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Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, Grappled by two dudes, armor at 44/50 TP.

NPC Stats
Elven Woman: taken 0 damage, armor at 27/30 TP.

I fucked up last time and gave the enemies an extra d4 of damage. All that changes if the elf's HP though.

Mirchell tries to escape. The other two try to punch her.
Grapple: 56 vs 55 and 53. Mirchell wins and is no longer in a submission hold!

Ye elf hits chair guy with a chair!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 19 - 5 = 20 damage on the same guy.

Two of that guys friends try to punch her.
Attacks: Both miss.

The same two guys as before try to punch Mirchell.
Attacks: Hit and miss.
Damage: 3 + 8 - 23 = 0. Mirchell's armor takes 2 damage, leaving it at 44/50 TP.

Mirchell's enraged screaming might have brought pause to the humans attacking her, were they a good bit less drunk. As it was, the elf, and the duo in the corner were the only ones to react to it, the latter sparing a glancing at the captive demon that almost got her slugged in the face while the other two looked sharply at her before glancing at one another. They rose and headed for the door just as Mirchell's thrashing finally bore fruit. The two men holding her arms were slammed to the ground, and while they clung to her limbs stubbornly and took a few bruises for their trouble, she wasn't quite out of the woods yet. The two men above her simply kept kicking at her, but this time one of them missed courtesy of her wild thrashing, and the one that did connect barely even scraped the demon's side. The two men clutching at her limbs were trying to scramble to their feet, or at least to a kneeling position, but Mirchell had an opportunity that might allow her to get back onto her feet and away from the duo.

The elf that had joined the fight on her behalf, in the meantime, was faring slightly better than before. Recovering quickly from the punch she'd taken, the lightly armored woman grabbed up a chair and, like the one that had initiated the brawl, smashed it against the man she'd just slugged. Her use of it was far more effective than the earlier attack had been against Mirchell, as one of the men dropped in a crumpled heap at her feet, groaning. That still left two more, however, and while their swings missed, the woman was still outnumbered. The chair she'd hit the drunk man with had shattered, and rather than drop it completely, the elf wrenched one of the legs off and flipped it, catching it in one hand and adopting a stance akin to a fencer's as the men prepared to rush her again.
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Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

At the very least, Mirchell's struggles were not for nothing, and as she dragged the two humans to the ground, she grinned wickedly. Her lips peeled back, flashing the white teeth beneath, sharp and vicious. Her armour rattled as she twisted further, but it seemed that the drunkards had no intention of relinquishing their hold, and thus she had to resort to different methods of assault.

The short ponytail behind the demoness' head swished from side to side as she tugged and twisted, crimson eyes narrowing, while small trails of mist seeped out from the corners, all but invisible in the darkness of the tavern. Oh how she missed her fangs, horns and tail in this form, weapons to maim and terrorise while leaving her hands free...

Trapped within the bounds of disguising herself though, Mirchell had none of these things, but that did not diminish her strength, nor her weight, and it was these things that the albino sought to utilise. Since the humans would not let go of her arms, the demoness instead simply bulled to the left, with the simple attempt of knocking the foe holding her arm onto the ground, so that she could land a rather unsportsmanlike knee between his legs. Again, her lips peeled back, and again, she shouted out her frustration. Why oh why could these fools not simply go back to their ignorant bliss!? There were far more important things to do than putting down a gaggle of drunken humans.

And so it was, that if Mirchell were to get on top of her foe, that she would assault him as such, bearing down upon him with her hardly inconsiderable weight, ramming her knee against his groin, her crimson eyes gleaming brightly and a vicious grin spread across the albino's lips, her nostrils narrow slits to shut out the disgusting stench of the human cesspit. There was truly nothing more she wanted right now than to spread her wings and leave this place and it's foul stench, to escape to the clean countryside, but that would leave rather a mess here. Far safer, one would hope, to simply dispose of these paltry fools, and be on her way. Humans liked to fight in their taverns anyway, did they not? What would one more brawl be?

Attack on... One of the humans in the grapple.

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armour: 22
Grapple: 40
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, Grappled by two dudes, armor at 36/50 TP.

NPC Stats
Elven Woman: taken 0 damage, armor at 27/30 TP.

Fat Guy: taken 8 damage
Intervening Guy: taken 10 damage
Chair Guy: Unconscious
Random Guy 1: Unconscious
Random Guy 2: fighting the elf
Random Guy 3: kicking Mirchell
Random Guy 4: Kicking Mirchell

Mirchell tries to punch a dude, the other dudes try to punch her.
Grapple: 50 vs 48 and 60. Mirchell wins punches one and is punched by the other.
Damage (Mirchell) : 3 + 12 - 5 = 10 damage.
Damage (Fat guy) : 3 + 8 - 23 = 0 damage, 2 more TP damage on her armor.

Ye elf hits chair guy with her chair leg.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 21 - 5 = 22 damage.

The two friends of mr chair try to grab the elf. Guy 1 uses Teamwork to grant his ally a +10 bonus to attack by sacrificing 20 of his own.
Attacks: Both miss.

The same two guys as before try to punch Mirchell.
Attacks: Hit and hit.
Damage: 4 + 8 - 23 = 0. Mirchell's armor takes 4 more damage, leaving it at 38/50 TP.

Another round just for lulz, and because the same circumstances.

Mirchell tries to punch a dude, the other dudes try to punch her.
Grapple: 56 vs 58 and 52. Mirchell wins punches one and is punched by the other. Again. This time vs different dudes.
Damage (Mirchell) : 1 + 12 - 5 = 8 damage.
Damage (Fat guy) : 2 + 8 - 23 = 0 damage, 2 more TP damage on her armor.

