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Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Isabelle, Nym, Ylasa, Xura. Accepting a challenge.

Instead of just you accepting one of her games, all three of us will it seems. Ayda said to Isabelle, before turning to the Demon and approching her. All three of the heroines had accepted to play a game with Ylasa, and it seemed they would be playing inside her realm from the demons words. Ayda lead the way, heading for the door to accept the challenge that seemed at first levied to her, but was accepted by all.

Walking past Ylasa, and to the door, Ayda says to Ylasa. Be prepared demon, for none of us shall lose that easily against you. Before she entered the door, ready to defend herself against any unknown traps.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills - Ylasa's Realm
Tags: Nym, Aida, Isabelle, A Game

The only thing that could come close to being considered a 'trap' was even a faint sweet and dusty smell in the air, like the smokey haze of a gambling den in some far off desert palace. It was noticeable as they entered, but after a handful of breaths they would get used to it easily enough, and its effect was no overt one but rather a slow erosion of inhibition. It would do nothing to affect how well they would play, only to affect how easily they might accept the consequences of playing...

As the girls eyes adjusted to the darker room beyond the doorway they would find a cozy space, a soft carpet under their toes and layers upon layers of cushions for people to recline upon, all centered around a low table. A chessboard was carved into the granite top of the table but also scattered over it were cards, dice, and dozens of more esoteric pieces including bones and balls for jacks and strange coins. Ylasa collected games and gaming sets and stored them here, always ready to pick up a new trick for entertainment.

The demon in question entered behind the girls with a smile and a firm push against their backsides, copping a feel in passing but also giving them a little push towards the table. "Go ahead, sit down and make yourselves comfortable." Ylasa also moved to the table, motioning for them to follow if they were reluctant, "Now... A game for four, a game for four, it's been such a long time since I've had four guests at once! Hmm... I suppose we should go over the wagers shouldn't we?" She glanced to the heroines. "I normally make a very simple bet with anyone who decides to come in here, win and you can do whatever you want with me, lose, and I get to do whatever I want with you~. Only that wager would pit all three of you against me, and that's not fair at all, so how does this sound?

Ylasa waved her hand, clearing the table of its many games until only a single deck of cards was left, which she began to shuffle with expert dexterity. "We'll play Poker, winning hand gets to choose one of the losing hands for a favor, Sound fair?" Ylasa rolled the cards together and then set the deck down in front of her before reaching up and sighing as her form melted and changed to the vision of her , albeit still wearing the same robe as before. "Ah much better..." She reached for the cards and began to deal them one by one, flicking them out to the other three girls with practiced ease and then picking up her own hand with a smirk. "Shall we?"

Ylasa rolls mental as she deals, trying to impose her will upon her own realm to get the best draw possible for herself. The Heroines can roll the same to try and get a good hand of their own. Winner deals stamina damage to all losers relative to their rolls?
: 24
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Ylasa’s Realm
Tags: Nym, Ayda, Ylasa,

Isabelle enters together with Baron, who finally started listening to her again, now that the crazy red robed girl was incapacitated in a rather unusual fashion. ''Hmph, I didn’t need your help, but I it appreciated, and we can discuss what I owe you after we’re done.'' Isabelle said to Nym and Ayda, before walking through the doorway, though she felt like she might regret agreeing to owe something to the cat-girl, as she looked rather lecherous after all.

When Isabelle entered the room she covered her mouth from the weird faint sweet dusty smell. ''Ugh, it smells kind of strange inside here.'' Isabelle said with a glare, though hopefully the inhibition eroding smell wouldn’t have more effect on her dog Baron, or quickly her dog became a lot more physical with her then she was comfortable with, as he would constantly tug at her skirt and panties, trying to tear them away. ''B-Baron, stop it at once, B-Baron!'' Though, if the dog was more affected by the lowered inhibitions, it wouldn’t take long before she stealthily tossed her panties to her dog, trying to calm the beast down a little. ''J-Jeez, what has gotten into you?''

The place looked rather impressive and cozy, catching Isabelle slightly off-guard as she didn’t expect to see such a cozy place inside a demonic realm. When the woman urged them to move inside, and cop a feel on Isabelle’s soft backside, if Baron’s nose was more sensitive to the inhibition removal effect, Ylasa could feel a clear lack of underwear through Isabelle’s skirt, or perhaps if she slid her hand under or inside her skirt, she would feel Isabelle’s bare ass cheek. ''E-Eep.. w-was that really necessary to push there?'' Isabelle said while blushing brightly, before moving further inside.

''You do realize we most likely will gang up on you right, as there is no reason for us to ask a favor of each other, or at least so I hope.'' Isabelle said before glancing over the Ayda and then over to Nym, hopefully neither of them would get the idea of asking favors of each other. ''Though, if you were already aware of that, I won’t complain playing by those rules.'' Isabelle said, before glancing over rather nervously at Nym, she was worried the cat-girl might use her favors for other things then defeating the demon.

