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CYOA: Tyris' Revenge


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 14, 2011
Reputation score
I'll open a new CYOA for just letting my brain go whenever I need some rest from the game I'm doing, so here we go!


A yawn and a slight bone crack of her own were the first two sounds Tyris heard that morning. Then some birds, and finally the overly familiar sounds of the forest she had been hearing since she was only a brat. The girl couldn't help but to smile as she slowly opened her eyes, a hand soon covering them instinctively as she felt the sun on them. Once used to the light of the new day, the amazon managed to sit down, causing her back to make a second crack. Definetly, being for so long in the city had softened her...and her first night sleeping in the open since her lastest adventure was over was kinda...rough on her back. Despite of this, Tyris was quite happy being "home" once more, and now she'd be finally able to enjoy some peace.

-Well! It's time for me to rise and shine!

With a second yawn, the girl managed to stand, rising her arms in order to stretch them as much as she could until they made a slight pop. Satisfied, Tyris walked towards a nearby river, kneeling before it in order to clean her face to see if she could wake fully with some cold water. Once she used both hands to splash the icy cold stream onto her face, she made a wide smile at her reflection.

Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

C dabes.

Also and unrelatedly, I'm pretty sure Tyris is the name of the region a game called Elona takes place in.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

The long haired warrior stood with a soft hmph, then her caramel hued eyes looked towards the clear water stream once more, its surface giving a full view at her body this time; wearing a quite skimpy two piece bikini-like white outfit, finished with red outlines, nailed by a couple of bracers, as well as her trusty brown leather boots. Overall, it was all she needed in terms of clothing; Comfortable, easy to mové while wearing it. Sadly for her, it didn't provide too much protection against attacks...or cold weather...or unwanted looks at some instances. Even being relatively short, the amazon had a well trained body, enough to be attractive to many. However, she was never interested in things like that, nor was the reason behind her clothes (or lack of).

The rest of her equipment rested near her left hip; her shortsword and a small bag, wich had some gold savings, food and a couple of blue potions inside, wich were brewed to refill her magic in case of need. After all, Tyris was as capable with her sword as she was with her Fire magic

Turning around, the pyromancer resumed her journey home, still about a month worth of traveling away. Eventually, the path split into two.


Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 25/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 100 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)


A) Mountain path
B) Forest path
C) Go back to the small town she came from
D) Set camp for one more night
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

A bitches

Also Tyris Flare is she, of Golden Axe fame
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Burn the forest down
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Let's go with B) then.

After giving it some thought, the amazon took the path to her right, leading to the forest, wich was probably the kind of place she felt more comfortable in, having lived in one for many years during her mny travels. Besides, that morning was burning hot, with no clouds to be seen, and while the forest would gave her some protection againsts the heat and sunrays, the mountains most probably wouldn't...

With that, Tyris walked throught the trees at a quite decent pace, being refreshed despite her so-so sleep in the open. And despite those forests being relatively safe, it was widely known that some people had disappeared on both that forest and the mountains nearby. With a hand over her sword's hilt, the girl advanced, keeping her eyes and ears open...and it payed off. Eventually, she could hear some rustling behind her as her eyes got a glimpse of a greenish shape moving at a bush on her front. And she knew that particular shade of green well...

-Come out! I know you're there! Both of you!!!

As her voice filled the otherwise mute forest, the rustling on both her front and back intensified, and two rather short shapes revealed themselves; A goblin, wearing only a brown loincloth, swang a bola as he stared deeply onto Tyris' body, gargling in his own tongue. As for the one in front of the warrior, a second goblin lifted a wooden club, smirking as he showed his small razor shaped teeth. They both had a small hatchet over their hip, so one thing was clear; those creature's objective wasn't killing her...at least not for now, giving her some advantage.


Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 25/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 100 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)

Goblin (Bola) HP 10/10
Goblin (Wooden club) HP 12/12


A) Attack the one on the front (Melee)
B) Attack the one on the front (Fire Magic)
C) Attack the one on the back (Melee)
D) Attack the one on the back (Fire Magic)
E) Let them capture you
F) Other
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

D in da house homies.

Can't melee that one cos the bolas will get to her first and do all sorts of kinky capture-type things to our girlie here if they hit correctly.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Burn the goblin
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Crush the one behind you since that bola could end up getting trolly
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Hurl your sword at bolafucker for maximum ballertude. Then punchstomp the other one's shit in.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

B) Won by an inch, so...

Tyris faced the goblin in front of her as she raised her left hand, getting a storng grip on her sword with her right, and using her ears to keep track of the bolas swinging behind her, closer now, but still not taken flight towards her. The amazon took a chance, aiming her open palm at the goblin with the wooden club, then firing a Fireball at him.

All the club wielding goblin could do was blink as the burning magic flought towards him, way too impressed at the ability of the girl to use that kind of attack. Then a loud explosion followed, burning the goblin to a crisp as he yelled in extreme pain. However, the same explosion made the amazon lose track of the bola...and soon she was proven she should have done things differently. With one sudden movement, Tyris' face slammed against the soil as if her feet had been kicked away. When trying to stand again, she stared at her feet, both strangled together by a quite bullseye bola toss. As she looked towards the remaining goblin, he started to snicker, licking his lips with a loud slurp as he walked past the girl, grabbing his dead comrade's club...


Tyris LV 1
HP 48/50
MP 20/25
Stamina 45/50
Status: Restrained (Feet)
Items: 100 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)

Goblin (Wooden club) HP 10/10


A) Try to take off the bola on your feet
B) Use fire magic at the goblin
C) Remain quiet
D) Other
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Burn the bola-thrower