Ye elf hits chair guy with her chair leg.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 21 - 5 = 21 damage.

The last guy fighting the elf tries to grab her.
Attacks: Miss.

The same two guys as before try to punch Mirchell.
Attacks: Miss and hit.
Damage: 2 + 8 - 23 = 0. Mirchell's armor takes 2 more damage, leaving it at 36/50 TP.

Mirchell had the humans on their backs, and the one that had intervened between her and the fat man she slammed against the floor to stun before ramming her knee into his groin. The man let out a startled groan of pain, his body curling naturally to protect his most tender parts from the disguised demon's less than tender ministrations, but such wasn't sufficient to deter her assault. The fat man pulled out of her hold and smacked her in the face before she could slam her knee into his groin again, however, and she responded by performing whatever violence that she liked on him, after which the man she'd kneed in the ground responded by kneeing her in the side. The two men above continued to kick at Mirchell, doing little more than causing some minor disturbance to her armor.

The elf, in the meantime, smacked one of her attackers in the face with a broken chair leg. The two men left attacking her responded with surprising guile, one of them lifting and hurling the remains of the broken chair at the agile woman and thus forcing her to dodge aside. She was left momentarily flat-footed, and the other human almost managed to grab her in his desperate dive, but she narrowly sidestepped him and spun, smacking him in the back of the head and dropping him to the floor beside the one that had smashed a chair over Mirchell's back. That left her going one on one, and she glanced back at Mirchell to see her apparently handling herself well enough before returning her concentration to her own sole remaining opponent. It was unlikely that that fight would last much longer, and as such the demoness would soon have some assistance against the quarter attacking her.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

With the feel of armoured knee slamming upwards into tender human, Mirchell's lips peeled back, revealing the sharp teeth beneath for just a moment, until her shoulder was gripped, and the albino was faced with a dirty, sweaty fist slamming into the side of her cheek. She reeled away, only to have a pair of fists hammer into her back, the thinner steel and leather padding protecting her from the worst of the blows. Regardless, the kinetic energy made her stumble once again, fury rising in the back of her mind, and when Mirchell looked up this time, her glowing eyes turned to the fat man, he whom had initiated all of this.

Her eyes narrowed, and her teeth gritted together, before the albino was once again advancing. Her hands rose, clenching into fists, and the demoness pulled her right arm back, as if to throw a punch. Rather than that though, it was the albino's left which came across, using her vambrace to backhand the fat male, the hardened carapace of her armour sending her foe reeling away, at least temporarily out of her harm's reach.

That left her with three to contend with, at least until the fat man managed to regain his footing, and so it was these that the disguised demoness turned her attention to, crimson eyes almost smouldering from the glow that cast flickering shadows across her angular features. Her fists came up, only to have the first assault smack against her joined vambraces, the steel biting into her own flesh briefly, but little more than a sting. The next came from the side, and Mirchell simply stepped in close, along the inside length of his arm. The final blow connected properly though, slamming into Mirchell's back once more, and she let out a low grunt from the impact.

Twisting once more, the albino turned her attention about, only to see that the fat man was up and in the fight once more. Her full, if pale, lips curled into a grin, and suddenly, she bounded across the floor towards him. Her right arm came up into a guard, to protect her face, even as the she-demon clenched her left hand into a fist. Drawing upon those fresh reserves of energy she had received from Albert, Mirchell's arm trembled briefly, before her fist began to spark. Soon, crimson flames were wrapping about the digits, small green sparks flying from the fire.

It was with this that the albino attacked, making to punch up into her initial aggravator's gut, whereupon she could unleash the spell. The intent was not to kill, and as such, the albino tried to reign in her own power. Pain and debilitation was the intent, and thus, as she slammed her fist forwards, the fel-fire crackled, dimming briefly, into a fine point which she then drew downwards, over the human's gut, and towards his leg instead.

Hellfire Blast (Touch) - 3 EP against 'Fat Guy'.

Hit is D20 + 40 (due to Bladesinger) (Not sure if there are any modifiers)
Deals (1d6+3)*3 damage.

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armour: 22
Grapple: 40
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Mirchell tries to Hellfire Blast for X = 3 on ye fat dude. They try to rend her armor.
Grapple: 51 vs 56 and 65, enemies win.
Her armor takes 4 + 14 = 18 damage, leaving it at 18 TP.
She still has to win the grapple check in order to hit with directed powers and the like.

The two dudes continue kicking her.
Attacks: Hit on both.
Damage: 4 + 8 - 23 = 0 damage. Her armor takes 2 TP per hit, reducing it to 14.

The elf smacks the dude attacking her with Lightning Strikes.
Attacks: 2 + 4 + 13 - 5 = 14 damage per hit, to a total of 42 damage.

As Mirchell surged toward the fat man, one arm raised defensively to protect her face from further abuse while the other was sent toward her opponent's belly, her palm glowing with dark fire. Unfortunately, her opponents proved surprisingly agile in their own defense, as she had the wrist of her fiery hand gripped suddenly and tugged aside just before it could reach its intended target. The fat man placed his other hand onto her shoulder and tugged, and was soon joined by his thinner compatriot as he rose to his knees and grabbed her around the midsection in bearing Mirchell onto her back. Rather than start raining blows onto her, however, the duo wordlessly began tearing at her armor, breaking straps and pulling apart fastenings in an effort to remove the protective plates from their victim. The other two men stood over her, and every time she tried to rise she would be kicked back down onto her back via a boot to the chest. One of her wrists was still held by the fat man, but her other arm was still mostly free, allowing her at least a tiny window to continue trying to retaliate.

