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Re: Cuddlespiderquest

1 then 2 or 3 depending if food or cuddlable
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 1/10 Cuddles: 9/10 Eggs: 4/10 Web: 3/10
As you go to investigate, you find a tip of a tentacle carefully making the web vibrate. At the end of the tentacle, there's something big! It's a huge, bulky creature the likes of which you've never seen before. It has four legs, big maw and lots of tentacles! It looks a little scary.

What do you do?
1. Cuddle it!
2. Eat it.
3. Leave it alone.
4. Run.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

2 What if this things doesn't like cuddling egg keepers and eats them instead? Best not leave that to chance. It's calamari cooking time!
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Fore your well-being, I suggest 4. You can always spin another web.