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Countdown from 1,000,000

Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 280

Sorry, totally didn't see the question.

Guess I'm just trying to involve myself in the community? Meet some peeps and have a good time. :)
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 275

Well, welcome to the new counters. We don't chat so much as blurt out random strings of words that occasionally turn into word games or conversation. Still, have fun. Mind the gap.
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 274

"plmnko goes to sleep"
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 272

Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 268

The poster below me will be the Chosen to reestablish the fabled kingdom of Glamorgheann with the Sword of Steve from Accounting.
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 262

so night already
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

979 261

I think he's combining threads?