The elf, in the meantime, managed to down another of her opponents by smacking her club repeatedly against the man's head, leaving her free of immediate opposition and surrounded by unconscious bodies. Just as she was about to come and assist Mirchell, however, a thunderous bang sounded, and the scent of brimstone filled the air. The four men around her froze and glanced back at the door, where a trio of men in guard uniforms stood with handguns drawn but held low. "Would any of you lot care to explain why at least eight men attacked two women?" the man standing at the forefront of the armed trio, a man with thinning hair and heavily weathered features, said in a stern growl. The man who'd been attacking them said nothing, some glancing between one another but most remaining silent. "I thought not. Get up and get your unconscious friends, and come with us. You're spending the night in the cells," he said after a moment of silence, and as drunk as they were to have started attacking her in the first place, the group silently got up and started collecting their wounded, leaving Mirchell to sort herself out.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

The ponytail which nestled behind Mirchell's head, bound in place by a scrap of faded red cloth, lifted slightly, loose strands, dirty and unkempt, floating to the sides of her head as she surged forwards. The flesh exposed by her light armour, grey and muscled, flexed, and a furious snarl escaped her lips as hands clamped onto her wrist. The fingers, ablaze with fel fire, curled almost claw-like, the magic crackling hungrily. Her glowing crimson eyes remained fixed upon her intended target, however, hatred burning in the magically saturated depths. Her lips pulled back, revealing the white teeth beneath, and a low growl sounded from her throat.

Her muscles continued to strain, even as the two humans grabbed onto her shoulders, the growl turning into a furious howl as she was borne off of her feet. The demoness' armoured feet kicked out, before slamming back into the wooden flooring with a loud crunching sound. Her head jerked back, and Mirchell's angered sounds were cut short by the floor knocking her senseless. Vision briefly blurred, the moment of placid lack of resistance gave the two men enough purchase to clamber over her form, and begin to tear at her armour. The straps at her sides, binding her breastplate to the more flexible material that went around her back were the first to go, the buckles clattering to the ground, and the plates lifting briefly. Her belt was more difficult, comprised of thicker level, but it was definitely straining.

Thin trails of crimson mist began to seep from Mirchell's eyes, as she wrenched herself upwards, succeeding in at least getting off of the floor for a few moments, before being forced down by the greater numbers of her foes. It was only when the gunshot went off, and the humans froze, that Mirchell managed to free herself. Her sensitive nose twitched, taking into account the scent of fire and powder, but Mirchell was not inclined to let them go unpunished.

Since the men seemed focused on the guards, the demoness yanked her left hand free, fingers curling into a fist, before surging upwards, to connect against the underside of the fat man's chin, even as she twisted on the ground, starting to force herself up to her feet. Her chest heaved, the plate rocking loosely against her bosom beneath, her muscled belly flexing, while heavy breaths rolled past her lips. Standing slightly hunched, Mirchell turned to face the guardsmen, eyeing their weapons with primitive suspicion. Her nostrils twitched, inhaling the scent of brimstone once more, before the albino shook her head, and turned away.

Briefly, Mirchell crouched, taking the opportunity to start gathering the buckles that had been torn from her armour, so that she could get it mended later. Her armour was oversized already, when in this disguise, and without the straps to hold it in place, it was downright uncomfortable. Ignoring that though, the disguised demoness turned instead to her would-be-saviour, the elven woman whom still held her club. White eyebrows knitting together, the armoured albino stepped forwards, her sabatons thunking heavily against the wooden floor beneath her.

Forcing herself to ignore the guardsmen, and her assailants, despite how much her primal nature compelled her to simply turn and tear out their throats, Mirchell instead took a deep breath, and then held her right hand out towards the elf. Her expression was tense, as if half-expecting the elf to turn on her now that the fight was over, but should the elf take her hand, the demoness would shake, before letting go. "You have my thanks for your aid, elf." she said, and quite simply at that, bowing her head in response.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

(Mirchell gains 2 exp.)

"Huh?" the elf replied, her gaze having been centered on the men as they filed slowly out of the room, including the now bloody nosed fat man who had initiated the scuffle. Turning to Mirchell, she glanced at the hand offered by the disguised demoness and, following a moment's hesitation, took it and said; "Uhhh... You're welcome! I couldn't exactly let them have their way with you. The name's Leia, and you are?"
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Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell scowled briefly, her white brows knitting together. She shook with the pointy-eared creature, before letting her long-fingered hand drop to her side. The crimson eyes wandered over the elf, and her head tilted curiously to one side. Then, however she nodded. Straightening herself up to her full height, the powerfully-built demoness folded her arms across her chest, as much to keep her broken breastplate up as anything else, before nodding. "Leia. My name is Mirrrr... Ahem, Michelle." she began, before trailing off. The demoness disguised her muckup with a hacking cough, looking over towards the exit of the tavern briefly. "Those things the guards carry truly do stink when used." she added in complaint, making a tutting sound.

"Nevertheless, your assistance is appreciated, Leia." Mirchell added briefly, even as she looked back around the bar, acutely aware of the other patrons whom had not joined the fight. More importantly, she noticed the complete lack of either angelic female or bulky human male. Albert Terenais was excusable, she rather expected the human to be tired from their bout, but Simone? Was the creature blind as well as deaf? Feathers in her ears? With a short huff, Mirchell looked back to Leia, the glow of her eyes starting to soften now that the thrill of combat ebbed away, to see if the creature had anything else to say on the matters just passed.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

The elf took note of Mirchell's snafu with her own name, quirking an eyebrow and giving her a brief stare. She evidently chose not to comment on it, however, as she glanced at the door upon the disguised demon's remark about the weapons employed by the humans and said; "Guns you mean? I, ahhh, can't say that I'm a big fan of them myself."