Isabelle looked rather surprised when the woman changed shape, as she looked a lot more intimidating and like an actual demon, making Isabelle she might’ve underestimated her current opponent, though she was confident she could beat the tanned demon at her own game. ''Hm, this should be over rather quickly.'' Isabelle said, before reaching out at the cards dealt to her.

Wouldn’t it be better if the winner dealt damage to the loser she chose the favor from, instead of dealing it to all of them?

Mental to get a better hand, .
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Cards

"Card games are silly. Thought we were going to play a fun game." Nym complained as she got her hand."What is poker, what are the rules? What do these cards mean?"

It was rather unknown if the cat girl was actually unknowing of these things. Or just trying to be a pill. Her expression was no help either as for some reason she was currently looking like she was sleepy more then anything else.

Nym is bad at cards. She rolls a . She takes 4 less damage though due to damage resistance.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling Hills
Tag: Defeated!

Xura blinked, looking up at the sky, still on her back."What happened.. why.. ugh.. I'm utterly exhausted.." with a bit of effort she at least somewhat adjusted her outfit, then lay back down, wondering where the heroines had gone. ".. ugh. Thats why I hate cats." She sighed.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags:Isabelle, Nym, Ylasa

A game of poker huh? I guess it's never too late to learn something new. Ayda says as she shifts in her seat. She wasn't very good at playing games, But that won't stop me! Ayda followed the lead of the other two.

She was sitting in anticipation of if she could actually win a battle in this unorthodox way. It would certainly be an achievement to brag about sometimes! She had beat a demon in a game of cards alone! With that on her mind, Ayda grabbed for some cards!

Ayda roles 22 to grab a losing hand, but not the worst one!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills - Ylasa's Realm
Tags: Nym, Aida, Isabelle, A Game

Ylasa's nose turned slightly upwards at Nym's accusation of being boring as she spread her cards out over the table. "Hmph, 'uninteresting I may be to you, but it seems you don't have a hand worth speaking of anyways so how about I claim you for my first favour hmm? That should liven it up for you nicely." The stately kimono wrapping around the dark-skinned demon peeled back, revealing a cock between her legs that was easily close to nine inches long and just shy of being thick as Ylasa's wrist, not to mention in this state it was only half-hard. "Why don't you get over here and wrap that lovely slender throats of yours around this cock until it's nice and hard? I'll even let you sit out the next round to keep doing it if you're so bored already..."

Ylasa gathered up the cards as she spoke and then passed the deck to Ayda on her left. "Your deal my dear, don't mind the kitten...

7 Stamina damage reduced to 3 by Nym's damage reduction, Ayda's deal!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Cards

"Okay! Nym would much prefer that to playing boring card games." The cat girl said brightly, and ducked under the card table. A moment later Ylasa feeling the cat girl starting to lick her with her rough tongue, practically worshiping every inch the succubus' shaft as she tried to get the girl up to full mast so she could practically inhale the cock down her throat.

Nym takes Ylasa's challenge, diving under the table and beginning to try to work her up and give her fellatio. Sexual Roll: 13 base + 2d16 (mastered attack) =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills/Ylasa's Realm
Tag: Ylasa, Nym, Isabelle, Dealing

Ayda shifted around her her chair, her legs growing somewhat wet at seeing Nym obediently driving down and servicing the demon. She had to force her eyes away from the scene, before embarrassedly remembering she was supposed to deal this round. Coughing awkwardly, her dominate personality falters and she just deals the round silently.

Ayda gets an alright hand with a ! She uses her Mental state.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Ayda, Nym, Ylasa

Isabelle looked clearly annoyed when she didn’t win, she wanted to prove everyone she could beat anyone in anything, but she was clearly outmatched by the mage and demon. Though luckily, she wasn’t the one being punished for losing, the cat-girl Nym almost lost the card game on purpose, to be fair the cat-girl didn’t look like the type that would enjoy a game such as this. Isabelle had to admit however that she also didn’t fully grasp the rules of the game yet, but at least somehow managed to prevent herself from coming in last, but with the cat-girl worshipping the demon’s cock, she felt like that wouldn’t last long.

Isabelle found the cat-girl to be perhaps a bit too enthusiastic to lick the demonic cock. However, she had to admit that it didn’t look like such a horrible punishment, with how much the cat-girl was enjoying it. Isabelle uncomfortably shifted around while accepting the cards from her friend, and blushed at the reminder of her current lack of underwear. After which, Isabelle idly shifted through her cards, trying to focus on the game, but with the sweet air hanging around the room, and the cat-girl working the succubi’s shaft, Isabelle’s mind occasionally wandered into perverted fantasies, instead of keeping her head in the game.

