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Courage in Conflict (Aust Nailo)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Narali Lund: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Like I said though, it's not our mess!"

Garaz, the berserker fully arrayed for combat in his customized armor, was issuing the same gripe they'd all heard from him over the last few days. Their party, a small subset of their tribe's armed forces, had split off to help deal with a group of remnant human militia and some elven hunters, a last holdout of the forces of an area that another allied tribe had already conquered. They'd been traveling for a few days so far and had yet to see the enemy, or even many signs of habitation, until just a few hours ago.

Vergal, another of the berserkers and their best scout, had reported spotting signs that someone had tried to conceal their movements, and they'd been on the trail ever since. A few hours ago they had come upon a small encampment, abandoned but freshly so, and now a dusk approached they were heading for where grim Vergal had spotted their hiding place. they were heading for a stand of trees that led up a small hill, the pines far apart and with very little underbrush. Beyond it was, allegedly, a collection of boulders concealing a small cave entrance where the enemy was encamped. Vergal was already up ahead, crawling on his belly slowly and carefully while keeping close to a tree, and the rest of them were quickly but quietly coming up.

She was with a group that she knew well, though she might have liked some more than others. Garaz, Vergal, and Burgro were all berserkers, lightly armored and well armed. Garaz, the hulking black-braided brute in sleeveless armor decorated in furs, was their unofficial leader, but the three men were fairly independent of each other. Vergal, their best scout, was thin and wiry and rarely spoke, his red braids kept short and close to his head and his armaments including a bow despite their lineup of riflemen. Burgo was the most heavily armored member of their group, with black full plate and a great shield that he used alongside a brace of heavy pistols or a sword or put aside to use his greataxe, and had the oddest look of their group with red eyes that glowed malignantly in the dark and ash white hair, and in his black armor and horned helm he was certainly intimidating.

Narali had her own small company, however, and unlike the berserkers she and her companions were an organized force. She had three other companions with similar armament to herself, the long pole arm and the rifle, and she was the recognized leader of them as the strongest and most experienced of the bunch. Kireno, the lanky man loping along directly beside her, was the most proficient besides herself, being an expert marksman, though he was scarred badly by shrapnel from when a rifle had misfired and exploded in front of him, the line across one cheek and crossed lines on another telling of the trauma that often kept his sentences clipped and his demeanor dour. Andelor stood a ways back, the somewhat lazy trapper speaking in low tones with his customary grin splattered across his devilishly handsome face as he spoke to the fourth member of her squad, Neirda. A sharp eared, blue haired oddity, Neirda came from an elven father and was fairly youthful, having barely risen to the point where she'd be allowed on expeditions like this one, though she was at least fairly competent as a warrior for one as inexperienced as she was.

"Yeah yeah yeah, learn a new tune why don't you... Even when we're finally about to get to the enemy, we're still stuck listening to your griping Garaz!" Dregash said in low tones from atop his mount, the great shaggy stallion clopping along softly through the needle-coated snow just a few feet to the left and ahead of Narali as she marched in the front of the loose wedge her four person squad formed. The half-human son of a woman from the Amazon, the leader of their group was still an orc's orc, his mount covered in weapons strapped to its barding including a rifle much like theirs, a heavy lance, a kite shield ideal for use when on horseback, and a handful of trophies that he never seemed to make use of. The real treasure was the enchanted blade that never left his hip, the long slightly angled sword with a blade that crackled like thunder when drawn. Acting as the left hand vanguard, opposite their captain on the right was Sheilaz, the other horse rider atop her darker haired mount. The other rider's pleated crimson hair streamed behind her in the wind, which was just strong enough to whistle and nip at their exposed skin but not bad enough to make their going difficult.

As they drew nearer, Vergal held up a series of hand signals; Two fingers up, the symbol for men, then three fingers up, the symbol for wolves, then directions. Then the symbol for cages, and the dogs again. The group had guard dogs, it seemed, and had clustered everything near a single spot, including their dogs which were all in cages. They were upwind of the other side of the knoll they were climbing and coming at it from the South, and Dregash raised a hand for them to hold before they crested the top of it. "Alright... Sheilaz, you circle around to the Northeast, keep it slow and careful. There might be traps. I'll be going to the Northwest. Garaz, quit your bitching and go over to the West end with Burgo. Keep out of sight and be ready to hit them in the flank, try to bottle the entrance after they've started coming out... Assuming you can. If it's too wide, or they're just out in the open for some reason, wait until Sheilaz and I charge, we'll hit them from all sides."

