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Corruption Tournament Rudociel Nest

[Fair enough, there will be rules and we will not join, in that way no one could say than we trick anyone] The slime woman mention, increasing her use at Tessa, the halfing was endlessly caressed, so this get to get addicted to her touch. As the halfling moan and cum for hours, all the others slaves were also used between the small meeting there to decide the rules. The demons dont vote at all, but what was created was far away of what Tessa and anyone sane could prepare.

Tessa accepted at her lustful state until the queen decide to let her rest at the floor as aworthless used toy. The halfling then could read with time the rules, these had been accepted by all so she couldnt change them. Looks like half the ex heroines here were either half broken or were some slutty masochists for decide how these fights will be done. [Then this will start early at the morning, train and preapre, as this maybe is your last chance to escape our sweet home...oh, as for you dear Tessa, i will train you myself. As you already expect, we will have an unforgettable night]
The whole situation was grotesque. All the heroines are true on the edge of the wansin and beaten and now they should face in a contest. Because de Dämenen had them in control and control. The inner slut of the girls and also Daß had been awakened. However, there is still hope in the women.

Tessa was used by the Queen on and on, biting her off and explaining herself to herself. But also that she should be used personally. On the one hand she wanted to defend against it but the lust in her could not be otherwise. "YES as you wish, dan it will be like that."
The slime woman just look at Tessa with a mischievous smile, she dont needed to use her mind powers for make Tessa how she was going to be pampered by her. In seconds a magic circle appear below them and Rudociel the giant worm eat them, taking them to her realm, leaving behind the room where the others slaves will be trained for tomorrow and that important challengue. When she open her eyes Tessa was in a meat room with her body cleaned and without be a mannequin. [If you are worried for your doll self, Tesy is still a part of your innerself... its a safe place for her to grow and prepare to come out~] The slime invite Tessa to rest at her lap, the human was not a toy anymore but still she accept in do it witout a second through. Qlwutk hold Tessa's chin in place and deep kiss the helfling who struggle or not, she would be whole invaded until the slime tongue get to clean her insides of any Jizz remain up to her lower exit, what would affect Tessa's mind if she dont feed in hours.

[Do you wish power, Tessa? No doubt than you know than in your state any of ours sex slaves will beat you. As your Mistress i can gift you any skill or power than you wish]
Now she would be brought back to the beginning of the horror. The worm or better said succubus devoured it. Tessa had some orgasms in this procedure her geit and her body changed the situation just too horny. She was ashamed of it and then.

Then she woke up in this room Foller Feischieger walls. She is in the Ophut of the Schleimfrau. Which, however, is the strangest thing. she had her little brother and her body back. But irgentwas in her had the feeling that you find something.
"Yes hm Well fileicht." She bit her lip. "Can you give me the opportunity to get that other body back?" She was sure she was sure she said it but for some reason she wanted to have the opportunity. To get your old body back. Moment your new body. "So that I can change between the .. Well yes persons Irgentwie it is lonely without them."
[Oh, you want to have your new self to help you] The slime woamn mention with a smile, her hands still rubbing some of her slimy aphrodisiac all over Tessa. [Then i will also give you what you dont ask me, some cute equipment for your little challengue. There is not problem in give you all, but we are so close now, Tessa... a mortal tongue cant say my name correctly, but for now on you can call me just Queen, Qu or Mistress] The slime woman mention as her body start to expand and her hands press Tessa at her, as if she were close to fit her deep inside her to grant the halfling wish.
The intense kiss. The deep tongue made Tessa wankinig horny. She rubs instingtif at the lady. "Yes, my queen." It was almost fulstendig the wansin in this moment expired. and Dach values something in her again. She did it all just to get a changs to get out of here.
Crystal slime surround the halfling whole, her skin could feel how her mistress whole varies from a simple slime to a strong material in the same instant. Solid, liquid, slime and even gas form in one. And all correctly sinking deep inside her flesh, mind and soul. [Correct, you are mine from that moment than my servants bring you to me] Then all her slime press all over and inside Tessa, from tehir kiss, a great dossis of slime fit inside the halfling, a s also from her cunt and butt, even her belly and ears. All of her skin was pressed in some latex slime and as she get round with the endless fluid she could feel herself getting tainted in that sudden Corrupt coccon.
As the being began to envelop her, she twitched. She was not sure anymore if it was the right thing. dan the words. no, she was not her property. ~ No that ... ~ Dan it was already too late everything filled them and the eternal Glibber flooded them and filled everything. She was caught in a coco of fancy and that made her incredibly horny. She spoke out loud. but it was more of a gargle. oh so good. ~
There was a slimy crystal coccon in middle of a room made of flesh and impure fluids, feets away the deep sounds from its insides were traveling through the many rooms. Tessa was inside this demon cocoon, for hours all her whole has been drowned in insane lust and pleasure. Toes, soles, hair and all between these was inyected with the gift than her mistress has given her. The time go on and slowly a new voice start to come out her mouth, mixed in moans and begs for more. The slime at her outside start to press against her, the halfling nipples start to spread appart until the slime start to fit inside, every hole at her face was invaded by the gift until she werent sure where her body start and where her mistress slime end.

