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SIM [C's Ware] The Maid's Story / Maid Monogatari / メイド物語

Re: Maids Story

During night training, after doing an action enough, CG appears.
Ahh, excellent. I figured if there was going to be any, it would be during night training. I just hadn't seen any yet so I wondered.

Now I have even more to look forward to while playing the game.
Re: Maids Story

I love retro h-games. The sheer LACK of text (compared to modern h-games) is always mindblowing.

Oh and great find.
Re: Maids Story

I love retro h-games. The sheer LACK of text (compared to modern h-games) is always mindblowing.

Oh and great find.

Except this one has text up the arse and forces you to read the same lines over and over and over and over and over again.

Not bad overall though
Re: Maids Story

You can speed up the text from the options tab in the top left of the screen. Not much, but better than letting it run at normal speed all the time. Also, I think if you click the box, the text will appear instantly rather than at a set speed.

Ace says Deuces
Re: Maids Story

Thx for the share. May you keep sharing in the future!:D
Re: Maids Story

*Employs his phenomenal power to revive threads.*
Mansoor95 said:
I seem to get an error..
"CS_MD_T.INI is Damaged"
After i run the setup and double click on MD...
I had this same problem as well. Then I looked at the Techsupport thread here.

Techsupport Thread said:
3. Some games(Usually Japanese) don't like long filepaths. It's not a lot, but don't have a file folder for your games that goes C:\stuff\things\fun\debug\gtfo\suckmydong\cheese\pix\yourmother\etc.
I moved the game to a folder on my desktop, re-did the setup, and it ran just fine.

Also, thank you for making the game avaible. I haven't played this in a long time. I recall enjoying the combination of VN and simulation quite a bit. It touched on my favorite genre, the hybrid of RPG and strategy/simulation. Reminded me a little of Princess Maker 2. Which, while not an H-Game, was pretty cool. I'm about to start a new game of Maid Story (just downloaded it last night), any helpful advice or warnings from those of you with fresher memories?
Re: Maids Story

Oh, god, right in the nostalgia. This was my very first H-game back when I was...well, I can't legally finish that sentence, now that I think on it. Regardless, I still have my own copy on this desktop. It may seem odd, but I make sure to copy EVERYTHING from hard drive to hard drive when I get a new computer. I'm gonna have to play this sucker again, now. Clear my schedule for the next eight hours, imaginary secretary. I need to throw Ace a rep and teach several anime stereotypes how to be proper maids!
Re: Maids Story

So providing "special night services," aka prostitution, is in the job description of being a maid. Makes sense.
Re: Maids Story

for some reason the Setup.exe isn't extracting from the zip archive; I'm using 7zip 9.20 on win7. the setup.exe appears to be there inside the zip archive when i view from the file manager, but when i extract, all the files and folders except the setup.exe comes out. Redownloaded a few times, unchecked any hidden folders, rebooted and tried clearing cache for lulz.

I'm assuming no one else has experienced this... so like can i ask for a link to the setup.exe only?

Or is this thread so old no one has the setup.exe anymore...
Re: Maids Story

Sent the Setup.exe link to you in PM.

Worked fine for me - are you sure it's not your browser/download manager? I extracted the archive using winrar, though.
Re: Maids Story

Thank you, got your link. Looks like for some reason my computer's automatically deleting this exe file, I get the notif saying download successful but the folder it points to is empty. Usually if i downlod the same file, the second file is renamed with a "(1).fileExtention" at the end, but this one isn't doing that either, so it's prolly my computer's problem.

tl;dr, looks like it's technical issues on my end and not the download on the first post, but tyvm, I'll look for solutions online or something~
Re: Maids Story

Bless your black heart for finding this and plus rep! I thought I'd never see Maid's Story again. Thank you!
Re: Maids Story

Wow. This is OLD. I remember having this way back when... Of course That was ages ago and I don't have it anymore... I think the site I dled it from is still up though... But yeah, this just made my brain burn with nostalgia.