It was almost surprising just how much Reisen's desire for sex is right now. Compared to an animal in heat it wouldn't be as assertive or as horny as Reisen as she gives Tewi almost no way to escape.

The clacking as the door slid open caught Tewi's attention. Was she finally saved? Liberated from the death(sex?) grip of Reisen? But her hopes were dashed as a NEE- girl with jet black silky hair entered the room with a slightly bored face, she was elegant, yet she lacked the presence of a royality even if she is the princess of the moon, it seems that her boredom had once again driven her to explore Eientei in search of something new or exciting.

Tewi felt a wave of heat and embrassment over come her. Having the princess seeing them together in this position doing this indecent act- being raped; it made her cum. It was overwhelming and sudden, she twitched like never before pressing her slit hard against Reisen's as if trying to force her hip into Reisen's cunt. Tewi had closed her eyes on instinct, her face relexed and her eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times she got rid of the tears that clouded her eyes and saw the Princess, Kaguya watching Reisen as she returned back to what she was doing as if nothing ever happened.

"P-Princ...ess," Tewi reached out to the girl, her hands shaky from the after effects of the intense orgasm. "Pl-please hell-elp me out here, I... I can't... take this..." Tewi begged as she panted and gasped for more air, her heart pounding hard.

"Huh?" Kaguya replied, looking confused. "Well, I would help you... but this is the only thing unusual happening, and since I am bored you can at least let me watch you guys a while right?"

Then after a moment, she crossed her arms and said, "You guys are boring, it's the same thing over and over again, come on, change position a bit." She urged, using her hands to mimic some kind of new position.

She was ignored and Reisen continued her grinding until-
"HYA!" Tewi yelped and pushed her hips outward forming an arch.

Kaguya, while Tewi was distracted, had took her mini carrot charm and fiddled around with it, but now instead of just fiddling around with it, she had inserted it right into Tewi's tight butt hole, causing Tewi to squirm and remined with her hips held high.

"T-take it out!" Tewi said, her voice, unable to scream, moaned out.

But instead, Kaguya giggled and forced the pin deeper into her, now half inserted into her ass, Tewi cannot lower herself back on to the floor or she will force the carrot right into herself. But with Reisen trying to get off with Tewi, Tewi had difficulity trying to stay up, her whole body shaking from a mixture of tiredness, pleasure, and fear.

(Finally posted! Although it is still horrible, at least it's some time to be wasted.)

Option:Kaguya is a good NEET? or a bad NEET?
1)I feel sorry for her, lets help her out
2)This is just starting to get fun!
3)Join in on the fun


a)Just pull the plug out, nothing too much
b)Lets help her with Reisen

a)Push the plug all the way in
b)Make Tewi fall so the plug gets forced in
c)That potion over there seems to be fun, lets try it on Tewi
d)2 wrongs makes a right, so lets help Reisen!

Event: Hm... Eirin to the rescue? With or without cure?
y/n. with/without.
Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

2b! and N! No cure XD!!!
Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!


The Red Eyes of Madness- Reisen Udongein Inaba Scenario:Magic of Science

Leaving Tewi in her shruggles, Kaguya searched the room for things of interest, this is Eirin's room after all. She remember the small cabinet for where Eirin puts her experimental potions, sometimes she would tell Kaguya about them and their effects, what she made them for and why. Kaguya found them interesting sometimes but she had never really looked inside it herself, but this is her chance.

Pulling the small door open, she found bottles of potions, some were labeled with their effects, while others were just plain bottles with suspicous looking liquid in them. After reading through a few labels Kaguya came across white potion. It was cloudy and when she shook the bottle around she can see tiny particles swirling inside the potion. She uncorked it and took a whiff of it. And she felt excited all of a sudden, her body grew warmer and her hair stood on end. Her heart rate had shot up and she felt energetic... It had no smell. She corked it back up and blinked. She felt normal. In tiny words a label read: Consumable/Appliable. She grabbed it. She didn't know her reasons but the feelings she got make her curious.

Back to the pair she found a Tewi on the ground with her mouth open drool flowing out of the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were closed, she seems to be trying to escape this mentally. Taking the chance of Tewi's mouth being open Kaguya opened the potion and poured a good portion into Tewi's mouth before Tewi started coughing due to the unexpected intake of the liquid.

A few seconds of switch between of moaning and coughing and she stopped. Her breathing became gasps, and she was still like a rock. A moment later, a explosion of sticky, thick semi-transparent something erupted from Tewi's crotch and covered Reisen and some of Kaguya.

Kaguya, surprised closed her eyes and looked away. But when she turned back, Tewi had a 5" cock growing out where her clit used to be. Kaguya was stunned, she haven't seen a penis for a long long time, and she felt sensations long forgotten resurface themselves. Reisen opened her eyes, and without a word started to stroke the penis in front of her. Tewi stared in confusion as she tried to figure out what had happened, but no less than a second after Reisen had laid her hands on her new part did it once again send the seman-like liquid flying everywhere. Her body was not used to the sensation so it felt extra sensitive to Reisen's soft touches.

(Intermission. Before I lose everything again.)
Option:Kaguya/Reisen vs Tewi
1)Reisen does more than just stroking.
2)Kaguya takes over?
3)Reisen Kaguya tag team?!


a)Reisen takes a drink?
b)Reisen takes it for a ride?

(Still felt like I am doing bad, but since there seems to be an absence of another CYOAS I might as well help do something to make this place a bit more alive.)
Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

3 :3
Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

What do you mean I can't just quote and submit!? I'll give you please post at least 1 characters... *grumble grumble* bah, humbug...

Oh, yeah. 3 please! =)

And don't worry too much about it. I'm still enjoying the occasional read. I kinda feel like I fucked up the Touhou Thread myself. First post was meant to be light hearted and humorous, but it just confused people. Obes trolling certainly didn't help either, but I guess in the end people just didn't have much to say.
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Re: CYOAS: Touhou Style~!

1B - Reisen sees Tewi's new appendage as just the thing she wants and promptly gets on top of it. Not incidentally flattening Tewi and forcing that anal pin deeper, too...