Looking back at her when addressed directly again, Leia nodded and said; "I could have done no less. It was the only decent thing to do against scum like that." The elf didn't seem to have anything else to add, as she simply glanced back at her overturned table and the spilled bottle sitting next to it and scowled. Arthur came back from under his counter and scowled harshly at the damage done to his inn, and then at Mirchell, the connection he was drawing between the two fairly clear from his sour expression.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

The disguised demoness frowned slightly, her eyebrows knitting together in obvious distaste for her own slip-up. Her lips pursed, and the lines beneath her eyes seemed to darken slightly, giving her a rather weary, tired look. She raised her right hand, briefly running the fingers across her forehead, before her crimson gaze came back to the elf before her. A strange name she had, for certain.

Nevertheless, Mirchell nodded, and her nostrils flared slightly as she inhaled the lingering scent of brimstone in the air. "Yes, 'guns'. They seem... Dangerous. Mhm? I know not much about them. Fire at command, without the aid of magic seems like too great a power for the likes of a guard, but regardless, that is beside the point. Thank you once again, 'Leia'. I do not have coin with me, but perhaps I might give you some for a drink when I get it. That, however... Requires that I find the suspiciously absent winged companion of mine." the albino mused, looking left, then right. Indeed, not an ivory wing in sight.

Huffing in mild annoyance, however, as her breastplate began to slip, the already loose armour barely holding itself on to her shrunken human frame with the snapped straps running down her torso. She did not particularly care about the damage done to the bar, it was not of her concern, and besides, not her fault, at least in her own eyes. And as such, the demoness cast little more than a studious gaze over the broken furniture, before she looked up to Arthur, the barkeep. Lifting her voice, she called out across the bar towards him; "You said room 203 for the angel, correct?" she called out in a rather jovial, all things considered, tone, even as her armoured sabatons clumped across the floorboards towards the bar. It was only after that, however, that a thought seemed to cross Mirchell's mind, as her eyebrows rose up, and she looked back once more to the ruined furniture. "Apologies for the mess, but you should really watch what rabble is coming in here, if they will assault a lady like that." she added, giving a vague gesticulation with her left hand back towards where the fight had taken place.

Once Mirchell had her answer, however, the next step, unless someone wished to stop her, was to head up, and away from the bar, grumbling to herself about her damaged breastplate, and occasionally having to hoist it up to keep it on her chest. Her sabatons thumped heavily upon the wood as she moved, the demoness was still rather heavy even without her armour after all, as she made her way up the stairs, intent upon finding the room that Arthur had earlier mentioned, that she might find Simone, and put an end to her dealings with this grubby town a little bit swifter. Indeed, the only thing stopping her from being outright angry at this point was the leftover euphoria, and warm mess which still clung to her crotch beneath the armour plates from her rather vigorous session with Albert Terenais. That would be getting uncomfortable soon enough, however, and Mirchell knew that she should really find something to clean herself with at some point in the not-too-distant future.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Again the elf offered Mirchell a quirked eyebrow, but she didn't seem interested in making an issue of her odd lack of knowledge and instead said; "Don't worry about repaying me, I couldn't have just stood by and done nothing. I probably won't be here much longer anyway, this place has lost a lot of its atmosphere and I intend to find someplace else to stay for the night. I'll be leaving the city come the dawn as well, so it's unlikely that we'd be able to meet again."

When she turned to Arthur, Mirchell got a nod from the man at her question, though he still unnecessarily replied; "Yeah, she's in room 203." He merely scowled at the comment regarding who he allowed into his bar, but offered no comment as she strode up the stairs, clutching at her damaged armor.

Simone's room was easy enough to find, and it was even open when she clunked up to it, so noisy with her oversized (for her human form anyway) and damaged armor. Pushing it open, however, revealed that Simone probably hadn't heard her coming up the stairs and up to the room, and answered the mystery as to why she hadn't come down during the fight. The blonde angel was lying on her back, her clothes and armor discarded haphazardly onto the floor and leaving her completely nude. Her pale skin was covered in a thick sheen of sweat that left her already literally glowing body clearly distinct against the dark sheets that she was lying upon. Her one eye was closed, and her breathing coming in short heavy gasps and leaving in soft pants and low moans.

The angel's back was arched, her feet planted firmly enough into the mattress that she was digging them into the bedding, her knees apart and her body shivering visibly, and as the bed was opposite the door Mirchell had a fairly uncompromised view of the angel's swift, steady masturbation. Simone's fingers were steadily strumming over her clitoris, the sensitive jewel sticking out fully from its hood as her two main fingers flicked back and forth over it steadily. Those two digits were coated in her juices, making it plain that Simone had been pleasuring herself in multiple different ways while Mirchell had been busy downstairs. Her thighs were tensed and quivering and coated even more thoroughly in her girlcum than her fingers, and after only a few seconds Mirchell would realize that the angel was on the verge of a climax that most likely wasn't her first for the night.

If she didn't opt to interrupt, Simone would slowly tense more and more, her wings and legs pushing her slightly off of the bed and lifting her into the air as she slowly coalesced into a tense ball of quivering flesh, her head tilting back and leaving her golden hair to remain splayed out against the pillow on which her head had been resting. Another few seconds of the rapid dance of her fingers was all that it took for the angel to unwind, her lips parting in a long, deep moan of primordial pleasure and her back arching even further. Mirchell was treated to the sight of Simone's flower quivering, love honey dripping steadily from her slit as she came from her own efforts. Her climax wasn't to last long, however, as she soon lowered herself again and started panting, gasping in air as her fingers continued their dance at a much reduced rate, one displaying clear intent to continue as such for a while longer even as their owner recovered from her most recent release.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

In response to the elf's words, Mirchell offered little more than a nod, her lips curling slightly in amusement. "Yes, the atmosphere has rather diminished in the recent minutes, has it not?" she mused, before chuckling in amusement. Her lips peeled back, briefly revealing the pointed teeth, even as the disguised demoness turned about. "Regardless. My thanks for the assistance, and if I do not see you again, 'Leia', then I bid you good luck for the future." Mirchell finished off, beginning to plod away.