Her insides were thrusted endlessly by slime mass, this reshape and rub her inner walls in many ways until it press and strech her holwes and deep inside her womb even inside her eggs. All was covered and filled until a hole close her face was opened and was her mouth, then the nostils at her nose, ears, every pore, all was visible again and she never feel like this before, so alive, so filled.

[Good morning Tessy, be nice with your new friend and help her to win her freedom in our little game. You dont need to win for your queen, i will pleased by just see you try your best] The slime mentiona s she pet the young girl's head, talking with both inside this mortal body.
The flood of mucus breaking into the little woman. ~oh no, that's how it fell. fell to fall. ~ She thinks as the mucus begins to bite into her nipples and flood each and every pore. Dan begins to hear another voice and their remembrance becomes dumber and dumber and then. Dan feels her rubbing everything in her. until so-called to the ovaries. An intense orgasm shakes her and then, is a big smile to see. a deep hearted affectionate. "Yes Mistress as you wish, I will bring joy to Fiel and also the other heroines." A dull ~ No ~ echoes in the quiet echoing mucus cage in her brain. where the little Tessa was coming naked and expelled in the Gefaugniss from slime and now Tessy at the pusher true.
Qlwutk, the slime woman pet her, smiling after Tessy's words [They will love it, dear. Now, let me grant you with some little cute toys] After her mental words the meat walls around them start to move until they were taken to a confortable breeder room with many girls in there all heavily pregnant or being raped by the meat walls. She tehn let her minions bring her a heavily round girl and tehn she slid inside the breeder cunt her whole arm making the girl scream in a powerful orgasm and then pulling out of the poor woman birthtunnel she get something [This egg have a potent aphrodisiac, use it at your arrows and barbaric weapons in every fight. As for your clothes, i could let you wear your maid outfit or a more skimpy one... Please decide between both of you about that cloth and if i should gift a special weapon for that contest]
Tessy enjoys the attention of her herd and voirallen as she brings them to the breeders now, she licks her lips excitedly, and as the procedure with the breeder arrives, Stuns slightly. The anbick is just too horny as her mistress with the woman umspringt. When she gives her the EI, the doll breathes deeply. "Well, it's just too good." "I think something nice that is not so black is nice mistress." As far as the weapon is concerned, we do not like a whip like a whip, a good contrast to the arrows of those lovesels helsin. " Tessy laughs. Inwardly top Tesser in her thought prison.
Tesy was pampered and she got some more gifts for her first mission with Tessa. Tessa awake time later at a single room without a door, she was wearing the clothes than the doll has choiced and at her side she could see the weapon than her queen has gift to her other half. [Good to see you awake Tessa, in just some hours that little game or maybe your last chance to escape will start. Tessy is part of your life now and she will come out when you need her help or just a few hours before midnight.] Tessa then feels something making her walk to the big mirror in this room and instead her reflection there was Tessy's body with the same clothes than she is wearing now.

[Both are one, it will be normal for both to talk without words, but it will be easier in front of a mirror. Is not nice have someone watching your back when you sleep? Not like you need to sleep right now or eat, get sick or really die will be hard for you, Tessa... i wonder if you are still able to call yourself a halfling~] The slime queen mock of her at her mind where Tesy will love the act. [Now, prepare a plan for both to follow, there is not much time left and dont worry neither of the others "heroes" are able to die or get wounded, dont hold yourself at all in this contest]
The little doll had declined to be spoiled and was looking forward to the common task with her friend. Some time later .