Mental stat on drawing a better hand for
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills - Ylasa's Realm
Tags: Nym, Aida, Isabelle, A Game

Ylasa's defence against Nym, 1d10 + 18 Sexual =
Ylasa takes 6 Stamina damage, 12 Remaining.

"Hhhn..." Ylasa managed to keep her face smooth but at the same time couldn't keep herself from swallowing thickly as the catgirl's throat wrapped itself around her already rock-hard cock. It wasn't the first time she'd doen this and it would hardly be the last, but in that moment Nym nearly overwhelmed her before she managed to regain a semblance of control. "Hanh... That's a good kitten~.

Ylasa rolls for her hand again, 1d10 + 20 Mental =

Focusing back on the game now, Ylasa smirked as she put her cards to the table, though there was a slight edge of tension to the expression as Nym's work continued. If she didn't need to focus in order to have a chance of taking these heroines apart she would have happily lain back to enjoy this incredible skill but right now that was a luxury she simply didn't have.

"Hmm..." The demoness glanced between the other two heroines hands. she'd won again despite her distraction, now the question was who to take next? "You", Ylasa pointed to Isabelle, trying not to seem to quick about it as she gripped the top of Nym's head and bodily hauled her up off of her cock. "Since your friend's made it nice and slick, I think I'd like to spread that cute little ass of yours open with it." She beckoned the fencer with a crooked finger and a lascivious grin before bringing her gaze back down to the kitten in front of her. "You can stick around and help by eating her out if you still don't want to play." Seeing that talented mouth put to work helping her out would be nice...

Ylasa selects Isabelle, dealing 8 stamina damage for the difference between their hands and inviting her over.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags: Ylasa, Ayda, Nym

Isabelle took 8 stamina damage, reducing her stamina to 7

Isabelle looked distraught at losing once again, she thought that she finally understood the rules of the game, but it was beyond her understanding. Though, when the faux noble woman heard Ylasa’s demand, her cheeks flushed brightly and she looked a little offended. ''H-How dare you sug…'' Isabelle spewed out before holding her tongue once she remembered the rules she agreed to. Although, it pains Isabelle to willingly let the demonic woman claim her behind, refusing her request after accepting her terms would just make her look dishonorable. ''Ugh… fine, I did agree to your terms…''

''You’d better keep your tongue to yourself, it’s already shameful enough how eager you are doing these vulgar things, so I’d advise you to not try them out on me or else I’ll have to teach you some proper manners.] Isabelle warned Nym, before reluctantly coming over to Ylasa. [U-Ugh… do I really have to do it?'' Isabelle muttered out only loud enough for Ylasa to hear it, before turning around and hiking up her skirt a little, giving the demoness a glimpse of Isabelle’s petite bottom. With one hand spreading her ass cheek, she inched closer to the large demonic cock covered in Nym’s saliva. Until the demoness’ tip was kissing Isabelle’s twitching asshole, as Isabelle nervously rubbed her hole against the tip of the demon’s cock. ''Ugh… this is rather embarrassing.'' Isabelle moaned out, before pressing down onto the tip. ''Nnnn…. I-Its going inside…'' Isabelle panted as the tip was slowly being enveloped by her ass, the demoness might be surprised how easily the thing slid in despite it being covered in saliva, she could quickly figure out that Isabelle might be a bit more experienced in receiving anal then she let on.

Isabelle continued sliding her ass over the demoness’ cock, as the twitching entrance slowly rubbed along the entire length, with Isabelle panting the entire way down. After a couple of seconds, Isabelle shoved the entire length inside of her, as she was now sitting onto the demoness’ lap with the cock buried deep inside of her. Isabelle had to catch her breath for a second, shifting the uncomfortable intruder around inside of her. ''I-It’s a lot larger then I’m us…'' Isabelle whispered while sitting in the demon’s lap, cutting herself short before she revealed that she had various previous sexual experiences, but the demoness could already guess that with how smoothly it went inside of Isabelle. When Isabelle started to move, she pulled out the entire cock except for the very tip of the demoness’ tip, and she’d roughly slam down her ass on top of the entire length, devouring the entire thing within a second. Though, initially Isabelle was rather reluctant to ride the demoness’ cock, the air surrounding her, made her eagerly pump the enormous futanari cock with butt, and it made her slowly pant like an animal in heat.

If Nym did want to assault her ally, she’d found that Isabelle wasn’t resisting her attempt to spread Isabelle’s legs, and the perverted cat-girl could easily access Isabelle’s pussy. Perhaps Nym was surprised to see Isabelle’s pussy twitching and leaking as she rode the demoness’ cock.