As she made her way up to the second floor of the inn, armoured boots thunked heavily against the ground. The echoes were most clearly audible, even as Mirchell started to let go of her disguise, counting off the numbers to Simone's room. She let it go slowly, so that she could easily revert if someone came down the stairs. Her ears were the first thing to change, growing longer, longer, tapering into points. With the change, the demoness' hearing grew more astute, as the spongy flesh which formed the frontal ridge of her ear engorged, making the slender appendages stiff, and alert. Her fangs next, the canines growing roughly a centimetre, and angling just slightly forwards. Then, the demoness allowed herself to grow, and fill out her armour a little better, at which point, she was at Simone's door.

Not bothering to knock or announce her presence, rather regarding it as her right, especially considering how the angel had barged in on herself and Albert Terenais, the steadily growing albino stepped through. Her skin turned ashen as the transformation continued, though as Mirchell straightened up, she paused. Now, it seemed, she was confronted with the complete opposite of the earlier scene, with the angel prone, and furiously masturbating upon the bed nearby. Halting her transformation now that she was fully grown, but devoid of her horns, wings and tail, a sly smirk spread across the demoness' lips, and she turned.

The leather of her fauld rustled slightly as Mirchell turned, and so-very-quietly closed the door, so as not to alert the cyclops earning her release upon the hired bed. As she did so, Mirchell's tail began to grow, the slender, black appendage snaking out through the slit in the back of her belt, and beginning to wag slightly in the air, the spade-shaped tip twisting slightly with each wag.

Mirchell now stood still, to make as little noise as possible as she watched Simone; the scent now in the air so much more appealing to her sensitive nose in comparison to sweat, smoke and alcohol downstairs. Her nostrils flared, inhaling deeply, as the albino enjoyed Simone's pleasure, though indeed, she was happy not to intervene as the angel started to buck and twist in the throes of climax.

Instead, Mirchell's crimson eyes wandered away, surveying Simone's ruffled wingfeathers, wandering over her sweaty body, enjoying the way the blonde's flesh glistened in the light emitted by her own form. Specifically, she glanced to her celestial companion's side, knowing that she had been wounded in the earlier battle. Indeed, Mirchell could still feel the wound upon her own back throbbing, along with the bruises that were starting to form across her back and arms from the human's beating.

As, however, Simone came to climax, lifting herself off of the bed, the less-disguised demoness opened her lips, and started to snuffle the air, her tongue flicking out across her lips to savour the scent of sweat and feminine nectars, and see if there was any celestial energy to savour from the angel's release. What surprised Mirchell more, however, as her crimson eyes turned back down, was Simone's apparent intent to go again, so lost in pleasure that she did not even notice the towering demon standing in the doorway. While a mortal might have taken pity, and either left or announced themselves to spare the angel humiliating herself further, Mirchell rather enjoyed the prospect. At least her armour was more comfortable now that it fitted properly.

Nevertheless, there was desire there, albeit of a different kind. Incited by the sights, sounds and smells, and driven by the curious hunger to feel an angel's soul, Mirchell began forwards at last, reaching up to her shoulders, where her bare, ashen fingers started to idly unclasp her sword's scabbard from where it hung across her back. With a clinking sound, it came free, and the demoness brought the darksteel blade back down to her side, before clearing her throat, and speaking. "You know, if you were that desperate, 'Simone', you could always have asked me earlier." she stated in her more natural, deeper tones, before letting off a chortle.

Heavily armoured sabatons thunked against the floorboards, as Mirchell stepped right up next to the bed, her long, ebony tail lashing about in amused arousal, before descending, and with a surprisingly gentle motion, the spade-shaped tip reached out for Simone's leg, starting to stroke across the sweaty, comparatively white flesh of the angel's thigh, while crimson eyes gazed down curiously towards the one-eyed celestial's face, meeting the cool blue ones of her companion. Her long ears twitched slightly, the appendages stiff as boards, tilted slightly forwards to better capture the noises the angel was making.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

The glance at her side revealed that Simone's wounds were already well on the way to healing, far more quickly than it would have even for a demon like her. Such was likely a result of the magic that she'd used to heal herself, ensuring that Simone's skin would carry no scars from her injuries. That she was capable of such magics might make it odd that her eye was missing entirely, but given the state of the nude angel it was likely not the first thing on Mirchell's mind.

The soft clink of her sword sheath coming off finally drew he angel's attention, as she opened her eyes with a start and froze, her single eye centering on Mirchell as the demoness made her approach. "Y...You.... I... I wasn't..." she mumbled feebly, and then shivered softly and gasped when she felt Mirchell's tail brushing lightly against the angel's thigh. Her lone eye glanced down at the offending appendage and then back at Mirchell, her already flushed face growing redder by the second, but she didn't make any attempt to pull away from the demoness.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell smirked slightly, her grubby, off-white eyebrows arching upwards in amusement as she came to Simone's bedside. Her elongated ears twitched slightly, the spongy tissue making up the frontal ridge engorging, making the slender appendages stiffen attentively as she gazed down at the naked, sweating, but uninjured angel before her. Her lips peeled back once more, marking a toothy grin, before the demoness gave a brief nod in response to the stammered words. Her slender, ebony tail paused briefly, resting the spade-shaped tip against Simone's thigh, allowing the angel to feel the fine, soft, almost down-like coat which covered the appendage, a localised transformation for the sake of teasing the winged creature.