Tessa woke up and wore very decorative clothes. A corsage in metallic rod matching arm and leg warmers. Also matching boots in black. Around the neck a collar with a reddish stone and a coppery red skirt was pretty scarce. Her quiver was at the back as well as the bow. But there was also a whip there as well as some bundles of other arrows. For some reason she had the need to take the weapons with her. Just like the whip in.eine attached bracket to the belt to attach. Then she looked in the mirror and startled. "You mess of demon, I ..." She was speechless. Dan spoke the demon of the changes and the competition. "I can hardly believe it, not even the death you begrudge your enemies, but apparently I have to play if I want out of here."
[Oh, you dont want to know what happened with my last foe. Of course than you are smething different, Tessa. There is not need to fear a terrible fate] The slime woman tehn leave them alone, Tessa could now talk with her other half in private for a few hours. Then when all was said they see how the whole room start to turn into dust until they were at a passage close a huge hall. Before tehy could do something, some demons guide them inside where all the defeated heroes were gathered, something in the place stop them to try to escape.

[Our little game start now, show to us than the natives are more than just dirty holes and about the rules, these will be teh ones than all decided yesterday. For now look at ours new family members] The slime queen said at tehirs minds when they notice teh female statue start to shake until the stone over it fade and reveal a succubus gargoyle who soon take her weapons and touch her new self. At her side the elf has awakened into a slighty humanoid being with some creature floating close her.

"This is not bad at all, to the ones than cant win the first stage we will take care of show the right and only path than is available" The gargoyle gril mention as she masturbate in front of all


The angel girl hide her wings and almost look human yet she remain silent, instead the small creature at her side said with a femenine voice than mock at the heroes "Hahahaha! I cant wait anymore, maybe as all are sealed i should take one down right now" She tehn rush to tehm but all were teleported to diferent locations.

Tessa opened her eyes and see herself alone in some ruins, close a town. She was alone yet maybe a heroe was here or she could move to that abandoned town in front of her. The place feel strange, invaded by lust and corruption, if she were afflicted as how she was with the slime woman she would most likely start to masturbate ehrself without stop, but thankfully she was not so aroused yet. She was not sure what she could find at the ruins or at the distant town.
Tessa had time with herself now. Better said with her different self. That was strange. The one talking with himself selves and dan also afolstendig other personality. That was strange enough.

When everything suddenly turned to ash and a dawn accompanied her, she nodded. ~ well then it's going on Tessy. ~ * Ijay I'm looking forward to my best friend. * tessa's eyes were generous.

Dan now she sat the two opponents. Totally changed. The self-righteous elf now became a veritable diner of a levitating demon, and the gargoyle was more than abnormal. That would be a very strange fight.

Dan already did it and she was on an ord that has a strange curiosity. How pretty that is. Come let us stay some time and bless us. * "No, that's not wise." Tessa answered. But you could see that she rubs her legs slightly to give a feeling of itching.
So Tessa would now begin to move in the direction of the town.
Her mind was not only afflicted by Tesy, the long walk to the town made the defeated hero get wet already. She wanted some baddly attention and the images of her mistress making her cum until almost break get to made her legs press even more until slow her walk. Then she got to see some kind of vampire like woman coming from the north, she could easily ambush her and take her down in seconds. She only needed to rush and use her bow with her new venom
Damn crap. Tessa sensed the influence of this place. Thoughts that were lewd flickered their minds and made them kneel. She pressed her hand to her slit. Her panties were soaked. But she bit her lip and did not allow herself to be distracted from the task by the encouraging words of the doll.

Now she came to a position where the Walldorfer spied a person. So she would go into hiding and prepare her arrow. She pays attention to it. Not to poison yourself. Dan would wait for them and shoot
"She defintely knows I'm here but if she is not showing herself, then she must be an enemy." Silvia thought, then she exerted her telekinetic power, a glowing bat wing growing from the right side of her back as she picked up a slab of rock with her mind to shield herself with while she started looking at areas where people could be hiding or ambush her.
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Physical+ dice.

(with poison you need to roll a d10. In this case it was an 8, so you would had poisoned that girl with PP damage