Isabelle takes uses her sexual stat to attack the futanari demoness', rolling for [/URL]
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling hills
Tag: Narration.

Meanwhile, finally, the strange girl stood back up, shaking her head, cracking her neck, growling in a tone her throat should be incapable off, her body finally regenerating from the cat girls sudden assault. She sniffed the air and looked around.. if any were to try and escape from Ylsas realm they might face a suprise..
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Cards

Making any assumption that Nym might be surprised by someone getting horny while fucking a demon was a good way to be wrong. Afterall, given how the girl reacted to the earlier demon, and to Ylasa. Though it seemed it was Isabelle's turn to get to play with the demon. Seemingly to Nym's displeasure. Instead of returning to cards she instead stood up and asked. "Mmmm, can I go out and play with the puppy?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Ayda could only play absentmindedly while she watched Isabelle and the demon start to fuck. Isabelle was riding the demons massive cock, moving her own hips to try and satisfy both of them, as Isabelle seemed to enjoy it. This just furthered Ayda's own arousal, It was so arousing for the girl that she didn't really look at her hand till the last moment. What she saw, was almost certain to lose her the round. Perhaps she was about to end up in the same situation as Isabelle.

Ayda roll a to get a better hand, which fails horribly.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills - Ylasa's Realm
Tags: Nym, Ayda, Isabelle,

Ylasa wouldn't normally allow someone to leave her game until they'd won or lost but given how Nym had practically decimated her resistance in barely a few moments worth of attention the demoness was willing to reconsider her stance on such. She had two much less difficult potential playthings right here anyways.

Ylasa's Defence: 1d10 Defence Dice + 18 Sexual Stat =
Isabelle takes 5 Stamina damage.

She didn't bother answering Isabelle, why challenge her to do something she was already eager to do without being pushed? "Mmm~" Ylasa purred as the 'noble' heroine slid her ass down, it's grip tight and pleasurable yet spreading with an ease that made previous experience obvious. "Are you sure dear? Seems like you've had plenty of practice." She raised one hand and brought it down on the curve of Isabelle's ass with a grin, marking the smooth flesh with a red handprint. "That's a good little buttslut, now, I believe it's your turn to deal? Or are you too busy... I'll let your friend get that shall I?"

The demoness pumped her hips upwards in slow rolling thrusts while the cards were dealt out, lending a little force to the slide of her cock in and out of Isabelle's rear. "Hmm..."

Ylasa rolls mental for her hand, 1d10+20=

She set her hand down on the table with a victorious smirk. "Looks like I win again, so since the kitten went to play with the puppy, how about you attend to this slut's pussy? She's soaking wet and it's all going to waste~..."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling hills
Tag: Nym.

"Oh hello there little Kitty." Nym was greeted, as soon as she stepped out of the other demons poket realm, Xura growled, flexing, her hood falling back. "I didn't know you liked it wild you little bitch!" A peculiar shift rippled over her body, animalistic muscles flexing, furr growing in as she took the form of a bipedal wolf, with white-black hair, pouncing Nym with little warning and paying back the favour, growing, twirling her blade, but as a distraction, as she picked up and chocked the feline attacker from before.


Xura Activates her rage and attacks physically, for a total of 28.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Cards

Nym tilted her head as she watched the woman transform, before grinning brightly. "So you were a dem-"

That was as far as she got before Xura grabbed her by the neck and tried to choke her out. The cat girl proving just barely resistant enough to stay standing from it after the earlier mental assault as well. Twisting her body with incredibly flexibility and using the momentum to throw herself out of Xura's grip and at the now much hotter wolf girl. Nym throwing herself onto Xura and trying to knock her over as she snuggled the wolf woman into her bosom. "I like it rough but that's a bit too much don't you think?"

Nym rolls to survive the strangling. Rolls 13(Base) + 1d10 = Nym takes 6 damage, leaving her with 4 Stamina.

Nym rolls to molest Xura some more. Rolls 13(base)+2d16(Mastered attack) =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling hills
Tag: Nym.

Xura growled at the slippery feline, though the breasts presented before her simply lead to her lapping at the breasts presented before her lustfully, with a rough, wolfish tongue.. it seemed that while a demoness, Nym was the real pervert here.

(aand her staminas down again. )
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Victory again!

"Haha! Pervertedness wins again! You demons seem really weak to your own tricks." Nym chuckled as she pushed forward, making Xura fall onto her back. Nym resting on her stomach, her hands pressing against the wolf woman's breasts and starting to squeeze them. Even as her own breasts were still in Xura's face. "You look so much hotter like this, why don't you do it more often? Let's see if your cock got bigger along with your breasts!"

With that Nym would twist back, stripping off Xura's pants once again. Looking for the woman's canine shaft that she had seen before, Xura probably able to tell the cat girl was surprisingly eager to see it once more.