Then, Mirchell spoke. Her tone was ever-so-condescending, a sickly-sweet voice which rang with honeyed undertones, and the demoness tilting her head to one side in the process. "Oh of course, dear Simone. One cannot expect you to go through with this all by yourself now, mhm~? You should have asked, when you so rudely barged in on myself and Albert Terenais, and I am sure we could have pulled you into the bed as well~ What could be more sordid, mmhm~? An angel between demon and human~? Oh I know~ Ooh, a goblin horde! Would not such be fun... For me, at least, if only there were some way to capture it beyond memory." the albino mused on, keeping her sharp fangs on display from the width of her grin.

The demoness' armour-clad forearms reached up, and crossed over her exposed belly, the well-defined abdominal muscles tensing as she rested the steel against them, while her glowing, crimson eyes shifted, surveying Simone once more from head to toe. Her gaze finally came to settle upon the angel's one remaining eye, only for Mirchell to wink. "Don't lie to yourself, mmhm~? Do not tell me that you have never fantasized about what it must be like, to taste the corruption, to ride like never before, mhm~? You certainly look like you could go a round or two more, Simone, and of course, as your grateful ally, I will be more than willing to satiate that celestial lust of yours~" she added on, a final wink of the demoness' crimson eyes, followed by the tongue running out, and across her ashen-pink lips. The soft, fuzzy tail began to move again, once more trailing up along Simone's thigh, only to then spider over the naked angel's waist, and up towards her naval in a taunting, ticklish manner.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

"They.... They have that... Sort of thing. In Acheron," the angel squeaked feebly, her voice nervous and her face and body still heavily flushed with embarrassment and arousal. "The... The capturing it in memory, I mean... They... Have enchanters. Illusions. Permanent... Records, of all kinds of things." She glanced aside, hints of shame appearing in her sole eye, before looking back at Mirchell with a somewhat steadier gaze... At least until the demon's tail did a pass over her thigh, at which point her confidence seemed to dissolve again following an alarmed glance at it. The motion had caused Simone's legs to part just a tiny bit further, and her evident shame deepened at that... Though her legs didn't come together to bar Mirchell from seeing her glistening flower. She gave Mirchell an uncertain look following her final damning offer, good sense and arousal clearly battling one another, "I.... Could..."

Some well of inner strength seemed to appear to her suddenly, and Simone suddenly adopted a firm expression and slowly drew her legs together, before speaking in a much more controlled tone; "But I won't." She fixed Mirchell with a challenging look, her single eye narrowed partially while her spine went rigid, making it clear that attempts at temptation would likely not be very effective.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

The muscular albino's eyebrows arched upwards as Simone began to speak. Her long ears twitched slightly, and then, as the angel continued, a sly grin began to form upon her lips. A few more moments of watching, letting Simone squirm beneath her gaze, before the albino stepped closer to the bed. She lifted her right leg, and placed the knee upon the bed upon which Simone lay, even as the tip of her tail tilted forwards, the soft point beginning to stroke the winged creatures belly button, testing to see if she was ticklish, yet another move to taunt the being beneath her. "Really now? Mhm... And you know of them? Tsk, I suppose I should have known, really. Nothing can be so pure~" she mused, the grin peeling back to reveal her sharp canines.

Mirchell seemed quite content to wait initially, enjoying the struggle which took place behind Simone's sapphire eye. Her own crimson gaze, however, began to wander, once more surveying the sweaty, nude angel beneath her. An idea perked up, somewhat slow to form due to the many distractions that had presented themselves recently, and once more, the demoness looked back up to the angel's face as she spoke. "You won't ask? You do like to play your games, don't you? But fine~ If it lets you keep some semblance of pride and dignity, Simone, you do not need to ask~" she cooed out, and indeed, despite her hulking form, the albino spoke quite softly, a gentler tone that would be more suited to one's standard succubus.

To follow up, and reinforce her implied point, Mirchell's hands went to the dim steel of her belt buckle. Her tail finally withdrew, the long, slender black appendage wriggling it's way back, to escape the crafted hole through which it emerged in the demoness' fauld. With a click, the layered buckle came undone, and Mirchell's leg armour came free. The heavy leather and steel, complete with what was little more than a loincloth beneath to protect her 'decency', fell away, revealing the demoness' ashen flesh beneath, and more notably, her own crotch, still sticky and glistening from copulating with Albert.

The grin remained upon Mirchell's face, the stretching of her facial muscles distorting the lines which ran about her eyes, mixing the expression of drowsiness and glee in a rather odd look, somewhat unhinged, even. She stepped away from the bed once more, so that her armoured sabatons could be pulled free of her fauld, removing the garment completely from her body. Her thigh muscles tensed, the definition of such more than clearly visible, as the demoness touched her right hand against her crotch. The warmth, and stickiness, of such sent a shiver up Mirchell's spine, as she turned her horned head once more to gaze down at Simone. "So you needn't worry about injuring your pride~ Just say I raped you if you really need to, mhm?" she added, with a sly grin. "I promise I won't try to get you pregnant~" she added on the end, a short laugh following. A surge of power, as the still-mostly-armoured demoness drew upon her spirit, humming faintly.

Slowly, Mirchell's flesh began to warp, her glowing eyes narrowing, until little more than a slit of red light crossed her ashen skin. Her more feminine folds began to shrink away, as the flesh was instead drawn out, the demoness instead choosing to make it easier for both demon and angel to seek their release, since she rather assumed that Simone would complain about being 'blessed' with the vampiric spell she could have chosen to cast. As her cock began to take shape, however, Mirchell's free hand came up towards her shoulderguards, and with deft flicks, she sent the heavy steel plates crashing to the wooden floor.