His commands to the rest of their party given, Dregash glanced to Narali and as he lowered his mask, the intimidating bone of some beast's skull blocking out much of her commander's face. "Narali, wait a few minutes, then take your bunch and climb the rest of the way up the hill. You and Vergal are to stay up there and hold that position so we can come in while they're concentrating on you. Don't get too close together, we don't know if they have mages, but don't let them overtake you. Don't drive them off either, if they bottle or cork we're hosed. Try not to look too scary," He said, and then turned his horse and started off. Garaz sneered at her playfully and motioned for Burgo to follow him as he turned to follow after their commander, and Sheilaz kicked her horse into motion in the opposite direction at the same time. "Shouldn't be too hard for you, eh?" The berserker grunted quietly as he wandered off, leaving Natali to command the three behind her as she willed.
Re: Courage in Conflict (Aust Nailo)

The mission up until this point hadn't been all that difficult for Narali and her small but dependable company of soldiers. Though she was fairly outspoken, the orc woman was still quite good at following orders and making sure her share of the mission got done and with good results. Was she perfect? No, no one was. But where as her company was more on the professional side, her nearest subordinate in Garaz was not. Him and his company were a little more fast and loose and Narali wasn't the biggest fan of his methods. If her people were going to become respected and feared, they couldn't be acting with such a lack of discipline. Again, this was but her opinion and she didn't express it to anyone really. For now though, she marched.

But as they grew closer to their destination, the signal started to go up for the various threats that were presenting themselves. Humans obviously but it seemed like they also had animal support in the form of wolves in cages. Just over the knoll which they were holding behind as Dregash gave out the orders. The others were given orders, leaving her for last. She was to crest the hill with her men and try to hold them back and draw their attention. Play a distraction force but don't totally drive tem off and don't let them get too close. She understood full well the risks and could only hope that the others would move through their sections quick enough so they wouldn't be holding a hill by themselves. "Just try to make sure your big mouth doesn't give you away, Garaz." She let him go on that note as she was left with her company. "All right. Shouldn't be too hard, folks. Keep to the hill side, don't give up ground but don't take too much while we're at it. Make sure no one gets any funny ideas and gets too close. Wounding shots if you can afford it, killing shots only if necessary. We wanna let them think they have a chance here. Slow them down. Keep a solid line formation and only shift if I say so. Understood?" Assuming her orders were clear, she'd move the company to the top where the scout was, taking up a firing position.
Re: Courage in Conflict (Aust Nailo)

Narali Lund: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Her Squad
Neirda: Fine
Kireno: Fine
Andelor: Fine
Coming from the South

The Berserkers
Garaz: Fine, flanking West
Vergal: Fine, on the Hill
Burgro: Fine, flanking West

The Cavalry
Dregash: Circling Northwest
Sheilaz: Circling Northeast

"Try not to let that fat ass of yours get chopped off before I get to enjoy it properly!" Garaz shot back with a grin, repeating an oft made advance that, up until that point, Narali had presumably refused. Regardless of her reaction to her more barbaric peer, Narali's subordinates would nod, each experienced and disciplined enough to fall into step beside her in an even line as they made their way up the hill.

Vergal turned his head and scowled at them as they drew near, a not uncommon expression seen on the terse berserker's face, but he said nothing and looked back to the spot he was observing. The hill dipped back down again almost immediately upon cresting, and the slope on the opposite side had wider open stretches and fewer trees than the side they'd climbed. It looked down upon a ravine of sorts, a small valley with a dry streambed running through the center going East to West, visible through the covering of snow only because of its odd topography. Beside the streambed was a large stand of boulders, great granite craigs reaching into the air like jagged teeth. Nestled among those boulders was a dark hole, a cavern entrance most likely, and in front of it a small camp had been set up.