With her fauld gone, Mirchell's tail was free, the slender black appendage whipping through the air behind her. Rather than take the time to discard her breastplate and sabatons right now, however, Mirchell elected to save them for later, rather than give Simone more time to try and rally against her own body. The large, ashen-skinned demoness, thankfully devoid of her wings right now, stepped up onto the bed, the frame creaking beneath the pair's combined weight, and then, she knelt down. The grin remained, Mirchell's long tongue reaching out to caress her own canines, and to keep Simone off-guard, her tail went forwards once more. The delicate-looking black appendage snaked forwards, and once more began to stroke across the inside of Simone's thigh, an attempt to make the angel open her legs for Mirchell to kneel between without forcing her, not that she was all too fussed about using force if it was needed. The chance to sample angelic essence was far too powerful a lure for the succubus to ignore, after all.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Though she didn't react in any impressive manner to the tickling of Mirchell's tail, Simone's belly spasmed occasionally from the soft touch despite her obvious efforts to stymy her reactions. "I... I've heard of them! .... Around....." she said innocently, frowning as her single eye flitted about nervously.

Mirchell's gentler tone made the hardened angel look up at her suspiciously, but she nodded cautiously up at the demoness as if she were being serious. "G... Good! Then you'll.." she began, only for the click of Mirchell's heavy steel belt buckle coming open, and she could have sworn that she saw the cyclopean angel gulp and shiver as the garment fell to the floor with an audible clang, revealing her legs, sex, and the remains of her fun the Albert. Her eyes centered there for several seconds before slowly climbing back up, her resolution visibly melting as she looked up at the demoness looming over her, softly biting at her lip.

Though she again seemed trapped between her lust and her will, Simone still managed to look up and glare fiercely at Mirchell following her suggested method of maintaining her pride, and she opened her mouth to speak only to go silent as the demoness promised not to try and get her pregnant. "As if I'd let you!" she snapped angrily, but when the rest of Mirchell's armored bottoms came off and her cock fully formed, she went still again. Climbing onto the bed, Simone's legs quivered and practically opened by themselves, permitting the demoness to position herself between her legs and put her cock into position to penetrate Simone's dripping folds, the motions of her tail practically unnecessary to get the angel into an accepting position, either on her back or on her side, whichever Mirchell would prefer to maneuver her into.

"You..." Simone said quietly, staring at the cock hovering over her pussy for a moment before flitting her gaze back up to Mirchell's face, "We... We shouldn't..." Her hands were gripping the sheets tightly, tension practically pulling her into a self-contained ball.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

"Around, you say~? I am certain." the demoness purred out, a far more content tone beginning to settle into her voice by now, confident in her capabilities to sample the angel below her. The demoness was swift to position herself between the blonde, winged creature's legs, her lips splitting into a broad grin at how willingly the angel's subconscious presented herself.

Her smouldering, crimson eyes looked upwards, however, as Simone continued to speak, even as the demonic shaft fully formed. For a moment, the horned demoness adopted a quizzical expression, almost cute, in a way. Then, however, her tongue slipped out, grazing across her lips briefly, while her long, slender fingers reached out, gently beginning to caress across Simone's thighs. "Correction, dear Simone. You shouldn't." she added simply, once more flashing a sly grin to the angel, before she moved forwards.

The shaft that the demoness had spawned was stiff already, as eager as it's owner to sample the angelic folds barely a hand's breadth away. And most certainly... She was not in the mood to restrain herself much longer. Clubbed repeatedly over the back with broken furniture was not the best mood-setter, and despite having fed so very recently, Mirchell pounced.

Her knees spread apart, to stop Simone from closing them now; too late for second thoughts, while her strong hands reached up. Her fingers clenched themselves onto each of the celestial's hips, the infernal still grinning wickedly as she pulled, bringing Simone closer and closer to herself. Once the blonde was in close enough range, however, Mirchell paused. Her glowing, crimson eyes narrowed slightly, adding to the almost malicious expression her grin had helped to create, sharp teeth visible behind them.

Her tail now, moved once more, pulling away from Simone's navel, and instead, the succubus used the slender, black appendage to wrap around her own magically formed cock, angling the shaft downwards to press against Simone's soaked folds. For a moment, Mirchell simply nestled the head there, peering down at Simone, and cocking her head to the right. The long, slender ears twitched slightly, before she spoke, a tone of mocking concern to her voice by now. "You look worried, Simone~ I assure you, there is no need for that~" she purred out, before, quite suddenly, she moved.

Pushing her hips forwards, while at the same time yanking back on Simone's, Mirchell used her tail to guide the shapeshifted cock into the angel's folds. As the head forced through, only to be wrapped up in the warmth of Simone's depths, Mirchell let out a long, low, and oh-so-content sigh, the demoness' entire, muscular body seeming to relax slightly, her eyelids closing, and her long, slender ears drooping to the sides slightly. The only exception, of course, was the succubus' girlcock, rigid within the angel's folds, and so-very-clearly enjoying it's stay within. At the very least, Simone's private fun had left the blonde angel easy enough for her to enter, though after a few seconds of relaxing, and savouring the sensation, Mirchell once more opened her eyes, the glowing crimson orbs glaring back down towards her angelic companion's face, and once more, she adopted the leering grin.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Embarrassment flushed through Simone's expression for a moment as she sardonically mentioned her certainty of the fact that the angel had heard of such illusionary recordings purely by hearsay.

Of course, that expression didn't last very long, and in only a short while the demoness was given the delight of seeing the look produced by a mixture fearful uncertainty and lustful eagerness on the face of the blond cyclopian angel. "No.... It's... It's wrong to... We shouldn't... We..." she said, her refusal even more feeble than the last as Mirchell grasped her by the hips and lined up her freshly grown manhood with the angel's utterly soaking flower. When her tip first touched Simone's petals and paused, she went fully silent save for her heavy breathing, her shapely breasts heaving steadily, her mouth agape as she stared down at the point where the were only now touching.

She seemed to be waiting, literally on bated breath, but she could feel Simone's just barely parted nether-lips quivering with excitement over the head of her cock, her inner muscles trying with all their might to draw the demon's cock into her waiting depths. Whatever response she might have had for Mirchell's reassurance was never to be uttered, however, as the demoness ended her teasing and pushed into her depths with a single powerful thrust. Another delightful sight to the domineering demoness played out before her then, that of Simone tensing as her folds parted, her jaw dropping and her head tilted back as her lungs expelled all of their contents, producing a long, deep moan of passionate pleasure as reward for Mirchell's first penetration of her aching folds. The blond's single eye widened and rolled up into the back of her head, and her entire body slowly curled inwards while her wings folded around Mirchell's back, both motions combining with the light suction of her folds to bring the demon as close in as she possibly could.

That certainly wasn't the only reward though. Simone's folds squeezed around Mirchell like a vice, quivering and spasming in their efforts to milk the cock that had freshly filled the void of their need for all it was worth in what Mirchell would realize was a small orgasm on her partner's part. The angel's powerful spirit was laid bare for Mirchell to feast upon by her very first thrust, a veritable ocean of pure, delectable essence made available for her consumption. Simone was powerful, that much was quite clear, and her flavor was unlike anything that the demoness had ever had before. Her pussy, even though she'd been playing with herself for some time before Mirchell's arrival, was a perfect mixture of softness and tightness, just as unlike anything that she had ever experienced before as the taste of the angel's soul.

The angel's look of ecstasy didn't fade even as her climax ended, her body giving the occasional twitch even then. Whatever resistance she might have had before was long gone now, and she settled back and blinked her single eye until it focused onto Mirchell once again, giving the demoness a pleading look. Her inner walls were squeezing Mirchell's cock for all they were worth, which wasn't inconsiderable given the warrior angel's athletic physique, but the albino would find it entirely possible to weather her squeezing, at least for the near future.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell's lips peeled back, her fangs glinting faintly in the low light of the room, in response to Simone's pathetic, whimpered protests. Her long ears twitched, before a small chuckle rolled from the demoness' maw. It did not stop her though, from that initial thrust, sending her newly formed shaft deep into the smaller angel's folds, and allowing the succubus to feel the squeezing, delectable sensation of her folds, so tight, so warm and wet.

As wings, white and feathery, wrapped themselves about her muscular body, however, Mirchell paused. Her ears twitched briefly, before her grin broadened. "If it is so wrong, Simone, then why are you so eager? And here I thought your kind embodied some sort of good will, mhm~? No, I think that it is rather... Right~ Only natural, mhm?" the demoness cooed out, the lilting tone to her voice offset by the gruff edge she bore naturally.

Nevertheless, the muscular demoness did not wait much longer than that. The promise of a meal unknown to most demons, not to mention the sheer physical sensation of the angel's clamping womanhood urged Mirchell on. Instinct began to take over, ignoring the other voices which whispered in the back of her mind, and the albino let out a short, sharp laugh.

In tandem, her long fingers sank into Simone's hips, squeezing the softer flesh of the angel. The demoness' own pulled backwards, her conjured shaft sliding partway free of the soft, clamping folds of the blonde woman, before slamming forwards. The hot feast of angelic essence was so close, and it was something that Mirchell was more than happy to sample, spreading her own corruption in place of what she took. The demoness leant forwards, and from her own bare back, the ashen skin began to split, as her own wings began to reform once more.

Bony, black wings spread against white feathers, as Mirchell reached up with her right hand. Snapping her fingers onto the angel's shoulder, the larger demoness leant in close, until their faces were a scant inch apart, their breath intermingling as their hips slapped against one another. Her tail flicked about a few times, before the slender, ebony appendage snaked forwards once more, wrapping around Simone's ankle. Though it was not strong enough to force the angel, it began to tug upwards, nudging her leg up towards the demoness' thighs and rear, encouraging her to wrap her legs about the ashen form.

Her crimson eyes gazed into Simone's one blue one, widening just slightly as they relished the sight below her. Combined with the grin which split the demoness' lips, revealing her sharp fangs, it gave a partially crazed expression to Mirchell's ashen features, even if for once, she felt in proper control of herself, without anything whispering distractions. Holding onto Simone by the hip and shoulder, the demoness was more than content to plough her way into the angel's welcoming snatch, even as she closed that final inch gap.

As she did so, she whispered, a low and sultry voice. "Mrh~ Don't even pretend you don't like it, Simone~ You have been enjoying the thought of me laying with a human for the past... Hour or so, mhm? Aren't you glad to finally get it for yourself~?" she taunted, hushed and quick. She did not give the angel immediate chance to respond, however, and with a low murmur, Mirchell forced her lips up against Simone's own. They parted, along with her fanged jaw, and the demoness' long tongue slid forth, prying against the angel's lips.

While it was hardly a gesture of affection, there was certainly passion behind it. Should Simone allow it, the ashen-skinned demoness would pull her in close, her hips moving with quick, almost jerking thrusts to enjoy the celestial's natural eagerness, her tongue sliding in to find Simone's own, while her glowing, bloody-crimson eyes gaze hungrily into the angel's bright blue one.