There wasn't much, a pair of open air tents meant to protect from falling snow but that offered little protection from the window, a table covered in arrows next to one and a chair and lantern pole sitting in the other. Besides the tents, the only distinguishing features suggesting that the place was inhabited were the footprints coating the ground, that the area directly in front of the cave entrance had been cleared of snow, and the two large, crudely built, wooden cages. Both had a wolfhound in them, a crossbreed between a domesticated dog and a wolf, often used as more vicious guard dogs. Besides them, one creature was loose, a somewhat bulkier breed of dog that was possibly one of the parents of the wolfhounds judging by some similarities in the snout and stocky shape compared to wild wolves, though Narali couldn't be sure. The hound was lying placidly next to the chair, currently unmoving, but from this far away Narali couldn't tell if it was awake.

"Get down... D'you want them tah see you?" Vergal grumbled quietly, urging Narali and her squad to get down and out of sight. The rest already had their rifles at the ready, Kireno on her left and Andelor and Neirda on her right. There was a human in the glade, sitting in the chair next to the unladen lamp pole, but he and the dog seemed to be the only occupants. The man, clad in worn garb and clutching his cloak tightly around himself, seemed to be doing little more than shivering and occasionally adjusting a blanket he had wrapped around his legs. The others would move to take cover and wait, as instructed, unless Narali countermanded Dregash's earlier order and ordered the attack before the others had had a chance to get into position.
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Re: Courage in Conflict (Aust Nailo)

"You haven't done anything to earn it, you git. Come back to me when you've done something worth my time and then we'll talk. For now, I've got real work to do.She let out a sigh as things got set into motion and her squad began taking up their observation positions. Once they arrived, they met with Vergal, who had already taken up a spotting post and was taking notes on the enemy numbers. Just noting the terrain, the orc marksman could see just why the humans picked this area to base their camp out of: surrounding hills, a ravine and plenty of boulders and obstacles to hide their position or allow for a decent enough fall back position. But the camp itself was hardly as impressive as she had hoped. Some open air tents, a table with various arrows on it, and a lamp post of sorts. Of course, more could be within the cave as the snow was cleared from in front of it and the large cages suggested they at least had some means of producing these wolfhounds. A strong beast to be sure, but nothing to be afraid of at least when compared to any other trained dog or wolf. This was just taking traits from both. And from her observation, one of the beasts was out and about, the large creature resting from the looks of it. Not very dangerous right now.

Following the words of Vergal and moving her small unit out of sight, Narali began to wonder just how big this camp truly was. Was it really as big of a threat as their leaders thought? Time would certainly tell. She'd keep her unit in cover, waiting for the others to get into position. She wasn't one to casually disobey orders and would stick to the plan as instructed. There was no honor in making stupid decisions.
Re: Courage in Conflict (Aust Nailo)

Narali Lund: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Her Squad
Neirda: Fine
Kireno: Fine
Andelor: Fine
Coming from the South

The Berserkers
Garaz: Fine, flanking West
Vergal: Fine, on the Hill
Burgro: Fine, flanking West

The Cavalry
Dregash: Circling Northwest
Sheilaz: Circling Northeast

Garaz actually smirked following Narali's response, and before they parted he replied; "Yeah? Tell you what... I bet I'll get twice as many o' these chumps today! Nah... Twice as many as you AND your whole group! And if I do, you get to warm by bedroll tonight~ Hahahahaha!"

However Narali ended up replying to Garaz, when she and her squad were up on the hill observing the small encampment, she would have a short wait before she sighted signs that the rest of her warband was getting into range. There was little motion down below, the human mostly sitting still and the dog lying beside him apparently not making much effort to be particularly alert. A few moments into their bout of observation, a woman with a shapely figure that the thick, grey, fur-lined clothes covering her didn't quite manage to hide came out of the cave and spoke in low tones to the man sitting in the chair. He looked up, as did the hound, but it lowered its head shortly and the conversation was brief.

That was the only sign she saw of further habitation, at least up until she saw the guard dog raise its head again. Tracing its gaze, she spotted Garaz and Burgro coming toward the encampment, creeping from tree to tree with weapons drawn. Still as they might have seemed before now, the watchmen noted the dog's reaction and followed its gaze as well, and quickly rose from his seat and reached for a crossbow left sitting nearby.